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Advanced Audio Blog S2

To Save or to Sleep: Stray Dogs in Beijing

2 Simplified
Vocabulary 6
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Simplified Chinese


2 寄养。这不是长久之计,但就是找不到愿意收留的人。


Traditional Chinese

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3 大姐在路上說,這個狗狗的情況不容樂觀,不行就進行安樂死。我的朋友聽了覺得不

wèile fàngshǒu de chūshǒu (yī)
nàtiān, wǒ hé péngyou zài shāngchǎng chī wán fàn chūlai, kànjiàn yī duī rén wéizhe
yī zhī chōuchù de xiǎogǒu, yǒu wèi mòjìng dàjiě fǔmō zhe tā. yuánlái zhè zhī gǒu shì
liúlànggǒu, zài mòjìng dàjiě zǒuchū shāngchǎng shí mòmò gēn tā zǒu le jǐ bù,
suíhòu jiù bùdòng le, mòjìng dàjiě xiǎng bǎ gǒugou sòng dào chǒngwù yīyuàn,
wúnài wéiguān de rén dōu bù zhīdào fùjìn de chǒngwù yīyuàn zài nǎr. shāngchǎng
bǎoān shuō, wǒmen yǐjīng bàojǐng le, děng jǐngchá lái chǔlǐ ba. mòjìng dàjiě hěn
jīdòng ----wǒ bù ràng jǐngchá dòng tā! jǐngchá zhǐ huì bǎ gǒugou dǎ yūn bù zhīdào

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rēngdào nǎlǐ, wǒ qīnyǎn jiànguo de! wǒ bùzhī shì bèi tā xiàdào hái shì gǎndòng le,
shuō, wǒ zhīdào èrlǐzhuāng yǒu ge chǒngwù yīyuàn, dànshì zǒulù tài yuǎn le,
wǒmen dǎ chē qù ba. mòjìng dàjiě shuō, Běijīng chūzūchē jùzài dòngwù, gèng bié tí
gōngchē le, zán zǒu guòqù ba. shuō wán bàoqǐ xiǎogǒu jiù dòngshēn le. wǒ yǒu
diǎn bùzhīsuǒcuò, dàn yě dòngshēn le. lǎoshí shuō wǒ bù shì yī ge bǎohù dòngwù
de shēntǐlìxíng zhě, suīrán yě céng jùjué chī bàba dǎliè dài huílai de gèzhǒng ròu,
dàn zhǔyào yuányīn shì juéde bù hǎochī. búguò wǒ yòu xìn mìng, yǒuxiē shì jìrán
zài nǐ shēngmìng zhōng fāshēng le, jiù jījí cānyù ba.
qíshí wǒ yě bù zhīdào èrlǐzhuāng de chǒngwù yīyuàn zài nǎ, búguò zài Běijīng shéi
yòu zhīdào nǎ zài nǎ ne. xiǎogǒu yǎnyǎnyīxī de tǎng zài dàjiě huái lǐ, yīzhí chōuchù,
dà yǎnjīng kěliánbābā de kànzhe nǐ. dàjiě téngxī de shuō, gǒugou zhēn kělián
----jǐnguǎn dà jiě shì ge "dàren", tā huán yīzhí yòng "gǒugou" lái chēnghu suǒyǒu de
gǒu. tā shuō tā yǐjīng jiùzhù le bù zhīdào duōshao tiáo liúlàng gǒu le, xiànzài jiālǐ de
gǒugou jiùshì chēhuò xìngcúnzhě, qiánqiánhòuhòu huā le yīwàn duō de shǒushù fèi
zhìliáo. yǐqián bǎ gǒugou fàngzài chǒngwù yīyuàn, gěi qián ràng yīyuàn zhàogu tā,
jiéguǒ yīyuàn gēnběn bùguǎn, bǎ gǒugou guān zài lóngzi lǐ, chīhēLā sā dōu zài nàr,
jiéguǒ gǒugou rǎn le yī shēn bìng, yòu děi chū qián zhì. hòulái gāncuì bǎ gǒugou jiē
huíjiā zìjǐ yǎng, suīrán lèi diǎn, dàn fàngxīn. tā shuō tā zhù de xiǎoqū lǐ yǒu hǎoxiē
liúlàng gǒu, píngshí tā yě qù wèi wèi tāmen. zuìjìn yǒu tiáo gǒu shēng le jǐ ge
gǒuzǎi, tā jiā méifǎ yǎngle, zhǐhǎo zhǎo péngyou jìyǎng. zhè bù shì chángjiǔ zhī jì,
dàn jiùshì zhǎo bù dào yuànyì shōuliú de rén.
wǒ chādiǎnr tuōkǒuérchū shuō "wǒ yuànyì". dàn yī fāngmiàn xiǎng dào fángdōng bù
ràng yǎng chǒngwù, lìng yī fāngmiàn, yóuyú běipiāo shēnghuó bù wěndìng, wǒ wúfǎ
bǎozhèng zhàogu tā de yīshēng, wǒ shènzhì wúfǎ bǎozhèng zhàogu tā de tóngnián.
zhè diǎn dà jiě yě tóngyì, érqiě tā hái jiānchí, rúguǒ bù néng bǎozhèng chángqī
4 zhàogu gǒugou, jiù bùyào yǎng, gǒugou jīngbuqǐ zhēteng.
wǒmen zǒu le bàn ge duō xiǎoshí, zhōngyú zhǎodào le nà jiā chǒngwù yīyuàn.
dàjiě zài lùshang shuō zhège gǒugou de qíngkuàng bùrónglèguān, bù xíng jiù
jìnxíng ānlèsǐ. wǒ de péngyou tīng le juéde bùkěsīyì, Zhōngguó de dòngwù
shēngcún zhuàngkuàng zěnme zhèyàng zāo, qícì zhè shì yī tiáo shēngmìng, zěnme
kěyǐ qīngyì fàngqì? dàjiě shuō, tā xiànzài zhèyàng huózhe gèng tòngkǔ, huán bùrú

