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1. Explain Quality Circles and its importance?

Explain how CAD and CIM aid in reducing the concept to market time.

Quality Circles : Kaoru Ishikawa is generally considered to have promoted the concept of Quality Circles. It is well known that he is the originator of fishbone diagrams to identify the root cause of any problem. The causes for the existence of a problem are classified as pertaining to the material, processes or method or any factor that goes into production. The matter is further investigated and pursued till the exact cause is determined. Quality circles use these principles in solving problems. The teams select projects selected on the above basis and implement actions to achieve improvement in the processes with a view to improve quality. Since these activities are carried out without affecting the regular day to day work and involve little involvement of the managers, team work gets reinforced and results in continuous improvement in methods and quality. The capital deployed is minimal, if at all, and therefore productivity is enhanced. Quality circles are very efficient in incorporating low cost and nonintrusive methods of improving productivity and quality throughout the organisation. They seek to involve all persons who are actually involved in the production system and the information they elicit and bring about improvements highly cost effective. They unveil creativity and encourage team work and bring about improvements almost on a day to day basis. They do not bring about dramatic changes, but continuous incremental changes in a harmonious way. They also tend to encourage identification of possible failures and seek methods of preventing things going wrong. Designers of products are increasingly depending on Computer Aided Design. The software aids in creating or modifying an existing design. The images can be maneuvered on the screen. Images of different components can be seen as assembled sections taken and relative positions can be checked to great accuracies. Views can bee made seen from different angles and positions, so that the visualization process of the designed component/product helps the designer to suggest alternatives to the customer and the production department. The drawings can be sent via intranet or internet to the concerned persons and their opinions taken. Corrections and incorporations can be made very quickly. The database can be prepared, updated continuously and their access to executive. The efficiency of designers increases by nearly 5 times The software can generate the volume, weights of components as also other engineering parameters like centre of gravity, deflections under estimated loads, and various other design parameters on complicate forms either single components or assemblies Laborious mechanical drawings need not be drawn. nor complicated calculations done. This aids in reducing the time required to make a design or modify a product and thus concept market period gets drastically cut. Integration occurs when a broad range of manufacturing and supporting activities are linked. Activities include engineering design, production planning, shop control, order processing, material control, distribution etc. Information flow across all functions takes place

with the help of computers. Transmission, processing, distribution and feed back happen almost in real time so that intended activities are conducted rapidly. This process helps in rapid production and also reduce indirect costs. As response times decrease, customer satisfaction increases resulting in better business. CIM helps in avoiding accumulation of materials resulting in better throughput and better utilization of space. Bar coded labels that accompany materials contain instructions for processing them which are read by sensing devices and display the status on monitors. This information is available to all concerned personnel responsible in planning, marketing etc. so that they will be aware of the status of any order and if expediting is needed to meet deadlines, they will be able to seek intervention. Identifying shortages, ensuring faster deliveries becomes easy with CIM.
2. What is Differentiation Strategies? Briefly explain tools used for implementation of Operation

Differentiation Strategies Differentiation is a process by which a company distinguishes itself from its competitors and their offerings. The process includes adding a set of differentiators which are meaningful and adds value for the customer. The differences should be perceived by the customer as important, distinctive, superior and affordable. Nonetheless, they have to make the companys offerings i.e the products and services profitable. To derive competitive advantage the study of the processes to adapt innovations which should be of such nature as being preemptive is important. Here, we are not considering the situation of an entirely new product but those which are already contributing to the company revenues and the threat of competitors has to be met. According to Miland Lele (Miland M.Lele, Creating Strategic Leverage: New York, John Wiley 1992) companies have different potential in terms of maneuverability along with target market, place(channels), promotion and price. These are affected by the companys position in the market, the industry structure. BCG has classified ( Philip Kotler) four types of industries and the approaches available, depending on the cell the particular industry fits into. Tools for implementation of Operations All functions in the organisation including administration, finance, materials, purchase, marketing, production, logistics, communication and others, can be considered operations. The reason is all of them use some inputs like materials or information either on a person to person basis or through a flow line. They are required to use some process and convert them into outputs usable in the next stage of the value chain. For example, when an invoice is received for payment, it contains information about a material or a service, the person who needed it, the price to be paid, the supplier, transportation, insurance, quantity, tax to be paid, etc. The bills payable section will have to verify data regarding the above, seek inspection reports from the quality control department/user department to certify the bill for payment. Before actual payment is made verification of the terms of payment, availability of funds etc are done You will notice that information is sought or given, materials received and transferred, papers/instructions are received / issued for initiating activities. All these are also operations. However, for our study we will limit our focus to operations involving manufacture. We identify a set of specialized techniques call them tools which can be standardized for ease of implementation and control. Implementation of Operations Implementation is the process of executing the planned operations. Estimating, routing and loading are the planning processes and dispatching and progressing are processes which are conducted while the manufacturing is going on. We call the former planning and the latter controlling function. Put together they are considered

