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Stick to your mind the following words

A. crossroads = perempatan A. across = diseberang

B. intersection (-road) = perempatan B. in the opposite = diseberang
C. junction (-road) = pertigaan C. behind/in the back of = dibelakang
D. bypass = jalan lingkar kota D. between = diantara
E. flyover = jalan layang E. turning = belokan
F. roundabout = bundaran F. on the corner (of) = di sudut
G. traffic light = lampu lalu lintas G. walk straight = jalan lurus
H. traffic sign = tanda lalu lintas H. walk straight ahead = jalan lurus
I. bridge = jembatan I. walk along .... = jalan disepanjang...
J. avenue = jalan besar J. turn to = belok ke....
K. boulevard = jalan kembar K. turn right = belok kanan
L. police station = kantor polisi L. turn left = belok kiri
M. Street = jalan M. on the left (of) = disebelah kiri
N. road = jalan (dlm arti umum) N. on the right (of) = disebelah kanan
O. highway = jalan bebas hambatan O. cross = menyeberang
P. about = kurang lebih

GO to

 a. How do I get to the Orient Hotel, please?

b. Could you tell me the way to the airport?
c. Could you show me the way to the Regent Hotel, please?
d. Walk straight as far as the crossroads, then take the first
turning on your left. The dispensary is on your right.
e. Walk down this street, take the third turning on your right.


a stranger Excuse, me. Where is the nearest greengrocer, please ?

You Walk along this street. Then turn into Queen street. The
greengrocer is on your left side right, in front of the butchery.
a stranger I see...And...How do I get to the Globe traveling agency?
You Traveling agency, sir?
a stranger Quite right.
You It’s quite a distance, sir. It takes you about fifteen minutes to get
there on foot.
a stranger It’s OK.
You What a coincidence ! I’ll get plane tickets there, too.
a stranger Will you? Then we have the same destination. Shall we set off ?
You Why not?


Practice 1

Meminta petunjuk arah.

You Permisi. Dapatkah anda membantu
saya ? Saya ingin pergi ke Mitra
Departement Store.
Woman Ah,.....ya. Belok kanan, Woman Central Bank terletak di jalan ini.
kemudian ambil belokan kedua disebelah Berjalanlah terus sejauh kurang lebih 300 meter
kiri anda. Mitra terletak disebelah kanan dan bank tersebut berada di sudut, di sebelah
anda. kanan.
You Terima kasih. Dan dimanakah You Terima kasih banyak.
Central Bank? Woman Terima kasih kemabali

Here is my translation

Practice 2
On the road (A)
Driver Permisi. Saya mencari Wain Street.
Pedestrian Ya. Belok kanan ke Ford Road dan ambil jalan pertama di sebelah kiri.

On the Road (B)

Driver Saya sedang mncoba menemukan Hill Street.
Pedestrian Belok kanan di jalan Ford Road dan mengemudilah sepanjang Ford
Road sampai anda tiba di pertigaan. Kemudian belok ke kanan.
Driver Terima kasih banyak.


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