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Heat Shock Protein Expression in Rat Skeletal Muscle After

Repeated Applications of Pulsed and Continuous Ultrasound
Ethne L. Nussbaum, PhD, PT, Marius Locke, PhD
ABSTRACT. Nussbaum EL, Locke M. Heat shock protein a topic of investigation.3 Ultrasound treatment disrupts cellular
expression in rat skeletal muscle after repeated applications components and can also increase tissue temperature. Stressors

of pulsed and continuous ultrasound. Arch Phys Med Reha- that perturb cellular homeostasis are known to induce proteins
bil 2007;88:785-90. known as stress proteins or heat shock proteins (HSPs). HSPs
are cytoprotective proteins expressed in all cells in response to
Objective: To determine whether repeated ultrasound treat- proteotoxic (protein damaging) stressors.4 As “molecular chap-
ments are capable of increasing the expression of heat shock erones,” HSPs have been shown to play roles in protein for-

protein (HSP) 72 and HSP 25 in rat skeletal muscles. mation, maturation, and degradation, as well as in the transport
Design: In vivo, experimental, controlled study. and assembly of newly formed proteins.5 It is thought that the
Setting: Animal laboratory. HSPs’ chaperonelike functions confer protection to cells and
Animals: Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n⫽9). tissues against damage by adverse physiologic conditions.6,7
Interventions: Ultrasound (1MHz, 15min, 2.0cm2 trans- For example, the transgenic overexpression of HSP 70 in
ducer) continuous at 1.0W/cm2 spatial average temporal aver- muscles in mice reduces damage after cryoinduced lesions.8
age intensity (CONTUS) or pulsed at 2.0W/cm2 spatial average Similarly, overexpression of HSP 25 in stably transfected myo-
temporal peak intensity 50% duty cycle (PULS50) was applied blasts produces dose-dependent protection against hydrogen

on 4 consecutive days to the lower leg muscles of 1 hindlimb peroxide–induced damage.9 Although HSPs are well known for
in each rat (n⫽9). their chaperone abilities that control the quality of protein
Main Outcome Measures: Twenty-four hours after the final folding and other protein-related functions, it has recently been
ultrasound application, hindlimb muscles were removed,
shown that HSPs are associated with a number of signaling
weighed, and assessed for HSP 72 and HSP 25 content by molecules.10 Thus, induction of HSPs may have other impor-
Western blotting. Bands from blots were quantified and data tant implications for influencing cell physiology. Given that
were assessed using t tests (␣⫽.05). HSPs are known to be involved in protein processes and that
Results: Ultrasound did not affect core or contralateral hind- ultrasound may influence protein formation and function, it
limb muscle temperature. Average muscle temperatures during

seems relevant to investigate the effect of ultrasound on levels

the final day ultrasound treatments were 38.71°⫾0.30°C when of HSP.
using PULS50 and 38.16°⫾0.57°C when using CONTUS. Previous studies11,12 assessing HSP expression after ultrasound
PULS50 significantly increased HSP 25 content in the plantaris have shown that 12 treatments of pulsed-mode ultrasound (1MHz;
and soleus muscles and HSP 72 content in the plantaris mus-

2.5W/cm2 spatial average temporal peak intensity [ISATP], 20%

cles. CONTUS significantly increased HSP 72 content in the duty cycle) increased HSP expression in chondrocytes of arthritic
white gastrocnemius muscle. cartilage in the rat knee. Because ultrasound was applied in a 20°C
Conclusions: HSPs can be induced in skeletal muscle when water bath, which is below physiologic temperature for the rat, it
ultrasound is used on a repeated basis to treat soft tissue. may be assumed that thermal effects were not a factor in the HSP
Key Words: Heat shock proteins; Muscle, skeletal; Rats, induction. We previously investigated whether a single ultrasound
Sprague-Dawley; Rehabilitation; Ultrasound. treatment might induce HSPs.13 Our work showed that HSP 72
© 2007 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi- content was not increased in rat skeletal muscles after a single
cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and

