Assessment Activity 1 Part 1 Base Chakra Part 2 Sacral Centre Part 3 Solar Plexus

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Module 2 - Metaphysical Studies

First Name: Hiba

Student ID: 201470
Date log: 30/09/2022
Assessment Activity 1

Part 1 Base Chakra

Part 2 Sacral Centre
Part 3 Solar Plexus

Subject: Self

Select 3 interactions / activities / experiences each from your week that relate to your base chakra,
sacral centre and solar plexus. Explain how each is related to the chakra. (See example on page 28
of module 2)

Using yellow highlight or red font, highlight the word in each experience that is a base chakra
association. Note: Only highlight one word for each experience (so that there are only 9 words
highlighted in your write up in total). See the exception to this rule in the instructions for this activity
in your manual

MAC USERS: Please use red font (instead of yellow highlight).

 Aim to submit a variety of associations so that you have 3 different associations for each
 Only use your module 2 chakra notes to complete this activity.

Word count: 250 - 600 words (This is the recommended minimum and maximum amount of words to submit with this
activity. The recommended word count enables you to understand the minimum amount of detail required for an activity. Do
not exceed the maximum word count. (This applies to all activities with a word count) Activities below or above the
word count will need to be resubmitted.

My word count: 591 words

(Please fill in your word count above for every activity that has a word count requirement. To see your word
count, highlight your write up from the words ‘Base Chakra’ onwards (below) till the end of your write up. The
word count will be visible at the bottom left of your screen on a PC)

Base Chakra

1. This week I did some gardening in our yard with my kids. We pulled out weeds, cut
down long bushes, and raked up fallen leaves. We took before and after photos and
admired the beauty of nature. This relates to the base chakra as it involves the earth
and connection to nature.

2. This week I video called my mum to see her face while we were away on camp,
and we talked about how to organize my older sister and brother’s upcoming
birthdays who share the same day, one year apart. This relates to the base chakra
as it involves family of origin connections – parents and siblings.

3. This weekend we will be given placement of our first foster child, a dream of mine
which has been many years in the making. I just turned 30 a few days ago and it
feels like I have reached the next milestone in my life, including achieving a major
goal of becoming foster parents. This relates to the base chakra in several ways –
some of which are ambition, goals, purpose, success, and taking action.

Sacral Centre

1. This week I bought a large bag of oranges to squeeze ourselves and make
homemade juice. Having orange juice this way is so much more enjoyable than
buying a bottle from the supermarket, and it gets the kids involved in the process too.
This relates to the sacral centre because it is the colour orange, enjoyment, and
doing something different.

2. This week I have been suffering from lower back pain due to long hours of sitting
in the car and carrying heavy items (preparing for camp and the long commute), also
because I am expecting my menstrual cycle so I normally already get lots of
cramping in my pelvic and lower abdomen region. This relates to the sacral centre as
it involves the female reproductive system, pelvic area, and lower back.

3. This week I spent a lot of time with my kids as it was school holidays and we went
away as a family on a youth camp. I made sure to give them extra attention and
effort as I know that when we get back we will be having a young foster child stay
with us so I wanted to make sure they are well prepared mentally and not feel as
though it takes away from our relationship and bond. This is because connection to
one’s children is in the sacral centre in women. As well as being friendly, having fun,
expressing emotions, and nurturing.

Solar Plexus

1. This week I had some digestion problems as I regularly suffer from symptoms of
IBS. I woke up nauseas during the night and ended up throwing up, after which I felt
some relief. This relates to the solar plexus as it involves the stomach, and the
digestive system.

2. As I turned 30 this week I did a lot of self-searching, self-reflection, and self-

assessment to the point of mental exhaustion. I looked at my life and achievements
objectively and wondered about my self-worth regarding reaching my goals etc. I had
to dig deep and find confidence within myself and from those close to me to regain
confidence and ease my excessive self-doubt. This relates to the solar plexus as it
involves insecurity, lacking confidence, identity, and fear.

3. This week we ate lots of pasta and rice dishes as we are away on camp and
they’re easy to make in bulk quantities.This relates to the solar plexus as it involves

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