Low-Code Platform

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Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021)



Low-Code Platform
Alexander C. Bock • Ulrich Frank

Received: 5 February 2021 / Accepted: 10 September 2021 / Published online: 15 November 2021
Ó The Author(s) 2021

Keywords Low-code  Software development presentation of LCPs thrives on, and itself perpetuates, the
environment  Citizen developer  Organizational agility  trends surrounding other current buzzwords such as ‘citizen
Conceptual modeling  Software development productivity developer’, ‘robotic process automation’ (RPA), ‘user
experience’, and ‘microservices’.
Unfortunately, the rise in attention has not been paral-
1 Introduction leled by similar advances in the conceptualization of LCPs.
For initial reference and for later comparison we cite, at
Under the heading of ‘low-code’, a new class of software this stage, a definition proposed by a market research firm:
development environments has emerged in recent years
‘‘An LCAP is an application platform that supports
which is not only said to afford the prospect of a substantial
rapid application development, deployment, execu-
increase in software development productivity, but also to
tion and management using declarative, high-level
yield new ways of promoting business IT alignment and
programming abstractions such as model-driven and
user empowerment. These platforms now go by the names
metadata-based programming languages, and one-
of low-code platform (LCP), low-code application platform
step deployments. LCAPs provide and support user
(LCAP), and low-code development platform (LCDP).
interfaces (Uls), business processes and data ser-
Presumably coined by a market research company in
vices.’’ (Vincent et al. 2020, p. 1)
2014 (Forrester) (Richardson and Rymer 2014), several
indicators suggest that a major trend has by now evolved An analysis of this tentative characterization of LCPs
around the label ‘low-code’. Large software vendors, suggests two conclusions. First, LCPs are intended to help
including IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle, have begun to achieve objectives which have been at the core of business
incorporate low-code solutions into their product portfo- information systems research for a long time. Among these
lios. Market research companies have forecast a consider- are increasing productivity and reducing costs of devel-
able market potential for LCPs (e.g., Rymer and Koplowitz oping and maintaining enterprise software systems,
2019; Vincent et al. 2020). These assessments, together improving organizations’ ability to adapt software systems
with the promises of vendors, have attracted the interest of to rapidly changing requirements, and empowering users.
corporate investors (Shah 2020). For example, Siemens Second, however, it is not at all clear what distinguishes
recently bought a leading LCP vendor, reportedly at a LCPs from existing software development facilities, such
significant price.1 Moreover, the discussion and as classical integrated development environments (IDEs)
and tools for model-driven development (MDD). Taken
together, the low-code trend presents itself as a
Accepted after one revision by Christof Weinhardt.

A. C. Bock (&)  U. Frank

Research Group for Business Informatics and Enterprise https://www.forbes.com/sites/adrianbridgwater/2018/08/06/sie
Modeling, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany mens-buys-low-code-mendix-the-digital-factory-race-climbs-higher/.
e-mail: alexander.bock@uni-due.de Accessed 12 Sep 2021.


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734 A. C. Bock, U. Frank: Low-Code Platform, Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021)

