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Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt
Fifty-third year, number 42 (2.668) Vatican City Friday, 16 October 2020

God’s door is always open

to our cry of suffering
The Holy Father continues his series of catecheses on prayer reflecting on the Psalms


‘Fratelli Tutti’, even

those considered
‘too many’
The text of the Encyclical Letter
Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis’ third,
published on 4 October, has fore-
seeably evoked a series of assor-
ted, very diverse reactions. There
is also word arriving from over-
seas that cannot be defined as a
“reaction” but rather as a symp-
tom of how greatly we need the
very meaning of fraternity to be
rediscovered today, even in its
strictest, most literal sense. It is a
publicity campaign that can be
seen in this period along streets
and on the walls of buildings in
Canada and the USA, and which
calls attention to a mentality, a
world view shaped by the closure
generated by a fear of “otherness”
and by a lack of confidence that
the Pope’s text invites us to over-
come, with a “heart open to the
whole world”, as stated in the
title of the fourth chapter of
Fratelli Tutti. The theme ad-
dressed by the OnePlanetOneCh-
ild association is precisely that of
fraternity, seen in very simple
terms (after all, this is the aim of


To Women’s Consultation Group

Protagonists of a Church

To Global Compact on Education

To educate is an act of hope

page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 16 October 2020, number 42

the titular see of Nomentum. Until

now he has served as vicar general
of the diocese of Zárate-Campana,

VATICAN Argentina (10 Oct.).

Bishop-elect Rodríguez Gallego,
65, was born in Don Benito, Spain.

BULLETIN Tatroportus and Auxiliary

Fortaleza, Brazil (7 Oct.).
of He was ordained a priest on 6 July
Bishop Cordeiro de Lima, 58, was
The Holy Father appointed Bishop
AUDIENCE Dr Julio Cesar Caballero Moreno, born in União dos Palmares, Brazil.
Omar Alberto Sánchez Cubillos, OP,
Office Head of the Pontifical Com- He was ordained a priest on 1
as Metropolitan Archbishop of
Monday, 5 October mission for Latin America November 1992. He was ordained a
Popayán, Colombia. Until now he
bishop on 25 March 2011, sub-
Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, Tit- Saturday, 10 October sequent to his appointment as titular has served as Bishop of Tibú,
ular Archbishop of Montecorvino, Bishop of Castellum Tatroportus Colombia (12 Oct.).
Cardinal Marc Ouellet, PSS, Prefect
Apostolic Nuncio to Australia of the Congregation for Bishops and Auxiliary of Fortaleza. Archbishop Sánchez Cubillos, 57,
Archbishop Nicolas Henry Marie was born in Cogua, Colombia.
Ms Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, con- The Holy Father appointed as auxil- Member of the Order of Preachers,
Denis Thevenin, titular Archbishop sort of the President of the Republic iary bishop of the Metropolitan he was ordained a priest on 17 Feb-
of Eclano, Apostolic Nuncio to the of Mexico Archdiocese of Tucumán, Argentina, ruary 1990. He was ordained a bish-
Arab Republic of Egypt, Holy See
Delegation from the Archdiocese of Fr Roberto Ferrari, assigning him op on 8 August 2011, subsequent to
delegate at the League of Arab
Ravenna-Cervia, on the occasion of the titular see of Pinhel. Until now his appointment as Bishop of Tibú.
the Anno Dantesco he has served as rector of the Jesús
Directors and staff of the Deposits Buen Pastor Major Seminary (10
and Loans Fund Monday, 12 October O ct.). ORIENTAL CHURCHES
Thursday, 8 October H.E. Mr Francisco Javier Bautista Bishop-elect Ferrari, 54, was born
Lara, Ambassador of Nicaragua to in Ucacha, Argentina. He was or- The Synod of the Patriarchal
Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Fer- the Holy See, on the occasion of the dained a priest on 19 September Church of Alexandria for Copts has
rer, SJ, Prefect of the Congregation presentation of his Letters of Cre- 1993. He studied philosophy and informed the Apostolic See that it
for the Doctrine of the Faith dence theology. has accepted the resignation from
Evaluators of the Moneyval Pro- Archbishop Vito Rallo, titular of Al- the pastoral care of the Eparchy of
gramme of the Council of Europe ba, Apostolic Nuncio to Morocco The Holy Father appointed as auxil- Minya, Egypt, presented by Msgr
iary bishop of the Diocese of Zárate- Botros Fahim Awad Hanna (7 Oct.).
Archbishop Piergiorgio Bertoldi, tit- Bishop Heiner Wilmer, SCJ, of Campana, Argentina, Fr Justo
ular Archbishop of Spello, Apostolic Hildesheim, Federal Republic of Rodríguez Gallego, assigning him CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
Nuncio to Mozambique Germany
Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca, titular Cardinal George Pell, Prefect emerit-
Bishop of Fondi, Secretary of the us of the Secretariat for the Eco-
Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic nomy
Mr Nicolas Ch. Palakias, Ambassad- CHANGES IN EPISCOPATE
or of Greece, on his farewell visit
Friday, 9 October The Holy Father accepted the resig-
nation from the pastoral care of the ROTERODAMEN.
Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella, titu- Diocese of Itapipoca, Brazil, presen- NULLITATIS MATRIMONII
lar of Voghenza, President of the ted by Bishop Antônio Roberto (GERRITZEN-MULDER)
Pontifical Council for Promoting Cavuto, OFM. Cap. (7 Oct.).
P.N. 23761
New Evangelisation
The Holy Father appointed as Bish-
Prof. Vincenzo Buonomo, Rector op of Itapipoca Bishop Rosalvo NOTIFICATION OF THE DECREE OF JOINDER OF ISSUE
Magnificent of the Pontifical Later- Cordeiro de Lima. Until now he has DATED 29 SEPTEMBER 2020
an University served as titular Bishop of Castellum 7 October 2020
Unaware of the domicile of Mrs. Jacqueline MULDER, Respond-
ent in the above-referenced case, in which the Petitioner considers
his marriage to be invalid due to a grave defect of discretion of judg-
Holy Father meets Cardinal George Pell ment concerning the essential matrimonial rights and obligations to be
mutually given and accepted on the part of both Parties and/or an inca-
pacity to assume the essential obligations of marriage because of causes of
a psychological nature on the part of both Parties, according to the
norms of can. 1095, nn. 2-3, the same Respondent is informed that,
by Decree dated 29 September 2020, issued at the Apostolic
Tribunal of the Roman Rota “Piazza della Cancelleria, 1 — 00186
Roma”, the Undersigned Judged Ponens has established the object
of judgment by the following formula:

“Whether the nullity of marriage is proven, in the instant case”

The Most Excellent Ordinaries, the Reverend Pastors, and the

faithful, who have knowledge of the domicile of the Respondent,
are asked to inform the same Respondent about the above-refer-
enced decree of the Ponens.
On Monday morning, 12 October, the Holy Father received in private audience Mons. JUDE BERTHOMIEUX FRÉDÉRIC, Notary
Cardinal George Pell, Prefect emeritus of the Secretariat for the Economy

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number 42, Friday, 16 October 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 3


Even “if all human doors were barred, God’s door is open”,
always, Pope Francis said at the General Audience on Wednesday
morning, 14 October. God is there to receive our cry of suffering
that “takes the name of sickness, hatred, war, persecution, distrust”.
As he continued his series of catecheses on prayer, the Holy Father
spoke about the Psalms, describing them as “the Word of God that
we human beings use to speak with him”. The following is a
translation of his catechesis which he shared in Italian with the
faithful gathered in the Paul VI Hall.