15-minute application of 1-MHz ultrasound performed by using

Rehabilitation continuous-mode (1.0W/cm2 ISATP) or pulsed-mode ultrasound
(1.0W/cm2 or 2.0W/cm2 ISATP, 20% and 50% duty cycles, respec-
HE BIOPHYSICAL EFFECTS OF ultrasound have been tively). Although some of these protocols significantly increased
T 1,2
well documented. However, the mechanism(s) by which local muscle temperatures to levels similar to those known to

ultrasound provides beneficial effects to cells and tissues remains induce HSPs, no increase in the major HSP (HSP 72) was detected
in the treated muscles. Although the exact reason for the lack of an
HSP response in our previous work remains unclear, either a

single treatment or the duration that tissues were exposed to

elevated temperatures may have been insufficient to induce an
From the Department of Physical Therapy, Mount Sinai Hospital and Faculty of
Medicine, (Nussbaum) and Faculty of Physical Education and Health (Locke), Uni-
HSP response.

versity of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. In view of the fact that clinical applications of ultrasound for
Presented in part to the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, May 27-30 2004, soft-tissue conditions would typically involve repeated appli-
Quebec City, QC, Canada. cations, it was of interest to determine if multiple treatments
Supported in part by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (grant no. OGP0183742).
over several days were capable of increasing HSP content in
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research skeletal muscle.
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the author(s) or upon any
organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. METHODS
Correspondence to Ethne L. Nussbaum, PhD, PT, Mount Sinai Hospital, Rm 1160,
600 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1X5, Canada, e-mail: enussbaum@ Reprints are not available from the author.
0003-9993/07/8806-11027$32.00/0 Adult male (weight range, 437⫺688g) Sprague-Dawley rats
doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2007.03.020 (n⫽9) were used in these experiments. All experiments and

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 88, June 2007


procedures were approved by the Animal Care Committee of Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis and Immunoblotting
the University of Toronto. Animals were maintained on a The separation of muscle proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate
12-hour dark-light cycle, housed at 20°⫾1°C, 50% relative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by HSP identifi-
humidity, and fed and watered ad libitum. Rats were anesthe- cation by Western blotting was performed as previously de-
tized with intraperitoneal sodium pentobarbital (65mg/kg) dur- scribed.13 Briefly, muscles or muscle portions were homoge-
ing all procedures. Hair on both lower hindlimbs was removed nized in 600mmol/L of NaCl and 15mmol/L of Tris pH 7.5,
by using clippers followed by the application of a depilatory and protein concentration was determined by using the method
cream. Twenty-four hours after the final ultrasound treatment, of Lowry et al.14 One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate
rats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal sodium pentobarbi- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was performed according to
tal (65mg/kg), and the plantaris, soleus, and white gastrocne- the method described by Laemmli,15 except that the separating
gel (0.15⫻4.5⫻8cm) consisted of a 10% polyacrylamide slab

mius muscles were carefully removed, weighed, and frozen in
liquid nitrogen. gel. Equal amounts of protein (100␮g/lane for the white gas-
trocnemius and plantaris, 50␮g/lane for the soleus muscle)
from homogenized muscles (control, CONTUS, and PULS50
Ultrasound Treatments
treatment) were separated. After electrophoretic separation,
Ultrasound treatments were applied to anesthetized animals

proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (thick-
at 24-hour intervals on 4 consecutive days by using an Excel ness, 0.22␮m)d as described by Towbin et al16 by using the
Ultramax ultrasound unita recently calibrated by the manufac- Bio-Rad miniprotean II gel transfer system.d After protein
turer. Novel features of this device have been described previ- transfer, blots were reacted with antibodies specific for HSP 72
ously.13 A sensing circuit continuously monitors the delivered or HSP 25e diluted 1:2500 in Tris-buffered saline with 2%
intensity of ultrasound and displays the amount as a percentage nonfat dried milk as previously described.17 Immunoblots were
of prescribed intensity. Thus, possible transmission loss can be scanned by using an Agfa Arcus II scanner,f and quantification
compensated for by increasing treatment time. of bands from immunoblots was performed by using Kodak 1D
2.0 Image Analysis Software.g Standard curves were con-

