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Dr. Aymen Hamed

• obsessions are recurrent and persistent
thoughts, or images that are intrusive and
inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety
or distress
• The individual attempts to ignore or
suppress such thought
Compulsions are defined by
1. Repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand
washing) or mental acts (e.g., praying)
that the individual feels driven ‫ يقاد‬to
perform in response to an obsession
2. The behaviors are aimed at preventing or
reducing anxiety or distress
• The obsessions or compulsions are time-
content in obsessions
• Aggression: Physical or verbal assault on
self or others
• Contamination
• Symmetry
• Sexual
• Hoarding: Collecting items of any kind
• Religious: Existence of God
• Somatic :Preoccupation with body parts
(e.g., nose)
Epidemiology and Course
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder typically
begins in the late teens or early 20s
• Onset is generally gradual
• chronic course
• lifetime prevalence of 2%–3% in the
general population
• obsessive-compulsive disorder occurs
more often in persons who have various
neurological disorders, such as epilepsy,
Sydenham’s chorea, and Huntington’s
chorea, as well as in cases of brain trauma.
• The neurotransmitter serotonin has been
the focus of great interest
Differential Diagnosis
• Obsessive-compulsive personality is
characterized by perfectionism, orderliness
• Schizophrenia: whereas delusions in
schizophrenia are typically not resisted
Important DSM-5 obsessive-
compulsive and related disorders

• Obsessive-compulsive disorder
• Body dysmorphic disorder
• Hoarding disorder ‫إضطراب اإلكتناز‬
• Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder(
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A patient with body dysmorphic disorder,
formerly called dysmorphophobia, is
preoccupied with an imagined defect in
physical appearance that are not observable
or appear slight to others
Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling Disorder)
is characterized by recurrent pulling out of
one’s hair that results in noticeable hair loss
Clinical Management
The treatment for obsessive-compulsive
disorder usually involves
• Medication as SSRI
• Behavior therapy
• Family therapy

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