The Holy Father continues his series of catecheses on prayer reflecting on the Psalms

God’s door is always open to our suffering

Dear Brothers and Sisters, suffering is transformed into a reject Him. But in the Psalter, deluded: they know that many
Good Morning, question. From suffering to ques- pain becomes a relationship, rap- questions of life down here re-
tioning. port: a cry for help waiting to in- main unresolved, with no way
As we read the Bible, we continu-
And among the many ques- tercept a listening ear. It cannot out; suffering will accompany us
ally come across prayers of vari-
tions, there is one that remains remain meaningless, without pur- and, after one battle, others will
ous types. But we also find a
suspended, like an incessant cry pose. Even the pains we suffer await us. But if we are listened to,
book made up solely of prayers, a
that runs throughout the entire cannot be merely specific cases of everything becomes more bear-
book that has become the native
book from beginning to end. A a universal law: they are always able.
land, gymnasium and home of
question that we repeat many “my” tears,. Think about this: I will tell you something: it is
countless men and women of
times: “Until when, Lord? Until tears are not universal, they are good for me, in difficult mo-
prayer. It is the Book of Psalms.
when?” Every suffering calls for “my” tears. Everyone has their
There are 150 Psalms to pray. ments, to think of Jesus weeping;
liberation, every tear calls for own. “My” tears and “my” pain
The Catechism affirms that when He wept looking at Jerus-
consolation, every wound awaits drive me to go ahead in prayer.
every Psalm “possesses such dir- alem, when He wept before Laz-
healing, every slander a sentence They are “my” tears, that no one
ect simplicity that it can be arus’ tomb. God has wept for me,
of absolution. “Until when, Lord, has ever shed before me. Yes,
prayed in truth by men of all God weeps, He weeps over our
will I have to suffer this? Listen many have wept, many. But “my”
times and conditions” (CCC, suffering. Because God wanted to
to me, Lord!” How many times tears are mine, “My” pain is my
2588). As we read and reread the own, “my” suffering is my own. make Himself man - a spiritual
we have prayed like this, with writer used to say - in order to be
Psalms, we learn the language of
“Until when?”, enough now, Before entering the Hall, I met able to weep. To think that Jesus
prayer. God the Father, indeed,
Lord! the parents of that priest of the weeps with me in suffering is a
with his Spirit, inspired them in
By constantly asking such diocese of Como who was killed: consolation: it helps us to keep
the heart of King David and oth-
questions, the Psalms teach us he was killed precisely in his ser- going. If we maintain our rela-
ers who prayed, in order to teach
not to get used to pain, and re- vice of helping. The tears of those
every man and woman how to tionship with Him, life does not
mind us that life is not saved un- parents are “their” own tears, and
praise him, how to thank him and spare us suffering, but it open up
less it is healed. The existence of each of them knows how much
supplicate him; how to invoke to a great horizon of goodness
each human being is but a he or she has suffered in seeing
him in joy and in suffering, and and set out towards its fulfill-
breath, his or her story is fleeting, this son who gave his life in ser-
how to recount the wonders of ment. Take courage, persevere in
but the prayerful know that they vice to the poor. When we want
his works and of his Law. In prayer. Jesus is always by our side.
are precious in the eyes of God, to console somebody, we cannot
short, the Psalms are the Word of
and so it makes sense to cry out. find the words. Why? Because we
God that we human beings use
And this is important. When we cannot arrive at his or her pain,
to speak with him. SPECIAL GREETINGS
pray, we do so because we know because “their” suffering is “their”
In this book we do not en- own, his tears are his own. The I welcome all the English-
we are precious in God’s eyes. It
counter ethereal people, abstract same is true of us: the tears, “my” speaking pilgrims and visitors
is the grace of the Holy Spirit
people, those who confuse prayer suffering is mine, the tears are who join us for today’s Audience.
that, from within, inspires in us
with an aesthetic or alienating ex- “mine” , the tears are mine, and Upon you and your families I in-
this awareness: of being precious
perience. The Psalms are not with these tears, with this suffer- voke the joy and peace of our
in the eyes of God. And this is
texts created on paper; they are ing I turn to the Lord. Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!
why we are moved to pray.
invocations, often dramatic, that
The prayer of the Psalms is the All human suffering is sacred I also greet the Trappist nuns
spring from lived existence. To
testimony of this cry: a multiple to God. So prays the prayer of of Vitorchiano who are leaving
pray them it is enough for us to
cry, because in life suffering takes Psalm 56: “Thou hast kept count for Portugal where they will
be what we are. We must not for-
a thousand forms, and takes the of my tossings; put thou my tears found a new Monastery. Let us
get that to pray well we must
name of sickness, hatred, war, in thy bottle! Are they not in thy pray to the Lord so that they may
pray as we are, without embellish-
persecution, distrust... Until the book?” (v. 8). Before God we are have vocations, like now, when
ment. One must not embellish
supreme “scandal”, that of death. not strangers, or numbers. We are they have many.
the soul to pray. “Lord, I am like
Death appears in the Psalter as faces and hearts, known one by
this”, and go in front of the Lord Lastly my thoughts turn as
man’s most unreasonable enemy: one, by name.
as we are, with the good things usual to the elderly, young people,
and also with the bad things that what crime deserves such cruel In the Psalms, the believer the sick and newlyweds. May the
no one knows about, but that we punishment, which involves anni- finds an answer. He knows that wisdom of the Gospel grow with-
inwardly know. In the Psalms we hilation and the end? The prayer even if all human doors were in each of you, so that you may
hear the voices of men and wo- of the Psalms asks God to inter- barred, God’s door is open. Even live listening to the Word of
men of prayer in flesh and blood, vene where all human efforts are if the whole world had issued a Christ, in the nourishment of his
whose life, like that of us all, is in vain. That is why prayer, in verdict of condemnation, there is Bread and in the witness of his
fraught with problems, hardships and of itself, is the way of salva- salvation in God. Truth.
and uncertainties. The Psalmist tion and the beginning of salva- “The Lord listens”: sometimes
does not radically contest this tion. in prayer it is enough to know
suffering: he knows that it is part Everyone suffers in this world: this. Problems are not always
of living. In the Psalms, however, whether they believe in God or solved. Those who pray are not
page 4 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 16 October 2020, number 42

Pope Francis receives in audience the new recruits of the Pontifical Swiss Guard

May young people avoid the danger of

having their souls “plundered”

things this city has to offer. It is rich in history,

culture and faith, so take advantage of the oppor-
tunities offered to you to enhance your cultural,
linguistic and spiritual background. The time you
will spend here is a unique moment in your life.
May you live it in a spirit of fraternity, helping
Many young people today run the risk of “spiritual each other to lead a life rich in meaning and joy-
plundering” when “they follow ideals and lifestyles fully Christian.
that respond only to material desires or needs”, Pope
May the oath you will take the day after tomor-
Francis said during an audience with recruits of the
row also be a declaration of fidelity to your bap-
Pontifical Swiss Guard and their families on Friday, tismal vocation, that is, to Christ, who calls you
2 October. The following is a translation of the Holy to be men and Christians, agents of your exis-
Father’s, address which he offered in Italian in the tence. With his help and with the power of the
Clementine Hall. Holy Spirit, you will serenely face the obstacles
ful greeting also goes to the representatives of the and challenges of life. Do not forget that the
Mr Commander Foundation for the Pontifical Swiss Guard. Lord is always by your side. I sincerely hope that
Reverend Chaplain, you will always be aware of his consoling pres-
Today gives me the opportunity to remember
Dear Officers and Members of the Swiss Guard! ence.
the illustrious past of your Corps. My thoughts
I am pleased to meet you on this festive day of turn, in particular, to the “Sack of Rome”, in I wish to take this opportunity to renew the ex-
yours. I extend a cordial greeting to the new re- which the Swiss Guards courageously defended pression of my gratitude to the entire Pontifical
cruits who, following the example of many of the Pope, to the point of giving their lives. May Swiss Guard Corps. And I thank you not only for
their fellow countrymen, have chosen to devote a the memory of that event evoke in you the danger what you do — which is a lot! — but also for how
period of their youth to the service of the Suc- of spiritual “plundering”. In today’s social con- you do it. Saint Teresa of Calcutta used to say
cessor of Peter. The presence of your family mem- text, many young people run the risk of having that at the end of our lives we will not be judged
bers expresses the devotion of Swiss Catholics to their souls stripped when they follow ideals and for how many things we have done, but for how
the Holy See, as well as the moral education and lifestyles that respond only to material desires or much love we have put into those things.
good example with which parents have passed on needs. I assure you of my prayer for all your good in-
to their children the Christian faith and the sense My wish is that your stay in Rome will be a fa- tentions; and you too, please pray for me. I im-
of generous service to their neighbour. My grate- vourable time to make the most of the positive part my heartfelt Apostolic Blessing to all of you.