Nine animals received 1-MHz ultrasound for a duration of
15 minutes applied by using either (1) continuous mode at structed to assure linearity.
1.0W/cm2 (spatial average temporal average intensity [ISATA]) Analyses
(CONTUS) (n⫽4) or (2) pulsed mode at 2.0W/cm2 (ISATP) by
using a 50% duty cycle (PULS50) (n⫽5). Beam nonuniformity Data obtained from ultrasound treated and contralateral (un-
ratio was 4 to 1; pulses of 2ms in duration were repeated at treated) muscles were analyzed by using Student t tests. In all
100-Hz pulse-repetition frequency. In all cases, only 1 hind- cases, the level of significance was set at ␣ equal to .05.
limb was treated, whereas the untreated contralateral limb RESULTS

muscles served as a control. The skin overlying the lower

hindlimb muscles was moistened with tap water and ultrasound Muscle Mass
was applied in contact by using gel coupling. The 1.6-m
Absolute muscle mass for the soleus, plantaris, and gastroc-
diameter ultrasound transducer head was moved in a circular nemius muscles after 4 consecutive days of either CONTUS or

fashion over an area of skin equal to twice the area of the PULS50 ultrasound treatments are shown in table 1. When
transducer, at an approximate rate of 4.0cm/s. Care was taken compared with respective contralateral controls by using the
throughout to ensure that incident ultrasound was normal to the Student t test, there were no significant changes in muscle mass
skin surface. The sensing circuit of the device showed that after treatment (P range, .15⫺.74). To correct for differences in
during application the transmission rate of ultrasound was muscle mass because of body mass, muscle mass was also
consistently greater than 80% of the set intensity. expressed relative to body mass. Again, no significant differ-
ences in relative muscle mass were detected (P⬎.05). These
Core and Muscle Temperature results show that significant swelling did not occur in treated

During all ultrasound treatments, rectal temperature was muscles as a consequence of CONTUS or PULS50 after 4
recorded by using a thermistor TSD 102C probe.b The ther- consecutive days of treatment.
mistor was attached to a Biopac data-acquisition systemc linked
to a Power Macintosh G3 computer equipped with Acknowl-

edge MP-100 software system (version 3.2.1)b that allowed for Table 1: Body Mass Values on Day 1 and Muscle Mass Values
continuous recording of rectal temperatures. During ultra- After the Final Treatment on Day 4

sound, rectal temperature was carefully maintained as close to

Body Plantaris Gastrocnemius
37°C as possible by using a warming pad under the animal. Ultrasound Mass (g) Soleus (g) (g) (g)
After ultrasound treatment, animals were revived by the oral
administration of water. Twenty-four hours after the final ul- Continuous

trasound treatment, rats were anesthetized, and the plantaris, ultrasound

soleus, and white gastrocnemius muscles were excised, quickly Control
0.23⫾0.04 0.51⫾0.02 2.65⫾0.08
weighed, and frozen in liquid nitrogen until further analyses. Treated 0.26⫾0.03 0.57⫾0.05 2.64⫾0.05
During the final ultrasound treatment, local muscle temper- Pulsed
ature was measured bilaterally by using 3-cm sterile needle ultrasound
thermistors inserted along the Achilles’ tendons into the deep Control
0.21⫾0.02 0.45⫾0.03 2.29⫾0.17
portion of the triceps surae muscle group. The tip of the Treated 0.23⫾0.01 0.50⫾0.03 2.29⫾0.16
thermistor was positioned at a tissue depth of about 1cm and
NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ standard error of the mean (SEM). No
within the ultrasound treatment area. Muscle thermistors were statistically significant differences were detected between the con-
attached to a Physiotemp (model TH-8)c connected to a Biopac trol and treated muscles in the continuous or pulsed ultrasound
data-acquisition system as described for rectal temperature. groups.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 88, June 2007