implementation. Estimating gives the quantities to be made at each workstation depending on the sales forecast, provision for buffer stock, quantities bought out, or services outsourced, likely shortfalls etc. It is done on the basis of capacity. The next step, routing, determines the sequence of operations and the machines that do them so that work flow as determined by the processes is smooth resulting in minimum inventory. Scheduling is mainly concerned with allocating time slots for different jobs. It specifies as to when jobs start and end at particular workstations. The purpose is to prevent imbalances among work centers and utilize labor hours in such a way that established lead times are maintained. Dispatching is concerned with actually moving the materials with tools, jigs and fixtures to specific machines along with drawings and ensuring inspections at specific nodes, so that the materials move in the supply chain, Expediting is mainly to ensure that all the above are being done properly. Reports are generated and any bottleneck that gets created is removed. Tools for implementation GANTT charts are used to record progress comparing the actual against the planned activities and keep track of the flow of the material. Line balancing and line of balance are two more tools to ensure that machining centers are loaded as uniformly as possible to prevent build up stocks at intermediate stages. Simulation models are used to predict utilization of machines and production levels. Various inventory models help us to determine when to order and how many to order and also give us an insight to the risks and opportunities that come up for our consideration. Proper maintenance and analysis of records help us to see the gaps that have crept into the operations system. Learning that happens across functions will make the tools used more realistically and increase efficiency. Many ERP software, especially SAP have many modules that store, sort and analyze data and make them available to the staff across the globe in many plants enabling managers to streamline their operations. Software specific to functions, applications or organization can be obtained. Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 is a useful tool in this regard.
3. Differentiate between Automated flow line and Automated assembly line with example. Write a note on Rapid Prototyping

Automated flow lines : When several automated machines are linked by a transfer system which moves the parts by using handling machines which are also automated, we have an automated flow line. After completing an operation on a machine, the semifinished parts are moved to the next machine in the sequence determined by the process requirements a flow line is established. The parts at various stages from raw material to ready for fitment or assembly are processed continuously to attain the required shapes or acquire special properties to enable them to perform desired functions. The materials need to be moved, held, rotated, lifted, positioned etc. for completing different operations. Sometimes, a few of the operations can be done on a single machine with a number of attachments. They are moved further to other machines for performing further operations. Human intervention may be needed to verify that the operations are taking place according to standards. When these can be achieved with the help of automation and the processes are conducted with self regulation, we will have automated flow lines established. One important consideration is to balance times that different machines take to complete the operations assigned to them. It is necessary to design the machines in such a way that the operation times are the same throughout the sequence in the flow of the martial. In fixed automation or hard automation, where one component is manufactured using several operations and machines it is possible to achieve this condition or very nearly. We assume that product life cycles are sufficiently stable to invest heavily on the automated flow lines to achieve reduced cost per unit. The global trends are favouring flexibility in the manufacturing systems. The