‘Fratelli Tutti’, even those considered ‘too many’

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 In paragraph n. 19 of the Encyc- children”, those who are different idea of love, posing the question of
lical the Pope states that: “A decline and less fortunate than “planned which is the greater love. For the
publicity: to strike with a single mes- in the birthrate, which leads to the children”: another poster by the creators of the advertisement the
sage). The poster in question shows aging of the population, together same association shows a married message to pass on is that the
a face — that of a beautiful child of with the relegation of the elderly to couple happily seated on the floor, greatest love is expressed in negative
colour, with his mouth and eyes a sad and lonely existence, is a leaning against the wall of their terms, in NOT doing something, not
wide open, and below a phrase subtle way of stating that it is all home, still wearing their wedding at- producing another child, because it
stands out, large and clear and about us, that our individual con- tire, and written next to them, in would be an “other” and therefore
simple: “The most loving gift you cerns are the only thing that mat- block letters, it says: “We’re plan- one “too many”. For Christians the
can give your first child is to not ters”, and then he cites a bitter re- ning ONE!”. A child as the product opposite is true: love is positive, ef-
have another”. There can be no flection he addressed in his dis- of a laboratory according to the ra- fusive, inclusive and procreative, and
stronger counterpoint than this: if course to the Diplomatic Corps ac- tionale “the first one is good”, which is strictly tied to life understood not
the Pope says “brothers and sisters credited to the Holy See on 13 Janu- is also the last. as a “risk” to avoid, but to run, in-
all”, the “A planet of Only Chil- ary 2014: “what is thrown away is There are two diametrically op- spired by the power of an abundant
dren” association responds with “no not only food and dispensable ob- posed visions of man and of life: gift to pass on: “Greater love has no
siblings” because two is already too jects, but often human beings them- that of a product and that of a gift, man than this, that a man lay down
many. Cain has won. selves”. Thus there are “disposable which both turn on the now slippery his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13).
number 42, Friday, 16 October 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 5

Pope Francis’ message to the Women’s Consultation Group of the Pontifical Council for Culture

Women are the protagonists of

a Church that goes forth
By “listening and caring for the needs of between unity and diversity, between music
others”, and by “fostering true processes of and liturgy, with one fundamental goal, that
justice and bringing the warmth of a home to of universal friendship and trust. You do
the various social environments where they find this with a feminine voice that desires to
themselves”, women “are the protagonists of a help heal an ailing world. Your reading pro-
Church that goes forth”. Pope Francis said this gramme can provide particular insights into
in a message to participants in an online the theme of social and cultural encounter
seminar organized by the Women’s Consultation and contribute to peace, for women have
Group of the Pontifical Council for Culture, the gift of offering a wisdom that can heal,
held on Wednesday afternoon, 7 October. The forgive, reinvent and renew.
following is the English text of the Holy In the history of salvation, it was a wo-
Father’s address. man who welcomed God’s Word. Women
too kept alive the flame of faith in the dark
Dear Friends, night, awaiting and then proclaiming the
I offer a warm greeting to you, the Wo- Resurrection. Women find deep and joyful
men’s Consultation Group of the Pontifical fulfilment in precisely these two acts: wel-
Council for Culture, on the occasion of the coming and proclaiming. They are the prot-
seminar “Women Read Pope Francis: Reading, ant, reflecting, in the spirit of the Consulta- agonists of a Church that goes forth, listen-
Reflection and Music”, a series of meetings tion Group, a rich diversity striving to seek ing and caring for the needs of others, cap-
that now begins with the theme “Evangelii areas of agreement and fellowship in dia- able of fostering true processes of justice
Gaudium”. logue. and bringing the warmth of a home to the
It is significant too, that your Conference various social environments where they find
Your gathering today highlights the nov- themselves. Listening, reflection and loving
elty that you represent within the Roman is being held under the aegis of a great wo-
man who in 2012 was proclaimed a Doctor activity: these are the elements of a joy ever
Curia. For the first time, a Dicastery has in- renewed and shared with others through
volved a group of women by making them of the Church: Saint Hildegard of Bingen.
Like Saint Francis of Assisi, she composed a feminine insight, the care of creation, the
protagonists in developing cultural projects
harmonious hymn in which she celebrated gestation of a more just world, and the cre-
and approaches, and not simply to deal
and praised the Lord of and in creation. ation of a dialogue that respects and values
with women’s issues. Your Consultation
Hildegard united scientific knowledge and differences.
Group is made up of women engaged in
different sectors of the life of society and re- spirituality. For a thousand years, she has I encourage you, then to be bearers of a
flecting cultural and religious visions of the masterfully taught men and women through message of peace and renewal. To be a pres-
world that, however different, converge on her writings, her commentaries and her art. ence that, with humility and courage, is able
the goal of working together in mutual re- She broke with the customs of her time, to understand and welcome newness and in-
spect. which prevented women from study and ac- spire the hope of a more fraternal world. I
cess to libraries, and, as abbess, she also de- accompany you in my thoughts and prayers
For your reading programme, you have
manded this for her sisters. She learned to before God, and I ask you, please, to do
chosen three of my writings: the Apostolic
sing and compose music, which for her was the same for me. Thank you!
Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, the Encyc-
lical Letter Laudato Si’ and the Document on a means of drawing nearer to God. For Rome, Saint John Lateran, 1 October
Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Hildegard, music was not only an art or sci- 2020, Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the
Together. These works are devoted, respect- ence; it was also a liturgy. Child Jesus
ively, to the themes of evangelization, cre- Your aim in this gathering is to create a
ation and fraternity. Your choice is signific- dialogue between intellect and spirituality, FRANCIS

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 of the archdiocese of Łódź, Poland, OFFICE OF LITURGICAL aforementioned Commission (29
to be held on 12 December 2020 (10 CELEBRATIONS OF THE Sept.).
The Patriarch His Beatitude Ibrahim O ct.).
Isaac Sedrak has assumed the care SUPREME PONTIFF
of the circumscription, in the role of APPLIED PROMOTER OF JUSTICE
administrator (7 Oct.). PONTIFICAL COMMISSION FOR The Holy Father appointed as Con- IN VATICAN CITY STATE
SACRED ARCHAEOLO GY sultors of the Office of Liturgical TRIBUNAL
Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff:
CONGREGATION FOR THE The Holy Father appointed, among Fr Pietro Angelo Muroni, Dean of The Holy Father appointed as ap-
CAUSES OF SAINTS the members of the Pontifical Com- the Faculty of Theology of the Pon- plied promoter of justice in Vatican
mission for Sacred Archaeology, tifical Urban University in Rome; City State Tribunal Professor Gian-
The Holy Father appointed Bishop Prof. Rossana Martorelli and Prof. and Sr Katia De Simone, EF, Official luca Perone, chair of commercial law
Marcello Semeraro as Prefect of the Maria Carla Somma (10 Oct.). of the Secretariat of State and expert at the University of Rome “Tor Ver-
Congregation for the Causes of in liturgy (7 Oct.). gata” (28 Sept.).
Saints. Until now he has served as PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF
Bishop of Albano, Italy, and Secret-
ary of the Council of Cardinals to
assist the Holy Father in the govern- CONFIDENTIAL MATTER
The Holy Father appointed Prof.
ment of the Universal Church and Stefano Piccolo, professor of mo- On 7 September, Archbishop Bern-
to work on a project to revise the The Holy Father appointed Cardin- ardito Auza, titular Archbishop of
lecular biology at the University of
Apostolic Constitution “Pastor Bo- al Kevin Farrell as President of the Suacia, began his mission as
Padua, Italy, as ordinary member of
nus” on the Roman Curia (15 Oct.). the Pontifical Academy of Sciences Commission for Confidential Mat- Apostolic Nuncio in Andorra.
(9 Oct.). ters, and Archbishop Filippo Ian-
none, O. CARM, as Secretary of the
SPECIAL ENVOY The Holy Father appointed as or- same Commission (29 Sept.). NECROLO GY
dinary member of the Pontifical
The Holy Father appointed Cardin- Academy of Sciences Prof. Mary- Bishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, Bishop Capistrano Francisco Heim,
al Konrad Krajewski, Almoner of anne Wolf, professor of neuroscience Bishop Nunzio Galantino and the OFM, Prelate emeritus of the Territ-
His Holiness, as his Special Envoy at the University of California, Fr Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, SJ, orial Prelature of Itaituba, Brazil, at
to the celebrations of the centenary United States of America (12 Oct.). were appointed as members of the age 86 (24 Sept.)
number 42, Friday, 16 October 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 6/7

