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Grade 8 Geography Notes Final term 2022-2023

Name____________________________ Section________

Unit-1 Mineral resources

Geography Grade-8
Final term 2022-2023

Lessons Name
1- Mineral resources
2- Natural vegetation
3- Earthquake and volcanoes
Geo 8: Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-1
Introduction: What is a mineral?
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A mineral is any naturally occurring, inorganic substance, often additionally
characterized by an exact crystal structure. Its chemical structure can be exact or can
vary within limits. A mineral is a nonliving crystal solid found in nature.
All mineral belongs to a chemical group, which represents their affiliation with certain
elements or compounds. The classified chemical groups are known as elements, sulfides,
oxides, halides carbonates nitrates borates sulphates chromates phosphates arsenates
vanadate tungstates molybdate and silicates. Minerals also have distinctive properties
such as color hardness crystal habits specific gravity Lester fracture and tenacity.
Minerals are an economic commodity they are mined because of the need for a valuable
element they contain or an intrinsic property they may have other minerals are mined for
their beauty and rareness thus giving many specimens and accepted worldwide value.
there are about 3000 different types of minerals and new ones are constantly discovered.
Question1- is mineral an inorganic substance?
answer -Yes, a mineral is naturally occurring inorganic substance often additionally characterized by an exact
crystal structure.
Question2- define the mineral.
answer -a mineral is a nonliving crystal solid found in nature.
Question3- What are the elements?
Answer- the classified chemical groups are known as elements.
Question4-Write the names of some elements.
1. sulphides 2. oxides 3.halides 4.carbonates 5.nitrates 6.borates 7.sulphates 8.chromates 9.phosphates
10.vanadate 11.tungstate 12.molybdates and 13.silicates.
Question5- Right the distinctive properties of minerals?
Answer minerals have the distinctive properties such as color, hardness, crystal habit specific gravity Lester
fracture and tenacity.
Question6- why the minerals are an economic commodity?
Answer- minerals are an economic commodity they are mined because of the need for a valuable element they
contain or an intrinsic property they may have. Other minerals are mines for their beauty and rareness.
Question7- How many types of minerals we have nowadays?
Answer-there are about 3000 different types of minerals.
Vocabulary words
1-Micronutrients 2-fissure 3-specimen 4-eminent 5-conchoidal
1- Along narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially
in rock or earth. FISSURE
2- Famous, illustrious, or known far and wide. EMINENT
3- Vitamins and minerals are vital to healthy development and disease prevention.
4- An individual animal, plant, piece of a mineral, etc used as an example of its species
or type for scientific study or display. SPECIMEN
5- Fracture with smooth, curved surfaces that resemble the interior of a seashell.
Topics: Rocks
Complete the paragraph

1-coarse agglomerates 2-composition 3- earth’s crust

4- tiny, microscopic grains 5 -magma, soil and clay 6-huge mountains
The best way to define a rock is to say that it is an indefinite of naturally occurring substances,
mainly minerals. Its composition may vary in containment of minerals and organic substances
and are never exact. They can range from tiny, microscopic grains of minerals or organic
substances to coarse agglomerates of different minerals, where the individual minerals are
easily discernible. They may range in size from tiny pebbles to huge mountains. Rocks
makeup the earth’s crust. Many rocks are not solid such as magma, soil and clay in general
the only people interested in rocks are geologists and paleontologist.

1. Mineralogy 2. rock collection 3. varied intake

4. neither animal nor vegetable 5. greater

The term rock collection is usually misused for mineral collection. Although
a few people collect rocks, the amount of people collecting minerals in much
greater. Minerals are neither animal nor vegetable they are inorganic.
Almost all foods contribute to a varied intake of essential minerals. Most
minerals are easy to obtain in quantities required by the body. The study of
minerals is called mineralogy.
Geo 8: Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-2
Topic:Types of minerals
Question 1- How many types of minerals are there? name them.
Answer- There are two types of minerals
1. macro minerals
2. trace minerals
Question 2- Macro minerals group is made-up of which minerals?
Answer- The macro mineral group is made-up of calcium phosphorus Magnesium sodium
potassium chloride and Sulphur
Question 3 -Tracee minerals include which minerals?
Answer- Trace minerals include iron manganese copper iodine zinc fluoride and selenium.

