Power Advisor System Health Server

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Power Advisor System Health Server

The System Health Server application assists in managing the health of large systems, multiple sites
or complex networks in a unified dashboard application. Some of the high-level features of the
system include:

 Unified view of System Diagnostics and Alarm History

 Multi-site monitoring and integration
 Operates without physical access to remote PME servers
 Dynamically linked map to click into more detailed information
 Launch embedded, live diagrams/screens for advanced troubleshooting
 Regional ‘zoom’ to aggregated issues for service call planning
 Identify offline sites that cease communicating
 Send summary notifications highlighting specific sites requiring attention
 Brandable to represent the customer’s desired look and feel
 Configuration utility for easy setup
 Supports Windows Authentication

Physical Architecture

The System Health Server application is capable of monitoring local network servers as well as
remote servers. The transport mechanism of data could be configured as Email or a simple file drop
to a folder accessible from the System Health Server.

On the System Health Server, the report data is obtained from the dropped files or emails and
presented to the user. This architecture overcomes the policy restrictions on some customer sites
which do not allow physical communication to the on-site PME/PSO servers.

Remote PME Server 1 with

System Health Client
monitoring PME system logs,
device log health, device
comms, hardware resource
utilization, license expiry,
windows services


Emailed\Dropped Emailed\Dropped

Remote Generic Windows Remote PSO Server 3 with

Local Windows Server with System Health
Server 2 with System Health System Health Client
Client monitoring critical Server web portal monitoring PSO I\O device
Windows services and comms and status of PSO
hardware resource utilization runtime processes.

Minimum System Requirements
 Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016
 60GB HDD
 Dual Core 2GHz CPU
 4GB RAM 
 Runs alongside PME/PSO - Refer to PME/PSO IT Guide
Web Client
 Modern web browser - Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox
 Dual Core 2GHz CPU
 Minimum monitor resolution of 1280 x 720

System Health Server can be installed by running the packaged installer. Simply run the executable
‘Power Advisor System Health Server Trial.exe’, follow the prompts to complete the installation.
System Health Server can be installed on a server with or without PME.

By default, System Health Server is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\
PowerAdvisorSystemHealthServer. The System Health Server installer does not ask for any additional
input; however, a configuration application is deployed to assist with this and can be launched at the
end of the installation:

Additionally, it can be launched at any time after install: C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\

Configuring System Health Server
Configuring System Health Server is a two-step process.

1. The first step is to configure any PME, PSO or other sites intended to be monitored by
installing the System Health Client tool on the remote sites.
2. The second step is to run the System Health Configuration tool to configure the System
Health Server to process the information generated from these systems either via email or a
local file drop.

Detailed information on configuring client systems using the System Health Client can be found
here: Power Advisor System Health Client User Guide

Web Interface
The System Health Server web interface is accessible at https://localhost/SystemHealth after
installation. http and https access are both supported. Data sources will need to be configured for
the sites to show in the sites list.

Data Sources
The System Health Server accepts data from PME & PSO systems or any Windows Server platform
via the Power Advisor System Health Client. Data can be transferred from the remote systems via
email relay and/or network file share using the System Health Client.

The data source import needs to be configured using the System Health Configuration tool on the
Server after which, sites will be imported and shown in the Portal.

During installation, there is the opportunity to select a custom image for branding purposes. To
update or change this after installation, without having to re-run the installer, simply navigate to
‘Schneider Electric\PowerAdvisorSystemHealthServer\App\Content\images’ and update the image
‘MC-Logo.jpg’ found in that directory with the desired image.

Consult the Power Advisor System Health – Secure Deployment Best Practices Guide for best
practices on securing your system.

System Health Server is licensed software. Please refer to licensing documentation on how to
acquire and install a license.

Database configuration
System Health Server uses Mongo DB as a back-end store. By default, the Mongo Database is
configured without authentication. If desired, it is recommended that authentication for the
database and from System Health Server to be enabled from the configuration utility under Mongo
DB Settings -> Database as below:

Change the Authentication toggle to Yes, enter a password and save the settings – the utility will
automatically restart the database service once complete.

Diagnostics files are retrieved, parsed and populated in this database by the Mission Control Service.
Hence it is important to ensure that following two services are kept running all the time.

The Mongo database can be viewed and managed by downloading MongoDB Compass. The System
Health Server Mongo DB is hosted on the default port of 27017. Hence use the following settings
when establishing connection to database through Compass.

Users can view System Health Server DB and the corresponding sites in the DB. Please refer to
Mongo DB Compass help for details on available operations.

Delete a site
Use MongoDB Compass to delete a site from the System Health Server by finding the site in the
‘MissionControl’ database and dropping the collection.

Warning: Anybody having access to this server can delete the sites, hence care should be taken to
provide restricted access to the server.
Note: Ensure the relevant System Diagnostics Client profile is also deleted or unscheduled or the site
will be re-created when the profile is next scheduled to run
Note: If the Mission Control service is restarted, the last 48 hours of emails will be imported which
will cause the deleted site to reappear if it has received a diagnostic report during that time period.