Teaching and Dialogue

In a video message broadcast on
Thursday afternoon, 15 October, at an
event at the Pontifical Lateran Uni-
versity promoted by the Congregation
for Catholic Education, Pope Francis
relaunched the Global Compact on
Education, a theme which is central to
his teaching and dialogue with the On Thursday afternoon, 15 October, at the Pontifical Lateran tices will be measured not simply by the res-
world. At the end of the Message, University, during a streamed live event promoted by the ults of standardized tests, but by the ability
Pope Francis suggested that all people Congregation for Catholic Education, a video message from to affect the heart of society and to help give
of good will join the Global Compact Pope Francis to the participants of the Global Compact on birth to a new culture. A different world is
Education was broadcast. The following is the English text of possible and we are called to learn how to
on Education, a Pact to encourage
the Pope’s video message. build it. This will involve every aspect of our
change on a global scale, so that edu-
humanity, both as individuals and in our
cation may become a creator of fratern-
ity, peace, and justice.
The event, which was streamed on- Let us appeal in particular to men and wo-
line on the portal and Youtube chan- men of culture, science and sport, artists and
nels of Vatican News, is a response to media professionals in every part of the
the appeal made by the Holy Father on world to join in supporting this compact and
12 September 2019: “Never before has promoting by their own testimony and ef-
there been such need to unite our ef- forts the values of care for others, peace,
forts in a broad educational alliance”. Dear Brothers and Sisters, justice, goodness, beauty, acceptance and fra-
Specifically dedicated to the academ- ternity. “We should not expect everything
hen I invited you to begin this

from those who govern us, for that would be
ic world and to all the stakeholders of process of preparation, consulta- childish. We have the space we need for co-
education, the event was introduced tion and planning for a global responsibility in creating and putting into
and moderated by Alessandro Gisotti, pact on education, we could place new processes and changes. Let us take
Vice Director of the Editorial Director- never have imagined the situation that has an active part in renewing and supporting
ate of the Dicastery for Communica- developed in the meantime. The Covid crisis our troubled societies. Today we have a great
tion. It included a video message from has accelerated and magnified many of the opportunity to express our innate sense of
UNESCO Director General Audrey issues and needs that we had identified, and fraternity, to be Good Samaritans who bear
Azoulay as well as interventions from has uncovered numerous others as well. Con- the pain of other people’s troubles rather
representatives of the Congregation for cerns about health care are now accompanied than fomenting greater hatred and resent-
Catholic Education: Cardinal Giuseppe by economic and social concerns. Education- ment” (Fratelli Tutti, 77). This calls for a plur-
Versaldi and Archbishop Angelo Vin- al systems worldwide have felt the effects of alistic and multifaceted process in which all
cenzo Zani, Prof. Vincenzo Buonomo, the pandemic at every level. Holy Father’s video message to participants in Global Compact on Education of us can work to provide meaningful re-
rector of the Lateran University; Prof. Attempts have been made everywhere to sponses, in which diversity and methods are

To educate is an act of hope

Franco Anelli, rector of the Catholic offer a rapid response through online educa- harmonized in the pursuit of the common
University of the Sacred Heart; and tional platforms. These have brought to light good. The ability to create harmony: that is
Silvia Cataldi, professor at “La Sapi- a marked disparity in educational and tech- what is needed today.
enza” University in Rome. In addition, nological opportunities, but they have also For these reasons, we commit ourselves
the Pope’s video message was commen- made us realize that, due to the lockdown personally and in common:
ted on by young students, who are the and many other already existing needs, large
main intended recipients of his mes- numbers of children and adolescents have — First, to make human persons in their
of development. In order to ensure that the We also know that the journey of life calls bullying. This entails a shared journey that is value and dignity the centre of every educa-
sage. fallen behind in the natural process of
dignity of the human person is respected and for hope grounded in solidarity. All change not indifferent to the scourge of violence, the tional programme, both formal and inform-
Over the past few months, more schooling. Recent statistics from international
protected, development ought to start from requires a process of education in order to abuse of minors, the phenomenon of child al, in order to foster their distinctiveness,
than 70 educational experiences have agencies have led some to speak, perhaps
the opportunity that global interdependence create new paradigms capable of responding marriage and child soldiers, the tragedy of beauty and uniqueness, and their capacity
been carried out in the world inspired somewhat hastily, of an “educational cata-
offers to communities and peoples to care for to the challenges and problems of the con- children sold into slavery. To say nothing of for relationship with others and with the
by the themes of the Pact: dignity and strophe”, inasmuch as some ten million chil-
our common home and to foster peace. We temporary world, of understanding and find- the “sufferings” endured by our planet as a world around them, while at the same time
human rights, peace and citizenship, dren were forced to leave school as a result
are experiencing a comprehensive crisis that ing solutions to the needs of every genera- result of a senseless and heartless exploita- teaching them to reject lifestyles that encour-
integral ecology, fraternity, and devel- of the economic crisis caused by the
cannot be reduced or limited to any single tion, and in this way contributing to the tion that has led to a grave environmental
opment. These experiences have been coronavirus. This has only increased an
sector. It affects everything. The pandemic flourishing of humanity now and in the fu- and climatic crisis. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
selected by the Alta Scuola Educare already alarming gap (with over 250 million
has led us to realize that what is really in ture. At certain moments in history, it is neces-
all’Incontro e alla Solidarietà (EIS) (High school age children excluded from all educa-
tional activities). crisis is our way of understanding reality and We consider education to be one of the sary to make radical decisions that can shape
School for Education to Encounter and
of relating to one another. most effective ways of making our world and not only our way of life but above all our
Solidarity) of the LUMSA University of Faced with this dramatic situation, we
Here it is evident that neither simplistic history more human. Education is above all stance in the face of possible future scenari-
Rome, which will present them at a know that necessary health care measures will
solutions nor wishful thinking will do. Edu- a matter of love and responsibility handed os. Amid the present health crisis — and the
forthcoming conference, and share prove inadequate unless accompanied by a
cation, as we know, is meant to be transform- down from one generation to another. poverty and confusion it has caused — we
them on the event’s website: new cultural model. We have become more conscious of the need to change our model ative. To educate is to take a risk and to hold As such, education is a natural antidote to believe that it is time to subscribe to a global
out to the present a hope that can shatter the the individualistic culture that at times de- pact on education for and with future gener-
determinism and fatalism that the selfishness generates into a true cult of the self and the ations. This calls for a commitment on the
of the strong, the conformism of the weak primacy of indifference. Our future cannot part of families, communities, schools, uni-
and the ideology of the utopians would con- be one of division, impoverishment of versities, institutions, religions, governments
vince us is the only way forward (cf. M. DE thought, imagination, attentiveness, dialogue and the entire human family to the training
CERTEAU, Lo straniero o l’unione nella differ- and mutual understanding. That cannot be of mature men and women.
enza, Vita e Pensiero, Milan, 2010, 30. Origin- our future. Today, we are called to have the necessary
al: L’etranger ou l’union dans la différence, Par- Today, there is need for a renewed com- parrhesía to leave behind superficial ap-
is, 2017). mitment to an education that engages society proaches to education and the many short-
To educate is always an act of hope, one at every level. Let us heed the plea of the cuts associated with utility, (standardized)
that calls for cooperation in turning a barren young, which opens our eyes to both the ur- test results, functionality and bureaucracy,
and paralyzing indifference into another way gent need and the exciting opportunity of a which confuse education with instruction and
of thinking that recognizes our interdepen- renewed kind of education that is not temp- end up atomizing our cultures. Instead, we
dence. If our educational systems are ted to look the other way and thus favour should aim to impart an integral, participat-
presently marked by a mindset of replace- grave social injustices, violations of rights, ory and polyhedral culture. We need the
ment and repetition, and are incapable of terrible forms of poverty and the waste of courage to generate processes that con-
opening up new horizons in which hospital- human lives. sciously work to overcome the existing frag-
ity, intergenerational solidarity and the value What is called for is an integral process mentation and the conflicts that we all bring
of transcendence can give birth to a new cul- that responds to those situations of loneli- with us. We need the courage to renew the
ture, would this not signify that we are fail- ness and uncertainty about the future that af- fabric of relationships for the sake of a hu-
ing to take advantage of the opportunity fect young people and generate depression, manity capable of speaking the language of
offered by this historic moment? addiction, aggressiveness, verbal hatred and fraternity. The value of our educational prac-

From the Aula Magna of the Lateran University in Rome

page 8 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 16 October 2020, number 42

On the seventh centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri, Pope receives delegation from Ravenna-Cervia

Dante, a prophet of hope

May celebrations for the seventh centenary of the death of Dante Aligieri be “an
invitation to hope, that hope of which Dante is prophet”, Pope Francis said to a
delegation from the Archdiocese of Ravenna-Cervia, whom he received in audience
in the Clementine Hall on Saturday morning, 10 October, for the occasion of the
“Anno Dantesco”. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s words which
he shared in Italian.