Table 2: Rectal and Muscle Temperatures Before and During the Final Treatment of Either Continuous or Pulsed Ultrasound on Day 4
Rectal Temperature (°C) Muscle Temperature (°C)

Ultrasound Pre Post Pre Post

Continuous ultrasound 36.91⫾0.19 37.10⫾0.16 Control 36.17⫾0.21 37.03⫾0.60

Treated 36.24⫾0.35 38.16⫾0.57*
Pulsed ultrasound 36.96⫾0.16 37.18⫾0.07 Control 36.45⫾0.32 36.81⫾0.08
Treated 36.79⫾0.31 38.71⫾0.30*

NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SEM.

*Significant differences (P⬍.05) from preultrasound values.

Core Temperature proved to be significant (P⫽.02, P⫽.004, respectively). There
Rectal temperature was measured before and during each was a 4-fold increase in HSP 72 content in the white gastroc-

ultrasound treatment (table 2). The average rectal temperature nemius muscles after pulsed ultrasound (fig 2B); however, this
of PULS-treated animals was 36.96°⫾0.16°C before the ultra- result was not statistically significant (P⫽.14). There were no
sound and 37.18°⫾0.07°C after ultrasound; for CONTUS- statistically significant changes in HSP 72 content in the soleus
treated animals, the average rectal temperature was 36.91°⫾ muscles after CONTUS or PULS50 ultrasound (P⫽.20,
0.19°C before ultrasound and 37.10°⫾0.16°C after ultrasound. P⫽.99, respectively). These results suggest that repeated ultra-
These changes were not statistically significant (P⫽.44, P⫽.19, sound treatments to mammalian muscle may increase the con-
respectively). Furthermore, these temperatures were well be- tent of certain HSPs.
low body temperatures known to activate the stress response in

rat skeletal muscle.17 DISCUSSION
Therapeutic ultrasound is usually applied on a repeated basis
Muscle Temperature
to allow for possible cumulative effects of treatment.18,19 Ul-
To avoid repeated trauma to the muscles from the insertion
on trasound is thought to promote the healing of soft-tissue inju-
of the needle thermistor, muscle temperature was only recorded ries yet the mechanism of action remains uncertain. HSPs are
during the last ultrasound treatment. Before both continuous induced in cells after perturbations to cellular protein ho-
and pulsed ultrasound, the nontreated and the ultrasound- meostasis and have been shown to repair damaged or denatured
treated muscles showed similar muscle temperatures (see table 2). proteins, thereby protecting cells from normally lethal stres-

As expected, in nontreated contralateral control limbs, there sors. Although temperature is a primary inducer of HSPs, other
was no increase in muscle temperature during the 15-minute stressors such as metabolic or mechanical stresses are also
continuous-ultrasound (36.17°⫾0.21°C to 37.03°⫾0.60°C, P⫽ capable of inducing certain HSPs. The novel finding of this
.12) or pulsed-ultrasound treatment (36.45°⫾0.32°C to 36.81°⫾ study is that repeated daily treatments of pulsed and to a lesser

0.08°C, P⫽.25) to the treated hindlimb. In contrast, in the extent, continuous ultrasound, increased HSP content in certain
treated limbs, the temperature increased significantly in the mammalian skeletal muscles. Our failure to find statistical
CONTUS-treated muscle (36.24°⫾0.35°C to 38.16°⫾0.57°C, significance in the increased HSPs in white gastrocnemius
P⬍.04) and similarly in the PULS-treated muscles (36.79°⫾ muscles in this study may be related to the small sample size.
0.31°C to 38.71°⫾0.30°C, P⫽.002). Although both pulsed- We investigated 2 modes of ultrasound in an attempt to
and continuous-ultrasound treatments increased muscle tem- elucidate the mechanism by which HSPs might be increased in
perature, the temperature achieved was below temperatures muscle tissue after repeated applications of ultrasound. One
known to activate the stress response in rat skeletal muscle.17 mode comprised continuous ultrasound to ascertain whether

