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eee” | ™ Hansel : and Gretel ‘We are thrilled to present our new Song ana Story series of traditional and ‘well-loved tales, which are ideal for use with 3-6 year olds, Designed to be as versatile as possible, your package includes: Book with: Freedowntoads: + Storyiscipt + Story/scriptin chill endl Fon for children S + Song yeies to read as they listen tothe narration + Piano arrangements | Mincbooks with simplified stony for children + Easy perussion ports to read and ilustrate : + lyiesheets q cowith: : + The story beautifully narrated, with songs : Vocal racks (ung by ciéren) * Backing tracks ‘Niki Davies i one of Britain’ top music Unters for nursery and recepion-ages ciillren. She san erly years education specialist and therefore understands how to Appeal to the very young through her music \inilsthaving numerous works published, Niki sao in great demand for her teacher ‘workshops and has weten for many BBC rao and television programmes Nk has ‘wo children and ivesin Yorksire. | ino argent by Rb Soh Av svataien te ooving coms: | ‘mang anh ‘ espns Randi sec = ‘ Sr an pada Saco researc 20536 Fated nite Uy Cabgavng ee Polbonsisdenore. 221, ‘SDN: 978-1 900888-20-3 Bo0KCD) 7 ee Tempter 210 Ne nod: Méghsoat ecepinelercib end OC Ray it : ‘hebrew ts 30 Nt ab aca 03 soparsropnncomay bers ary Teo emotorac oss tetra pean Prieta. ‘exmoouror me nc Dutofte fi muse King Busnes ok Oo Haran mis T1240, UK Setses noes) Yon Foe at 0894 Ste Eat noaoutoeancen wince con mcr vepasuscom pan sadn teh nee phon mame ay CONTENTS Page CD Track Cvoest Being) | , 4 CAST LIST 3 : : |. EXTRA RESOURCES/PERCUSSION 4 Hi SCRIPT ana SONG LYRICS 5 - FULL NARRATION (with songs) - 1 SONGS (incl. percussion) Twenty Tiny, Shiny Pebbles 10 2 6 What A Wonderful House! 12 3 7 I'm A Wicked Witch, That’s Me! 14 eo | | The Wicked Witch Is Gone 16 5 9 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION 20 2 NG © 2010 Out of the An Lea Fm net i Cast List Speaking parts: Narrator Suitable for an adult/older child, or easily divided into shorter sections for a number of different children. Woodcutter Hansel and Gretel’ kind but downtrodden father. He has a few short lines to say. Stepmother A miserable, selfish character. Just a few lines to remember. Hanset ‘One of the leading roles, soa confident child with an. aptitude for holding out chicken bones would be perfect! Greter She has less to say than her brother, but lots of acting to do. Biras Choose as many children as you like for this—as long as they Tike to peck. Witen Another leading role. Would suit a child with an excellent, witchy cackle! laeas for non-speaking parts: In addition to the speaking parts in this musical, there are lots of opportunities to involve more children throughout the play. The main body of your performers can stand in the’choir, with some playing percussion (see Percussion Notes) and you could allocate others to set the scene: ‘The forest This could be children dressed in appropriate colours as the trees of the forest. They could move and rustle as Hansel and Gretel make their way through. Hanser’s cage Three of four children, dressed in black t-shirts and leggings, could make up the bars of the cage, standing tall and thin. ‘The Witen’s oven In order to stage this scene, you could make the oven using a small toddler slide with the steps facing the audience. Create the oven door using sturdy black card, concealing the slide. Behind the door, either side ofthe slide, have two children waving orange and yellow fabric or crepe paper for the fir. ‘As the witch is pushed into the oven, the children help her down the slide and offstage. Extra Resources We have provided a number of extra resources to accompany this “Song and Story’ book/CD. To download the following, visit our website at + Story/script in a child-friendly font so children can read as they listen to the