The Princess and The Little Maid Illistration Description

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The Princess and the Maid

Barbara F. Hardy

8”x8” eBook
8.5x11 inches for children’s book
8.5”x11” coloring book -simple black outline larger figures. Colored paper
dolls on the back cover. Story pictures and clothing on the back few pages
of book.
Pages 4-26 Can have one picture spread across two pages
King red hair and freckles and Queen Polynesian brown skin, hair and eyes
and bright beautiful smile.
Princess Samantha- Polynesian brown skin, dark brown hair, and brown
The little maid blonde pigtails and blue eyes
Front Cover- Princess and little maid- Princess in Royal clothing and little
maid in black dress, apron, and hat.
1. Title page
2. Copyright page
3. Once upon a time in a beautiful castle on a tall hill lived Princess
Samantha with her father the king and her mother the queen.
Ill. Desc. A beautiful Castle on a tall hill with royal crest flags flying
with a winding trail to the drawbridge over a large mote.
4. Every day the King and Queen sat on their large throne with Princess
Samantha in a little chair by her mother.
Ill. Desc. Oversize King and Queen from Princess Samantha point of
view sitting in their royal ornate golden chairs with marble floors with
stairs leading to the thrones.
5. The village people would come to the castle and ask for advice to
solve problems with their animals or neighbors.
Ill. Desc. One man, who appears to be a farmer, is kneeling before
the royal family pouring out his heart with his lamb under his arm as
he waves his other arm describing his situation requesting a solution
to his problem.
6. Princess Samantha just could not sit still for such a long time. She
wiggled and squirmed but could not hold still because she was so
bored day after day.
Ill. Desc. Princess leaning on her elbow on the arm of the chair with
her unhappy bored face on her hand looking to the side with her legs
kicking up and down swinging from her small throne.
7. One day she heard singing coming from one of the rooms in the
castle. She slid off her tiny throne and started looking in several large
rooms in the castle.
Ill. Desc. Princess looking and smiling leaning towards the door with
musical notes floating towards her as she is sliding off her princess
8. Peeking behind the door to a large royal sitting room, she saw a little
maid, her age with a white hat, in a black dress, with a small little
white apron tied around her waist.
Ill. Desc. Princess peeking behind large heavy door. Little maid
singing and dancing to dust a coat of arms.
9. The little maid was singing and dancing with her feather duster as
cleaning the large furniture and mirrors.
Ill. Desc. Little maid singing and dancing as she cleans the royal
statue with feather duster.
10. She was happily polishing every mirror and sweeping the floors with
her little straw broom. She was singing and dancing as she was
ill. Desc. Little Maid dancing and singing as she is sweeping the floor.
11. As she was dancing the little maid was startled to see Princess
ill. Desc. Little maid kicking her toe high towards the door looking
surprised to see the princess. Princess looks like she is giggling and
enjoying the show.
12. The Princess pulled back the door asking the little maid “Can I help?”
ill. Desc. Princess steps into the room confidently with broad smile
asking to help and pointing to the little maid feather duster.
13. “I think I have a dress that will just fit you.” Replied the little
ill. Desc. Picking up the skirt of her black dress she curtsies and
points to a clothing amour.
14. Princess Samantha quickly put on the black dress, white hat, and
little white apron. They both started singing and skipping as they
ill. Desc. The little maid is tying the back of the Princess’ apron as both
the princess and the little maid begin to sing. The princess starts to kick
her toe up and sweep the floor.
15. The Princess said, “This is fun!”
ill. Desc. The little princess is singing and twirling with the feather duster
in her hand.
16. After they cleaned the castle, the little maid taught her to skip rope,
ill. Desc. The little maid in her play dress turning the rope for the
princess in her royal clothing.
17. play hide and seek,
ill. Desc. The little maid calling and looking for the princess as she was
hiding under a large chair.
18. And make paper dolls.
ill. Desc. Scissors and bits of paper on the floor and paint brushes and
paint. The little maid shows princess how to cut dolls from paper.
19. Later they rode ponies together.
ill. Desc. Each little girl riding a Shetland pony bareback with simple
bridle (blonde for princess and the other a black and white pony with
little maid) both ponies with long mane and tail.
20. The Princess was so tired from working and playing with her new
friend she went right to sleep after she ate that night.
ill. Desc. Princess with her head on her royal pillow fast asleep with her
favorite doll.
21. When she woke up, she went to her father the king and mother the
queen and said, “I had a fun day yesterday. I want to be a maid!”
ill. Desc. Princess in her nightgown standing in front with a big smile
waving a feather duster to the King and Queen with surprised faces in
robes eating breakfast fruit and bread.
22. The King and Queen listened to Princess Samantha and saw she
was happy working and playing with her new friend.
ill. Desc. Princess kicking her toe in the air singing in her nightgown as
the King and Queen leaned in to talk to each other smiling and nodding
23. They both agreed that Princess Samantha could work and play with
the little maid.
ill. Desc. King and Queen on the thrown with thumbs up.
24. They even gave her a little black dress, white hat with a crown and
royal apron with her own golden feather duster.
ill. Desc. Open amour with royal maid clothing and gold ornate duster
and broom.
25. Princess Samantha and the little maid learned to love to work and
play at the castle every single day.
ill. Desc. Princess with feather duster and little maid with broom singing
and dancing as the pony’s heads peek through the window.
26. Paper doll Clothing- Princess clothing, Royal maid clothing
28. Paper doll Clothing-Maid clothing, play clothing
30. Paper doll Clothing-night gowns for both girl’s horse-riding clothes

Back Cover - Paper dolls of Princess and Little maid in camisole and
bloomers with cross bar stand piece.

Paper dolls of Princess Samantha and the Little Maid. Maid Costumes for
both. Royal Clothing for the Princess and play dress for the maid holding a
skip rope and paper doll.

It is 32 pages in all including the title page and copywrite page. The paper
doll clothing needs to be on the last three printed pages blank on the back
so they can be cut out. The back cover will be a cardboard cover and will
have the paper dolls of the princess and the little maid in the bloomers.
Both books need to be 8.5x11 inches so they can convert better from the
colored covered book to the black and white coloring book pages. The front
and back covers can be the same only with the words “Coloring book on
the cover.
This will be the format for the series of my mother’s books.

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