contribution to goals at the heart of business information can build applications without software expertise,
systems research, but is in dire need of clarification. significantly faster, and at a fraction of the cost.’’3
With this in mind, the goal of this paper is to give a ‘‘Enterprise low-code application platforms deliver
balanced account of the current trend of low-code devel- high-productivity and multifunction capabilities
opment, and to place the topic in the broader context of across central, departmental and citizen IT func-
business information systems research. Specifically, we tions.’’ (Vincent et al. 2020, p. 1).
address three questions:
The enthusiasm and hopes engendered by claims such as
1. What are the characteristic features of low-code these are further nurtured by reports of successful appli-
platforms? cations of low-code solutions in industry (e.g., Shah 2020),
2. How do low-code platforms compare with the current and by optimistic assessments of the future economic
status of research, and what, if any, technological potential of the low-code sector. For example, Gartner has
innovations are realized by these platforms? predicted that by ‘‘2023, over 50% of medium to large
3. What opportunities for future research arise from the enterprises will have adopted an LCAP as one of their
present attention to low-code development? strategic application platforms’’ (Vincent et al. 2020, p. 1).
It was only after some years that academic investigators
The paper is structured as follows. We begin with a brief
took notice of this trend (e.g., Henriques et al. 2018;
survey of the reception of the low-code trend in practice
Zolotas et al. 2018). But now there is growing awareness of
and academia (Sect. 2). Subsequently, we present an
low-code in the research community. For example, the
answer to the first question, drawing on a detailed study of
workshop on low-code development at the Models con-
ours of selected LCPs available on the current market
ference in 2020 attracted the highest number of submis-
(Sect. 3). The study was decidedly exploratory and, given
sions of all workshops.4
the limited number of systems considered, cannot claim to
Regrettably, much work on low-code development to
be representative, but the obtained results nonetheless
date has assumed a relatively uncritical attitude, and all too
throw light on the characteristic features of a variety of
little effort has been spent on developing a clear and dis-
LCPs. Thereafter, we turn to the second question, formu-
tinct concept of these systems. For example, one author has
lating several general findings and contrasting them with
defined LCPs thus: ‘‘The low-code platform is a set of tools
existing approaches from research on software develop-
for programmers and non-programmers. It enables quick
ment productivity (Sect. 4). These findings, in turn, provide
generation and delivery of business applications with
the basis for examining the third question, leading us to
minimum effort to write in a coding language and requires
suggest a variety of attractive research opportunities for the
the least possible effort for the installation and configura-
field of business information systems (Sect. 5).
tion of environments, and training and implementation’’
(Waszkowski 2019, p. 376). The favorable, even euphoric,
tone and the conceptual ambiguity of this statement are
2 Aspects of the Trend: Promises and Reception
characteristic of many descriptions found in the field (cf.,
e.g., Chang and Ko 2017; Ihirwe et al. 2020; Sanchis et al.
The trend surrounding low-code development is carried by
2020). That said, a modicum of work towards a more
an appealing story. It is widely known that the lack of
nuanced view of low-code development is scattered in the
professional software developers is a major obstacle for
literature. For example, Sahay et al. (2020) have conducted
many companies in successfully dealing with the digital
a study of eight LCPs with the aim of clarifying and
transformation. Moreover, there is the perennial problem
comparing the functionalities of these systems. Moreover,
that software development projects often suffer from poor
there are a few critical voices that question the supposed
efficiency, or fail altogether. Portrayals of LCPs by vendors
novelty of low-code environments. The most notable ex-
and market research firm tie in with these problems and
ample is Cabot (2020); we will return to a verdict of his
promise relief:
later on.
‘‘When you can visually create new business appli- This brief outline of the reception of low-code in prac-
cations with minimal hand-coding – when your tice and in academia indicates a propensity toward mar-
developers can do more of greater value, faster – keting jargon, terminological inexactitude, and inflated
that’s low-code.’’2 promises. Meanwhile, profit and non-profit organizations
‘‘That’s where the power of citizen development face the question of whether, and under what conditions,
comes in – with no-code/low-code platforms, anyone
https://www.ibm.com/uk-en/automation/low-code. Accessed 12 https://www.pmi.org/citizen-developer. Accessed 12 Sep 2021.
Sep 2021. https://lowcode-workshop.github.io/. Accessed Sep 12 2021.


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A. C. Bock, U. Frank: Low-Code Platform, Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021) 735

