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Teacher: Teaching Time:

Angielyn V. Montibon Date:


A. Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of
Standards literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including
Philippine Literature.

B. Learning The students are able to compose an independent critique of a chosen selection ( EN10WC-
Competencies IIIg-14)

C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. share insights on the literary piece titled “ The Aged Mother” by Matsuo Basho;
b. provide meanings of the words found in the story through dictionary or context clues;
c. explain how tone and mood contribute to the theme of the story ; and
d. create an independent critique of the story titled “ The Aged Mother”

II. CONTENT/ Subject Matter: Writing an Independent Critique

TOPIC “The Aged Mother” by Matzuo Basho (story)

Language Focus: Context Clues

1. English 10: Quarter 3- Module 3- Lesson 1: Compose an Independent Critique of A Chosen
Teacher’s Guide Selection, First Edition, 2021

2. Learning Cartolina , marker, LCD and visual aids

IV. Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminaries a. Prayer

b. Greetings

Good morning, class! How are you today? We’re good ma’am!

That’s good to hear because today we will unravel another

lesson that will surely help you improve your writing skills.

c. Checking of attendance

But before that, may I request our class secretary to check your
attendance and submit to me the list of absents this period.

As we step forward, let us be guided with our classroom rules.

Let’s all be reminded of the word “ ENJOY”. Everybody please

E-nteract with your classmates with love and respect. (students will read the
N- ever use your phone when the class starts, unless necessary. classroom rules)
J- oin in every activities we have
O- bey all the rules given to you.
Y-ou only live once, make your day extraordinary today!

Again let us all be reminded with the word….? ENJOY!

Are the rules clear to you? Yes, ma’am.

Who among you hear cannot see or hear properly? I can transfer
you here in front.

B. Review
Who among you here can recall what we did last meeting? Last meeting ma’am we
watched a film titled
“2037 “ and after that
we made a movie

What are the steps when we write a movie review? We put first the title
ma’am and the name of
the director. After that
we make the plot and
what are the important
events found in the
movie. We also write the
characters that caught
our attention. Then, we
wrote our opinion on
what are the strengths
and weaknesses of the
film. And then the last
thing we do is to state
whether we will
recommend it to others
or not.

Who are the main characters of the story? The main characters of
the story are: Yoon
young and Kyungsook,

What is the story all about? The story is all about a

19-year-old girl
Yunyoung ma’am. She’s
dreamed of becoming a
civil servant to support
her deaf mother, gets
into an accident one day
and is framed as a
murderer. In the
women's prison, where
she's called by her prison
number '2037' instead of
her name, her fellow
inmates in cell 10 gather
together to help Yoon-

How did you feel after watching the video? I am so emotional after
watching the video
ma’am because the main
character endures a lot of
pain. I also pitied her
deaf mother so much
because she did not even
miss a chance to
become a mother to
Yoon Young even it is a
very hard situation for
the both of them.

Can you recommend this story to your friends, family or Yes, ma’am. This movie
others? is highly recommendable
to others because the
message of the story will
surely touch their hearts
just like mine!

Thank you so much for that, I can see that you are truly touched
with the movie that you have watched last meeting. I can see
also that you have understood the process on how to make a
movie review.

C. Purpose ELICIT

This time, you will be divided into three groups.

Team Kind
Team Brave
Team Patience

As you can see, I have here a behavioral chart. If a member

from your tribe misbehaved, a badge will be removed which
means a deduction from your points. Alongside our behavioral
chart is the scoreboard where all your scores will be recorded.
Each badge is equivalent to five points. And the team who will
gain highest points in our overall activities will be announced as

Is it clear with you? Yes, ma’am

Before we jump to our lesson proper, let's have an activity first,

and this activity is titled “Paint me a picture ”. For the
instruction: A statement/ scenario will be flashed on the screen.
You will be given 10 seconds to prepare or act what is being
flashed on the screen. And when I say “freeze”, all of you
should not move. The team who will portay the best picture
will be receiving 5 points.

Are my instructions clear? Yes, ma’am.

1. Paint me a picture of an hungry old woman asking for food to
the rich people.

2. Paint me a picture of a farmer carrying his mother up to the

foot of the mountain.