Topic: Physical characteristics of minerals

Define the following physical characteristics of minerals.
1- Shape
A minerals common appearance is crystal shape.
2- Color
Minerals are found in many beautiful colors
3- Luster
The term luster refers to the quantity and quality of the light which is reflected from a
mineral’s exterior surfaces.
4- Streak
Streak is the color of mineral when it is powdered, and it is often different from the
color of whole mineral.
5- Hardness
It is defined as the level of difficulty with which a smooth surface of a mineral
specimen may be scratched.
6- Density
Minerals which formed at the high pressures deep within the earth’s crust are in
general denser.
7- Cleavage
A cleavage plane is a plane of structural weakness along which a mineral is
likely to split smoothly.
8- Fracture
Minerals that do not have cleavage will fracture when broken.
9- Tenacity
The property of tenacity describes the behavior of a mineral under
10- Crystal habit
The term crystal habit describes the favored growth pattern of the crystals
of a mineral species, whether individually or in aggregate.

Topic: The occurrence of minerals

Write the correct mods against each definition.

1- In geology a load is the metalliferous ore that fills a fissure in a rock Lodes

2- A narrow layer of a substance that forms in or fills a crack in rock. Veins

3- An underground layer of a mineral such as coal or gold. Seams

4- When minerals like bauxite all aluminum are formed by the deep

weathering of a variety of rocks. Weather products

5- The soil deposited in riverbeds are known as alluvial deposits. Alluvial

Geo 8: Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-3
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth.
Materials recovered by mining include bauxite, coal, copper, gold, silver, diamond, shale,
rock salt, tin, uranium, and molybdenum. Any material that cannot be grown from
agricultural process or created artificially in a laboratory or factory is usually mined.
Mining can also include extraction of petroleum natural gas and even water.
Underground modes of access include drift slope and shaft mining and actual mining
methods include long wall and room and pillar mining. Slope mines usually begin in a
valley bottom and a tunnel slope down to the coal to be mined. Shaft mines are the deepest
mines; a vertical shaft with an elevator is made from the surface down to the coal. In
western Kentucky, one shaft mine reaches 1200 feet below the surface.
Question 1- What is mining?
Answer- Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the
Question 2 -Which materials recovered by mining?
Answer- bauxite, coal, copper, gold, silver diamonds iron, precious metals, lead, limestone, nickel,
phosphate, oil shale, rock salt, tin, uranium, and molybdenum.
Question 3 -How we can get the materials which cannot be grow or created artificially?
Answer-Materials which cannot be grow or artificially created in laboratories are Usually mined.
Question 4 -Write the underground modes of access.
Answer-1. Drift 2. slope 3.shift mining
Question 5 -Where the slope mines begin?
Answer -Slope mines usually begin in a valley bottom.
Question 6- which mines are the deepest mines?
Answer -Shaft mines are the deepest mines.
Question 7 -How the vertical shaft is made?
Answer- A vertical shaft with an elevator is made from the surface down to the coal.
Question 8 -What is the length of a shaft mine?
Answer- In Western Kentucky one shaft mine reaches 1200 feet below the surface.
Wall Mining
Rearrange the steps in a correct order to explain the method of longwall mining
1- This method of mining has proven to be more efficient than room and pillar mining
conventional room and pillar equipment and cannot be used in all geological
2- After the coal is removed it drops onto a chain conveyor which moves it to a second
conveyor that will ultimately take the coal to the surface.
3- Mechanized shearers are used to cut and remove the coal at the face of the mine.
4- Most of the long wall panel is allowed to collapse behind the Shields which hold the roof
as coal is excavated.
5- In longwall mining only the main tunnels are bolted.
6- Temporary hydraulic powered roof supports hold up the roof as the extraction process
7- As mining continues roof bolts are placed in the ceiling to avoid ceiling collapse.
Correct order
1- Mechanized sheers are used to cut and remove the coal at the face of the mine.
2- Police removed it drops onto a chain conveyor which moves it to a second conveyor that
will ultimately take the coal to the surface.
3- Temporary hydronic powered roof sports hold up the roof as the extraction process
4- This method of mining has proven to be more efficient than room and pillar mining with
a recovery rate of nearly 75% but the equipment is more expensive than conventional
room and the pillar equipment and cannot be used in all geological circumstances.
5- As mining continues roof bolts are placed in the ceiling to avoid ceiling collapse.
6- In longwall mining only the main tunnels are bolted.
7- Most of the longwall panel is allowed to collapse behind the Shields which hold the roof
as cool as excavated.
Geo 8: Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-4
Topic: surface mining

1-overburden 2-Auger mines are operated 3- the rock is placed back 4-shallow
coal 5- to its natural slope 6- near the top of mountain 7- fill in valleys next to
the mine. 8- auger mining 9- forming a bench 10- contour mines are surface mines

Complete the following sentences to understand the Surface Mining.

