Day 8 - Combined and Joint Variation

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Learning Plan inuniversity

Saint Mary’s Mathematics 9

The learner
Junior demonstrates
high school andunderstanding
science of key concepts of variation
Content Standard(s)
and radicals. high school
Performance The learner is able toNueva
Bayombong, formulate and solve accurately problems
Standard(s) involving radicals.
Learning The learner illustrates situations that involve the following variations:
Competency(ies) (a) direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) combined. [M9AL-IIa-1]
Sessions Session 7
Parts September 19, 2017
 applied the concepts learned about direct and inverse variation in
Learning Objective(s) joint and combined variation;
By the end of the  translated mathematical statements involving joint and combined
lesson/activity, the variation by means of an equation;
students should have:  differentiated joint and combined variation; and
 solve problems involving joint and combined variation.
Subject Matter/Topic Variation: Joint and Combined Variation
Materials Powerpoint presentation, stickers, laptop, LED T.V., chalk and board
Dilao, S.J., and Bernabe, J.G.( 2009). Intermidiate algebra. Textbook
for second year. JTW Corporation. 1281 Gregorio Araneta Avenue,
Quezon City, Philippines.
Yeo, J., Seng, T. K., Yee, L. C., Chow, I., Meng, N.C., Hong, O. C.,
(2017). New syllabus Mathematics. Singapore Math worktext. REX
bookstore. 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr. St. Manila, Philippines.
Assessment Formative: Recitation, Problem Solving
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparation

Good morning, class! Good morning, sir!

Kindly stand for our opening prayer. May I
call on the prayer leader to lead us the
prayer? (The prayer leader will lead the prayer.)
Before you take your sit, kindly pick up small
pieces of dirt under your chairs and make
sure that your chairs are aligned to each
other. (The monitors will report the class attendance
Monitors. for the day.)
You may now take your seats.


Let’s have a review first. I will give two

different quantities. Your task is to identify the
type of variation that exist between the two

1. Number of machines and days of doing Inverse variation, sir.

a certain work Direct variation, sir.
2. Perimeter and side of a square Direct square, sir.
3. Area and the radius of a square
None, sir.
Would you want to clarify something?
If you don’t have questions anymore, let’s
have our last discussion about variation. We
will shoot two birds with one stone today.
Meaning, we will discuss two different types
of variation.
For you to be aware of what will we learn
today, we have the following objectives. You
are expected to:
 apply the concepts learned about direct
and inverse variation in understanding
joint and combined variation;
 translate mathematical statements
involving joint and combined variation by
means of an equation;
 differentiate joint and combined
variation; and
 solve problems involving joint and
(The students will ask questions.)
combined variation.
Do you want to ask something regarding our
topic for today that you want to be answered at
the end of our class?
If you don’t have questions anymore, let’s
proceed to our topic for today.
B. Presentation
In our discussion about direct linear, direct
square and inverse variation, how many
variables were included in those types of
variation? What are the variables/how do we
call those variables included in those types of
There are two variables included sir. The
variables are the dependent and independent
So, we have only two variables involved in
those types of variation particularly the
dependent variable and the independent
Today, you will find out how may variables
are involved in this types of variation.
First, let’s have Joint variation.
Before we have the definition of joint
variation, let’s translate mathematical
statements involving joint variation first.
1. The area (A) of a triangle varies
directly to the product of its height (h)
and base (b).
For this example, how many variables are The variables are the area (A), the height (h)
there? and the base (b).
What are the three variables? The dependent variable is the area.
The area is the dependent variable because the
What is the dependent variable?
value of the area depend on the dimensions of
the triangle particularly its height and base.
The independent variables are the height and
What are the independent variables? the base.

How do we write this by means of an equation, A=kbh

2. The volume (V) of a cone varies
directly to its height (h) and the square The variables are the volume (V) of a cone the
of the radius (r) of its base.
In this example, what are the variables? height (h) and the square of the radius (r) of its
The independent variables are the height (h)
What are the independent variables? and the square of the radius (r) of its base.

Does the height and the square of the radius Yes, sir.
affect the volume of the cone?
Why? Or What type of variable is the volume Because the volume of the cone is the
of the cone? dependent variable.

How do we write this by means of an equation V =kh r


These are examples of a joint variation.
What type/s of variation/s can you relate joint Direct linear and direct square variations, sir.
Joint variation is like a direct variation. Because, the one quantity varies directly to two
Why? other quantities.