Application Settings
The Application Settings section of the configurator configures the application default settings and
the data source.

Google Maps configuration

System Health Server uses Google Maps to geo locate sites. A google API key must be entered in the
configuration tool under application settings to allow System Health Server to download the maps.
The steps to generate Google API key against a google account can be found at Google API Key.

The Google Map is centred on Australia by default. This can be changed by providing the latitude and
longitude of desired centre.

Dynamic Stale Site Configuration
Stale sites are those which System Health Server has not received communication within a set
period. They are marked with a warning sign icon to indicate this visually. Where possible, the
expected interval at which the information is received is calculated when enough history is available.
This allows sites communicating daily vs weekly to be calculated appropriately.

This can be customized by updating the configuration setting under Application Settings ->
Application as shown below in the configuration utility:

This value can be altered to a more desirable setting if the default is not appropriate. Once sufficient
history is available (minimum 5 data files present), the staleness threshold is calculated based on the
last modified time of each of the files. System Health Server will calculate the time difference
between each of the archive files and find the most frequent interval time difference.

Example: If there are 8 archive files which have been dropped hourly, over the last 8 hours, the most
frequent interval time will be 1 hour. If there are less than 5 archive files for a site and a new file is
not dropped within the next 24 hours, this site will be stale at the end of 24 hours – the default will
be used.

Note: 2 hours of additional time is added to the calculated intervals when there are more than 5
archived files present. When there are less than 5 archive files, the default of 24 hours is used.

Customizing how much history to display
By default, the last 40 diagnostics data files will be shown in System Health Server portal. This can be
customized by updating the configuration setting under Application Settings -> Application as shown
below in the configuration utility:
NOTE: This is a display limit only. All historical records are retained in the database irrespective of
this number.

Data source configuration
System Health server can be configured to receive data from remote sites via either an IMAP email
server and/or a file drop location.

Incoming Emails
An important part of the System Health Server configuration are the email settings of the account
receiving System Health Client e-mails from various remote sites. This configuration allows the
server to pull down the emails and import the site data into the application. These settings can be
configured via the supplied configuration tool from the Application Settings -> Incoming Emails tab:

Setting Detail
Process Emails Enable or disable incoming email processing. Set this when diagnostics
data to System Health Server is not routed through emails
Process Only Secure When set to yes, this tells the System Health Server to only accept emails
Files from System Health Clients that contain an attachment with an
embedded security key. When set to no, any emails received are
Process Only When set to yes, this tells the System Health Server to only process
Encrypted Files emails that have encrypted contents. Any System Health Clients that are
not configured to send encrypted content will be ignored. When set to
no, the server will process both encrypted and unencrypted data.
Mail Server The incoming mail server receiving the system diagnostics e-mails. Note
that the mail server should be accessible from the system running
System Health Server. The mail account might need certain setting
changes to allow System Health Server to fetch e-mails periodically. For
example: Allowing less secure apps to access emails
Incoming Port The port number to use depending on the mail server being used.
User ID The email ID with which to log into the mail server

Password Password to log into the mail server
Mail Folder The folder within which to look for system diagnostics e-mail.
Filter by Email It is possible that the e-mail account receives e-mails from several
senders. Since System Health Server is only interested in e-mails of
System Diagnostics data from various PME systems, one can provide an
e-mail filter to filter out other senders.
Poll Interval The frequency in minutes to poll for new emails.

Drop Location
Alternatively, or in conjunction with receiving diagnostic emails, System Health Server also allows
reading of files from a local or networked drop folder. This can be configured via the supplied
configuration tool from the Application Settings -> Drop Location tab:

Setting Detail
Process Drop Location Enable or disable the processing of a local or share folder for diagnostics.
Process Only Secure When set to yes, this tells System Health Server to only process
Files configuration files from a Client system that contains an embedded
security key. This prevents it processing files from unknown sources.
When set to no, any files present are processed.
Drop Folder Location of diagnostics files. This could be local directory or network
location. System Health Server Service (windows) must have write
permission to this location.
Poll Interval (in Time interval between two successive lookups for diagnostics files in the
minutes) drop folder

Subscription settings
System Health Server can send out notifications at regular, defined intervals to communicate overall
system monitoring status. Typically, this can be used to email specific email address(es) a list of all
sites currently experiencing failures or perhaps a list of any sites that are believed to have stopped

SMTP Settings
To configure this behaviour, the necessary SMTP settings can be found in the configuration utility
under Subscription Settings -> SMTP Settings:

Setting Detail
SMTP Server SMTP Server address of the server that will send out the emails
Use SSL Toggle to use SSL while sending diagnostics Email
SMTP Port SMTP Port to connect to SMTP Server
SMTP User SMTP User to connect to SMTP Server
SMTP Password Password of SMTP user
From Display Name Name of the sender
From Email Address Senders Email address to be used while sending notification Email

Outgoing Emails
To then configure specific scheduled emails, the necessary settings can be found in the configuration
utility under Subscription Settings -> Outgoing Emails:

