Pramesti Midwife Towards Health Transformation

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(Midwives as Fast Partners for High-risk

Pregnant Women in The Region)

I’m Pramesti Widyastiningsih, a midwife from Pucangsawit Public Health

Centre in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. I have worked as a midwife for about 16
years. Maternal mortality rate still becomes an actual problem in Central Java and the
City of Surakarta due to the increasing rate of high-risk pregnancies, low early
detection by the community, and delays in making referral decisions. The Covid
pandemic for more than two years has forced us as midwives to be extra in monitoring
the health of pregnant women in the region.
For this reason, health transformation is expected to accelerate the reduction
in the Maternal Mortality Rate. One of the pillars of health transformation is the
transformation in the field of technology. As a midwife and activator of health
transformation, I created an innovation in the form of an application called SiMUTIA
(an abbreviation for "SIgap Mitra ibU hamil resiko TInggi di dAerah" or "fast partners
for high risk pregnant women in the regions"). The community can use it to facilitate
access to information about pregnant women with high risk and risk factors.
Midwives and cadres use this application to monitor high-risk pregnant women
in the region. Midwives input the data of high-risk pregnant women in the assisted
areas through the SiMUTIA application after service. The midwife inputs data, and the
cadre will receive a notification on their cellphone that has been integrated with
SiMutia. Then the cadres can visit high-risk pregnant women's houses and report the
results of the visits through the application. Furthermore, regional midwives will
receive notification of monitoring results.
SiMUTIA is a web-based application that can actualize society's participation in
the early detection of health problems for pregnant women. This activity involves
other health workers, such as nutritionists, health educators, and surveillance. Our
hope as health workers is that this application can continue to be used by cadres and
in all regions in Indonesia. This application is very useful and supports the
government's goals, especially the ministry of health, to increase the efficiency of
health services. Besides that, the SiMUTIA application also needs to be developed so
that it becomes an application that can be relied upon by health workers, especially
The awards that I have received from this innovation include:
1. 1st place of midwife exemplary in the City of Surakarta in 2019.
2. 1st place of midwife exemplary in the province of central java in 2022
3. 1st place of midwife exemplary at the national level in the category of medical
personnel of public health centers in 2022
Thus our Resume, Thank you.

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