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Name: Wulan Sri Ayu Kartika Kirana

NPM: 2021710004

Controversy Death Penalty in Indonesia

The death penalty was the toughest criminal law in the history of human life, "The
death penalty is one of the oldest forms of criminal law, so it can also be said that the death
penalty was against the will of The Times, but until now no other alternative has been found”
(Bambang Poernomo, 1982). In view of the history of human life, the act of punishing
criminals by death penalty continues to grow as human life on earth. Embracing a legal
culture that promotes contentment and promotes justice for crime victims, the death penalty is
an absolute choice that cannot be replaced in any other way. It is estimated that in the future
the death penalty was replaced with a more effective punishment, a legal problem that
violated human norms could vanish from the history of human life. Pointing out the reason
why this death sentence remains used to reap controversy from all sides. The argument for
these differing opinions has led to three different rulings that some countries remove the
death penalty from their list of basic laws, some countries keep the death penalty in their list
of basic laws but fail to apply it and some countries continue to use the death penalty on their
list of fundamental laws and apply it, for those nations who refuse the death penalty, the idea
of keeping the death penalty within their basic laws is that they violate one's human rights
and the other is that the right to take human life is the almighty god.

Among the nations that implement the death penalty is the thousand island nation in
which we live, Indonesia. Within the framework of the national law of the state of Indonesia,
legislation on human rights has made it clear that all people have the right to live, the right
not to be mentally and physically abused, the right to personal freedom, the right to think and
to have a conscience, the right to have religion and the right not to be enslaved. The
application of the death penalty certainly goes against the human rights law in Indonesia,
which has raised controversy among people. This controversy among Indonesians is not just a
temporary issue, the parties agree and disagree with the law of execution it does not happen
without reason. Those who agree with the death penalty believe the perpetrator should be
punished accordingly for the crime he committed and the victim deserves a proper justice and
people in Indonesia aren't going to do the same because they've seen the consequences While
those who disagree with the law of death believe that a person's life is not something that we
can control when to continue and when to end, it also runs counter to the religious affiliation
of most Indonesians.

In Indonesia there are also many cases where perpetrators are sentenced to death one of
them is the case of harry Aris Sandigon in recent years. The case of premeditation involved a
family of four that took their lives in murder. Harry killed the Daperum couple and his two
kids. This premeditated murder was planned and executed by Harry on purpose. The
Daperum family no longer trust harry to run their family's boarding house that left Harry
feeling ill after an argument with the Daperum. The hatred that grew from the harsh words of
the Daperum made harry dark in his eyes and without much thought, he killed Daperum and
his wife with the crowbar he saw in the kitchen. Armed with a crowbar Harry smashed
Daperum and his wife in the head and stabbed them in the neck and then slashed their throats
with a crowbar to death. The two children who came out of the room wondering what had
happened to their parents, Harry replied that their parents were sick and sent the child back to
sleep. Harry accompanied the two children into a deep sleep and then killed them by choking
them out of breath. After killing the whole Daperum family, harry took the victim's money,
then a car possessed the Daperum, then Harry rushed to the boarding house in the Pasir
Limus, Cikarang. With Harry's crimes committed and sufficient evidence at the end of 2020,
Harry Aris Sandigo was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court after refusing an
indictment filed by Harry.

As Indonesians of course, the case against the Daperum family creates a particular
anxiety for each family. Suspended over a year, the Daperum case is solid evidence that the
death penalty is still used from time to time. As a legal state, the Indonesian government
expects such punishment to actually prevent criminals and to give the public a sense of
security even if it violates aspects of one's human rights. Even so, the government still does
its best not to use the death penalty as punishment for serious crimes. Life imprisonment is
one of them but it causes further controversy in societies that say life sentences are unfair to
severe victims and families of the victims involved then there are those who consider the life
sentence to be a sentence as severe as death on the grounds that the perpetrator who receives
a life sentence in prison will spend the rest of his life in a cage with no hope of coming out
and waiting for death to take his life. This controversy is why the government prefers to keep
quiet and divert cases like this one from the public to avoid causing mass hysteria.
In the end the law of capital punishment still causes a lot of controversy in society.
Agree and disagree again becomes the subject of the controversy going on, this leads to the
desire of law enforcement especially for law-makers of law products to be more concerned
with humanitarian aspects in order to promote the well-being of the perpetrator as a human
being and yet give a fitting punishment for the crimes which the perpetrators have committed
and therefore the controversy over the death penalty will be lost in the wake of history.

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