Dear brothers and sisters! Placidia; or that sparkling and

“flaming” Christ — to use the image
I welcome you and I thank you for
of Paradise — (cf. XIV, 104), of the
coming to share with me the joy and
apse of Sant’Apollinare in Classe.
the effort of opening the celebra-
tions for the seventh centenary of In 1965, on the occasion of the
the death of Dante Alighieri. In par- seventh centenary of Dante’s birth,
ticular, I thank Archbishop Ghizzoni Saint Paul VI gave the city of
for his words of introduction. Ravenna the gift of a gold cross for
his tomb, which had remained until
For Dante, Ravenna was the city then — as he said, “without such a
of “last refuge” (cf. C. Ricci, L’ul- sign of religion and hope” (Address
timo rifugio di Dante Alighieri, Hoep- of the Sacred College and to the Ro-
li, Milano 1891) — the first was Ver- man Prelature, 23 December 1965).
ona. Indeed, the poet spent his last That same cross, on the occasion of
years in your city and brought his this centenary, will shine again in
work to completion there; according the place where the earthly remains
to tradition, the final canti of Para- of the Poet are kept. May this be an
diso were composed there. invitation to hope, that hope of
Thus, he concluded his earthly which Dante is prophet (cf. Message
journey in Ravenna; and he con- on the 750th Anniversary of the Birth
cluded that exile that so greatly of Dante Alighieri, 4 May 2015).
marked his existence and also in- It is therefore to be hoped that the case. Teenagers, for instance —
spired his writing. The poet Mario the celebrations for the seventh cen- even those of today — if they have
Luzi has highlighted the importance tenary of the death of the supreme the opportunity to encounter
of the turmoil and the higher redis- Poet may inspire us to revisit his D ante’s poetry in a way that is ac-
covery that the experience of exile Comedy so that, made aware of our cessible to them, find on the one
held for Dante. This leads us imme- condition as exiles, we may allow hand, inevitably, a great distance
diately to think of the Bible, of the ourselves to be provoked to under- from the author and his world, and
exile of the people of Israel in take that path of conversion “from yet, on the other hand, they perceive
Babylon, which constitutes, so to disorder to wisdom, from sin to holi- a surprising resonance. This happens
speak, one of the “matrices” of Bib- ness, from misery to happiness, from especially where allegory leaves
lical revelation. In a similar way, ex- space for the symbol, where the hu- dreamed of and desired by every
the terrifying contemplation of hell
ile was for Dante so significant as to man being appears most evident and man: “the Love that moves the sun
to the beatifying contemplation of
become a key to interpreting not exposed, where civil passion vibrates and the other stars” (Paradiso,
paradise” (Saint Paul VI, Apostolic
only his life, but also the “journey” most intensely, where the fascination XXXIII, 145) (Message on the 750th
Letter Motu proprio Altissimi cantus,
of every man and woman in history 7 December 1965). Dante, in fact, in- of that which is true, beautiful and Anniversary of the Birth of Dante
and beyond. vites us to rediscover once more the good, ultimately the fascination of Alighieri, 4 May 2015).
D ante’s death in Ravenna took lost or unclear meaning of our hu- God, makes its powerful attraction Thank you again for this visit,
place — as Boccaccio writes — “on man journey. felt. and I wish you all the best for the
the day that the Church celebrates It may seem, at times, as if these Thus, making the most of this res- centenary celebrations. With God’s
the exaltation of the Holy Cross”(Trat- seven centuries have opened up an onance that crosses the centuries, we help, next year I propose to offer a
tatello in laude di Dante, Garzanti unbridgeable distance between us, too — as Saint Paul VI invited us to more extensive reflection in this re-
1995, p. XIV). It brings to mind that men and women of the postmodern do — will be able to be enriched by gard. I offer my heartfelt blessing to
golden cross that the Poet surely and secularized age, and him, the the experience of Dante to traverse each one of you, your co-workers
saw in the small midnight blue extraordinary exponent of a golden the many dark woods of our land and the entire community of
dome, scattered with nine hundred age of European civilization. And and happily make our pilgrimage Ravenna. And please do not forget
stars, of the Mausoleum of Galla yet something tells us that it is not through history, to reach the goal to pray for me.

To educate is an act of hope

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 — Sixth, to be committed to find- countries, investing our best energies tion bears within itself a seed of
ing new ways of understanding the and introducing creative and trans- hope: the hope of peace and justice;
age the spread of the throwaway economy, politics, growth and pro- formative processes in cooperation the hope of beauty and goodness;
culture. gress that can truly stand at the ser- with civil society. In this, our point the hope of social harmony.
— Second, to listen to the voices vice of the human person and the of reference should be the social
Let us not forget, brothers and
of children and young people to entire human family, within the con- doctrine that, inspired by the re-
text of an integral ecology. sisters, that great changes are not
whom we pass on values and know- vealed word of God and Christian
produced from behind desks or in
ledge, in order to build together a — Seventh, to safeguard and cul- humanism, provides a solid basis
and a vital resource for discerning offices. No. There is an “architec-
future of justice, peace and a digni- tivate our common home, protecting
the paths to follow in the present ture” of peace to which various insti-
fied life for every person. it from the exploitation of its re-
sources, and to adopt a more sober emergency. tutions and individuals in society all
— Third, to encourage the full contribute, each according to its
lifestyle marked by the use of renew- The goal of this educational in-
participation of girls and young wo- own area of expertise, without ex-
able energy sources and respect for vestment, grounded in a network of
men in education. cluding anyone (cf. Fratelli Tutti,
the natural and human environment, humane and open relationships, is
— Fourth, to see in the family the in accordance with the principles of to ensure that everyone has access to 231). In this way, we must move for-
first and essential place of educa- subsidiarity, solidarity and a circular a quality education consonant with ward, all of us together, each as we
tion. economy. the dignity of the human person and are, but always looking ahead to the
— Fifth, to educate and be edu- Finally, dear brothers and sisters, our common vocation to fraternity. building of a civilization of harmony
cated on the need for acceptance we want to commit ourselves cour- It is time to look to the future with and unity, in which there will be no
and in particular openness to the ageously to developing an educa- courage and hope. May we be sus- room for the terrible pandemic of
most vulnerable and marginalized. tional plan within our respective tained by the conviction that educa- the throw-away culture. Thank you.
number 42, Friday, 16 October 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 9

In Assisi Cardinal Vallini presides on behalf of the Pope over the beatification of Carlo Acutis

