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Name: Joao Goncalves Age Group: Middle School

School: Jordan Valley Duration of lesson: 30 mins
10/27/2022 During the lesson, students will
demonstrate safety by making sure
Date: Safety Focus of lesson:
that they follow instructions and
follow the rules.

Equipment / Facility needed: Gym, Chairs

Support staff will provide

Support Staff Utilization:
individualized support for students
who need constant reminders
PHE Canada (2011). Fundamental movement skills: An educator’s guide to teaching
fundamental movement skills.
SHAPE America National Standards (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes for
K-12 physical education.
Knowledge and skills emphasized
The lesson focus is for students to be working on locomotor movement in a dynamic setting.
during lesson:
Learning Outcome (LO) Aligned SHAPE Standard
1. During the lesson, students will 1. S1.E1.4: Uses various locomotor skills
demonstrate an understanding of in a variety of practice tasks.
Psychomotor Learning Outcome: locomotor movement by performing at
least 3 full cycles of the movement with
75% accuracy.
1. During the lesson, students will 1. S3.E2.2: Actively engages in physical
demonstrate understanding exercises by education class in response to instruction
Cognitive Learning Outcome:
engaging in the activity correctly 75% of
the time.
1. During the lesson, students will 1. S4.E6.4: Works safely with peers and
Affective Learning Outcome: demonstrate behaviors at least at level 2 equipment in physical activity settings
on the Hellisons Model.
Warm-up: Students will perform locomotor warmup
- Students will enter the room and find a spot to sit down on. They will then walk around in a circle until the music is over.
After the music is over, then they will find their spot again.

Transitions: I will countdown from three and say freeze. When students are frozen will give them directions for the next activity.

Introduction: Introduce the concept of musical chairs. Make sure to emphasize the importance of if someone is in a chair, you must
find a new one. Also, support staff should try their best to help avoid unfavorable situations. Demonstrate the appropriate behavior
you want to see and reinforce it throughout the lesson. Also, make sure to demonstrate each skill before starting the new round.

Demonstration: Demonstrate to students what is expected when participating in the activity. Fully demonstrate walking, provide
the cues, break down the skill, and perform walking fully again. Also, demonstrate the appropriate behavior expected when trying to
find a chair.

Lesson Activity #1: Musical Chairs

- Students will work on walking in general space while music is playing. Once they hear the music stop, they will find a
chair to sit in. If someone is sitting in a chair, they must find a different open chair. There will be enough chairs for all the
students. They will need to find different chairs each time. We will do walking as a starting point and switch to other
locomotor activities. The support staff will help to ensure they participate appropriately.
- Cues:
- Alternate
- Tall
- Looking Forward
- Slow
- Modifications:
- Easier: Students will keep the same seat
- Harder: Students must try to touch all four walls before the music stops
Demonstration: Demonstrate to students what is expected when participating in the activity. Fully demonstrate running, provide
the cues, break down the skill, perform running fully again. Also, demonstrate the appropriate behavior that is expected when trying
to find a chair.

Lesson Activity #2: Musical Chairs

- Students will work on running in general space while music is playing. They will need to find different chairs each time.
We will do running about 2-4 times and switch to other locomotor activities. The support staff will help to ensure they
participate appropriately.
- Cues:
- Look Ahead
- High Knees
- Pump Arms
- Light Feet
- Lean Forward
- Modifications:
- Easier: Students will keep the same seat
- Harder: Students must try to touch all four walls before the music stops

Demonstration: Demonstrate to students what is expected when participating in the activity. Fully demonstrate galloping, provide
the cues, break down the skill, perform galloping fully again. Also, demonstrate the appropriate behavior that is expected when
trying to find a chair.

Lesson Activity #3: Musical Chairs

- Students will work on galloping in general space while music is playing. They will need to find different chairs each time.
We will do galloping about 2-4 times and switch to other locomotor activities. The support staff will help to ensure they
participate appropriately.
- Cues:
- Trail Leg
- Lead Leg
- Feet Don’t Cross
- Arms Move with Beat
- Twist to Direction
- Modifications:
- Easier: Students will keep the same seat
- Harder: Students must try to touch all four walls before the music stops

Demonstration: Demonstrate to students what is expected when participating in the activity. Fully demonstrate sliding, provide the
cues, break down the skill, perform sliding fully again. Also, demonstrate the appropriate behavior that is expected when trying to
find a chair.

Lesson Activity #4: Musical Chairs

- Students will work on sliding in general space while music is playing. They will need to find different chairs each time.
We will do sliding about 2-4 times and switch to other locomotor activities. The support staff will help to ensure they
participate appropriately.
- Cues:
- Trail Leg
- Open And Close
- Arms Move with Beat
- Sideways
- Legs Don’t Cross
- Modifications:
- Easier: Students will keep the same seat
- Harder: Students must try to touch all four walls before the music stops

Demonstration: Demonstrate to students what is expected when participating in the activity. Fully demonstrate hopping, provide
the cues, break down the skill, perform hopping fully again. Also, demonstrate the appropriate behavior that is expected when trying
to find a chair.
Lesson Activity #5: Musical Chairs
- Students will work on hopping in general space while music is playing. They will need to find different chairs each time.
We will do hopping about 2-4 times and switch to other locomotor activities. The support staff will help to ensure they
participate appropriately.
- Cues:
- One Foot
- L Shape
- Arms
- Hop to beat
- Controlled
- Modifications:
- Easier: Students will keep the same seat
- Harder: Students must try to touch all four walls before the music stops

Demonstration: Demonstrate to students what is expected when participating in the activity. Fully demonstrate skipping, provide
the cues, break down the skill, perform skipping fully again. Also, demonstrate the appropriate behavior that is expected when
trying to find a chair.

Lesson Activity #6: Musical Chairs

- Students will work on skipping in general space while music is playing. They will need to find different chairs each time.
We will do skipping about 2-4 times and switch to other locomotor activities. The support staff will help to ensure they
participate appropriately.
- Cues:
- Step-Hop
- Left then Right
- Keep a Beat
- Arm Swing
- Look Ahead
- Modifications:
- Easier: Students will keep the same seat
- Harder: Students must try to touch all four walls before the music stops

Allow for the final five minutes for relaxation and giving a star to students who demonstrated
proper affective skills during the lesson (level 2 or higher on the Hellisons Model). Review
why they did or did not earn the star. If they did not earn the star explain why they did not and
Lesson Closure
what they must do to earn a star next time. Once the star chart is complete, provide a brief
review of what the students completed in class and have them line up at the exit door to head
back to class.
1. Psychomotor learning outcome: Teacher Observations
Assessment of learning outcomes: 2. Cognitive learning outcome: Class Participation
3. Affective learning outcome: Hellisons Model of Responsibility

Psychomotor Assessment
Student: Observations:33




Stephanie M.



Cognitive Assessment

Students Trials:


+ Student is moving through general space attempting the locomotor

skill with effort and intent.
= Student is moving through general space attempting the locomotor
skill with some effort.
- Student is not participating at all.
Affective Assessment
Student: Hellison Level:

Jennifer 4

Mohamed 3

Katherine 3

Berenice 3

Stephanie M. 3

Lissette 4

Chris 3

Jefferson 2

Leah 3

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