Setting Detail
Notify By Mail When this value is set to yes, the email notifications for System Health
Server are enabled. When this flag is set to no, email notifications are
Notify Criteria Filter criteria for the list of sites to be included in notification email
Good Include only good sites
Snoozed Include only snoozed sites
Stale Include only stale sites
Attention Required Include only bad sites
System Health Link Enter the URL of the System Health Server to include in the email for ease
of navigation direct from the email back to System Health Server.
Subject The subject of the outgoing notification email
Recipients Enter the email address(es) required here. Multiple addresses can be
entered by separating with a comma.
Scheduled At Time of the day in HH:mm format when emails will be sent out. Multiple
times can be specified by separating them with ‘,’ character

The following is an example of the notification email sent from System Health Server:

System Health Status. Generated on 3/26/2020 2:33:18 PM

Site Status Site Priority Comments

Wind Farm – PSO – Advanced Good Critical

Data Center – PME - Advanced Good Critical

Shopping Center – PME - Standard Good Very Low

Sports Stadium - PSO - Advanced Bad Very Low

Hospital - PME - Standard Bad Very Low

University - PME - Standard Bad Very Low

Manufacturing - PSO - Advanced Stale Low

Airport - PSO - Advanced Stale Critical

Manufacturing - PME - Advanced Medium Low Customer notified

Solar Farm - PSO - Standard Medium Low Customer notified

Produce Markets - PME - Standard Medium Low Customer notified

User Authentication

On first accessing the System Health Server url (<server name>/SystemHealth) you will be presented
with a login screen as follows.

By default, a Windows user group ‘MissionControlUsers’ is created at install time and local
Administrators are assigned access. Any local Windows Administrator user will now be able to login
to System Health Server using their Windows credentials. To add other non-Administrator users,
simply add them to the MissionControlUsers user group.

User Interface Overview
(2) (5)




A brief description of various sections is provided below.

1) A bar showing the selected logo, current time stamp and site statistics. Statistics include the
total number of sites being monitored, number of sites currently online (i.e. sites sending
out the diagnostics summary and\or alarm history data) and number of sites currently
having issues.

2) The Sort/Filter bar allows the user to adjust the sort order based on Title, Status, Severity or
Priority. In the free-text area of this bar, any search term can be entered to filter the list to
just the matching sites. Additionally, there is a home button, denoted by the icon to return
to the default view on load.

3) This section shows the list of sites. User can click on individual sites to see the detailed
diagnostics data.

4) This section shows the diagnostics data of the given site.

5) Multiple tabs are shown as available, with defaults being data, location and history as well as
custom, user defined tabs.

6) This section shows a geographical representation of the individual sites in a google map.
These locations can easily be selected by clicking the site in the data section.

7) Additionally, there is a logout button in the top right-hand corner.

Filtering and sorting the site list
Sites can be ordered based on title, status, severity and priority. This is available from a menu button
above the list of sites. By default, the sort order is Priority then Status when first loaded.

Filtering what is shown in System Health Server is as simple as entering a term in the search bar and
the list is filtered accordingly.

Viewing Site Diagnostics
The individual sites being monitored are shown in a list. Each row corresponds to a single status file
that has been imported into the System Health Server. It is important to configure the System Health
Clients to ensure meaningful data is displayed in the System Health Server application.

Site data
Individual site details can be viewed by clicking the site. Clicking on it will populate the data tab with
diagnostics details.

Site Geo Location
Browse to Geo Location tab to see the location of site on a map.

The text colour of each site indicates the status, i.e. site data is available with errors, available
without errors and unavailable as well as icons to indicate stale (exclamation) and snoozed (bell).

Site History
System Health Server retains diagnostics history for individual sites. For a given site, diagnostic
history can be seen by clicking on the “History” tab. The diagnostic history details are available as an
interactive bar chart.

Hovering any bar in the chart will give a preview of the issues present for that diagnostic run
including Log Health errors, Device communication errors, Service state errors, Disk space errors as
well as performance (Memory & CPU) related errors. Clicking on any bar in the diagnostic history
chart will cause the details for that diagnostic run to be shown below.

System Health Server will only archive data from non-legacy System Health Clients (8.2+).

Note that the tooltip values for Source/Device related issues are totalled up per source/device
rather than Source/Measurement pair to better represent the scale of system issues. Click to expand
a section to see the source/measurement pair details.

Custom Tabs

Additional site details and resources can be directly embedded by using the custom tabs feature.
Anything that is accessible can be referenced, for example:
 Link to a PME system;
 Link to WebReach;
 Link to a document or saved Report;
 Link to an image;
 Link to another website;

Custom tabs can be defined for any site and are site-specific. To create a custom tab, click the +
button in the tabs bar and enter the title and url to be referenced:

Note that some websites do not allow embedding within other applications. A clickable hyperlink is
provided to open a new tab in this case.

Site Rename
A site can be renamed by going to the Settings page of the Site. This will rename the site without
having to log in to a remote client system to change the setting.

Then this dialog will appear with the input box of the current site which can be changed. The ‘Site ID’
is what the site name was originally called.


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