A youth of our time captivated by Christ

“The beatification of Carlo Acutis, “Carlo went and bore the fruit of
son of the land of Lombardy, in love holiness, showing it as a destination
with the land of Francis of Assisi, is that can be reached by all and not
good news, a strong message that a as something abstract and reserved
youth of our time, one like many, to the few. He witnessed that faith
was captivated by Christ and be- does not separate us from life, but
came a beacon of light for those immerses us more deeply in it,
who wish to know Him and follow showing us the concrete path to live
His example. His life is an example, the joy of the Gospel”.
particularly for young people, not to Cardinal Vallini was joined by
seek gratification only in ephemeral many concelebrants, including Arch-
success, but in the perennial values bishop Domenico Sorrentino of As-
that Jesus suggests in the Gospel, sisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino,
namely: putting God in first place, and other members of the Episcopal
in life’s large and small circum- Conference of Umbria, including:
stances, and serving brothers and Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Arch-
sisters, especially the least”. These bishop of Perugia - Città della Pieve
were the words pronounced by Car- and President of the Italian Epis-
dinal Agostino Vallini, Pontifical copal Conference; Auxiliary Bishop
Legate for the Basilicas of Saint Paolo Martinelli of Milan; Fr Mauro
Francis and Saint Mary of the An- Gambetti, Custos of the Sacred
gels in Assisi, as he celebrated Mass Convent; Fr Massimo Travascio,
in Assisi for the Beatification of Custos of the Basilica of Saint Mary
Carlo Acutis (1991-2006) on Sat- Beatification Mass of Carlo Acutis held in Assisi of the Angels; along with several
urday afternoon, 10 October. Franciscan provincials and many
In his homily, the Cardinal out- priests. More than 3,000 pilgrims at-
lined an effective portrait of the often said, “the Eucharist is my jecting digital bullying; in the tended the ceremony, many via the
young Acutis who died at the age of highway to heaven”. He participated boundless virtual world we need to jumbo screens set up in the squares
15. His “strength”, Cardinal Vallini in Mass every day and spent a great know how to distinguish good from of the Basilicas of Saint Francis,
said, was in “having a personal, in- deal of time in adoration before the bad”. From this “positive perspect- Saint Mary of the Angels, and Saint
timate and deep relationship with Most Holy Sacrament, saying: ‘you ive”, the celebrant observed, “Carlo Peter, and of the Shrine of the Re-
Jesus” and in “making the Eucharist go straight to heaven if you ap- encouraged the use of mass media as nunciation. There was a long round
the loftiest moment of his relation- proach the Eucharist every day’. For of applause when the tapestry with
a means of serving the Gospel, to
ship with God”. He was “an aver- Carlo, Jesus was Friend, Teacher the face of the new Blessed was un-
reach the most people possible and
age, simple, spontaneous, likable and Saviour; He was his life force veiled in the apse of the Upper Ba-
to introduce them to the beauty of silica of Saint Francis, after which
young man — suffice it to look at his and the reason for everything he friendship with the Lord. For this Cardinal Vallini read the Apostolic
photograph; he loved nature and an- did”.
purpose he committed himself to or- Letter with which the Pontiff in-
imals, played soccer, had many Receiving inner strength from the
ganizing an exhibition of the main cluded the Servant of God among
friends his age; he was attracted to Lord’s presence, Carlo had an ar-
modern means of social communica- dent wish: “to attract as many Eucharistic miracles that have oc- the Blessed. In a procession, Carlo’s
people to Jesus by proclaiming curred in the world, which he also parents then carried the reliquary
the Gospel first and foremost used when teaching catechism to containing their son’s heart to the
with the example of his life”, children”. altar, as the choir sang the hymn, O
continued the Papal Legate, Carlo also had a great Marian de- Carlo beato, composed by Fr Giu-
indicating that “it was precisely votion. In fact he recited the Rosary seppe Magrino. At the end of the
the witness of his faith that im- every day and consecrated himself to celebration, Archbishop Sorrentino
pelled him to successfully un-
dertake the tireless work of
evangelization in the environ-
ments he frequented, touching His life is an example, particularly for young people,
the hearts of the people he
met and fostering in them the
not to seek gratification only in ephemeral success, but
desire to change their lives and in the perennial values that Jesus suggests in the
draw near to God. And he did
so spontaneously, by demon-
Gospel namely: putting God in first place,
strating the Lord’s love and in life’s large and small circumstances, and serving
goodness with his manner of
being and behaving. Indeed”,
brothers and sisters, especially the least.
Cardinal Vallini continued, he
had an “extraordinary ability
to witness to the values he be- Mary many times, “to renew his af- used the words of the Magnificat to
lieved in, even at the cost of fection and to implore her protec- express his gratitude and that of the
facing misunderstandings, tion”. In this way, strengthened by Church in Assisi first and foremost
obstacles and at times even be- the Word, by the Eucharist, by his to the Lord, “who did such beautiful
ing derided. Carlo felt a friendship with Jesus whom he things in the brief but intense life”
powerful need to help people served with great charity in his of the new Blessed; next to Pope
discover that God is near us neighbour, and by his filial love for Francis, “who gave this gift to the
and that it is beautiful to be
the Virgin Mary, Carlo “experienced Church, recognizing in Carlo a
with him in order to enjoy his
the illness he faced with peace”, un- model of holiness especially for
tion, passionate about information friendship and his grace”. Despite
til his death on 12 October 2006. He young people”; then to Carlo’s par-
technology and taught himself how his young age, Carlo was equipped
to build programmes “to transmit to communicate the Gospel, making repeated: “I want to offer my suffer- ents, Andrea and Antonia, “who
the Gospel, to communicate values use of various tools, “even of mod- ing to the Lord for the Pope and for welcomed into their lives this gift
and beauty”, as the Pope recalled in ern means of social communication, the Church. I don’t want to go to from on high and respected and
the Apostolic Exhortation Christus which he knew how to use extremely Purgatory; I want to go straight to supported his journey of holiness”;
Vivit (n. 105). He also had “the gift well, particularly the Internet, which heaven”. Carlo “never withdrew into and lastly to the Church of Milan.
to attract and was perceived as an he considered a gift from God and himself, but was able to understand In conclusion, Archbishop Sor-
example”, Cardinal Vallini noted. an important tool for meeting the needs and exigencies of people, rentino prayed: “May Jesus, with
And the secret to his spiritual jour- people and spreading Christian val- in whom he saw the face of Christ”. Carlo’s example, help us to always
ney lay in the fact that even “as a ues”. For the new Blessed, the Inter- Thus, his was “a luminous life take faith seriously. Above all may
boy he felt the need for faith and net was not “only a means of escape, offered completely to others, as young people find the path of true
turned his gaze to Jesus. His love but a space for dialogue, getting to Eucharistic bread”, Vallini said. Re- joy, living the beauty of this earth
for the Eucharist” — the Cardinal know others, sharing, mutual re- ferring to the Gospel of the grapev- without ceasing to look to heaven”.
emphasized — “established and kept spect, to be used responsibly, ine and the shoots, read on the sol-
alive his relationship with God”. He without becoming slaves, and by re- emn occasion, the Cardinal said that JEAN-BAPTISTE SOUROU)
page 10 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 16 October 2020, number 42

