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Rangkuman Dari Electrical Switchboard Onboard Ship

The main generator consists of several base panels this is a generator panel takes the power
generated by the main generator and distributes it to the main bus bars the generator panel has
an air or acb circuit breaker that goes out of the circuit in case of over current under voltage or
power reverse. The synchronization panel shown below is a standard feature on conventional
switchboards. This panel is used when operating two generators in parallel. however, because
of automatic synchronization, fewer and fewer switchboards are now equipped with sync
panels. This is a 440 volt ac panel feeder that feeds 440 volt ac power to each onboard load via
the main bus bar fitted with a printed box circuit breaker feeder panel or mccbs. The wiring
scheme for each mccb is shown on the label. let's take a simple look at the inside of a
switchboard and its main components.

The switchboard is a box of wires and various pieces of equipment this is the input section it
receives the electrical power from the generator and this is the connection piece found on the
back of the acb air circuit breaker here you can see the acb pulled out from the front of the back
side panel of the molded case panel the mccb circuit breaker is shown here this is the front side
of the mccb in case of over current or short circuit the mccb will shut down and automatically y
stop the current to prevent damage to the cables and equipment. let's use another switchboard
to have a closer look at how the mccb functions as shown You see lights a through f come on
indicating that power is being fed to various equipment let's see what happens during
emergency stop suppose a fire occurs in the engine room and a crew member has pressed the
emergency stop button after receiving this signal mccb turns off the circuit and lights for
system stop emergency shutdown. now let's consider preference trip when the generator
becomes overloaded preference trip is activated and preferentially powers important equipment
by turning off power to less important equipment during trip power preference is continuously
fed to main system mccb is equipped with various types of protection devices and gauges. the
fuse protects the circuit from abnormal current mal when the current exceeds the rated limit
passes through the fuse the heat generated by the abnormal current melts the thin alloy
contained in the fuse to turn off the transformer circuit converting the ac 440 voltage applied to
the keyboard to ac 100 volts and ac 200 volts control voltage for relays and other key parts
relays control electrical equipment inside a switchboard by using electromagnets to open or
close contacts. automatic voltage regulator or Avr regulates generator voltage when generator
is operating para lel regulator ensures that the voltage for both generators is the same [Music]
protection relay type reverse power relay protects the generator from reverse power [Music] the
keyboard is equipped with various protection relays. please remember that when you handle the
keyboard you always run the risk of electric shock electric shock refers to the damage caused
by electric current elements when passing through the human body ohm's law assigns a value
to the electric current flowing through the human body which will vary according to the voltage
and electrical resistance of the body the electrical resistance of human skin varies according to
the wetness of the skin dry shows resistance as as high as a few hundred kilo ohms if the
voltage rises above 1000 volts but the surface of the skin is destroyed by burning and the
resistance drops to as low as 0 ohms the internal tissue resistance hardly changes approx 500
ohms for the area of the body between the hands and feet assuming the skin is dry offers a
resistance of 20 kilo ohms contact with standard household voltage 100 volts will send 5
milliamperes of current flowing through your body increasing that to 440 volts and the current
flowing through your body increases to 22 milliamperes this graph shows the additional
physiological impacts on the different human body current ent. at ac1 level no perceived impact
at ac2 level no harmful impact 5 milliamperes encountered at this level and causes no
recognizable impact at ac3 level your muscles contract preventing you from disengaging from
the current without assistance prolonged exposure to the current takes you to the ac4 level
where ventricular fibrillation occurs.

Life threatening You have less than half a second to escape at 22 milliamperes without risk of
significant injury or loss of life for more than half a second You will not be able to escape
without assistance and risk serious injury or even death if someone is electrocuted Your first
step is turn off the power source if this is not possible then use the body rescue hook stick to
pull the person away from danger. carrying your body or objects near the hotline can cause an
arc discharge which is very dangerous modern ships often use voltages as high as 6 600 volts
you risk an electric shock electric shock if you approach this voltage hotline within 150
millimeters danger limit is approx. 20 millimeters for low voltage. every electrical equipment has
an electrostatic capacity, this means it can accumulate and maintain an electric charge the
conductive parts can hold a charge n electrostatic even when the power source is turned off
You always run the risk of electric shock when approaching the part. when servicing and
inspecting a switchboard you should always take precautions to prevent electric shock and
follow proper procedures for safe operation dress lightly and properly avoid clothing loose
clothing and shoes with iron stove spikes stay away from standing water and other moisture
and Never touch electrical circuits with wet hands be sure to wear insulated gloves and remove
all rings watches and other jewelery put the tools you need in the tool box to prevent accidental
contact accidental with the circuit keep the components you removed in the spares box after
confirming the quantity when opening the wiring harness use an electroscopic rod to ensure
that the wiring harness is not electrified first confirm the performance capability of the rod
ensure that the wiring harness makes sound when t is energized then confirm that it is not
electrified. You can use a multimeter in place of an electroscopic bar but extra precautions
must be taken as your hands will be closer to the cable path use a grounding tool to discharge
any residual charge in the cable path. operator must cooperate with each other while following
all the instructions given by the leader the leader must carry out supervision and provide proper
instructions to ensure the safety of each member must thoroughly understand the duties of
each team member for that day crew attention crew attention to ensure proper awareness in
between your shipmates make an announcement on board that maintenance and inspection
work is in progress main switchboard will be carried out from 1400 thanks before starting
operations secure the operating area with ropes and or warning signs to clearly delimit the
operating area and the area that can be used Inspection access must be carried out by the team

consisting of two or more people one of whom is responsible for the safety watch use signaling
and other forms of communication to maintain frequent contact between team members when
engaged in operations requiring power to be turned off post in maintenance and guard power
off sign to prevent power on mistakenly. always remember that accidents involving electric
shock tend to happen immediately before work is done never let your guard down until you leave
the hazard area even if your work is done before touching a circuit make sure power is turned
off then use an electroscopic bar For confirm that the circuit is safe. conduct d daily check
patrols to visually look for abnormalities. use a ground lamp to confirm which phase is
grounded. check the voltage for each phase. the current for each phase and frequency. lamp
ground indicates which phase of the power system is in ground fault the normal phase light is
on while the ground fault phase light is not on when opening the switchboard door stay away
from live parts this is a hazardous area use special equipment when carrying out inspections
due to the nature of switchboard design polarity is classified by color according with right or left
top or bottom position or distance from board make sure to confirm proper polarity mega use to
confirm insulation level locks insulation resistance meter switch keeps mega on at all times
dangerous always unlocks switch when using mega. the mega is prohibited in some parts of the
switchboard understand where this part is and don't use the mega there. acbs checks are the
responsibility of the manufacturer. now we would like to review some accident case studies to
help you better appreciate switchboard best practices shown here is a fire that occurred in a
switchboard improper use of multimeter possible cause always remember to confirm your
multimeter settings before you start measuring improper use of multimeter will not only
damage multimeter but also damage target equipment eg when you intend to measure check
voltage whether the probe is inserted into the voltage meter socket and whether the measuring
range setting is correct. if the ratchet touches the terminal while you are working, you may
suffer arc burns on your hands in some cases your work clothing may catch fire. short circuits
may occur also caused by bolts or other objects falling into hot lines. this type of accident can
be avoided by turning off the power source at the job site before maintenance and inspection
work begins using an electroscopic rod to ensure that the target is not electrically charged. even
when the work is done you are still not out of danger if a wrench or other tool is left in the wire,
short circuit accidents will occur when power is restored to that part. always remember to
inventory or check both the tool and the part before and after doing the job

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