investments into low-code development projects are justi- companies for years, if not decades. An analysis of
fied. The need to support these decisions is a further reason archived versions of the vendors’ homepages revealed that
for business information systems research to analyze the most products have been further developed and reposi-
subject and to contribute to a clarification of the term. tioned over the years. For example, some systems have
previously been offered as solutions for ‘rapid application
development’, ‘platform as a service’ (PaaS), and, in one
3 In Search of a Conceptualization: Results case, as a ‘model-driven application platform’. Another
from an Exploratory Study platform has a history as a tool for ‘business process
management’ (BPM) in general, and as a tool for ‘mobile’
In want of informative and consistent descriptions of LCPs, BPM and ‘human-centric’ BPM in particular. The bottom
the only way to obtain a concept or even an idea of LCPs is line is that present-day low-code solutions are rarely new
an analysis of the actual platforms offered under this label products; more often than not, they have a long history on
on the current market. If these platforms have common the market and have simply been rebranded.
features, it may become possible to derive inductively from Another significant finding is that platforms available in
them a possible conceptualization of low-code develop- the low-code sector vary drastically in several dimensions.
ment. With this aim in mind, we conducted an explorative Although certain technical features are common to many
study of ten LCPs, which has been published separately LCPs, as will be discussed in the next subsection, the
(for a synopsis with a technical focus, see Bock and Frank studied environments differ substantially in functional
2021; for the full study, see Frank et al. 2021). The purpose scope, primary purpose, range of technologies involved,
of this section is to summarize the central results of this breadth of applicability, means of design and specification,
study. The reader interested in further details is referred to and other respects. For example, the four rough categories
the references cited. of LCPs we distinguished in the pre-study included
There are now between about twenty and several dozen (1) simple data management platforms, (2) classical
vendors selling products under the label ‘low-code.’ It was, workflow management systems (WfMS), (3) extended,
of course, beyond our scope to undertake an exhaustive graphical user interface (GUI)- and data-centric IDEs, and
review of all these solutions, so that a limited number of (4) complex multi-use platforms for business application
LCPs had to be selected for study. Accordingly, no claim configuration, integration, and development (for a fuller
of representativeness can be made. Because the study is description, see Bock and Frank 2021). The upshot is that
intended to be explorative in nature, however, we argue platforms offered under the label ‘low-code’ are exceed-
that this restriction is justifiable. A number of criteria were ingly heterogeneous and do not constitute a well-defined
considered in the selection of LCPs. The overriding intent class of technological environments.
was to cover a spectrum as broad as possible. We therefore
began with a preliminary market study, grouping existing 3.2 Features of Low-Code Platforms
LCPs into four rough categories according to their general
character and purpose (cf. below). Afterwards, we chose We now turn to the identified features of the studied LCPs,
the LCPs so that at least one candidate from each category which we will present according to their frequency of
was considered. Moreover, we made sure to cover vendors occurrence, distinguishing between common, occasional,
of different size and market influence, as well as LCPs and rare features. Where relevant, we will assign these
intended for different target audiences. In case of doubt, features to the traditional perspectives of systems devel-
large vendors were given the priority, based on the opment – the static, the functional, and the dynamic per-
assumption that these figure prominently in shaping the spective. A summary is given in Fig. 1.
concept of LCPs. More details on the selection process are Common features. Most common features of LCPs fall
found in the original study. Limitations of the analysis and into the static perspective. Every considered product fea-
related work are indicated at the end of this section; and for tures a component for the definition of data structures. This
the complete details, again, see the references cited above. component is almost always offered in the form of a con-
ceptual modeling tool, implementing either a classical data
3.1 Historical Background and Product Positioning modeling language (i.e., a variant of the Entity-Relation-
ship Model) or a simplified proprietary language. Some-
A striking fact about almost all considered low-code times, data structures can only be defined in UI-based
products is they have existed, in one form or another, be- dialogs or lists. A related common feature is the capacity to
fore the label ‘low-code’ was invented. With the exception access external data sources using a variety of application
of one platform, the solutions now marketed as LCPs have programming interfaces (APIs). For example, the platforms
been the single or primary products of the offering all permit using standard APIs like JDBC, as well as


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736 A. C. Bock, U. Frank: Low-Code Platform, Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021)

Low-Code Plaorm

Conceptual data modeling Internal database management

component system
Stac Perspecve

usually involves retrieved/
stored via External data sources
Components for data structure Mechanisms to access external data (RDBMS, XML documents,
specificaon sources via APIs CSV files, individual
systems such as ERP or
may be adapted in CRM systems, ...)
operate on
Domain-specific data reference
models defined via

External services
Mechanisms for basic funconal Mechanisms to access external (Web services, RESTful
Funconal Perspecve

specificaons (business rules, …) services/funcons via APIs services, individual

interfaces of large
may be used in technology plaorms, ...)

Standard funcons for generic Domain-specific reference func-

purposes (mathemacal, …) ons or reference implementaons

Advanced/tradional coding
funcons are invoked in GUIs defined via

Conceptual process modeling somemes Generic systems for state/UI page


component involve transions


usually involves

Workflow management system and Domain-specific reference process

engine models

govern the use of GUIs created via integrated with End-user devices
used/rendered on
(local machines/

Mechanisms for coupling GUI forms computers, smart-

GUI designer usually involves
phones, tablets, ...)
and data instances (MVC)

usually involves
Mechanisms for preparing GUI Deployed applicaons
rendering on different devices will be access via
GUIs become part of soluons deployed via

oen becomes Web/Applicaon Server

Other Aspects

Deployment and export deployed to

Roles and user rights system part of soluon
either (on-premise or off-
deployed via mechanisms
premise, as part of the
low-code plaorm)

Building block-like applicaon units

become part of soluon deployed via
for varied purposes (BI, AI, RPA, ...)