costs involved in changing the set up of automated flow lines are high. So, automated flow lines are considered only when the product is required to be made in high volumes over a relatively long period. Designers now incorporate flexibility in the machines which will take care of small changes in dimensions by making adjustments or minor changes in the existing machine or layout. The change in movements needed can be achieved by programming the machines. Provision for extra pallets or tool holders or conveyors are made in the original design to accommodate anticipated changes. The logic to be followed is to find out whether the reduction in cost per piece justifies the costs of designing, manufacturing and setting up automated flow lines. Group Technology, Cellular Manufacturing along with conventional Product and Process Layouts are still resorted to as they allow flexibility for the production system. With methodologies of JIT and Lean Manufacturing finding importance and relevance in the competitive field of manufacturing, many companies have found that well designed flow lines suit their purpose well. Flow lines compel engineers to put in place equipments that balance their production rates. It is not possible to think of inventories (Work In Process) in a flow line. Bottlenecks cannot be permitted. By necessity, every bottleneck gets focused upon and solutions found to ease them. Production managers see every bottleneck as an opportunity to hasten the flow and reduce inventories. However, it is important to note that setting up automated flow lines will not be suitable for many industries Automated Assembly Lines : All equipments needed to make a finished product are laid out in such a way as to follow the sequence in which the parts or subassemblies are put together and fitted. Usually, a frame, body, base will be the starting point of an assembly. The frame itself consists of a construction made up of several components and would have been assembled or fabricated in a separate bay or plant and brought to the assembly line. All parts or subassemblies are fitted to enable the product to be in readiness to perform the function it was designed to. This process is called assembly. Methodologies of achieving the final result may vary, but the basic principle is to fit all parts together and ensure linkages so that their functions are integrated and give out the desired output. Product Layouts are designed so that the assembly tasks are performed in the sequence they are designed. You will note that the same task gets repeated at each station continuously. The finished item comes out at the end of the line The material goes from station 1 to 5 sequentially. Operation 2 takes longer time, say twice as long. To see that the flow is kept at the same pace we provide two locations 2a and 2b so that operations 3, 4 an 5 need not wait. At 5, we may provide more personnel to complete operations. The time taken at any of the locations should be the same. Otherwise the flow is interrupted. In automated assembly lines the moving pallets move the materials from station to station and moving arms pick up parts, place them at specified places and fasten them by pressing, riveting, screwing or even welding. Sensors will keep track of these activities and move the assemblies to the next stage. An operator will oversee that the assemblies are happening and there are no stoppages. The main consideration for using automated assembly lines is that the volumes justify the huge expenses involved in setting up the system. Rapid Prototyping : Prototyping is a process by which a new product is developed in small numbers so as to determine the suitability of the materials, study the various methods of manufacture, type of machinery required and to develop techniques to overcome problems that my be encountered when full scale manufacture is undertaken. Prototypes do meet the specifications of the components that enter a product and performance can be measured on those. It helps in confirming the design and any shortcomings can be rectified at low cost. If serious defects or problems arise during the manufacture, a thorough change in design or even its replacement may be considered. To arrive at decisions to make use of the advantages stated above, it is important that the prototypes are made within the shortest possible time.

Rapid prototyping facilitates this. It uses virtual designs from Computer Aided Design CAD or animation modeling which transforms dimensional data to 3dimensional views. The physical space of the product is amenable to have cross sections made. Cross sections taken at very close positions gives thin layers which enable the generation of a solid model of the designed product. The data that is thus created helps build a solid model exactly as per the drawings. Any shape can be generated in this method. Advanced technologies like SLS ( Selective Laser Sintering), FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling), LOM (Laminated Object Manufacture), EBM (Electronic Beam Melting) are some of Rapid Prototype Modeling Processes. Since the basis data about the product is already available in CAD, the above processes can produce models in a matter of a few days. Conventional machines like lathes, milling machines, grinding machines, EDM (Electro Discharge Machining) also help in the production of prototypes. Because of their advantages Rapid Prototyping is being increasingly used. A bimonthly magazine TCT Magazine calling the Rapid Prototyping as Time Compressing Techniques is dedicated to the publication of latest developments in this field as researched and developed by practitioners around the world

4 Explain the different factors influencing plant location. Write a brief note on Product layout with an example

The following are some important factors, which influence the planning of effective layout to a significant degree. 1. Nature of the product: The nature of the product to be manufactured will significantly affect the layout of the plant. Stationary layout will be most suitable for heavy products while line layout will be best for the manufacture for the light products because small and light products can be moved from one machine to another very easily and, therefore, more attention can be paid to machine locations can be paid to machine locations and handling of materials. 2. Volume of production: Volume of production and the standardization of the product also affect the type of layout. If standardized commodities are to be manufactured on large scale, line type of layout may be adopted. 3. Basic managerial policies and decisions: The type of layout depends very much on the decisions and policies of the management to be followed in producing the commodity with regard to the size of plant, kind and quality of the product, scope for expansion to be provided for, the extent to which the plant is to be integrated, amount of stocks to be carried at anytime, the kind of employee facilities to be provided etc. 4. Nature of plant location: The size shape and topography of the site at which the plant is located will naturally affect the type of layout to be followed in view of the maximum utilization of the space available .For e.g., if a site is near the railway line the arrangement of general layout for receiving and shipping and for the best flow of production in and out the plant may be made by the side of the railway lines .If space is narrow and the production

process is lengthy, the layout of plant may be arranged on the land surface in the following manner:

5. Type of industry process: This is one of the most important factors influencing the choice of type of plant layout. Generally the types of layout particularly the arrangement of machines and work centers and the location of workmen vary according to the nature of the industry to which the plant belongs. For the purpose of lay out, industry may be classified into two broad categories: (i) Intermittent and (ii) continuous. Intermittent type of industries is those, which manufacture different component or different machines. Such industries may manufacture the parts, when required according to the market needs. Examples of such industries are shipbuilding plants. In this type of industry functional layout may be the best. The second type of industry in continuous industry. in this type of industry raw material are fed at one end and the finished goods are received at another end. A continuous industry may either be analytical or synthetic . A analytical industry breaks up the raw material into several parts during the course of production process or changes its form, e.g. oil and sugar refineries. A synthetic industry on the other hand mixes the two or more materials to manufacture one product along with the process of production or assembles several parts to get finished product. Cement and automobiles industries are the examples of such industry. Line layout is more suitable in continuous process industries. 6. Types of methods of production: Layout plans may be different according to the method of production proposed to be adopted. Any of the following three methods may be adopted for production- (1) Job order production, (2) batch production, and (3) mass production. Under job production goods are produced according to the orders of the customers and therefore, specification vary from customer to customer and the production cannot be standardized. The machines and equipment can be arranged in a manner to suit the need of all types of customers. Batch production carries the production of goods in batches or group at intervals. In this type of manufacturing the product is standardized and production is made generally in anticipation of sales. In such cases functional or process layout may be adopted. In case of mass production of standardized goods, line layout is most suitable form of plant layout. 7. Nature of machines: Nature of machines and equipment also affects the layout of plants. If machines are heavy in weight or create noisy atmosphere, stationery layout may reasonably be adopted. Heavy machines are generally fixed on the ground floor. Ample space should be provided for complicated machines to avoid accidents. 8. Climate: Sometimes, temperature, illumination and air are the deciding factors in the location of machines and their establishments. For example, in lantern manufacturing

industry, the spray-painting room is built along the factory wall to ensure the required temperature control and air expulsion and the process of spray painting may be undertaken. 9.Nature of material: Design and specification of materials, quantity and quality of materials and combination of materials are probably the most important factors to be considered in planning a layout. So, materials storage, space, volume and weight of raw materials, floor load capacity, ceiling height ,method of storing etc. should be given special consideration. This will affect the space and the efficiency of the production process in the plant. It will facilitate economic production of goods and prompt materials flow and soundly conceived materials handling system. 10. Type of machine: Machines and equipment may be either general purpose or special purpose. In addition certain tools are used. The requirements of each machine and equipment are quite different in terms of their space; speed and material handling process and these factors should be given proper consideration while choosing out a particular type of layout. This should also be considered that each machine and equipment is used to its fullest capacity because machines involve a huge investment. For instance, under product layout, certain machines may not be used to their full capacity so care should be taken to make full use of the capacity of the machines and equipment. 12.Human factor and working conditions: Men are the most important factor of production and therefore special consideration for their safety and comforts should be given while planning a layout, specific safety items like obstruction-free floor, workers not exposed to hazards, exit etc. should be provided for. The layout should also provide for the comforts to the workers such as provision of rest rooms, drinking water and other services etc. sufficient space is also to be provided for free movement of workers. 13. Characteristics of the building: Shape of building, covered and open area, number of storeys, facilities of elevators, parking area and so on also influence the layout plan. In most of the cases where building is hired, layout is to be adjusted within the spaces available in the building. Although minor modification may be done to suit the needs of the plants and equipment. But if any building is to be constructed, proper care should be given to construct it according to the layout plan drawn by experts. Special type of construction is needed to accommodate huge or technical or complex or sophisticated machines and equipment.

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