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The Radiant School (CBSE)

Unit Test-IV(2021-22)
Time:01:00 Hr. M.M: 25
A. Multiple choice questions :- (5)

1. Which of the following fuel has highest calorific value?

a) Wood b) Coal c) Hydrogen d) Petrol

2.Which of the following is a fossil fuel?

a) Kerosene b) Diesel c) Coke d) All.

3.Which of the following is the best quality coal?

a) Peat b) Anthracite c) Bituminous d) Lignite.

4.When a wax candle burns, which part of it catches fire?

a) wick b) wax vapour c)liquid wax d) solid wax

5.Natural gas contains

a) Methane b) Butane c) Carbon monoxide and hydrogen d) Carbon monoxide and nitrogen.

B. Short answer type questions :- (10)

6.What is natural gas ? How is it obtained?

7. How is carbon dioxide useful to extinguish fire?

8. What is meant by an ideal fuel?

9. Define conservation of energy.

10. Write a short note on a candle flame.

C. Long answer type questions :- (10)

11.How does burning of wood as a fuel harmful to us?


How does recycling of paper lead to waste reduction?

12.What are fossil fuels? How is their excessive use a matter of environmental concern?


Why are gaseous fuels better than the solid and liquid ones?

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