Explanaon Feature
External system or Frequency (common, occasional,
service rare, not idenfied)

Fig. 1 Features of low-code platforms

various connectors to other types of files and systems. As a palettes of pre-defined widgets, although their scope varies
rule, the platforms are designed so that data may be stored widely. Defining the coupling of GUIs and data structures
either in an internal database system, or in existing ex- is fairly convenient in most environments, as it is not
ternal systems. necessary to implement the model-view-controller (MVC)
Another feature provided by every studied low-code pattern manually. Furthermore, most systems provide dis-
platform is a GUI designer. Without exception, the studied tinct support in adapting the GUIs to different target
platforms incorporate a component to develop graphical environments (e.g., desktop browsers, tablets, and
user interfaces and to integrate them with other imple- smartphones).
mentation artifacts. All reviewed GUI designers bring


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A. C. Bock, U. Frank: Low-Code Platform, Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021) 737

Furthermore, all systems afford basic functional speci- limited scope, pre-implemented functionalities for the
fications. The most common approach here are simple areas of business intelligence (BI), artificial intelligence
expression languages for decision rules and dialog-based (AI), and RPA.
ways of specifying program flow conditions. Similarly, Rare features. Notably, domain-specific reference
each solution provides a library of generic standard oper- implementation artifacts were identified only on rare
ations, such as mathematical functions. Also, all solutions occasions. Only one large-scale platform provides a con-
enable, in varying ways, to invoke and integrate external siderable library of domain-specific reference data models,
functions via APIs. For example, almost every system addressing common business and communication concepts,
allows to use standard approaches such as web services and such as ‘customer’, ‘address’, and ‘email’. Some other
RESTful (representational state transfer) services; and systems offer small sets of simple reference structures, and
many systems make it possible to use a long list of APIs of most reviewed LCPs do not bring with them any data
individual providers, such as Google APIs and other social reference models at all. When it comes to domain-specific
media APIs. reference functions and reusable artifacts of a dynamic
Moving on to a different area, almost all considered nature, still fewer artifacts are found. One large-scale
solutions offer advanced support in the deployment of the platform makes it possible to reuse a number of ready-
applications, although this takes quite different forms. For made functions from various business applications of the
example, some systems require to install the environment same vendor. Most other studied systems offer catalogs of
of the low-code platform on a web server, so that indi- reusable functions or examples of predefined processes, but
vidual applications can be deployed there. Other systems, these are mostly generic in nature, or very limited in scope
in contrast, allow to deploy the developed solutions as self- and depth.
contained applications on various devices and machines.
Finally, another common feature is that almost all con- 3.3 Limitations and Related Work
sidered solutions came with a component to define roles
and user rights. The roles and user system is usually A number of limitations apply to our study. The most
contained in the governing architecture of the platform, important one has already been emphasized at the outset:
which will be deployed together with the custom because of the limited sample size, no claim to represen-
application. tativeness can be defended. Another general limitation is
Occasional features. Many less common features fall that besides the various features highlighted above, every
into the dynamic perspective. One occasional feature is the solution has, of course, a range of individual features,
availability of a workflow modeling component and a which cannot be enumerated here. Several more specific
workflow engine. Several of the larger and more complex limitations concern the fact that there are a number of
LCPs incorporate a WfMS at their architectural core; other criteria whose analysis was unfeasible for us. This includes,
systems now branded as LCPs, as previously indicated, for example, the behavior of the LCPs in the deployment
really are classical WfMS. The platforms either use a and scalability of large projects, as well as cost-efficiency
conceptual modeling language like Business Process analyses. To our knowledge, the only other study of
Model and Notation (BPMN), or a proprietary representa- available LCPs is that of Sahay et al. (2020). The aims and
tional structure. In other systems, the perspective is more results of that study are similar to ours, but Sahay et al.
generic and technical. These platforms mainly provide (2020) concentrate on comparing particular LCPs, whereas
components to define the interaction with, and transition our interest is to reveal and critically discuss the main
between, user-defined UI forms. Some platforms rely on features of LCPs in the context of business information
proprietary process modeling component for this purpose, systems research. For a more detailed discussion of the
others on basic menus and event-catching scripts. results and limitations of our analysis, see Bock and Frank
Another occasional feature is the availability of (2021) and Frank et al. (2021).
advanced or traditional coding components. Some systems,
involve one or several explicit components where proce-
dural specifications can be made using traditional pro- 4 Discussion and Assessment
gramming languages and related technologies. Most
frequently, the systems use Java and JavaScript. Indeed, at Our exploratory analysis of existing low-code platforms
some more or less hidden level of the architecture, almost has revealed a number of features found in these systems,
all low-code platforms grant recourse to traditional pro- and it has occasioned several general observations. We will
gramming code. Finally, the studied platforms of major now discuss the main findings of our analysis, offering a
vendors offer a variety of configurable, building block-like critical assessment of the trend.
application units. For example, these units provide, in


