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Name: Bhea Nicole Paclibon

Section: BSBA-1L

When we violate the social norms in which we believe, we feel ashamed. We feel humiliated and
exposed, and we are unable to look another person in the eyes. We want to sink into the ground and
disappear. Shame causes us to turn inward and see our entire selves in a negative light. Feelings of guilt,
on the other hand, are the result of a specific action for which we accept responsibility. Guilt directs our
attention to the feelings of others. There is a big difference between shame and guilt. Shame is that you
have always been a bad person. Guilt is the feeling that you have done something wrong. Guilt is
beneficial, but shame is not. Once you learn the difference between these you will gain some clarity. As a
human, I make mistakes, and that's okay. Do I intend to hurt others by my actions or mistakes? No. Is it
my intention to make others uncomfortable? No. Do I intend to completely screw things up? Absolutely
not! But, unfortunately, I am human, and this will continue to happen to me for the rest of my life. No
matter how hard I try, I will never be perfect. We are never completely bad or completely good. When
Paul says he is not ashamed of the gospel, he is expressing that his faith in the gospel is not misplaced.
There is no shame in declaring it. Paul had given his life to proclaiming the truths that Jesus Himself had
revealed to him (Acts 9:3–6; 2 Corinthians 12:2–4). We can put our faith in the gospel of Christ, just as
Paul did. We can boldly proclaim the truths revealed by God in His Word without fear of misplaced
confidence. “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame” (Romans 10:11). To be unashamed
of the gospel means to proclaim it, but also to apply it to our lives and show that we believe it. Paul's life
choices supported his message. He never preached one thing and lived another. We are “ashamed of the
gospel” when we allow sin in our lives to go unchecked (Matthew 3:8). We are ashamed of the gospel
when we "walk in the counsel of the ungodly, stand in the path of sinners, and sit in the seat of scoffers"
(Psalm 1:1). We are not allowing its truth to penetrate our lives so that others can witness its power. To be
unashamed of the gospel means to allow it to dominate our lives to the point where everyone in our
sphere of influence can see that we have "been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13).

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