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BSCS 2nd Year

1. What key indicators would you watch if you managed an office supply business? Which are internal
and which are external?
An office supply business is mostly retail through in-store purchases and large orders from
companies and organizations. Therefore, sale-related key performance indicators are the most
critical. Sales targets monthly and quarterly should be tracked to monitor whether the current
strategies are working. Stock turnover rates are a KPI to monitor to efficiently strategize in ordering
stock inventory to meet demand. This goes along with the inventory to sales indicator, which provides
a ratio on the stock that gets sold and is a factor in smart decision-making. Cross-selling rate is
important since it helps create larger orders and loyal customers, particularly from organizations
choosing to make bulk purchases. Finally, total order and total sales indicators measure the business
health and provide an overall picture of sale figures. This KPI can be examined at different periods or
from varying angles to visualize the business’s success.

2. Three hundred employees of Grand & Toy use the Clarity system on a daily basis. Why do you
think it is important to provide system access to so many people in the company?
A Grand & Toy is a retail chain with numerous offices and locations. Therefore, the system access
granted to 300 employees is unsurprising as it encompasses managers and sale representatives
entering data from their respective locations and executives and system administrators. It is important
to provide access to many individuals in the company to maintain an up-to-date and accurate
collection of data and the proper use of this data at specific stores or areas. Increased employee
access to business data, including sales, budget, and performance, allows to make informed
decisions and monitor the progress of sales campaigns. It has a profound effect on company
operations by building trust, credibility, and improving service, leading to increased KPI statistics.
Managers and employees directly connected to the central information system can make informed
decisions, re-evaluate strategic approaches, and resolve any issues much quicker than such
directives being passed down from executives quarterly.

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