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738 A. C. Bock, U. Frank: Low-Code Platform, Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021)

Low-code platforms integrate various classical devel- not the technology itself, but the way in which it is sold. As
opment components in one environment. The most impor- our analysis has indicated, conceptual modeling compo-
tant way in which the examined LCPs differ from classical nents are among the most important components of low-
software development infrastructures is that they incorpo- code platforms and one of the principal ways in which they
rate all or most tools and components required for a limited are able to decrease the need for traditional coding. This is
class of software development projects in a single envi- the exact approach of the field of MDD, where the vision
ronment. When using a classical software development has been that conceptual models are used to ‘‘reduce the
infrastructure, one has to deal with a sizeable array of gap between problem and software implementation
separate tools, such as IDEs, modeling tools, database domains through the use of technologies that support sys-
management systems (DBMS), object-relational (O-R) tematic transformation of problem-level abstractions to
mapping frameworks, GUI editors, deployment and com- software implementations’’ (France and Rumpe 2007,
pilation assistants, and so on. In LCPs, these tools are p. 37). The modeling languages provided by the LCPs,
integrated into one system, so that there is less need to however, are rather simplistic, lagging behind the state of
switch between different systems and, more importantly, the art in research on conceptual modeling.
less need to keep consistent and integrate the implemen- Incomplete account of related research. The design of
tation artifacts produced by the distinct technologies. available LCPs has, evidently, derived inspiration from
Reuse is addressed at a generic architectural level, not several lines of research on IS design and implementation,
at a domain-specific level. The investigated low-code but, surprisingly, ignored others. A field from which most
platforms rarely offer reusable artifacts at a domain- LCP vendors have drawn quite extensively is, as under-
specific level. Rather, what is reused by these platforms are lined above, that of model-driven development. There are
fairly generic, and often implicit, architectural frameworks also more or less pronounced similarities to other research-
for certain classes of application systems. This involves based approaches, although the exact technical concepts
reference implementations for such areas as GUI design, and procedures are not usually adopted. This is true, for
O-R mappings, MVC operations, access to external data example, of design constructs from research on ‘visual
sources and other services, and so on. Within these programming’ (e.g., Costagliola et al. 2004; Ingalls et al.
frameworks, then, individual solutions can be configured 1988), technical concepts to support ‘weaving’ reusable
and developed. services into customized ones (e.g., Besova et al. 2012;
Productivity gains mainly ensue from reducing the Bergel and Fabry 2009), and the more recent vision of ‘on-
efforts of routine tasks. LCPs produce productivity gains the-fly computing’ (Karl et al. 2020). Remarkably, other
primarily by reducing the efforts of routine tasks in soft- well-known lines of investigation have been ignored alto-
ware development projects of low to moderate complexity. gether. Most importantly, as already stressed, this concerns
This applies in several ways. One is that through the pro- work on reference models (e.g., Becker and Delfmann
vision of a pre-defined, integrated environment, there is 2007; Fettke and Loos 2007) as well as work on domain-
less effort in synchronizing the artifacts produced by pre- specific modeling languages (e.g., Kelly and Tolvanen
viously separate development components. Productivity is 2008; Frank 2013). Both reference models and DSMLs can
also promoted by the aforementioned reference imple- promote the productivity of systems design significantly, as
mentations for such generic tasks as GUI design, O-R they incorporate domain knowledge.
mapping, MVC implementation, and deployment in dif- Risk of lock-in effects. In most cases, the representations
ferent environments. generated in one LCP cannot be used in another. This
No new technology. Summing up the previous points, presents a serious threat to the protection of investment and
we arrive at the finding that most components of LCPs are, may lead to dead ends when a vendor stops supporting a
in and of themselves, neither radically new nor innovative platform (as is the case with AppMaker, which Google has
in any way. To the contrary, what is actually provided in recently abandoned).
these environments are well-known tools and components
for software development which have been used, in varying
forms, for decades. Also, many low-code products have, in 5 Opportunities for Future Research
fact, existed for many years, and are now merely rebran-
ded. In this respect, we therefore agree with Cabot who A number of opportunities for research are tied to the
concluded: ‘‘I do not believe there is any fundamental emergence of low-code development platforms. One rea-
technical contribution in low-code trend’’ (Cabot 2020, son is that methods and theories for the construction and
p. 536). adaptation of organizational information systems are at the
Conceptual modeling is not at the core of marketing, but very core of business information systems research.
at the core of the platforms. Another key finding concerns Another reason is that all areas of our social reality