3. Paint me a picture of a mother who is willing to do

everything just for the sake of his son.

Did you enjoy our first activity? Yes, ma’am.

While doing our first activity what are the things that you can I can picture out the
picture out? poverty of a family
ma’am or a mother’s
love towards her child.

Base on the activity that we did a while ago what do you think I think ma’am we are
would be our lesson this morning? going to discuss a story
of a mother and son?

Alright, thank you so much for that. Today we are going to

unravel another story, but before that, let us read first our lesson

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

a. share insights on the literary piece titled “ The Aged Mother” (students will read the
objectives aloud)
by Matsuo Basho;
b. provide meanings of the words found in the story through
dictionary or context clues;
c. explain how tone and mood contribute to the theme of the
story ; and
d. create an independent critique of the story titled “ The Aged

D. Examples/
Instances of New ENGAGE
This time, we will have another game titled “ Fix me I’m
Broken! I need and Explanation”

Instruction: Try to look of the pieces of pictures under your arm

chairs. Each group has 5 broken pieces of picture. The owner of
the chairs who has a broken pieces of picture must paste it on
the board and cooperate together so that it can be assembled
easily. The team who will be the first to assemble the broken
pieces of picture will receive 5 points.
Are the instructions clear?

Yes, ma’am.

The old woman was neglected by her children. The stench of

the water around her was like the smell of a rotten fish.


Children had few infractions of the house rules that they should
have done as part of their responsibilities.


A retirement home is a multi-residence housing facility that is

intended for the elderly.

Were you able to give the meaning of the words correctly Yes, ma’am
without looking at your dictionary?

To give you a prior understanding on what we are going to

discuss today, we will watch a video about a Japanese folklore
titled “The Story of the Aged Mother” by Matsuo Basho. All
you have to do is listen and take note of important details out
from the video for I will be asking questions later.

“The Story of the Aged Mother”

by Matsuo Basho


Long, long ago there lived at foot of the mountain a poor farmer
and his aged, widowed mother. They owned a bit of land which
supplied them with food, and they were humble, peaceful, and

The country of Shining was ruled by a governor. He was a

despotic and very cruel ruler. He thought that aged people were
useless. The unhealthy and old people would drain away the
wealth doing nothing for the development of his country. The
circumstances were not favourable for the aged people. Once,
he declared that all the aged people must be put to death.

The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence,
and the order filled his heart with sorrow. But, the youth
prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest mode
of death.

After preparing all the things he needed. The poor farmer lifted
his helpless old mother to his back and started on his painful
journey up the mountain. The road was long and steep. In some
place, they lost and confuse, but he gave no heed. He went,
climbing blindly upward towards the summit.

The eyes of the old mother were not so dim but they noted the
reckless, and her loving heart grew anxious. Her son did not
know the mountain’s many paths and his return might be of
danger. So, she stretched forth her hand and snapping the twigs
from brushes as they passed, she quietly dropped a handful
every few steps of the way. At last the summit was reached.

With tearful eyes and an aching heart the farmer said farewell.
The trembling mother’s voice was full of unselfish love as she
gave her last injunction. The son’s surprised eyes looked back
over the path, then at the poor old, shriveled hands all scratched
and soiled by their work of love. His heart broke within and
bowing to the ground. And together they went back.

The son hid his mother in a closet beneath the kitchen floor,
supplying her with everything she needed.

Time passed, the governor sent forth heralds bearing an

unreasonable order. His demand was that his subjects should
present him with a rope of ashes.

One night, in great distress, the mother told the farmer what to
do. “Make rope of twisted straw, then stretch it upon a row of
flat stones and burn it on a windless night.”

He called the people together and did as she said. Behold, upon
the stones lay a rope with ashes.

The governor was pleased at the wit of the youth, and he

demanded to know where he had obtained his wisdom. The
farmer related his story. The governor listened and then
meditated in silence. Finally, he lifted his head. That very hour
the cruel law was abolished, and custom drifted into as far a past
that only legends remain.

Yes, ma’am.
Did you enjoy the story?

