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Entrepreneurship Report - ASSIGNING TEAM’S TASKS

As a team, list all the jobs that needs to be done, and estimate the time for each job. It is best if all team
members work together in completing every task step by step – see left hand column below. Also, to
collaborate in editing & proofreading every completed task and adhering to Harvard WesternSydU style.

What needs doing? List required tasks. List names of team members who
As per the “Marking criteria & How long will it take to complete each collaborated in completing each task.
standards”. task? This is not an individual task!

1. Critically evaluate any

two current innovations,
of your choice, selected
from your team’s
allocated industry
(comprising various
enterprises) within the
Australian marketplace.
Refer to chapter 1.

2. Critically analyse
current marketing
activities of your
allocated ‘Enterprise –
brand’s product
category’ and its two
main competitors in the
Australian marketplace.
Refer to chapters 3-5.

3. Critically analyse
current microeconomics
conditions facing your
allocated ‘Enterprise –
brand’s product
category’ and its two
main competitors in the
Australian marketplace.
Refer to chapters 6 & 8.

Library Study Smart July 2016 Page 1 of 2
4. Link your team's
research analysis in
steps '1-3' to identify
and explain one (1)
problem facing your
allocated ‘Enterprise -
brand’s product
category’’ in the
Australian marketplace.

5. Apply creativity to
transform the one (1)
problem, see task 4, to
an innovation for a new
product within the same
allocated ‘Enterprise –
brand’s product
category’. Refer to
chapters 2 & 1.

6. Develop a marketing
mix strategy to launch
your new product in the
Australian marketplace.
Refer to chapters 4 & 5.

7. In-text citations –
Harvard WesternSydU

8. Reference List –
Harvard WesternSydU

Library Study Smart July 2016 Page 2 of 2

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