In other words, it is like a direct variation

because we can write it in the form of direct
variation and we only added one variable.
In our examples, I still used the words “varies
directly”. In joint variation, we can use the
words “varies jointly”.
So, how will you restate the first example if
you replace “varies directly” by “varies
jointly”? The area (A) of a triangle varies jointly to the
product of its height (h) and base (b).
How about the second item? The volume (V) of a cone varies jointly to its
height (h) and the square of the radius (r) of its
Based on how the definition direct variation,
how can you define joint variation? Sir, one quantity varies jointly to the product of
two other quantities.
“In general, if one quantity varies directly as
the product of two other quantities, that is, if
there exist a non-zero constant k, then one
quantity varies jointly as the two quantities.”
In symbols, it can be written as y=kxz or
k= .
Now, let us solve problems involving joint
1. If y varies jointly as x and z, find the
constant of variation if x=5 , z=8 and
y=480. y
Our first step is to write this in the form of an k=
equation. How do we write it then?
Since we are looking for the constant of
variation, we will use the equation in finding
the constant of variation.
May I call on one volunteer to solve for the 480
constant of variation? k=
(5 )( 8 )
k =12
2. A variable y varies jointly as x and z, if
y=162 when x=6 and z=9 , find y 2
when x=7 and z=6 .
May I call on a volunteer to write the equation y=kxz
Next step is to solve for the constant of
May I call on another volunteer to solve for the ( 162 )=k ( 6 )( 9 )
constant of variation? 162=54 k
162 54 k
54 54
k =3
Now, let’s solve for the value of y 2 when x=7 y 2=3 ( 7 )( 6 )
and z=6 . y 2=126

Is there anything about joint variation that you None, sir.

want to clarify?
If none, let’s discuss Combined variation.
In joint variation, we used the concepts of
direct linear and direct square variation.
From the word “Combined”, what can you say
about combined variation? Sir, we will combine different types of
What do you think will we combine? variation.

First, let’s have a mathematical statement and

let’s write it by means of an equation.
And based on these examples, you will define
what a combined variation is.
1. The length of the altitude (a) of a right
circular cylinder varies directly as the
volume (V) and inversely as the square of
the length of the radius (r) of the circular Three, sir.
base of the cylinder. The variables are the altitude (a), the volume
How many variables do we have? (V) and the radius (r) of the circular base of the
What are those three variables? cylinder.
a= 2
How do we write it then?
Next example.
2. The maximum safe load (S) of a
rectangular beam varies jointly as the width
(w) and the square of the depth (d) and
inversely as the length (l). Joint variation and inverse variation, sir.
What types of variation are included in this Four, sir.
example? The maximum safe load (S), the width (w), the
How many variables do you have now? square of the depth (d) and the length (l).
What are those variables? kw d
How will you write the equation then?

Based on this examples, what can you say Sir, combined variation is the combination of
about combined variation? any type of variation and inverse variation.

So, in general, if one quantity varies

directly/jointly to another quantity(ies) and
inversely to another quantity, then these
quantities are in a combined variation.
None, sir.
Is there anything you want to clarify?
Using the same example, let us try to solve
problems involving combined variation.
1. The maximum safe load (S) of a
rectangular beam varies jointly as the width
(w) and the square of the depth (d) and
inversely as the length (l). A beam 2 meters
wide, 2 meters deep, and 10 meters long
has a maximum safe load of 1.6 kg. Find
the maximum safe load for a beam of the Maximum Safe load= 1.6 kg
same material which is 5 meters wide, 4 Width= 2 m
meters deep and 15 meters long. Depth=2 m
Since we already have the equation, may I call Length= 10 m
on a volunteer to identify the given.
k ( 2 ) ( 22 )
1.6 ( 10 )=8 k
Another volunteer to substitute the given in the 16 8 k
equation and solve for the value of the constant 8 8
of variation. k =2

Our constant of variation is 2. Now, we are

ready to find the maximum safe load of the
beam which is 5 meters wide, 4 meters deep
and 15 meters long. ( 2) ( 5) ( 42 )
May I call on a volunteer to find the maximum 160
safe load (S). S=

So, the maximum safe load for a beam which

is 5 meters wide, 4 meters deep and 15 meters None, sir.
long is 10.67 kg.

Is there anything you want to clarify? (The students will answer the last example)
Next example.
2. If z varies directly as the square of x
and inversely as y, and z=4 when x=2
and y=3 . What is the value of y when
x=1 and z=¿ 6.
C. Practice

For your practice, kindly answer this problem

in a 1/2 sheet of paper cut crosswise.

The length of the altitude (a) of a right circular

cylinder varies directly as the volume (V) and
inversely as the square of the length of the
radius (r) of the circular base of the cylinder.
The volume of the right cylinder is 50 c m2
when the radius of the base is 5 cm and the
height is 8 cm . Find the volume of a similar
right cylinder whose diameter of the base is 16
cm and 40 cm tall.
I will give you 5 minutes to answer that. Time (The students will answer the problem)
starts now.

Let’s check your work, exchange paper with

your seat mates.
(The teacher and students will check the
students’ work.)
D. Purposeful Closure
(The teacher will ask the students if all their
questions about the topic before the start of
the lesson were answered.)

For one minute, I want you to formulate one

question regarding the concepts of joint and
combined variation. Write it in any sheet of

Time’s up.
Now, we will have a Q and A portion. But I
will not be the one who will answer your
 The teacher will give two tickets to the
one who will give the question. If the (The students will have the Q and A portion.)
other student answered the question
correctly, the one who questioned will
give one ticket to the student who
answered the question.
Let us all stand and have the prayer.
Good bye class!
Assignment Tomorrow, you will have a GROUP QUIZ BEE COMPETITION. You
can talk with your group mates during your vacant period and have
the distribution of labor. Special prizes will be given to the Top 3
groups. The other teams who can’t make it to the top 3 will also have
a consolation prize.

Prepared by:

Daryll Andre Keith H. Asuncion


Checked by:

Miss Genelita B. Escaros

Cooperating Teacher

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