Alcantara, Kimberly - Journal

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Sports fest is a platform where people can showcase their talents in different sporting
events. Most Sports Fest events happen in schools as it is where the students can take an
academic break and have a day or week doing physical activities such as playing sports.
And during the sportsfest, persuasion is happening almost everywhere. From the day that
the sports fest is announced, until the end of the event. Example is when your instructor
wants you to join a certain game and at first you don’t want to join. But after a few
incentives that are offered, you give in to your instructor’s request. That is persuasion.

When you are cheering for your friends at their game when at first, your friends are half
hearted in winning the game and you say, “You can do it!” It is also a form of persuasion.
When you go to the stalls in the event, you can see the variety of stalls where people
talk about their products and they will persuade you into buying their products. Many of
the things that happened there are forms of persuasion.

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