Ratzinger Prize awarded to Building offered to the Pope to accommodate refugees

Jean-Luc Marion and Tracey Rowland

Open mind So as to truly be

‘Fratelli Tutti’
In response to the invitation ex- Villa Serena has the capacity to
pressed by Pope Francis in his new accommodate 60 migrants, in par-
Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, to give an ticular to welcome them during the
adequate welcome to migrants flee- first months of their arrival in Italy,
ing war, persecution and natural accompanying them on their jour-
disasters, the Sisters Servants of ney towards autonomous employ-
the Divine Providence of Catania ment and housing. The structure
have offered the Holy Father will be entrusted to the Com-
through the Vatican’s Office of munity of Sant’Egidio, which has
Papal Charities the free use of their opened humanitarian corridors for
building, Villa Serena, located in refugees from Syria, the Horn of
Rome on Via della Pisana n. 321. Africa and Greece, particularly
The building, which until now has from the island of Lesbos. More
Jean-Luc Marion of France and scendence. He has developed a phe- been used to offer hospitality to than 2,600 people have been wel-
nomenology of love and being as a pilgrims, will become a reception
Tracey Rowland of Australia have comed and accompanied to integ-
gift, with its most complete expres- centre for refugees.
been selected as the winners of the ration, through the Humanitarian
sion in his work Étant donné, an es- The generous gesture is in line
tenth edition of the Ratzinger Prize, Corridors programme since 2015,
say on a phenomenology of giving. with the charism of the religious
as announced at a press conference many of whom were minors.
Prof. Tracey Rowland studied law, family founded by Mother Mar-
on Thursday morning, 1 October. The Community’s President Mr
philosophy and political philosophy letta, to offer hospitality especially
Thus far, the recognition has been Marco Impagliazzo expressed his
at the Universities of Queensland to young people with family diffi-
given to 22 individuals hailing from profound gratitude to the Pope
and Melbourne, and received her culties, giving them an opportunity
15 countries. and Cardinal Konrad Krajewski,
doctorate degree from Cambridge to live in a house where they can
The Foundation, now marking its the Pope’s Almoner, for this ges-
University on the theme of the rela- experience a climate of family, af-
10th year, was instituted in 2010 with ture of generosity towards mi-
tionships between 20th century theo- fection, tenderness and patience, a
the aim of promoting studies and grants.
logy and the idea of culture, with heart, smiles and advice.
publications on the work and The plight of refugees and mi-
particular reference to the philo- The Office of Papal Charities
thought of Joseph Ratzinger —Bene- grants is very close to the heart of
sophy of Alasdair MacIntyre and the explained that Villa Serena will be
dict XVI and, more generally, studies Pope Francis who personally vis-
theology of Henri De Lubac and used in particular to house single
in theology and related disciplines. women, women with minors and ited Lesbos on 16 April 2016, and
Pope Francis approves the selection Joseph Ratzinger. From 2001 to 2017
she served as dean of the John Paul vulnerable families who arrive in on his return, brought along with
of recipients proposed by the Sci- Italy through the Humanitarian him to Rome 12 Syrian refugees
entific Committee, which is com- II Institute for Marriage and Family
in Melbourne. During that time she Corridors program. aboard the papal plane.
prised of five members: Cardinals
Angelo Amato, Kurt Koch, Gian- earned her licence and doctorate in
franco Ravasi and Luis Francisco theology at the Pontifical Lateran
Ladaria Ferrer, and Bishop Rudolf University. Prof. Rowland currently
Voderholzer of Regensburg. holds the title of the St. John Paul II
Four years ago, the Prize was di- Research Chair in Theology at The
vided in two, so that in addition to University of Notre Dame in Aus-
systematic and historical theolo- tralia. Her principal works include
gians, the award is now open to two pieces dedicated to the thought
leaders in cultural fields such as mu- of Joseph Ratzinger, translated into
sic, architecture and sociology. various languages: Ratzinger’s Faith:
At the press conference, Cardinal The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI
Ravasi noted that Benedict XVI’s (2009) and Benedict XVI: A Guide for
the Perplexed (2010). Her teaching
“dialogue with the world of culture
and research involves several fields
— for example, of science — was ac-
of theology, particularly fundamental
tually based on this call to remem-
theology, theological anthropology
ber that human consciousness is a
and ecumenism. In 2014 she was ap-
polymorphic consciousness, which
pointed member of the International
has more than one channel”, includ- Cardinal Konrad Krajewski at Villa Serena
Theological Commission.
ing, for example, “the aesthetic
channel” as well as the “channel of
existential consciousness”. This, he
added, “is a legacy left by
Ratzinger’s theology and message”.
Thus, in addition to the award’s
primary interest in systematic and
To start a new life
historical theology, “in the spirit of Letter from the Anglican Archbishops of Canterbury and York
this ‘open’ or ‘expanded mind’”, the
interest extends to disciplines such
as music, architecture, sociological In an open letter on behalf of the Church of England change, the letter points out the importance of listen-
and religious research. ahead of the publication of the report of the Inquiry ing carefully and reflecting with honesty: “Survivors
Philosopher and theologian Jean- into Child Sexual Abuse on Tuesday, 6 October, the have told us that words without actions are meaning-
Luc Marion, a former member of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, Archbishop of less; we are taking action but we are also aware that
the Pontifical Council of Culture, York Stephen Cottrell, Lead safeguarding bishop, what we have done has neither been soon enough nor
has taught metaphysics since 1981, Jonathan Gibbs, and National Director of Safeguard- sufficient”.
first in Nanterre (Paris X) and then ing, Melissa Caslake, acknowledged that the report’s Safeguarding is fundamental to Christian faith, the
at the Sorbonne (Paris IV). He has findings are a painful reminder for survivors of sexual letter notes. Indeed, safeguarding “is valuing every per-
made important contributions on abuse as well as a catalyst for action to prevent such son as one who is made in God’s image”, and it is
Descartes and the history of meta- abuse from reoccurring. “We are truly sorry for the everyone’s responsibility whatever role they play in the
physics. However, his fundamental shameful way the Church has acted and we state our Church. Nevertheless, Church leaders “have a particu-
contributions have been in the area commitment to listen, to learn and to act in response lar responsibility to work together to bring about the
of French phenomenology, in which to the report’s findings. We cannot and will not make change in culture and practice that we need to see and
he seeks to demonstrate that the excuses”, the letter states. has simply been too slow”.
question of being, as central to the The Church of England, the letter continues, is The report, which involved investigating leaders of
history of metaphysics, is not the “ready to support anyone who comes forward. We various institutions including Westminster, is the result
fundamental issue and is surpassed must honour our commitment to change”. In addition of an inquiry which began in 2015, with the aim of un-
in the horizontal sense by ethics un- to highlighting the Church’s need to respond to the re- derstanding how the abuses were possible and to sug-
derstood as love and giving, and in port’s findings with humility and determination to gest strategies and measures for their prevention.
the vertical sense as theological tran-
number 42, Friday, 16 October 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 11


“No one is excluded from the house of God”, Pope Francis

reminded he faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the
Angelus on Sunday, 11 October. Before reciting the Marian
prayer, the Holy father had reflected on the day’s Gospel
passage of Matthew on the parable of the marriage feast (Mt
22:1-14). The following is a translation of his words which he
shared in Italian.

Pope Francis reflects on the parable of the marriage feast and encourages Armenia and Azerbaijan to return to a ceasefire