narrated story {CD track 1) Mini-books with simplified story (for easy reading) and space to illustrate the story Lyric sheets Percussion Notes Percussion parts are included forall the songs (see music score) and we have ‘also suggested areas in the script where percussion can be used for sound, effects. Encouraging the children to play along with the songs wil enrich ‘their musical experience, helping with co-ordination and teamwork, Have fun. Including as much as you like and experiment with making other instruments’ from everyday objects you might find at home or in the classrcom. Script and Song Lyrics NARRATOR WOODCUTTER NARRATOR ‘STEPMOTHER NARRATOR HANSEL NARRATOR WOODCUTTER NARRATOR Once upona time there was a brother and sister called Hansel and Gretel. They lived with their father and, stepmother ina tiny cottage at the edge of a huge forest. Their father was a woodcutter and he was very, very poor. One day the woodcutter said to his wife We have no money left and I can't afford to buy any more food, ‘The woodcutter didn’t know what to do. But his wife had an Idea. ‘Take the children into the forest and leave them there. That. way we will have two less mouths to feed. ‘The woodcutter was very unhappy, but his wife insisted and finally he agreed. Hansel and Gretel had been listening at the door and Gretel was very frightened, but Hansel had aplan. (To Gretel)| know what to do. Hansel crept out of the house and gathered together lots of little white pebbles which he put in his pocket. The next day, the woodcutter and his wife took Hansel and Gretel into the forest. As they walked, Hansel dropped the pebbles on tothe path: After a while they came to a clearing and the ‘woodcutter told the children to wait. We are going to collect some wood. When they did not return, Hansel and Gretel began towalk. They could see the little white pebbles gleaming in the ‘moonlight and they followed them all the way home. Song 1. TWENTY TINY, SHINY PEBBLES cD track 216 ‘Twenty tiny, shiny pebbles Shone, shone in the moonlight, Twenty tiny, shiny pebbles Shone, shone in the bright moonlight. Thirty tiny, shiny pebbles Shone, shone in the moonlight, Thirty tiny, shiny pebbles Shone, shone in the bright moonlight. 7” Aaded percussion: Tap finger cymbals wth a metal beater as each pebble is dropped. NARRATOR 3 Forty tiny, shiny pebbles ‘shone, shone in the moonlight, Forty tiny, shiny pebbles Shone, shone in the bright moonlight. 4 Fifty tiny, shiny pebbles Shone, shone in the moonlight, Fifty tiny, shiny pebbles Shone, shone in the bright moonlight. {© 20100ut ofthe Ark Le Middlesex TW12 2H (CCL Song No, 5749612 ‘Their father was overjoyed to see them and hugged them both. But their stepmother was very angry. STEPMOTHER You must take them much deeper into the forest. FATHER No, | will not! STEPMOTHER Yes, you willl NARRATOR BIRDS NARRATOR HANSEL NARRATOR ‘That night Hansel and Gretel’ stepmother locked their door so they could not collect any more pebbles. The next day the woodcutter took them deeper into the forest. in Hansels pocket was a small piece of bread. He crumbled up the bread and as they walked he dropped a trail of crumbs, But the birds saw the tasty crumbs and flew down to eat them Peck, peck, peck, peck. Peck, peck, peck, peck. Then the woodeutter returned home, leaving Hansel and Gretel once again. ‘The moon began to shine but the crumbs had all gone, What could they do? Hansel and Gretel wandered further into the forest. They were very tired and very hungry. They walked and walked. ‘Then, justas they thought they could walk no more, they saw a very strange house. The windows and the roof, the chimney, the door and even the walls were all made from sweets and cakes, The children couldn't believe their eyes. Hansel broke off a little piece of the wall and put it into his mouth, Mmm, gingerbread! Then Grete! broke off a little piece of the door. GRETEL Mmm, chocolate! Hac What a wonderful house! ‘Song 2. WHAT A WONDERFUL HOUSE! cD track 377 1. What a wonderful house, What a wonderful house, With walls made of gingerbread, Yummy, scrummy gingerbread, What a wonderful house. 