1- Surface mining methods include area contour mountaintop removal and auger
2- Area mines are surface mines that remove shallow coal over a broad area where
the land is fairly flat.
3- Huge dragline shovels commonly remove rocks overlaying the coal called
4- After the coal has been removed, the rock is placed back into the pit.
5- contour mines are surface mines that mine coal in steep, hilly, or mountainous
6- A wedge of overburden is removed along the coal outcrop on the side of a hill,
forming a bench at the level of the coal.
7- After the coal is removed, the overburden is placed back on the bench to return
the hill to its natural slope.
8- Mountaintop removal mines are special area mines used to wear several thick
coal seams occur near the top of mountain.
9- Large quantities of overburden are removed from the top of the mountains, and
this material is used to fill in valleys next to the mine.
10- Auger mines are operated on surface mine benches before they are covered
up; the coal in the side of the hill that can't reached by contour mining is drilled
or augured.
Match the following columns!
Column-1 Column-2 Answers
1-Petra and oleum in the chemical industry 3
2-It is found in large quantities for mobility on land at sea in 5
the air
3-It is used as a fuel has steadily declined 6
4-Petroleum and its derivatives are used in the below the surface of the earth 2
manufacture of
5-In industrial societies petroleum use is used Meaning rock oil 1
6-In recent years the worldwide availability of petroleum will no longer be a 8
petroleum common commercial material.
by the mid-21st century
7-The oil is trapped in the crust of medicines fertilizers and food 4
8- Many experts forecast the upfold in a gas oil water 7

Write the following statements are true or false.

1- The study of minerals is called mineralogy. TRUE
2- There are two types of minerals Macro minerals and trace minerals. TRUE
3- The minerals quarts are found only in black and white color. FALSE
4- Long wall mining is a type of surface mining. FALSE
5- Approximately 99% of the human body is comprised with the minerals. TRUE
6- The rough surface of metals is described as metallic luster. FALSE
7- In general, the only people interested in rocks are geologist. TRUE
8- There are three types of minerals, Micro, Macro and Trace. FALSE
9- Crystals are used to run clocks. TRUE
10- Diamond is the hardest rock in the world. TRUE
Geo 8: Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-5
Fill in the blanks with correct words.
1-60 minerals 2-crude petroleum 3-supplements 4-crystal structure
5-organic 6-gas, oil, water 7-ongoing process
8-dereliction 9-extrection 10-cut and remove

1- All minerals belong to various crystal structure groups.

2- Minerals are neither animal nor vegetable they are in organic.
3- Mining in a wider sense can also include extraction of petroleum, natural gas and even
4- Mechanized shearers are used to cut and remove the coal at the face of the mine.
5- The oil is trapped in the crust of the up fold in a gas-oil-water sequence.
6- There are three broad classes of crude petroleum exist.
7- The human body at least needs 60 minerals to maintain a healthy life.
8- Some of the best supplements today contain no more than 10 to 15 minerals.
9- Dereliction can also be hazardous to health.
10- Rehabilitation management is an ongoing process.

TOPIC: Characteristic off petroleum

Write the missing words to complete the chemical composition of all petroleum

1-0.1 to 5 percent 2-hydrocarbons 3-gasoline to liquid 4-deposit of

natural gas 5-consistency of petroleum varies 6-barely pour

The chemical composition of all petroleum is principally hydrocarbons, although a