What did you feel while watching the story? I feel so sad ma’am
because all of the aged
people in their country
was not given the equal

What do you think are the circumstances that led to the The country Shining was
abandoning of aged people in Shining? ruled by a governor. He
was a despotic and very
cruel ruler. He thought
that aged people were
useless. The unhealthy
and old people would
drain away the wealth
doing nothing for the
development of his
country. That is why he
declared that all the aged
people must be put to
How was the journey of the farmer up the mountain? His journey up the
mountain was very
painful both physically
and mentally. He lifted
his helpless mother to
his back and climbed up
the mountain. Moreover,
the road was long and
steep. It was narrow. He
lost his way at times. But
he went climbing blindly
upward until he reached
the summit.

That is right. If you were the poor farmer, will you obey the If I were the poor
governor’s decree? Why or why not? farmer, I will not obey
the decree. Even if my
mother is old, and she is
weak and fragile, she is
still my mother. I would
do anything to protect
and take care of her even
if I am poor and
Exactly, that’s why me must cherish every moments that we
have with our parents.

E. Discussing
New Concepts EXPLORE

This time, with the transcriptions of the story titled “ The Aged
Mother”, given to you, highlight the words that are not familiar
with you and provide your own meaning without looking at
your dictionary. Write the unfamiliar words and its meaning in
the chart given to you and paste it on the board. And please be
guided with this format.

Unfamiliar Words Meaning

 despotic Dictatorial
 reverence Deep respect for someone
 abolish Put an end

Alright, I can see that each group have lots of unfamiliar words
written on their charts.

(Each group will be asked to read their works and select a

representative to explain how did they know that it was the
exact meaning of those unfamiliar words)

Going back to your previous activity, what made you think that
those are the meanings of those words? The words used in the
sentence helped me to
find the exact meaning
of those words ma’am
because it gives me a
hint/ clue what is that
word means.

Yes very good! We can understand the word sometimes with

the clues we can find in a sentence.

Now that you are done assembling all the pieces of pictures and I think our lesson for
providing meanings of the underlined words given to you what today is all about context
do you think is our lesson this morning? clues ma’am.


You got it right _____! Our lesson this morning is all about
Writing an Independent Critique of a Chosen Selection with the
help of Context Clues.
Mastery Context clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or
passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new
or unfamiliar words. This clues are very helpful especially when
we are critiquing a literary piece or a story.

And for us to know more about how to write an independent

critique I will give a fact sheet to each group. With the same
group you will discuss among your members the contents of
those fact sheets given to you. After 15 minutes, I will select 2
representatives from each team to discuss your works.

For Team Kind, you are assigned to discuss what is a critical

analysis up to the summary part of making a critical analysis.
For Team Brave, you are going to discuss about the analysis and
conclusion part of making an critical analysis. And for the last
group you will be discussing about how the tone and mood
contribute to the theme of the story and what are the things to
consider when making an independent critique.

Critique ( Critical Analysis)

 is a an in-depth evaluation of a story, novel, film or

other reading/ viewing materials for the purpose of
giving the public an insight into the text.
 It seeks to shed light on the content of a “text” (the story,
novel, song, movie, etc.) in order to help future readers
or viewers understand better the material we can read or
watch next.

A critique could be : a critical essay, an article evaluating a

literary piece or a review.

Why do we need to critique a literary work?

 To know its overall value
 To determine the work’s strengths and weaknesses
Parts of A Critique

1. Introduction

 State the title of the work and the author’s thesis.

 Outline the main . ideas and identify the author’s thesis
 State your own thesis statement and your main idea
about the story. (objective)
 (Your own conclusion) - subjective

2. Summary
 Summarize the text in your own words (objective)

3. Analysis
 State what you like and do not like about the text
 Interpret and evaluate the text based on:
 How the text is organized
 The style and rhetoric
 How effective the message is
 Whether or not the author did justice to the
 How the text appealed to its target audience

4. Conclusion

 Restate your thesis in new words

 Summarize your main ideas if possible, with new and
stronger words
 Include a call to action (Subjective)

Critique also contains a careful evaluation mainly on the

elements of narrative. Mood and tone are two literary elements
that help create the main idea of a story. The mood is the
atmosphere of the story, and the tone is the author's attitude
towards the topic. We can identify both by looking at the
setting, characters, details, and word choices

Tone refers to the attitude a writer conveys toward the subject

matter and the reader. The tone of a document can affect how
the reader perceives the writer's intentions. These
perceptions, in turn, can influence the reader's attitude toward
the text and the writer. Mood is the feeling you get while
reading a story. This could be happiness, sadness, darkness,
anger, suspicion, loneliness, or even excitement.