2 What a wonderful house, What a wonderful house, With windows made of lollipops, Yurnmy, scrummy lollipops, ‘What a wonderful house. 3. What a wonderful house, ‘What a wonderful house, ‘With doors made of chocolate, Yummy, scrummy chocolate, ‘What a wonderful house. 4 What a wonderful house, What a wonderful house, The chimney's made of lemon drops, ‘Yummy, scrummy lemon drops, What a wonderful house. {© 2010 Out ofthe Ark id, Middlesex TW12 24D (CCL Song No. 5749629 NARRATOR But from inside the house, someone was watching, An evil ld witch lived there. Just as Gretel was about to eat another piece of the chocolate door, the children heard a noise. The door opened and out stepped the wicked witch. WwiTcH Come in, my dears. (Secretly, behind hand) Hee, hee, hee. NARRATOR The witch invited the children in for some tea, But as soon as they stepped inside the house the nasty witch grabbed Hansel. She put him inside a cage and locked him in.’ Then she gave him lots of food to fatten him up. witch ''m going to eat you! Hee, hee, hee! 2 aided percussion: Jangle keys and crash cymbals to symbolise the cage being locked NARRATOR witcH NARRATOR witcH NARRATOR witch NARRATOR wiTcH NARRATOR wiTcH NARRATOR Song3. MAWICKEDWITCH, THAT'S ME! CDtrack 4/8 (witch's cackle) Hust like to be wicked, It's how Ilike to be, Being wicked i lots of fun, ma wicked witch, that’s me! (Witch's cackle) {ust like to bea meanie, It’s how like to be, Being a meanie is lots of fun, Fm a mean witch, that’s me! witch’ cackle) I just like to be a baddy, Is how like to be, Being a baddy is lots of fun, Yma bad witch, that’s me! {© 2010 Out ofthe Ark Lie Middlesex TW12 2H CcLISong No.5749643, ‘The witch gave Gretel a broom and told her to do the housework. Get sweeping! Every day the evil old witch went to see Hansel to check fhe was getting fatter. Let me feel your finger. Hansel put a chicken bone through the bars of the cage. The witch, who couldn't see very well, felt the bone. Too thin, too thi Day after day the witch waited for Hansel to get fatter. (Feeling Hansels finger’) Too thin, too thin! ‘One day the witch grew very impatient. She decided that she ‘was not going to wait any longer. 11m going to eat you anyway! ‘The witch told Gretel that she was going to cook Hansel in her fire. Gretel looked at her and asked her where the fire was. The witch led Gretel to the oven and opened the door. GRETEL NARRATOR GRETEL NARRATOR witcH NARRATOR | can't see the fire, ‘The witch opened the door wider. | still can’t see the fire. The witch opened the door as wide as she could and peered Into the oven. There itis! Gretel gave the witch an enormous push. The witch fellinto the oven and Gretel slammed the door shut. Then she ran to release Hansel from the cage. Ina comer of the house they could see something sparkling, Itwas the witch’ treasure. Hansel and Gretel picked it up and began to walk back through the forest. After many days they found their way home. Their father was overjoyed to see them and their stepmother had left. Hansel and Gretel were home at last and the wicked witch was gone. They gave their father the treasure and they never went hungry again. Song 4. THE WICKED WITCH IS GONE cD track 519 The wicked witch Is gone, The wicked witch is gone, Hey, hey, it’s a lovely day, The wicked witch is gone, CHORUS Celebrate, Sing asong, Celebrote, Thewitch is gone! And we're back home again, ‘And we're back home again, Hey, hey, its @ lovely day, ‘Cos we're back home again. HORUS The wicked witch is gone, The wicked witch is gone, Hey, hey, its a lovely day, The wicked witch is gone, cHoRUS {© 2010 Out ofthe Ark Lt MidlesexTW12 2H CCU Song No. 5749650 THEEND Twenty Tiny, Shiny