sulfur content varies from about 0.1 to 5 percent contains gaseous liquid and solid
elements. The consistency of petroleum varies from liquid as thin as gasoline to liquid
so thick that it will barely pour. Small quantities of gaseous compounds are usually
down low dissolved in the liquid when larger quantities of these compounds are
present the petroleum deposit is associated with a deposit of natural gas.
Topic: formation of petroleum
Complete the given sentence to understand the formation of
1- Petroleum is formed under Earth's surface by the decomposition of marine
2- The remains of tiny organisms that live in the sea are in mashed with the
fine sands and silts that settle to the bottom in quiet sea basins.
3- Such deposits, which are rich in organic materials become the source rocks for
the generation of crude oil.
4- The process began many millions of years ago with the development of
abundant life, and it continues to this day.
5- The sediments grow thicker and sink into the sea floor under their own
6- As additional deposits pile up, the pressure on the once below increases
several thousand times, and the temperature rises by several 100 degrees.
7- The mud and sand hardened into shell and sandstone; carbonate precipitates
and skeletal shells harden into limestone; and the remains of the dead
organisms are transformed into crude oil and natural gas.
8- Once the petroleum forms it flows upward in earth’s crust because it has a
low density.
9- The crude oil and natural gas rise into the microscopic pores of the courser
sediments laying above.
10- A significant amount of the upward migrating oil, however, does not
encounter impermeable rock but instead flows out at the surface of earth or
onto the ocean floor.

Topic: Major products of Oil Refineries

Question- Write the major products of oil refineries.
Answer- 1-asphalt 2-fuel oil 3-diesel fuel 4-gasoline 5-kerosene
6-liquid petroleum gas LPG 7-lubricating oils 8-paraffin wax 9-tar
Geo 8: Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-6
Choose the correct answer.

1- Which of the following is nonmetallic mineral resource?

a-garnet b-iron c-gypsum
2- Which of the following statement about recycling is true?
a-Recycling won’t help humans meet future need.
b-Recycling is a way to reuse materials rather than obtain new one.
C-Recycling take more energy than obtaining the new material.
3- Which rock is used to manufacture cement?
a-shale b-granite c-limestone
4- Placer deposits of gold commonly occur
a-in straight river channels b-on the side of meander loops c-in large deltas
5- Bauxite is ore of
a-aluminum b-iron c-copper
6- Sources of hydrocarbons are
a-fish b-plankton c-plants
7- Temperature window for oil information is
a-between 10 t0 50C C-between 60 and 100C d-between 200
and 300C
8- World’s major coal deposits were made during
a-Jurassic b-Ordovician c-carboniferous
9- Which of the following is an example of a mineral that is a chemical
a-quartz b-sulfur c-gold
10- Which of the following cannot help you to identify a mineral?
a-crystal structure b-number c-hardness
Importance of Minerals in Human Life
Complete the Table!
Mineral Name Major Functions Deficiency Effects Food Sources
1. Calcium Makes up bone and children-stunted growth Dairy, fish with bones,
teeth’s, muscle adults-bone loss tofu, greens, legumes,
construction, blood osteoporosis fortified foods
pressure, clotting,
nerve function
2.Chromium helps insulin move abnormal glucose meat, whole grains,
glucose from blood metabolism vegetable oils
into cells
3. Fluoride helps make bones and susceptibility to tooth fluoridated water,
teeth stronger, helps decay seafood, tea
teeth resist decay
4. Iodine a component of Goiter, cretinism iodized salt, seafood,
thyroid hormone-helps plants grown in iodine
regulate growth, rich soil
5. Iron part of hemoglobin- anemia, weakness, red meats, fish, poultry,
carries oxygen in headaches, reduced eggs, legumes, dried
blood, myoglobin immunity, low cold fruits
carries oxygen in tolerance
6. Magnesium mineralization of weakness, muscle nuts, legumes, whole
bones and teeth, helps twitches, confusion, grains, dark leafy greens,
enzyme’s function, convulsions, bizarre seafood, chocolate/cocoa
muscle construction muscle movements
nerve transmission
7. Phosphorus bones and teeth; DNA; weakness, bone pain animal tissues (meat,
phospholipids (part of fish, poultry, eggs, milk)
cell membranes)
8. Potassium maintains normal fluid muscular weakness, all Whole Foods, fruits,
and electrolytes paralysis, confusion vegetables, grains, meat,
balance, assists nerve (due to dehydration) milk
impulses transmission
and muscle contraction
9. Selenium antioxidants, works with keshan disease, muscle seafoods, organ meats, other
vitamin E pain/degeneration, cataracts, meats, grains, veg depending
low form, fragile red blood on soil content
cells, heart damage
10. Sodium maintains normal fluid and muscle cramps, mental table salts, soy sauce, MSG,
electrolyte balance, assists apathy, loss of appetite all processed foods
nerve impulse
Geo 8: Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-7
Topic-Conserving our mineral resources. (PG.184)
Fill in the missing words!
Well natural resources are drying up very fast and so need of its conservation has come
up. First the problems-population growth and no sustainable exploitation are two major
factors which is the culprit, and we need to think about checking both. Population
explosion in last few decades has put a lot of pressure on our natural resources and this
has led to over exploitation.
Sustainable living is an important idea and should be the basis of our living standards.
We need to stop all kind of wastage and try to reuse everything possible. We need to
understand that natural resources are limited, and overexploitation will harm not only us
but the coming generation more. According to one estimate natural gas will be
exhausted in about another 60 years tin in 35 years, gold in less than 30 years and
diamonds and oil in 25 and 40 years respectively if we keep consuming them at the
present rate.

