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Sibay, Danton Jay A.

BS Civil Engineering
UGE1 (6931) – Reading Comprehension

Using the things, you have learned about sequencing events, write the number 1-5 to
indicate which comes first and which comes last. [10 points]

_______ 1. As a result, she becomes susceptible to violent and uncontrollable
outbursts. The only way to calm her is by putting candy in her mouth.

_______2. What follows is a battle of wits and wills as Anne breaks down Helen’s walls
of silence and darkness through love, persistence, and sheer stubbornness.

_______3. Terrified and helpless, her parents contact the Perkins School for the blind
for assistance. In response, they send Anne Sullivan, a former student, to the Keller
home to tutor her.

_______4. In the midst of the battle, Anne ultimately teaches Helen to make a
connection between her hand signs and the objects in Helen’s world for which they

_______5. The Miracle Worker is one of the most inspiring stories we can ever find. The
story begins by showing the young Helen being frustrated by her inability to
communicate with the people around her.

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