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Paper Chromatography

I. Introduction
In this study, I shall examine what happens when a flower sample is submerged in
Ethanol. The purpose of the experiment is to identify the color components of the flower

II. Objectives
A. At the end of the experiment, I will be able to see the colors contained in the
flower sample.
B. During this observation, I will be able to familiarize myself with the laboratory
equipment that was used in this observation.
III. Materials
- Flower Petals
- Mortar and Pestle
- Dropper
- Ethanol
- Paper
- Pencil
- Glass Beaker
- Binder clip

IV. Procedure
1. Put the flower petals in the mortar and pestle.
2. Grind and crush the petals until liquid is visible. Pour water if necessary.
3. Prepare a wide slip of paper with a 2 cm point for the liquid.
4. Use a dropper to pick up a small amount of flower samples.
5. Drop the sample on the tip of the paper slip
6. Clip the slip of paper with a binder clip with a pencil inserted.
7. Prepare a glass beaker with alcohol.
8. Put the binder clip on the glass beaker. The pencil will suspend the clip from dropping
into the alcohol.
V. Results and Discussion

The colors that originally flowed from the flower sample began to
move upwards to reveal more colors after several minutes of
VI. Conclusion
It is therefore concluded that when flower samples are submerged in Ethanol, it will cause the
flower sample to split into multiple colors. But after several minutes, the pigments will start
traveling up.

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