HSP induction was dependent mainly on the thermal compo-

HSP 25 Expression After Ultrasound Treatment nent of the treatment, whereas a second mode was comprised
A visual inspection of Western blots showed an increase of of pulsed ultrasound. The latter mode was used to account for
HSP 25 content in the plantaris, soleus, and white gastrocne- the possibility that HSP induction might be dependent on the
mius muscles after pulsed-ultrasound treatments (fig 1A). The peak intensity applied, rather than the amount of local heat

results are shown graphically in figure 1B. The changes in the generated. The temporal average intensities of ultrasound were
plantaris and soleus muscles were significant (P⫽.025, P⫽ equivalent for PULS50 and CONTUS (1.0W/cm2 ISATA), and
.007, respectively). There was a 4-fold increase in HSP 25

they produced equal increases in muscle temperature (1.92°C).

content in the white gastrocnemius muscle by using pulsed This was expected because it is known that the heating rate of
ultrasound, which proved to be marginally significant (P⫽.05). ultrasound is directly related to temporal average intensity of
Visually, there was marginal change in HSP 25 content in the the power used.20 It should be noted that no significant thermal

white gastrocnemius muscle after CONTUS; the 50% increase shock was experienced in our model because muscle temper-
was not statistically significant (P⫽.16). There was no statis- atures never exceeded 39°C for any substantial length of time.
tically significant increase in HSP 25 content in the soleus or From this, we conclude that any effects of ultrasound in this
plantaris muscles after continuous ultrasound. study were not primarily mediated by local heat but by the
mechanical effects of ultrasound on the tissue. The temporal
HSP 72 Expression After Ultrasound Treatment peak intensity of the PULS50 protocol (2.0W/cm2 ISATP) was
Western blots showed increases in HSP 72 content in the white twice that of CONTUS (1.0W/cm2 ISATP) and HSP increased in
gastrocnemius muscle when using PULS50 and CONTUS and in muscles to a greater extent when using the pulsed mode. It is
the plantaris muscle when using PULS50 (fig 2A). The change known that the athermal effects of ultrasound and the likeli-
in HSP 72 content in the white gastrocnemius muscle after hood of producing cavitation in the tissues depend largely on
CONTUS and in the plantaris muscle when using PULS50 the temporal peak intensity of power in the sound field.20 This

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 88, June 2007


Fig 1. HSP 25 content is increased
after pulsed-ultrasound treatment.
(A) Portions of Western blots re-
acted with HSP 25 antibody. (B)
Graphical representation of HSP

content obtained from densitomet-

ric scanning of the Western blots.
NOTE. Values are mean ⴞ standard
error of the mean (SEM) and ex-
pressed as a percentage of their re-
spective contralateral control.
*Statistical significance (P<.05)
from their respective contralateral

suggests that mechanical perturbation is the major factor in We cannot determine whether the HSPs induced in the present
HSP induction by ultrasound. Further investigation is required study represent a marker of damage or induction of a protective
to determine the effects on HSP induction of repeated ultra- response. However, given that no increase in muscle mass (ie,

sound applications by using temporal peak intensity values no swelling) was observed, it appears that the induction was
greater or less than 2.0W/cm2 ISATP 50% duty cycle. not in response to damage. We hypothesize that a hormesis
In the present study, significant induction of HSPs was effect may have occurred whereby ultrasound provided a mild

observed without evidence of the development of tissue edema. subinhibitory stress on tissues, which induced HSPs in an effort
Notwithstanding the absence of overt signs of tissue damage, it to withstand subsequent perturbations from ultrasound.
is possible that mechanical effects of repeated ultrasound treat- Other studies investigating effects of ultrasound on soft