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A. C. Bock, U. Frank: Low-Code Platform, Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021) 739

continue to be permeated by software. Thus, much in the such as cognitive psychology, and modeling and pro-
spirit of low-code development, approaches are needed to gramming language design.
empower people – not just the traditional ‘‘user’’ – to Effects on organizational behavior: Approaches to fos-
understand and modify the software shaping their work ter end-user computing effectively blur the traditional
environment and, more and more, their entire lives. The boundaries between developers and users. This is likely to
following list of research opportunities is intended to affect organizational decision processes, patterns of col-
illustrate the scope of inspiring research topics related to laboration, and roles surrounding IS design and use. While
the low-code trend. these matters have been the subject of early studies on end-
Support for the evaluation and economic use of low- user computing (Amoroso, 1988), the digitization of work
code platforms. As has become clear, LCPs are no silver environments as well as the average levels of computer
bullets, but, under the appropriate circumstances, the use of literacy have changed considerably since then. This leads
these platforms can help organizations improve produc- to research questions concerning the future conception of
tivity and agility in software design and development. It is, IT management in general, and the organization of soft-
however, far from trivial to judge the economics of LCPs. ware projects in particular.
Research is needed to identify problem classes which can
be effectively addressed by the typical functions of LCPs –
and those which cannot. It is also essential to investigate 6 Conclusion
whether and how LCPs can serve as a supplement to, rather
than a replacement of, traditional software development Our analysis of low-code platforms did not produce evi-
infrastructures. Furthermore, the support of organizational dence that the individual components of low-code solutions
decision makers calls for research on the training required are radical innovations. In many ways, they lag behind the
for employees with no or little programming skills to use frontiers of research on software design, implementation,
LCPs effectively, as well as on the costs and risks of this and maintenance. What distinguishes these platforms is
sort of institutionalized lay development. Following on that they integrate, in one environment, multiple well-
from this, another line of research could be directed toward known and traditional system design components so as to
the design and evaluation of methods for the economic reduce the efforts of routine tasks in implementing business
analysis of LCPs, as well as (modeling) methods for applications within the confines of certain, more or less
guiding lay developers in the use of LCPs and classical restrictive frameworks. As such, LCPs can promote soft-
software development facilities. ware development productivity if all the requirements of a
New approaches to study the possibilities and limita- given project can be satisfied within the predefined,
tions of domain-specific reference models: As our analysis immutable framework of a certain LCP and all other per-
has shown, domain-specific reference models and equiva- tinent technical and economic conditions are fulfilled, too.
lent implementation artifacts are rarely provided in low- Developing methods for the careful assessment of these
code platforms. This raises the question of why this is so, conditions is an important subject for future research.
as reference models could easily be integrated into these Moreover, the momentum generated by the low-code
environments. Reference models may not only reduce trend gives rise to various other inspiring research oppor-
development costs and enable a higher quality of infor- tunities lying not only at the core of our discipline, but also
mation systems, they may also promote (cross-organiza- at the cross-sections with other disciplines. A most
tional) integration. But it is also true that domain-specific notable opportunity lies in the fact that the attention
reference models, despite some enthusiasm a few decades directed at low-code platforms may contribute to the
ago, did not become the game changers they were supposed revival of conceptual modeling. As we have shown, con-
to be. The emergence of LCPs is a welcome occasion for ceptual modeling is one of, if not the single most important
business information systems research to (re-)address itself ingredient of present-day low-code platforms – even
to the obstacles preventing the use of reference models and though vendors rarely declare themselves as offering
the design of strategies to overcome them. modeling environments. Business information systems
Cognitive fit of representations: Although LCPs address research is well positioned to seize this opportunity, since it
both professional software developers and ‘citizen devel- is the only discipline that takes the design and analysis of
opers’, it remains unclear what kind of user models they domain-specific conceptual models as one of its funda-
employ. Such models are needed to make representations mental tasks.
of software fit cognitive capabilities and personal working The term ‘low-code’, however, is problematic. It is
styles. The investigation of this topic opens a wide range of currently used in an inconsistent manner, being deployed to
research questions whose investigation may involve fields sell vastly heterogeneous development environments.
While we do not think it is advisable to prescribe


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740 A. C. Bock, U. Frank: Low-Code Platform, Bus Inf Syst Eng 63(6):733–740 (2021)

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