Question-Which six measures we should follow to prolong the life of our mineral
1- Use tin in more useful works other than just coating our food cans.
2- Carry out recycling of scrap iron to make new iron.
3- Use substitutes to replace mineral based items for example use plastic for food
preservation and cutlery and crockery etcetera.
4- Use modern techniques to extract the ore completely so that nothing could go waste.
5- Do research to find new reserves and deposits for example in Antarctica, in deserts or
in the oceans.
6- Use the present existing minerals in better way.
Topic: land rehabilitation
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below!
Land rehabilitation is the process of returning the lands in a given area to some degree of its
former self, after some process (Business, industry, natural disaster etc) has damaged it.
Projects and development will result in the land becoming degraded, for example mining,
farming, and forestry.
Modern mine rehabilitation aims to minimize and mitigate the environmental effects of modern
mining, which may in the case of open pit mining involves movement of significant volumes of
rock. Often in gold mines, rehabilitation is performed by scavenger operations which treat the
soil within the plants area for spilled goals using modified placer mining gravity collection
For underground mines, rehabilitation is not always a significant problem or cost. This is
because of the higher grade of the ore and lower volumes of waste rock and tailing.

Question1- What are the meanings off term land rehabilitation?

Answer-land rehabilitation is the process of returning the land in a given area to some degree of
its former self, after some process business, industry, natural disaster etc has damaged it.

Question 2-Which type of the projects can be resulted in the land degraded?
Answer-projects and development will result in the land becoming degraded, for example
mining farming and forestry.

Question 3-What is the aim of modern mine rehabilitation?

Answer-modern mine rehabilitation aims to minimize and mitigate the environmental effects of
modern mining which may in the case of open pit mining involves movement of significant
volumes of rock .

Question 4-How the rehabilitation is performed in gold mines?

answer-often in gold mines, rehabilitation is performed by scavenger operations.

Question 5- Why rehabilitation is not always a significant problem or cost for

underground mines?
Answer-for underground mines rehabilitation is not always a significant problem or cost
because of the higher grades of the ore and lower volumes of waste rock and tailings.
Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-1
Introduction: What is a mineral?
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A mineral is any naturally occurring, inorganic substance, often additionally characterized by an exact crystal structure. Its
chemical structure can be exact or can vary within limits. A mineral is a nonliving crystal solid found in nature.
All mineral belongs to a chemical group, which represents their affiliation with certain elements or compounds. The classified
chemical groups are known as elements, sulfides, oxides, halides carbonates nitrates borates sulphates chromates phosphates
arsenates vanadate tungstates molybdate and silicates. Minerals also have distinctive properties such as color hardness crystal
habits specific gravity Lester fracture and tenacity. Minerals are an economic commodity they are mined because of the need
for a valuable element they contain or an intrinsic property they may have other minerals are mined for their beauty and
rareness thus giving many specimens and accepted worldwide value. there are about 3000 different types of minerals and new
ones are constantly discovered.
Question1- is mineral an inorganic substance?


Question2- define the mineral.


Question3- What are the elements?


Question4-Write the names of some elements._________________________________________________________________


Question5- Right the distinctive properties of minerals?


Question6- why the minerals are an economic


Question7- How many types of minerals we have nowadays?

Vocabulary words
1-Micronutrients 2-fissure 3-specimen 4-eminent 5-conchoidal

1- Along narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in

rock or earth. _______________
2- Famous, illustrious, or known far and wide. _______________
3- Vitamins and minerals are vital to healthy development and disease prevention.
4- An individual animal, plant, piece of a mineral, etc used as an example of its species or
type for scientific study or display. _________________
5- Fracture with smooth, curved surfaces that resemble the interior of a seashell.