One day, after a friend and I came out from eating in a mall, we saw a group of
people surrounding a small twitching puppy, which was supported by a woman
wearing dark sunglasses. As it turns out, this dog was a street dog. When Ms.
Sunglasses went out to the mall, it trailed behind her for several steps, and then

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refused to move. Ms. Sunglasses wanted to send the dog to the veterinarian, but
none of the bystanders knew where the neighborhood vet was. All security said was
they'd already called the police and suggested letting them deal with it, but Ms.
Sunglasses grew agitated and said she'd never let the police touch her dog. She
said she knew the police would knock the dog unconscious and just throw it, "God
knows where," telling us she'd seen this herself! I don't know whether I was scared
or moved by her, but I said, "I know there's a veterinary hospital near Erlizhuang, but
it's too far to walk. Let's take a cab!" The lady in sunglasses said that Beijing cab
drivers refuse to take animals in their cabs, to say nothing of public buses. "So let's
walk," Ms. Sunglasses replied, and then she picked up the dog and started walking. I
didn't know what to do, but I also set off. To tell the truth, I'm not a staunch animal
activist, and although I did once refuse to eat any meat from a pig my father hunted
in the wild, the main reason was that I didn't think it tasted very good. But I do
believe in fate, and there are some things in life that are destined to happen, so you
might as well actively take part in them.
Actually, I didn't know where the Erlizhuang animal hospital was, but in Beijing, who
knows where anything is? The little puppy lay twitching in the woman's arms as if on
its last legs; its large eyes looking up pitifully at us. The woman mournfully talked
about how cute the dog was, and even though she was a grown up, she still kept
referring to all sorts of dogs as "doggie." She said that she'd already saved countless
stray dogs, that all of the "doggies" in her home were survivors of auto accidents,
and that she'd already spend more than ten thousand RMB on surgery to treat them.
Before, she'd taken her dogs to the veterinary hospital and given them money to
look after the dogs, but they didn't do anything but shut the dogs up in a cage, where
they would take care of all of their bodily functions. And so, as a result, the dogs
5 would fall sick and it would take more money to treat them. And so afterwards, she
simply took the dogs home and raised them herself. Although this was a bit more
tiring, she could relax. She said that in the apartment block where she lived, there
were a lot of stray dogs and she would often go out to feed them, and lately, there
was one dog that gave birth to a litter of puppies. She didn't have the space to raise
them, so she had to find friends to take care of them for a while. This wasn't a
long-term plan, as she couldn't find anyone to adopt them for life.
I almost blurted out, "I'll take one," but then I remembered that my landlord didn't
allow people to raise pets. It was just as well, because my semi-adrift life here in
Beijing wasn't settled, and I didn't have any way to guarantee that I could take care
of it for life. I didn't even have any way to guarantee I could take care of it through its
infancy. The older lady agreed, and she also insisted that if you couldn't guarantee
to take care of "doggie" for the long-term, you shouldn't raise one, and "doggie"
couldn't bear having multiple owners.
We walked for more than half an hour, and finally found that veterinary hospital.
The lady said that if the prognosis for the dog wasn't good, they would euthanize it.

