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Sibay, Danton Jay A.

BS Civil Engineering
GE15(7028) – Environmental Science

2nd Exam Short Answer

1. Explain why mobility, distribution and fate relevant to understand in order

to maintain health protection?
Answer: these are important because it helps us in mitigating the effects of
climate change.

2. Describe some factors of environmental health that affects to the health of

an individual. Give example also.
Answer: Air pollution, poor water quality, and climate change are some of
the environmental factors that affect the health of an individual.

3. Why it is important to maintain the conditions of every Biome?

Answer: it is important to maintain the conditions of every Biome because
each Biome houses unique forms of organisms that are essential to the
balance of an ecosystem.

4. Explain how ecosystem shows being resilient? Give also example to

defend your answer.
Answer: an ecosystem is resilient whenever it was damaged by an
ecological disturbance, but afterwards, it can return to its normal
processes. Like for example, a rainforest that was affected by heavy
rainfall and landslide during a typhoon. Majority of its trees and plants
have been uprooted due to strong gust of winds. But several months after
a typhoon, it was able to return to its normal processes.

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