Pebbles Words Musicby Steadity J~ 180 NkiDaves wood block 2010 Out ofthe Ari Midlese T2240 causeote.s7612 shone, shore in the belt moon = Ta. + Bal Are What A Wonderful House! ‘ordsond Muscby Merrily 4108 ee Bc Cet Gat at tow dram 1 wen-der-fil house, int 4 wonderful howe, with 2.What won-ser-ful house, at vi SWhat 2 wom-der-fil hour, vt vit ‘what a Won-der-ful house, ‘what & Wonede-ful House, ‘te ia ~ gerbiead, yum ~ my, serum ~ my fol = "i= pops, ura = my, sum = my hoe ~ 0 iatey yum + ny, serum - my Team — on drops, yur ~ my, snum = my {©2010 Outof he Wit Mase T12 210 ca seng na 5749829, 2 wonderful one Yron-det fal howe, Sron-der=fal_ hours sone fl I'm A Wicked Witch, That’s Me! Worckand thusicby wieh aswing J= 138 (J2=1")) ik Caves Percussion 2a and Sd intros ‘The witch cakes onto Gm Bayo Gm ym Ge ‘©2010 tf the vk Le ies T2250 CU Song 540545 i cy be = ing wiok-od is tes log a menaie it be © ing a hed dy it 4 Wicked witch, bas me! ‘wile that's met a bad wit, thas The Wicked Witch Is Gone ‘Word and Music by i Daves With energy 98 1. Te @) wick = ed with — i Q)werw back home, a= i © 201004 ofthe Aci MidesexTW12 24D ccsongna 70850 ' 16 bess ley 8 ey, ie et (cal dru) 9 Copyright & Licensing VERY IMPORTANT ‘You at ree to use the material n our musical for al teaching purposes. Howevey, he performance of musicals of songs to an audience andthe reproduction of scripts, rics and [music scores ae subject to lensing requirements by law. licence has been granted for ‘certain performances within the purchase price of tis book and CD package ~ see belo for eral, Helpful information abou licensing can also be found on the folowing website: ‘A Guide to Licensing Copytightin Schools’ ‘nd remember, we'ehappy to help. For advice contact our customer services teen ‘Uk:0208481 7200 Intemational +44208481 7200 _copyright@outoRnearkcom (11 Performance of Musieals “The performance of wokInvoing rama movement, raratv or daloguesuch sa mustalreques 2 {peetichcenc fom te publeher, YourPRSleence does ne cover musicals, premises, toan audience of staff pupil \we have already granted an inclusivelicence giving permission to stagesuch 2 performance. If youare perfonsing ‘Hansa and Gretefor any ether ype of audence please conc Out the Ark Musi dae to app foraperomance hence. (2) Licensing of Audio and Video Recordings Copying Out ofthe Ak uss aud D> snot permite without btalning a Kener the publishes, Flesnaring orinaliavon of Out ofthe Akfuscs eusio CD vacks on toa computer are sty forbidden, to make an audio or videorecording please contact Out ofthe Wk Mus det. (2) Other use ofthe published material you rent staging usc bt silintent use matt rom the publeaton then difeent concer are requrede {a)Repeoduction of Song tyres or Musical Scores ‘The fellowing heences fom Chistian Copyright Licensing Ld (wweclicor) pert photocopying ortepreducton of song hc and musle scores, for ramp to crete songsheets overhead ‘Wansparendes orto use ay eleconie spay medium, For UKschooks _‘Colletve Wership Copyright Licence and Musk Reproduction Leence! Forchurches. ‘Church Copyight and Music Reproduction ence: ‘Pease ensue tht you og the songe ta arsed on your copy report (Organsations that ont old ‘neo the above ences should contact ut ofthe ek Mire for permission) () Performance of Songs you oe not staging a musical but are performing ary of our sng forthe public on school premises {efor anybody othe then staf and pupils) then aly payments become due. Most soo have {arrangement with the Performing Rights Sect (PRS through tel local autor. Organisations ‘that donot heve such an arrangement should contact Out af he Ark Music rect See oa eo a RS eC Roa ts os a cy Seca hoes Eee eee Ce ey Cro EEC tee Oreos POOR C Rar EE CEsot! Co Rear ca eens SOUR ‘gong and story’ will enliven and CSCC ae eC LC! PoE ROE Rand CC Roo Ce CRS orca Serre Rete Sook 9 reisod

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