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My friend heard this and felt really startled. How could the state of Chinese animal
life be this awful? This was a life after all, and how could anyone throw it away so
cavalierly? And so the older lady said that it would be in more pain living like this,
and it would be better just to let it go.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
抽搐 抽搐 chōuchù to twitch
奄奄一息 奄奄一息 yǎn yǎn yī xī to be on one's last legs
可怜巴巴 可憐巴巴 kělián bābā pitifully
幸存者 幸存者 xìngcúnzhě survivor
吃喝拉撒 吃喝拉撒 chīhēlāsā to eat, drink, and go to
the washroom
狗崽 狗崽 gǒuzǎi puppy
寄养 寄養 jìyǎng to place in care of
折腾 折騰 zhēteng to fuss
安乐死 安樂死 ānlèsǐ euthanasia
解脱 解脫 jiětuō to cast off

Vocabulary Sample Sentences

6 他发病的时候浑身的肌肉都会 tā fābìng de shíhou húnshēn When he got sick, the muscles
抽搐。 de jīròu dōu huì chōuchù. throughout his body all
这位老人被送到医院的时候已 zhè wèi lǎorén bèi sòng dào When this old person was sent
经奄奄一息了。 yīyuàn de shíhou yǐjīng yǎn to the hospital, he was already
yǎn yī xī le. on his last legs.
那个狗狗一直可怜巴巴地看着 nà ge gǒugou yīzhí kěliánbābā This dog kept watching me
我。 de kànzhe wǒ. pitifully.
他是这次车祸的唯一幸存者。 tā shì zhè cì chēhuò de wéiyī He was the only survivor of the
xìngcúnzhě. car accident.
生病以后,他吃喝拉撒都不能 shēngbìng yǐhòu, tā After he fell ill, he was not able
自理。 chīhēlāsādōu bùnéng zìlǐ. to eat, drink, or go to the
washroom without help.
我家多了几个小狗崽。 wǒ jiā duō le jǐ ge xiǎo gǒuzǎi. My house has several
我出差的时候把狗寄养在同学 wǒ chūchāi de shíhou bǎ gǒu When I went away on

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家里。 jìyǎng zài tóngxué jiālǐ. business, I placed my dog in

the care of a friend.
我的花被我折腾死了。 wǒ de huābèi wǒ zhēteng sǐ I fussed my plants to death.
听说,安乐死只需要四十秒。 tīngshuō, ānlèsǐ zhǐ xūyào I've heard euthanasia only
sìshí miǎo. takes forty seconds.
我们什么时候才能从压力下解 wǒmen shénme shíhòu cái When we will be able to cast
脱出来? néng cóng yālì xià jiětuō chūlái off our pressures?

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