Rocks: Complete the paragraph

1-coarse agglomerates 2-composition 3- earth’s crust

4- tiny, microscopic grains 5 -magma, soil and clay 6-huge mountains

The best way to define a rock is to say that it is an indefinite of naturally occurring substances, mainly
minerals. Its______________________ may vary in containment of minerals and organic substances
and are never exact. They can range from _________________________ of minerals or organic
substances to _________________________of different minerals, where the individual minerals are
easily discernible. They may range in size from tiny pebbles to ______________________. Rocks
makeup the ___________________________. Many rocks are not solid such as
___________________________ in general the only people interested in rocks are geologists and

1. Mineralogy 2. rock collection 3. varied intake

4. neither animal nor vegetable 5. greater
The term ____________________is usually misused for mineral collection. Although a few people
collect rocks, the amount of people collecting minerals in much_________. Minerals are
___________________________ they are inorganic. Almost all foods contribute to a
________________ of essential minerals. Most minerals are easy to obtain in quantities required by the
body. The study of minerals is called _______________.
Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-2
Types of minerals
Question 1- How many types of minerals are there? name them.
Answer- __________________________________________________________________
Question 2- Macro minerals group is made-up of which minerals?
Question 3 -Tracee minerals include which minerals?
Answer- ___________________________________________________________________

physical characteristics of minerals

Define the following physical characteristics of minerals.
1- Shape
2- Color
3- Luster
4- Streak
5- Hardness
6- Density
7- Cleavage
8- Fracture
9- Tenacity
10- Crystal habit

The occurrence of minerals

Write the correct modes against each definition.

1- In geology a load is the metalliferous ore that fills a fissure in a rock


2- A narrow layer of a substance that forms in or fills a crack in rock.


3- And underground layer of a mineral such as coal or gold.

4- When minerals like bauxite all aluminum are formed by the deep weathering of a variety of
5- The soil deposited in riverbeds are known as alluvial deposits. _______________
Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-3
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth. Materials recovered by mining
include bauxite, coal, copper, gold, silver, diamond, shale, rock salt, tin, uranium, and molybdenum. Any material that
cannot be grown from agricultural process or created artificially in a laboratory or factory is usually mined. Mining can
also include extraction of petroleum natural gas and even water.
Underground modes of access include drift, slope and shaft mining and actual mining methods include long wall and
room and pillar mining. Slope mines usually begin in a valley bottom and a tunnel slope down to the coal to be mined.
Shaft mines are the deepest mines; a vertical shaft with an elevator is made from the surface down to the coal. In Western
Kentucky, one shaft mine reaches 1200 feet below the surface.

Question 1- What is mining?


Question 2 -Which materials recovered by mining?


Question 3 -How we can get the materials which cannot be grow or created artificially?

Question 4 -Write the underground modes of access.

Question 5 -Where the slope mines begin?
Question 6- Which mines are the deepest mines?
Question 7 -How the vertical shaft is made?
Question 8 -What is the length of a shaft mine?_______________________________________
Wall Mining
Rearrange the steps in a correct order to explain the method of longwall mining

1-This method of mining has proven to be more efficient than room and pillar mining
conventional room and pillar equipment and cannot be used in all geological circumstances.
2- After the coal is removed it drops onto a chain conveyor which moves it to a second
conveyor that will ultimately take the coal to the surface.
3-Mechanized shearers are used to cut and remove the coal at the face of the mine.
4-Most of the long wall panel is allowed to collapse behind the Shields which hold the roof
as coal is excavated.
5-In longwall mining only the main tunnels are bolted.
6-Temporary hydraulic powered roof supports hold up the roof as the extraction process
7-As mining continues roof bolts are placed in the ceiling to avoid ceiling collapse.
Correct order
Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-4
Topic Surface Mining

1-Overburden 2-Auger mines are operated 3- the rock is placed back 4-shallow
coal 5- to its natural slope 6- near the top of mountain 7- fill in valleys next to
the mine. 8- auger mining 9- forming a bench 10- contour mines are surface mines

Complete the following sentences to understand the Surface Mining.

