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Private information must be kept private in many situations in our lives. Any

professional who has access to personal information is not to release it to third parties.

They could go to jail if they reveal my information without my permission. If they do not

receive any sort of punishment for it, they should never give crucial information to that

individual again. Confidentiality restricts the information revealed for the purposes of

safety, education, and medical services. In today's increasingly competitive workplace,

secrecy is critical for a variety of reasons. When you apply for a job, you provide a variety

of personal information that must be kept private between you and your employer. If the

information is delivered to the wrong person.

The right to privacy is a prized possession. A person conversing with another,

especially in a private setting, has a reasonable expectation that the conversation is not

being recorded and will not be disclosed to anyone else without the individual's

agreement. Of course, the person with whom one is chatting may tell another person

about it, or someone may listen while the conversation is taking place. Such conduct may

violate a person's right to privacy, but the wrongdoing does not constitute a criminal

offense. It is only a felony when the recording or interception of a conversation qualifies

as "wiretapping." This law is a very important guide for me because, the Anti-Wiretapping

Law Republic Act 4200 has been in effect for decades, but given technological

advancements, the means of wiretapping can now be considered to have increased

tenfold. RA 4200 made it illegal "for any person, without the authorization of all the parties

to any private communication or spoken word, to tap any wire or cable, or to secretly
overhear, intercept, or record such communication or spoken word by using a device

commonly known as a dictaphone or dictagraph or detectaphone or walkie-talkie or tape

recorder, or however otherwise described" that’s why it is affect for me as engineering

students who have the line of job with the said communication devices that illegally or

legally uses for any purpose. As a electronics engineering this means that I can’t just use

and provide any devices of communication without legal authority from the government

especially when it is confidential like crime base and investigation purpose.

This law provide information, rules and guidelines to be followed, it is necessary to

know such law because it will help me understand the confidentiality that need to be

respected, also the importance of everyone consent and agreement when it comes to

communications process of telecommunications. Moreover, Wiretapping does not always

require the use of a telephone. It can be an actual face-to-face discussion in which one

person, without the agreement of the other, records the conversation using any recording

device without the consent of all participants. For example, if a reporter conducts an

interview, the reporter may only record the dialogue with the interviewee's permission.

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