Assessment Interview - Alcantara

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Name: Kimberly N.


Section: 3PSYB

As a client seeking the assistance of a clinical psychologist, I believe that it is

essential for the psychologist to embody certain attributes and behaviors that
facilitate a sense of comfort and trust in me. If I needed to come to a psychologist, I
am usually considered in a vulnerable state of mind and need a safe space to
confide in. Therefore, I will look for a psychologist who can provide me with empathy,
active listening, trustworthiness, professionalism, warmth, open-mindedness, and

Firstly, I believe that empathy is crucial for a psychologist to have. I want to

work with someone who is compassionate, understanding, and truly hears me. I
want a psychologist who can validate my concerns and help me feel understood and
cared for. I believe that a warm, empathetic approach is essential in creating a safe
and supportive environment that is crucial in the healing process.

Active listening is another attribute that is important to me. When I share my

thoughts and feelings with my psychologist, I want to feel that they are fully engaged
and present in the conversation. I want a psychologist who listens attentively and
with an open mind, making me feel valued and important.

Trustworthiness is also critical in building a strong therapeutic relationship

between my psychologist and me. I need to feel that I can confide in my psychologist
without fear of judgment or confidentiality breaches. Honesty and trustworthiness are
crucial in creating a safe and secure environment that allows me to share my
innermost thoughts and feelings.

Professionalism is another attribute that I look for in a psychologist. I want to

work with someone who is competent, knowledgeable, and respectful.
Professionalism facilitates a sense of trust and confidence in me, enabling me to
believe in my psychologist's expertise and capabilities. This, in turn, empowers me to
take an active role in my treatment and work towards my goals.

Warmth is also essential to me. I want to feel comfortable, at ease, and

supported during my sessions. A warm, friendly approach from my psychologist can
help create a nurturing environment that fosters trust and safety.

Open-mindedness is another critical attribute that I expect from my

psychologist. I need to feel that my psychologist is willing to consider different
perspectives and approaches to my problems. This shows me that my psychologist
is flexible, adaptable, and ready to explore a range of possibilities to help me
overcome my challenges.
Lastly, patience is an important behavior that I expect from my psychologist. I
want to feel that my psychologist is invested in my treatment, understands my unique
situation and needs, and is committed to helping me achieve my goals. With a
patient and understanding approach, my psychologist can help me feel that I am
heard, valued, and respected, laying the foundation for a successful therapeutic

In conclusion, I believe that clinical psychologists must embody empathy,

active listening, trustworthiness, professionalism, warmth, open-mindedness, and
patience to establish a therapeutic relationship that is conducive to healing and
growth. These attributes and behaviors help create a safe, nurturing, and supportive
environment that allows me to feel heard, understood, and empowered to overcome
my challenges and achieve my goals.

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