1- Surface mining methods include area contour mountaintop removal and
2- Area mines are surface mines that remove _________________ over a broad area
where the land is fairly flat.
3- Huge dragline shovels commonly remove rocks overlaying the coal called
4- After the coal has been removed, ____________________________ into the pit.
5- ___________________________________ that mine coal in steep, hilly, or
mountainous terrain.
6- A wedge of overburden is removed along the coal outcrop on the side of a hill,
________________________at the level of the coal.
7- After the coal is removed, the overburden is placed back on the bench to return
the hill _____________________________
8- Mountaintop removal mines are special area mines used to wear several thick
coal seams occur ____________________________.
9- Large quantities of overburden are removed from the top of the mountains, and
this material is used to ________________________________
10- ____________________________on surface mine benches before they are
covered up; the coal in the side of the hill that can't reached by contour mining is
drilled or augured.
Match the following columns
Column-1 Column-2 Answers
1-Petra and oleum in the chemical industry
2-It is found in large quantities for mobility on land at sea in
the air
3-It is used as a fuel has steadily declined
4-Petroleum and its derivatives are used in the below the surface of the earth
manufacture of
5-In industrial societies petroleum use is used Meaning rock oil
6-In recent years the worldwide availability of petroleum will no longer be a
petroleum common commercial material.
by the mid-21st century
7-The oil is trapped in the crust of medicines fertilizers and food
8- Many experts forecast the upfold in a gas oil water

Write the following statements are true or false.

1- The study of minerals is called mineralogy. ___________
2- There are two types of minerals Macro minerals and trace minerals. ___________
3- The minerals quarts are found only in black and white color. ___________
4- Long wall mining is a type of surface mining. ___________
5- Approximately 99% of the human body is comprised with the minerals. ___________
6- The rough surface of metals is described as metallic luster. ___________
7- In general, the only people interested in rocks are geologist. ___________
8- There are three types of minerals, Micro, Macro and Trace. ___________
9- Crystals are used to run clocks. ___________
10- Diamond is the hardest rock in the world. ___________
Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-5
Fill in the blanks with correct words.
1-60 minerals 2-crude petroleum 3-supplements 4-crystal structure
5-organic 6-gas, oil, water 7-ongoing process
8-dereliction 9-extrection 10-cut and remove

1- All minerals belong to various __________________________ groups.

2- Minerals are neither animal nor vegetable they are in ________________
3- Mining in a wider sense can also include _______________ of petroleum, natural gas and
even water.
4- Mechanized shearers are used to _________________the coal at the face of the mine.
5- The oil is trapped in the crust of the up fold in a ______________________ sequence.
6- There are three broad classes of ___________________________exist.
7- The human body at least needs _______________________ to maintain a healthy life.
8- Some of the best __________________ today contain no more than 10 to 15 minerals.
9- ______________________can also be hazardous to health.
10- Rehabilitation management is an __________________________.

TOPIC; Characteristic off petroleum

Write the missing words to complete the chemical composition of all petroleum.

1-0.125% petroleum 2-hydrocarbons 3-gasoline to liquid 4-deposit of natural gas

5-consistency of petroleum varies 6-barely pour
The chemical composition of all petroleum is principally ___________________,
although a sulfur content varies from about ________________________contains
gaseous liquid and solid elements the _____________________________ from
liquid as seen as ____________________so thick that it will _________________.
Small quantities of gaseous compounds are usually down low dissolved in the
liquid when larger quantities of these compounds are present the petroleum deposit
is associated with a _____________________________
Topic formation of petroleum
Complete the given sentence to understand the formation of petroleum.

1- Petroleum is formed under Earth's surface by the

2- __________________________ that live in the sea are in mashed with the
fine sands and silts that settle to the bottom in quiet sea basins.
3- Such deposits, which are rich in organic materials become the source rocks for
4- The process began many millions of years ago
______________________________, and it continues to this day.
5- The sediments grow thicker and sink into the sea floor
6- As additional deposits pile up, the pressure on the once below increases
several thousand times____________________________.

7- The mud and sand hardened into shell and sandstone; carbonate precipitates
and skeletal shells harden into limestone; and the remains of the dead
organisms are _____________________________________.

8- Once the petroleum forms it flows upward in earth’s crust


9- ______________________________ rise into the microscopic pores of the

courser sediments laying above.

10- ________________________________, however, does not encounter

impermeable rock but instead flows out at the surface of earth or onto the
ocean floor.
Topic; Major products of Oil Refineries
Question- Write the major products of oil refineries.
Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-6
Choose the correct answer.

