Department of Education: Practical Research 2 Second Periodical Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province

Directions: Read each item carefully. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the best answer
on your answer sheet. Utilize 1/2 lengthwise yellow pad. Strictly no erasures allowed.
1. What are the similarities of Theoretical and Conceptual Framework?
I. Guide in identifying possible threats to validity.
II. Help justify assumptions/hypothesis
III. Aid in choosing appropriate methodology
IV. Help in gathering and interpreting data
A. I, II and III B. II and III C. I, III and IV D. I, II, III and IV
2. These are the following guidelines and strategies of choosing and developing research framework EXCEPT one.
A. Identify the key concepts in your study
B. Search for existing theories that incorporate the same concept
C. Write a narrative explanation of each concept
D. The research problem is presented at the end of the conceptual framework
3. Which are the following guidelines on how to write the definition of terms?
I. Write a brief introductory statement.
II. The terms should be arranged alphabetically.
III. The term should be followed with a period.
IV. Do not overflow with technical terms.
A. I, II and III B. II and III C. I, III and IV D. I, II, III and IV
4. The following are the benefits of having definition of terms which one is NOT.
A. It is a not useful place to include technical terms in the topic of the research questions.
B. Define the term according to how it was used in the study.
C. Helps to ensure that the reader can understand the technical terminologies and jargons while reading the paper.
D. It makes it easier to revisit or check the meaning of a term.
5. Which of the following is NOT a guideline in the formulation of a research title?
A. Avoid a long, detailed title that gives too much information.
B. The title must be broad enough to include all aspects of the study but should be brief and concise as possible.
C. If possible, the title should be longer than 15 substantive words.
D. When typed or encoded in the title page, all words in the title should be in capital letters.
6. Which of the following frameworks refers to actual ideas, beliefs and tentative theories specifically supporting the study?
A. Methodological Framework C. Conceptual Framework
B. Chronological Framework D. Theoretical Framework
7. It shapes the justification of the research problem objectives to provide the basis on its parameters.
A. Methodological Framework C. Conceptual Framework
B. Chronological Framework D. Theoretical Framework
8. It is a diagrammatic representation of a conceptual framework.
A. Model B. Paradigm C. Perspective D. Diagram
9. This approach to evaluation is rooted in its definition of evaluation as the process of delimiting.
10. This model guides people to picture out how big or how small the situation is.
11. What kind of sources are diaries, letters, and personal accounts?
A. Primary Sources C. Secondary Sources
B. References D. Work Cited
12. This framework is the researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have to be explored.
A. Theoretical Framework C. Concept Mapping
B. Webbing D. Conceptual Framework
13. This involves the critiquing and evaluating of what other researchers have done in relation to the problem to be studied whether these studies
affirmed or negate the subject under study?
A. Review of Related Readings C. Review of Related Literature
B. Review of Related Findings D. Review of Related Researches
14. This citation refers to the rules and conventions established by an association in America for documenting sources in a research paper.
A. Modern Language Association (MLA)
B. Chicago Manual of Style
C. Background of the Study
D. American Psychological Association (APA)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province

15. What kind of sources are books, magazines, and other reference materials?
A. Work Cited C. References
B. Secondary Sources D. Primary Sources
16. It is the systematic investigation of the nature of relationships, or associations between and among variables without necessarily investigating
into causal reasons underlying them.
A. Causal – Comparative Research C. Correlational Research
B. Descriptive Research D. Evaluation Research
17. This kind of research aims to assess the effects, impacts or outcomes of practices, policies of programs.
A. Causal – Comparative Research C. Correlational Research
B. Descriptive Research D. Evaluation Research
18. This design is concerned with describing the nature, characteristics and components of the population or a phenomenon.
A. Causal – Comparative Research C. Correlational Research
B. Descriptive Research D. Evaluation Research
19. This kind of research derives conclusion from observations and manifestations that already occurred in the past and now compared to some
dependent variables.
A. Causal – Comparative Research C. Experimental Research
B. Survey Research D. Evaluation Research
20. It is used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and studying samples chosen from a population.
A. Causal – Comparative Research C. Experimental Research
B. Survey Research D. Evaluation Research
21. This research utilizes scientific method to test cause-and-effect relationship under conditions controlled by the researcher.
A. Causal – Comparative Research C. Experimental Research
B. Survey Research D. Evaluation Research
22. It is a method where multiple clusters of people from the chosen population will be created by the researcher to have homogenous
A. Cluster Sampling B. Systematic Sampling C. Stratified Random Sampling D. Literature Review
23. Using this approach increases the validity of your sampling procedure.
A. Cluster Sampling B. Systematic Sampling C. Stratified Random Sampling D. Literature Review
24. This gives an equal chance to all members of the population to be chosen.
A. Cluster Sampling B. Systematic Sampling C. Stratified Random Sampling D. Literature Review
25. This procedure is as simple as selecting samples every nth of the chosen population until arriving at a desired total number of sample size.
A. Cluster Sampling B. Systematic Sampling C. Stratified Random Sampling D. Literature Review
26. It is used when the research study focuses on finding predictions, testing hypothesis, and finding interpretations, generalizations and
A. Inferential Statistics B. Univariate analysis C. Descriptive Statistics D. Bivariate analysis
27. Which of the following statistical treatment to be used in testing relationship between two variables?
A. T-test for dependent samples C. T-test for independent samples
B. ANOVA D. Pearson’s r
28. Which of the following is NOT a statistical treatment for test of difference between two data sets from two different groups?
A. T-test for dependent samples C. T-test for independent samples
B. Two-way chi-square D. Mann-Whitney U test
29. What statistical treatment used in testing the strength of relation of effect or impact?
A. T-test for dependent samples C. T-test for independent samples
B. Regression D. Spearman’s rho
30. It compares two variables in a contingency table to see if they are related.
A. Pearson’s r C. Chi-square test for independence
B. ANOVA D. Spearman’s rho
For numbers 31 – 40.
What type of observation is illustrated in the following observation notes? Choose from the choices below:
A. Complete observer C. Participant as observer
B. Observer as participant D. Complete participant
31. A doctor watching a patient’s reaction to a medication.
32. Pilots watching their monitors for airplane movements and locations.
33. A biology teacher recording the daily data on bacteria growth at the Bio laboratory.
34. A guidance counselor watching a friend’s reaction to her barkada’s confession.
35. An adviser watching her students work during independent work time.
36. An online tutorial company manager observing the conversation of the interviewer and the applicant to determine the quality of their performance.
37. A principal observing a math teacher giving a lesson to her class to evaluate her performance as an educator.
38. A parent is watching her children interact with other children on the playground.
39. An actress is watching her movie premier unfold on the big screen.
40. A group of Grade 12 students went to BFAR to perform certain duties the workers are doing.

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