No one is excluded from the House of God

Dear Brothers and Sisters, the messengers: “Call everyone, everyone: the just and sinners, ted the invitation but then de-
Good afternoon! both good and bad. Everyone!”. good and bad, intelligent and un- cided that it meant nothing to
God even calls those who are educated. him: he was a self-sufficient per-
With the narrative of the Parable
bad. “No, I am bad; I have done Yesterday evening, I was able son; he had no desire to change
of the Wedding Banquet, in
many [bad things]...”. He calls to make a phone call to an eld- or to allow the Lord to change
today’s Gospel passage (cf. Mt
you: “Come, come, come!”. And erly Italian priest, a missionary in him. The wedding garment — this
22:1-14), Jesus outlines the plan
Jesus went to lunch with the pub- Brazil since youth, but always capelet — symbolizes the mercy
that God envisaged for humanity.
licans, who were public sinners; working with the excluded, with that God freely gives us, namely,
The king who “who gave a mar-
they were the bad ones. God is the poor. And he lives his old age grace. Without grace we cannot
riage feast for his son” (v. 2) is
not afraid of our spirits wounded in peace: he burned up his life take a step forward in Christian
the image of the Father who pre-
by many cruelties, because he with the poor. This is our Mother life. Everything is grace. It is not
pared for the entire human family
loves us; he invites us. And the Church; this is God’s messenger enough to accept the invitation to
a wonderful celebration of love
Church is called to reach the who goes to the crossroads. follow the Lord; one must be
and communion around his only
daily thoroughfares, that is, the However, the Lord places one open to a journey of conversion,
begotten Son. Twice the king
geographic and existential peri- condition: to wear a wedding gar- which changes the heart. The gar-
sends his servants to call the in-
pheries of humanity, those places ment. Let us return to the par- ment of mercy, which God offers
vited guests, but they refuse; they
on the margins, those situations able. When the hall is full, the us unceasingly, is the free gift of
do not want to go to the feast be-
where the hopeless remnants of king arrives and greets the latest his love; it is precisely grace. And
cause they have other things to
humanity camp out and live. It is guests, but he sees one of them it demands to be welcomed with
think about: fields and business.
a matter of not settling for com- without a wedding garment, that astonishment and joy: “Thank
We often also put our interests
forts and the customary ways of kind of little cape that each guest you, Lord, for having given me
and material things ahead of the
evangelization and witnessing to received as a gift at the entrance. this gift”.
Lord who calls us — and he calls
charity, but rather of opening the The people went as they were May Mary Most Holy help us
us to a feast. But the king in the
doors of our hearts and our com- dressed, as they were able to to imitate the servants in the Gos-
parable does not want the hall to
munities to everyone, because the dress; they were not wearing gala pel parable by emerging from our
remain empty, because he wants Gospel is not reserved to a select attire. But they were given a type frames of mind and from our nar-
to offer the treasures of his king- few. Even those on the margins, of capelet, a gift, at the entrance. row views, proclaiming to every-
dom. So he tells his servants: “Go even those who are rejected and That man, having rejected the one that the Lord invites us to his
therefore to the thoroughfares, scorned by society, are considered free gift, excluded himself: thus, banquet, in order to offer us his
and invite to the marriage feast as by God to be worthy of his love. the king could do nothing but
many as you find” (v. 9). This is saving grace, to give us his gift.
He prepares his banquet for throw him out. This man accep-
how God reacts: when he is rejec-
there are also those
ted, rather than giving up, he caused by man. May After the Marian prayer, the Holy
starts over and asks that all those the Lord sustain those Father continued:
found at the thoroughfares be who are suffering the Dear brothers and sisters! I
called, excluding no one. No one consequences of these would like to express my close-
is excluded from the house of catastrophes and make ness to the populations impacted
God. us careful to preserve by the fires that are devastating
The original term that Mat- creation. so many regions of the Planet, as
thew the Evangelist uses refers to I appreciate that well as to the volunteers and fire-
the limits of the roads, or those there has been a fighters who risk their lives to ex-
points at which the city streets ceasefire agreement tinguish the blazes. I am thinking
end and the paths begin that lead between Armenia and of the West Coast of the United
to the area of the countryside, Azerbaijan for human- States, particularly California,
outside the residential area, where itarian reasons, in view and I am also thinking of the
life is precarious. It is to this hu- of reaching a substan- central regions of South America,
manity of the thoroughfares that tial peace accord. Al- of the Pantanal area of Paraguay,
the king in the parable sends his though the truce ap- of the banks of the Paraná River
servants, in the certainty of find- pears too fragile, I en- in Argentina. Many fires are
ing people willing to sit at the courage that it be caused by persistent drought, but
table. Thus the banquet hall is taken up again and I
filled with the “excluded”, those express my participa- CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
who are “outside”, those who tion in the sorrow for
never seemed worthy to partake the loss of human
in a feast, in a wedding banquet. lives, for the suffering
In fact, the master, the king, tells endured, as well as for
page 12 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 16 October 2020, number 42

Mother Cabrini statue unveiled in Battery Park City

A Mother to immigrants
On Monday, 12 October, the New York State’s
Mother Cabrini Memorial located in Battery Park
City, just south of South Cove along the Battery
Park City Esplanade, was unveiled by Governor
Andrew M. Cuomo. With a direct view of both
the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the area
provides a fitting location to pay tribute to the
Patroness of Immigrants. The Memorial includes
interpretive panels highlighting Mother Cabrini’s
service to Italian-American immigrants and the
poor in New York including the building of
dozens of orphanages, hospitals, and schools. The
plaza is surrounded by seating and a mosaic cre-
ated from stones from Mother Cabrini’s birth-
place, Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, Italy.
The bronze Memorial, which sits on a marble
base, depicts Mother Cabrini on a paper boat
with two children, a representation of the paper
boats which, as a child, Mother Cabrini would
fold and fill with violets. Placing them in the cur-
rents outside of her home, these boats would
send her “missionaries” around the world. The
paper boat serves as a symbol of hope and cour-
age: Although fragile and delicate, it can hold
against the water’s currents and stay afloat — sym-
bolizing Mother Cabrini’s determination in the
face of adversity and struggle.
The three figures are all facing the Statue of
Liberty, a beacon of hope for immigrants as they
entered New York Harbor to begin their new lives
in America, and where Mother Cabrini arrived on
a mission to help Italian migrants in 1889. The
young girl, a reflection of Mother Cabrini’s youth,
is holding a book, a symbol of Mother Cabrini’s
commitment to educating children. As music has
been important to the heritage of immigrants, the
young boy is holding luggage and an ocarina, an
instrument invented near Mother Cabrini’s birth-
place, representing the music and culture immig-
rants have brought to America. art in Pietrasanta, Italy with stone carving artis- While in New York, she taught at Saint
A Mother Cabrini Memorial Commission was ans. Giancarlo Biagi studied at the Istituto d’Arte Joachim’s parish, the Church of Our Lady of
established in October 2019 with the aim of over- Stagio Stagi of Pietrasanta before moving to the
seeing the creation of a statue honouring Mother Pompeii, and the Transfiguration Catholic
United States to attend the Art Students League Church — all in Manhattan — as well as at Saint
Cabrini. The Commission was charged with of New York. Together, Jill and Giancarlo have
providing recommendations pertaining to the Rita of Cascia in The Bronx and the Church of
created sculptures for several public commissions
design, location and installation of the new me- with the goal of capturing the life story and pre- Saint Stephen in Brooklyn. She also founded the
morial. It opened the competition for proposals serving the legacy of revered individuals. Addi- Columbus Hospital, which was eventually re-
on 13 December 2019, soliciting designs through tional works by these artists are found in major named the Cabrini Medical Center and was
robust outreach to the artistic community. The museums around the world. Jill and Giancarlo housed in Manhattan for many years.
Commission received submissions from artists maintain studios in New York and Pietrasanta. Originally buried in West Park, Mother Cab-
from around the world, each movingly telling the The creative team also included architect Martin rini is now interred at the Saint Frances Cabrini
story of Mother Cabrini’s life and her many con- Sendlewski and lighting designer Ken Farley. Shrine in Manhattan. In 1946, nearly 30 years
tributions to immigrants in New York and world- Mother Cabrini was an Italian-American who after her death, Mother Cabrini became the first
wide. After a thorough review process, the Com- founded many organizations to help the needy.
mission recommended New York City-based naturalized U.S. citizen to be canonized a saint.
She was the youngest of 13 children, born in
sculptors Jill and Giancarlo Biagi to design and Lombardy in 1850, and before migrating to the She is recognized as the Patron Saint of Immig-
build the memorial to Mother Cabrini. United States, she took vows and founded the rants. Several academic institutions, religious
Jill Biagi studied at the University of Washing- Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, an order buildings and hospitals across New York are
ton and received a fellowship to work and study that served and educated orphans. named after her.

No one is excluded from the House of God

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 serving Him in our brothers and the spaces of a more vivid feminine Next Sunday, 18 October, the Aid
sisters, especially the least. A round presence in the Church, and of a to the Church in Need Foundation pro-
the destruction of homes and places of applause for the new young lay presence, of course, but under- motes the “One Million Children
of worship. I pray and invite prayer Blessed! scoring the feminine aspect, be- Praying the Rosary” campaign for
for the victims and for all those I would like to recall the prayer cause in general women are left unity and peace. I encourage this
whose lives are in danger. intention that I proposed for this aside. We must promote the integ- beautiful event that involves chil-
Yesterday, in Assisi, Carlo Acutis, month of October: which goes like ration of women in places in which dren throughout the world, who will
a 15-year-old youth enamoured of this: We pray that the laity, espe- important decisions are taken. Let pray especially for critical situations
the Eucharist, was beatified. He did cially women, may participate more us pray that, by virtue of baptism, caused by the pandemic.
not ease into comfortable immobil- in areas of responsibility in the the lay faithful, especially women, I greet all of you, people of Rome
ism, but understood the needs of Church. Because none of us was may participate more in the institu- and pilgrims from various countries:
his time, because he saw the face of baptized neither priest nor bishop: tions of responsibility in the families, parish groups, associations
Christ in the weakest. His witness we were all baptized as lay persons, Church, without falling into the and individual faithful. I wish every-
indicates to today’s young people male and female. Lay people are clericalisms that nullify the lay cha- one a happy Sunday. Please, do not
that true happiness is found by the protagonists of the Church. rism and also tarnish the face of the forget to pray for me. Enjoy your
putting God in first place and Today there is a need to broaden Holy Mother Church. lunch. Arrivederci!

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