Things to consider when writing an independent critique:

a. Avoid introducing your ideas by stating “ I think” or “in my

opinion” because this weakens the analysis.

b. Always introduce the work. Do not assume that the readers

know what you are writing about and that you don’t need to
mention some details anymore.

c. To be able to write a good critique and help readers

understand the story, you yourself should know well what you
are writing about.

Thank you so much presenters! That was a very good

explanation. I can see that you are all ready to write an
independent critique.

Finding Practical ELABORATE

Applications of
Concepts This time, you are going to work with your groupmates. With
the same group, make your own independent critique of the
story titled “ The Aged Mother” following the format presented
in our discussion. Your critique will be rated based on the given

Generalization Around of applause for yourselves because you have now
and Abstraction learned about how to write an independent critique.

This time, please take a look with this picture and read the text
at the top.

( students will read)

What do you think is the message behind this saying class? As I watch the video
being presented a while
ago ma’am, I realized
that this saying means
that a person gains
wisdom as he or she
ages. The "crown of
snow" indicates white

Precisely ___! When the despotic King said this line he realized Yes teacher. They are
that elders has lots of experience that made them wise and more than a mother
strategic at as time goes by. In your own opinion or as a when they take care of
students, do you think that elders has important roles in our us, and they have lots of
lives? advices base on their
own experience that will
help us to become
responsible and good
individual. There are lot
of things that they are
knowledgeable enough
that we cannot learn in

They deserve all our

love and care because
that’s the only way to
make them happy in
their last short period of
time living in this world.

As a student, how important is your knowledge in making a I think ma’am that

critique especially to this kind of situation? critiquing would help me
to see the bright side of
the author’s idea. As
what we have discussed
earlier, critiquing a
selection is not just
about finding the
selections’ weaknesses
but to see the shadow of
its strength. And with
this, I learned to
appreciate the deep
meaning of the selection,
which is to cherish
everything with our love
ones because time is
very limited,

Yes, exactly! Thank you so much for your active participation

class, I am rest assured that our topic today really puts mark on
your big heart and brilliant mind.

At this moment let us now review all your points you have
gained from our previous activities.
Congratulations to the winners and let’s give a good job clap for
our success this morning!

1. Evaluating EVALUATE
To further evaluate what you have learned within our discussion
today, we will have a short quiz. You are given 2 minutes to
answer all the questions.

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

____ 1.A critique is intended primarily to point out the faults or 1. FALSE
flaws in work.

____2. A critic is encouraged to write “ I think” or “ In my own 2. FALSE

opinion” .. in his/ her critical essay.

Identify the correct order to these steps in writing a critique by

assigning the numbers 1-3

_____3. Give a short summary of the story 3. (2)

_____4. State your analysis of the setting, characterization, plot 4. (1)

_____5. Give an overall evaluation of the story 5. (3)

Activities Now let’s look back with our lesson objectives.

Were you able to share insights on the literary piece titled “ The Yes, ma’am.
Aged Mother” by Matsuo Basho?

Were you able to provide meanings of the words found in the Yes, ma’am
story through dictionary or context clues;

Were you able to explain how tone and mood contribute to the Yes, ma’am
theme of the story ?

Were you able to create an independent critique of the story Yes, ma’am
“ The Aged Mother” ?

For your assignment, read the short story titled “ Clothes Make
the Man “ at the back of your fact sheets. Follow the format of
making an independent critique that we have discussed earlier .
In a separate sheet of paper, write the unfamiliar words with it’s
corresponding meaning by using the context clues or with your
dictionary. Your critique will be rated based on the given rubric.
None, ma’am.
Do you have any questions? Clarifications?

Hearing none, that’s all for today goodbye class! Goodbye, ma’am!

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Checked and Reviewed by

Cooperating Teacher

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