ments, and especially ultrasound delivered at high temporal tissue healing have shown the benefit of multiple exposures.
peak intensity, perturbed cells and tissues to the extent that the For example, Karnes and Burton21 applied continuous-mode
stress response was activated followed by HSPs accumulation. ultrasound to rat beginning on day 1 in a model of exercise-
It is of interest to note that in preliminary unpublished work we induced muscle injury; progressively increasing benefit was
observed significant induction of HSPs after a single 15-minute observed from daily ultrasound. However, the difference be-
application of continuous mode ultrasound at considerably tween treated and untreated muscles only reached a significant
higher intensity than that used in the present study (1.5W/cm2 level on day 7. In contrast, Fisher et al22 found that daily pulsed
ISATA). However, treatment at that intensity was associated ultrasound (1.0W/cm2 ISATP) increased protein content in rat
with intense swelling of the treated hindlimb. In the presence of gastrocnemius muscle on day 7 after impact trauma when
obvious damage, increased expression of HSPs might be con- compared with continuous-mode ultrasound but not when com-
sidered a “marker” of cell and tissue damage to the muscles. pared with untreated injured muscles. Fisher22 applied ultra-

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 88, June 2007


Fig 2. HSP 72 content is increased

in fast muscle after ultrasound

treatment. (A) Portions of Western
blots reacted with HSP 72 anti-
body. (B) Graphical representation

of HSP content obtained from den-

sitometric scanning of the Western
blots. NOTE. Values are mean ⴞ
SEM and expressed as a percent-
age of their respective contralat-
eral control. *Statistical signifi-
cance (P<.05) from their respective
contralateral control.

sound by using a temporal peak intensity that was half of that stressed soleus muscle already expresses relatively high HSP
used in the present study, which might explain the lack of 72 levels, it may be better equipped to endure cellular pertur-
benefit. Cumulative effects of other stressors have been re- bations caused by ultrasound and thus may not synthesize
ported; muscle from rats that were exercised only once (60min) additional HSP 72. In agreement with this, the soleus muscle

did not result in elevated HSP 72 content. However, a signif- showed little, if any, increase in HSP 72 content 24 hours after
icant increase was noted when rats were exercised on 3 con- a 15-minute 42°C heat stress.17 In contrast, faster muscles, such
secutive days.23 Thus, although a single exposure to a stressor

as the white gastrocnemius and plantaris, which are known to

may, in some cases, be insufficient to elicit an HSP response, contain relatively lower basal HSP 72 levels, may be less well
repetitive exposures to the same stressor may allow for signif- protected and thus rapidly synthesize additional HSP 72 to
icant accumulation of HSPs. Because we only examined HSP cope with any perturbations caused by ultrasound. Thus, this

expression after 4 days, the precise temporal pattern of HSP

fiber-type–specific expression of HSP 72 may explain the pat-
accumulation and any conferred benefit on healing remains to
be determined. tern of HSP 72 expression observed in response to ultrasound
The constitutive or basal expression of HSP 72 appears to in the present study.
follow a fiber-type–specific pattern of expression such that We observed significant increases in HSP 25 content in the
slow twitch muscles (soleus) express a relatively high level in soleus and plantaris as well as large (4-fold) but nonsignificant
the “unstressed” state.24 An increased HSP 72 expression was increases in the white gastrocnemius muscles after only pulsed
detected in the white gastrocnemius muscle after continuous ultrasound. HSP 72 followed a different pattern of expression,
ultrasound and in the fast plantaris muscle after both pulsed and which suggests that the different ultrasound treatments (pulsed
continuous ultrasound. Although the exact reasons for this vs continuous) may work to increase HSP content by different
pattern of expression remain undetermined, because the un- HSP inducing pathways.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 88, June 2007


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Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2006;290:C1128-38. 14650.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 88, June 2007

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