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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite


Mendez, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)861-0697
Name : ____________________________ Year/Track/Strand: ________________________Score: _________
Teacher: Sir Tristan R. Perey

final Examination in
Trends, Networks and 21st Century Critical Thinking Skills

I. Directions: Read each item carefully then choose the letter of the best answer.

_____ 1. Critical Thinking is to systematic thinking as Creative Thinking is to _____________.

a. Analytical Thinking c. Logical Thinking

b. Innovative Thinking d. Rational Thinking

_____ 2. The following are Critical Thinking skills EXCEPT _______-.

a. Effectively identify, analyze and evaluate arguments.

b. Effectively use intuition/ gut feel in decision making.
c. Effectively formulate convincing reasons in support of argument.
d. Make reasonable decisions about what to believe and what to do.

# 3- 10. Identify the Critical Thinking Standard described in each situation. Choose from the list below:

a. Clarity e. Depth
b. Accuracy f. Breath
c. Precision g. Logic
d. Relevance h. Fairness

_____ 3. Ability to give more details or be more specific.

_____ 4. The truthfulness of claims can be verified or confirmed.

_____ 5. Ability to give illustrations and elaborate a point in order to be clearer.

_____ 6. Considers the rights of others.

_____ 7. Thoughts are mutually supporting and make sense in combination.

_____ 8. Considers the other side of the argument or their point of view

_____ 9. Addresses the complexities of the problem and deals with the significant factors

_____ 10. Considers the connectedness of evidences/ facts with the problem.

# 11 – 15. Determine the barrier to critical thinking as illustrated in each item. Choose from the list below:

a. Egocentrism
b. Sociocentrism
c. Unwarranted Assumptions
d. Wishful Thinking
e. Relativism

_____ 11. One considers their own group to be inherently better than others; this is demonstrated by the biased
application of principles e.g. racism and discrimination

_____ 12. When a person grants undue weight or priority to their own interests to the expense of others interest, they
are guilty of self-interested thinking.
_____ 13. Inferential, non- logical reasoning; reasoning that lacks justification or evidences

_____ 14. When our primary reason for believing something is simply that we would prefer it be true.

_____ 15. There is no such thing as “objective” truth, only opinions which differ from person to person or society to

_____ 16. These are defects that weaken an argument; are very common and quite effective for an uncritical audience.

a. Fallacies c. Facts
b. Opinions d. Evidence

#17 – 25. Determine the type of fallacy in argument as illustrated in each item. Choose from the list below:

a. Post Hoc (False Cause) f. Appeal to Pity

b. Slippery Slope g. Appeal to Ignorance
c. Weak Analogy h. Red Herring
d. False Dichotomy i. Equivocation
e. f. Appeal to Authority

_____ 17. “Our water resources are worsening. It’s either we turn over our waterworks system to a private company or
we continue the waterworks managements ourselves and suffer later”

_____ 18. “Children are like adults except for size, maybe. When adults commit crimes, we imprison them. So why
should we not implement same rules to children as we do with adults when they are practically the same?”

_____ 19. “If we legalize the strict use of medical cannabis now, then we will be jeopardize the future of our children,
the future of our country, the future of humanity!”

_____ 20. “President Duterte raised taxes, and then the rate of violent crime went up. The President is responsible for
the rise in crime.”

_____ 21. “All people have the RIGHT to have enjoyment and recreation; so it’s RIGHT to turn the volume up on the
videoke even if it might disturb the neighbors.

_____ 22. “The problem with our water can be easily solved by turning it over to private companies. After all things go
better when the municipality can focus more on other activities like social services, public health and others”

_____ 23. “Until someone proves that there is no life on Mars, then it is safe to say that there is”

_____ 24. “Give him a break, he has been through a lot lately and his is still suffering from a loss. Let’s talk about this
issue later, show some sympathy”

_____ 25. “The president swears by it, so better believe it.

_____ 26. It is a term used to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that are the result of dramatically
increased trade and cultural exchange.

a. Globalization c. Immigration
b. Emigration d. Labor Market

_____ 27. It is a policy in which a country does not levy taxes, duties, subsidies or quota on the import/export of goods
or services from other countries which allows consumers to buy goods and services, comparatively at a lower cost.

a. Tariffication c. Free Trade

b. Globalization d. Localization

_____ 28. The following are ADVANTAGES brought about by Globalization EXCEPT

a. Lowering of prizes of imported commodities

b. Better performance in the global labor market
c. Technology exchange between countries
d. Dilution or loss of culture
_____ 29. Why local producers, farmers and small and medium scale bvmanufactures against globalization?

a. Globalization means better opportunities to sell products domestically and internationally

b. Globalization in the economic sense means lowering the taxes on import goods that compete with domestic
c. Globalization means terrorists have attacked more places in the world because of opening up more ports of
d. Globalization may mean greater degree of immigration, including the illegal immigrants.