1- Which of the following is nonmetallic mineral resource?

a-garnet b-iron c-gypsum
2- Which of the following statement about recycling is true?
a-Recycling won’t help humans meet future need.
b-Recycling is a way to reuse materials rather than obtain new one.
C-Recycling take more energy than obtaining the new material.
3- Which rock is used to manufacture cement?
a-shale b-granite c-limestone
4- Placer deposits of gold commonly occur.
a-in straight river channels b-on the side of meander loops c-in large deltas
5- Bauxite is ore of
a-aluminum b-iron c-copper
6- Sources of hydrocarbons are
a-fish b-plankton c-plants
7- Temperature window for oil information is.
a-between 10 t0 50C C-between 60 and 100C d-between 200
and 300C
8- World’s major coal deposits were made during
a-Jurassic b-Ordovician c-carboniferous
9- Which of the following is an example of a mineral that is a chemical
a-quartz b-sulfur c-gold
10- Which of the following cannot help you to identify a mineral?
a-crystal structure b-number c-hardness
Importance of Minerals in Human Life
Complete the Table!
Mineral Major Functions Deficiency Food Sources
Name Effects
1. Calcium Makes up bone and teeth’s, children-stunted
muscle construction, blood growth adults-
pressure, clotting, nerve bone loss
function osteoporosis
2.Chromium helps insulin move glucose abnormal glucose
from blood into cells metabolism
3. Fluoride helps make bones and teeth susceptibility to
stronger, helps teeth resist tooth decay
4. Iodine a component of thyroid Goiter, cretinism
hormone-helps regulate
growth, development,
5. Iron part of hemoglobin-carries anemia,
oxygen in blood, myoglobin weakness,
carries oxygen in muscle headaches,
immunity, low
cold tolerance
6. Magnesium mineralization of bones and weakness, muscle
teeth, helps enzyme’s twitches,
function, muscle confusion,
construction nerve convulsions,
transmission bizarre muscle
7. Phosphorus bones and teeth; DNA; weakness, bone
phospholipids (part of cell pain
8. Potassium maintains normal fluid and muscular
electrolytes balance, assists weakness,
nerve impulses transmission paralysis,
and muscle contraction confusion (due to
9. Selenium antioxidants, works with keshan disease,
vitamin E muscle
cataracts, low
form, fragile red
blood cells, heart
10. Sodium maintains normal fluid and muscle cramps,
electrolyte balance, assists mental apathy,
nerve impulse transmission. loss of appetite
Unit 1- Mineral Resources Activity-7
Topic-Conserving our mineral resources. (PG.184)
Fill in the missing words!
Well natural resources are _________________________and so need of its conservation
has come up. First the problems-population growth and no sustainable exploitation are
two major factors which is the____________, and we need to think about checking both.
__________________ in last few decades has put a lot of pressure on our natural
resources and this has led to _________________.
____________________ is an important idea and should be the basis of our living
standards. We need to stop ___________________ and try to reuse everything possible.
We need to understand that natural resources are_______________ and overexploitation
will harm not only us but the coming generation more. According to one estimate
_________________will be exhausted in about another 60 years tin in 35 years, gold in
less than 30 years and diamonds and oil in 25 and 40 years respectively if we keep
_______________ them at the present rate.
Question-Which six measures we should follow to prolong the life of our mineral
Topic land rehabilitation
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below!
Land rehabilitation is the process of returning the lands in a given area to some degree of its
former self, after some process (Business, industry, natural disaster etc) has damaged it.
Projects and development will result in the land becoming degraded, for example mining,
farming, and forestry.
Modern mine rehabilitation aims to minimize and mitigate the environmental effects of modern
mining, which may in the case of open pit mining involves movement of significant volumes of
rock. Often in gold mines, rehabilitation is performed by scavenger operations which treat the
soil within the plants area for spilled goals using modified placer mining gravity collection
For underground mines, rehabilitation is not always a significant problem or cost. This is
because of the higher grade of the ore and lower volumes of waste rock and tailing.

Question1- What are the meanings off term land rehabilitation?

Question 2-Which type of the projects can be resulted in the land degraded?
Question 3-What is the aim of modern mine rehabilitation?
Question 4-How the rehabilitation is performed in gold mines?

Question 5- Why rehabilitation is not always a significant problem or cost for

underground mines?

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