Midterm Test in Physical Science

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite


Mendez, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)861-0697

Midterm Test in Physical Science

Name: _____________________________________ Track/ Strand: _______________________ Score:_________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. It is a cosmological theory brought forward by astronomers George Lemaître and Edwin Hubble which
proposes that that the universe once began to expand and continues to expand until today.
a. Steady State Theory c. Contracting Universe
b. Big Bang Theory d. Creation Theory

#2 – 5 Arrange the sequence of events (known as epochs) in the prevailing theory of the creation of the universe by
writing numbers 1-4 on the first blanks and then write on the second blanks the events that took place during the
particular epoch
_____ _____ 2. Inflation a. An infinitely hot and dense point where all the universe began
_____ _____ 3. Singularity b. Cooling down as it expanded; Protons and neutrons came together
to form different types of nuclei by nuclear fusion.
_____ _____ 4. Nucleosynthesis c. Period of rapid expansion; creation of matter and anti-matter
_____ _____ 5. Recombination d. Electrons started to bind to ionized protons and nuclei forming neutral

_____ 6. What kinds of atomic nuclei formed during the Big Bang era of nucleosynthesis?
a. only hydrogen
b. only helium
c. hydrogen and helium and trace amounts of deuterium and lithium
d. roughly equal amounts of each of the following: hydrogen, helium, deuterium and lithium
_____ 7. The first evidence of the Big Bang, discovered by Edwin Hubble that suggests that other galaxies are moving
farther away from ours.
a. Cosmic Microwave Background c. Red Shift
b. Nucleosynthesis d. Blue Shift
_____ 8. This is that third piece of evidence that the Big Bang occurred, which is the radiation or energy left out from
the epoch of recombination.
a. Cosmic Microwave Background c. Red Shift
b. Nucleosynthesis d. Blue Shift
# 9 – 11 Complete the nucleosysthesis reactions below:

9. Li
3 + p+ ______ + 4
2 He

2 2
10. 1 D + 1 D ______ + n0

3 4
11. 2 He + He
2 ______ + y
_____ 12. These are nuclear fusion reaction that occur in stars which brings about the creation of new nuclei of
heavier elements.
a. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis c. Supernova Nucleosysnthesis
b. Stellar Nucleosysnthesis d. Annihilation
_____ 13. He formulated the modern atomic theory and based his assumption on scientific methods and principles
rather than logic or philosophical thinking.
a. John Dalton c. Ernest Rutherford
b. Niels Bohr d. James Chadwick
_____ 14. How is John Dalton’s Modern Atomic Theory difference from the ancient theories of the composistion of
a. He formulated the modern atomic theory and based his assumption on scientific methods and
principles rather than logic or philosophical thinking.
b. He formulated the modern atomic theory and based his assumptions on logic or philosophical
thinking rather than on scientific methods
c. He formulated the modern atomic theory and based his assumptions on the work of people such as
Decomitus, Aristotle and Anaximenes
d. He formulated the modern atomic theory and based his assumtions on the work of people such as
Rutherford, James Chadwick and Niels Bohr
_____ 15. J.J Thomson postulated that electrons where distributed in a “soup” of positively charged sphere. This
model has come to be called ___________.
a. Planetary Model of the Atom c. Atomic Theory
b. Electron Cloud d. Plum-Pudding Model
_____ 16. He calculated the mass of the electron.
a. Robert Millikan c. Ernest Rutherford
b. Niels Bohr d. James Chadwick
_____ 17. He discovered the positively charged particles by performing cathode ray tube experiments.
a. Eugen Goldstein c. James Chadwick
b. Robert Millikan d. Niels Bohr
_____ 18. He discovered the neutral subatomic particles, the neutrons.
a. Eugene Goldstein c. James Chadwick
b. Robert Millikan d. Niels Bohr
_____ 19. Ernest Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of the atom states that:
a. The atom is composed primarily of empty space with the protons and neutrons occupying a
central nucleus and electrons distributed around the nucleus
b. The atom is composed primarily of empty space with the electrons and neutrons occupying a
central nucleus and electrons distributed around the nucleus
c. The atom is composed primarily of empty space with the protons and electrons occupying a
central nucleus and neutrons distributed around the nucleus
d. The atom is composed primarily of empty space with the neutrons occupying a central nucleus
and electrons and protons distributed around the nucleus
_____ 20. A student of Rutherford, he redefined the former’s theory and added that electron where located in
specific orbits (now called energy levels) around the nucleus; they are said to be “quantized”.
a. Robert Millikan c. Albert Einstein
b. Niels Bohr d. James Chadwick
_____ 21. What can be said about an atom’s mass with regards to its subatomic particles, the electrons, protons and
a. Most of the mass of the atom is located in the electrons with the protons and neutrons making
up most of the tom’s mass
b. Most of the mass of the atom is located in the protons and neutrons located in the nucleus with
the electrons having little contribution to the mass of the atom
c. Most of the mass of the atom is located in the nucleus where the protons and electrons are
located; the neutrons have little contribution to the atom’s mass
d. Most of the mass of the atom is negligible compared to the mass of the electrons protons and
_____ 22. What can be said about the number of protons and electrons in an atom ( in an unexcited state)?
a. The number of protons and protons are the same
b. The number of protons is greater than the number of electrons
c. The number of protons is less than the number of electrons
d. The number of protons is twice the number of electrons
_____ 23. The model is based on mathematical equations by several scientists, including Werner Heisenberg and
Ernest Schrödinger
a. Plum-Pudding Model c. Planetary Model
b. Quantum-Mechanical Mode d. Bohr Model
_____ 24. The modern periodic table is arranged based on ____________.
a. Increasing mass number
b. Increasing number of electrons
c. Increasing number of protons
d. Increasing number of neutrons
_____ 25. The mass number minus the atomic number is equal to the number of
a. protons and neutrons c. protons
b. protons and electrons d. neutrons
_____ 26. An atom of gold with 79 protons, 79 electrons, and 118 neutrons would have a mass number of ______
a. 39 c. 197
b. 276 d. 158
_____ 27. Atoms in the same family on the periodic table have ________ numbers of valence electrons & _______
a. dissimilar, dissimilar c. dissimilar, similar
b. similar, similar d. similar, dissimilar
_____ 28. On the periodic table, a horizontal row is called
a. atomic mass c. family
b. a group d. a period
_____ 29. A certain neutral element has 13 electrons, in which family and period of the periodic table will you find
a. Group 13, Period 3 c. Group 3, Period 13
b. Group 3, Period 3 d. Group 13, Period 13

# 30 – 40 Use the Periodic Table to fill in the missing information.

Number Number Number
Element Period or Atomic Atomic
Element Name of of of
Symbol Number Group Number Mass
Protons Neutrons Electrons

(30) (31) (32) 35 80 (33) (34) (35)


Na (36) (37)
(38) (39) 12 (40)
II. Determine the whether the compound formed by the following are polar covalent, non – polar covalent or ionic
based on the electronegativity difference: (use your periodic table) 2 pts each.

III. For each of the following:

1. Determine the total number of valence electrons
2. Draw an appropriate Lewis Dot Structure
3. Determine the appropriate molecular geometry using your VSEPR GUide

1. CO3-2
a. Total number of ve-

b. Lewis Dot Diagram

c. Molecular Geometry

2. SO3 2-
a. Total number of ve-

b. Lewis Dot Diagram

c. Molecular Geometry

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