_____ 30. Which of the following is an example of dilution of culture which maybe a negative effect of globalization?

a. “Borderless World” c. Free Trade

b. Westernization d. Greater international travel and tourism

_____ 31. The how does ICT help individuals engage in business?

a. ICT opens up opportunities for e-selling that requires little capital to set up
b. ICT increase the degree of competition among online sellers
c. ICT has opened up the domestic market to international sellers (i.e. Chinese)
d. ICT is only applicable for items sold locally, the market is limited

_____ 32. The greatest benefit the Philippine economy derives from globalization is ___________-.

a. Greater competition from foreign businesses lowering the prize of commodities

b. The development of peaceful relations with other countries
c. The development of better products because of higher degree of competition
d. Opening of the labor market in other countries because the Philippines is a thriving labor economy.

_____ 33. It is movement of people into or out of an area to establish new permanent residence in the area of
destination crossing a defined territorial boundary.

a. Displacement c. Change of Residence

b. Deportation d. Migration

_____ 34. Mr. Perez works for a shipping company that is based in Finland. His contract last nine months of every year
and he has to come home to the Philippines during breaks. What kind of immigrant is he?

a. Permanent c. Legal
b. Temporary d. Illegal

_____ 35. Shirley is a TNT or “tago ng tago”, she does not have proper documentation to work abroad and her student
Visa has long been expired. What kind of immigrant is she?

a. Permanent c. Legal
b. Temporary d. Illegal

_____ 36. Mr. Rocillo and his family has been living and working in the USA for more than ten years. He holds a “Green
Card”, meaning he is already a naturalized American Citizen. What kind of immigrant is he?

a. Permanent c. Legal
b. Temporary d. Illegal

_____ 37. Which maybe the greatest push factors that influence Filipinos to work abroad?

a. Security and Safety Conditions c. Socio- Economic Reasons

b. Political Condition d. Demogrphics

_____ 38. A type of migration in which individual cross international borders (i.e. moving out of the country to work in

a. Local Migration c. Domestic Migration

b. External Migration d. Rapid Urbanization

_____ 39. Rapid urbanization means __________________.

a. People migrating to highly rural areas in search of jobs/ economic opportunities, drastically increasing the
population density of rural areas.
b. People migrating to cities and population centers where there is greater economic opportunities, increasing
the population density.
c. People moving out of cities and into the far flung areas and localities.
d. People returning to their place of birth after working for many years in the cities and having achieved
retirement age.

____ 40. According to the survey held in 2006 which of the following has the highest number of local migration?

a. Region IV-A c. Region I

b. Region II d. Region XII

_____ 41. The national census held in 2017 determined the there was a mass migration of people from Marawi, which
external factor might have contributed to this?

a. Economic Factors c. Education

b. Safety and Sacurity d. Family Values

_____ 42. Mr. Hipolito fears that moving away from their place of residence and into the city will take away the security
and safety of being together with his relatives. Which factor contributes to this?

a. Greater sense of community c. Level of Education

b. Lower cost of commodities d. Simpler way of living

_____ 43. Why are migrant workers or OFW’s considered “Mga Bagong Bayani”?

a. They work abroad for the betterment of their families only

b. They leave the country for better economic opportunities
c. Their remittances account for a sizeable amount in the country’s income
d. They work in ideal conditions making their work very rewarding

_____ 44. Migration is associated with the “Brain Drain” phenomenon. What is brain drain?

a. Countries with high external migration lose their most highly educated segment of the population
b. Countries lose with high external migration lose their labor force and therefore human capital
c. Countries are left with an aging economy in which individuals at the productive year tend to remain in the

_____ 45. It is any person who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for any reasons of race, religion,
nationality, member of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is
unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.

a. Migrant c. Immigrant
b. OFW d. Refugee

II. Answer the following questions briefly. You may use a diagram to illustrate your concept/explanation(5 pts. each)

1. It is said the ICT technologies has a huge implication on developing economies like the Philippines. In what
sectors is ICT being applied and what benefits can be derived from ICT integration? (e.g. effective governance
through the national broadband project which puts all government systems into an integrated system)

2. What are the push and pull factors associated with an individual’s decision to migrate?
3. What are the Positive and negative effects of globalization?

III. Read and answer the questions that follow.

“It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance between two conflicting needs:
the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same time a great
openness to new ideas. Obviously those two modes of thought are in some tension. But if you are able
to exercise only one of these modes, whichever one it is, you’re in deep trouble.

If you are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you. You never learn
anything new. You become a crotchety old person convinced that nonsense is ruling the world. (There
is, of course, much data to support you.) But every now and then, maybe once in a hundred cases, a
new idea turns out to be on the mark, valid and wonderful. If you are too much in the habit of being
skeptical about everything, you are going to miss or resent it, and either way you will be standing in
the way of understanding and progress.

On the other hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of
skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish the useful as from the worthless ones.”
― Carl Sagan

1. What are the two conflicting ways of thinking as described in the selection?

2. What are the rewards of being skeptical? What are the downsides to being too skeptical?

3. What is the relationship between skepticism and critical thinking?


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