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log.txt for X-Plane 11.

55r2 (build 115501 64-bit

compiled on Jun 22 2021 19:14:01
X-Plane started on Mon Mar 27 22:56:57 2023

This log file is generated automatically by Laminar Research applications and

contains diagnostics about your graphics hardware, installation, and any error
If you need to contact tech support or file a bug, please send us this file. NOTE:
this file is rewritten every time you start ANY of your X-System applications.

Windows 10.0 (build 19044/2)

This is a 64-bit version of Windows.
CPU type: 8664
Physical Memory (total for computer): 17126227968
Maximum Virtual Memory (for X-Plane only): 140737488224256
CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3593
CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3593
CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3593
CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3593
CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3593
CPU 0: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor Speed (mhz): 3593

X-System folder:'D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/', case sensitive=0

WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error

WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness
WGL_ARB_context_flush_control WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read
WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float
WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_colorspace
WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile
WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB
WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear
WGL_NVX_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop2 WGL_NV_copy_image
WGL_NV_delay_before_swap WGL_NV_float_buffer WGL_NV_multisample_coverage
WGL_NV_multigpu_context WGL_NV_render_depth_texture WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle

OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation

OpenGL Render : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 516.94 (460/0)
OpenGL Extensions : GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect
GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance
GL_ARB_bindless_texture GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage
GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility
GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth
GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size
GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image
GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float
GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_derivative_control
GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend
GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced
GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility
GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility
GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location
GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport
GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader
GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments
GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gl_spirv
GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64
GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging
GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query
GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment
GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect
GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query
GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile
GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters
GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage
GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object
GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_locations
GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_ballot
GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_clock GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size
GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples
GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100
GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack
GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow
GL_ARB_sparse_buffer GL_ARB_sparse_texture GL_ARB_sparse_texture2
GL_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp GL_ARB_spirv_extensions GL_ARB_stencil_texturing
GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range
GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc
GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_filter_minmax GL_ARB_texture_float
GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge
GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels
GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg
GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage
GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view
GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3
GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra
GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding
GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader
GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float
GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr
GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color
GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax
GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader
GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2
GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord
GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled
GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4
GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
GL_EXT_multiview_texture_multisample GL_EXT_multiview_timer_query
GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels
GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp
GL_EXT_post_depth_coverage GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_raster_multisample
GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects
GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted
GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shadow_funcs
GL_EXT_sparse_texture2 GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D
GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1
GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3
GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_filter_minmax
GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod
GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle
GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array
GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_window_rectangles
GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_memory_object
GL_EXT_memory_object_win32 GL_NV_memory_object_sparse GL_EXT_win32_keyed_mutex
GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior
GL_KHR_robustness GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_win32 GL_NV_timeline_semaphore
GL_KHR_shader_subgroup GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control
GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count
GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced
GL_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers GL_NV_blend_minmax_factor
GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_clip_space_w_scaling GL_NV_command_list
GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_NV_conditional_render
GL_NV_conservative_raster GL_NV_conservative_raster_dilate
GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles
GL_NV_conservative_raster_underestimation GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color
GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture
GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_ES3_1_compatibility
GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_feature_query GL_NV_fence GL_NV_fill_rectangle
GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color
GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2
GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock
GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage
GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough GL_NV_gpu_program4
GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5
GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5
GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_memory_attachment GL_NV_mesh_shader
GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query
GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object
GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering
GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite
GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_query_resource GL_NV_query_resource_tag
GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2
GL_NV_representative_fragment_test GL_NV_sample_locations
GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage GL_NV_scissor_exclusive
GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_atomic_float64
GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 GL_NV_shader_buffer_load
GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned
GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint GL_NV_shading_rate_image GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc
GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle
GL_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2
GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2
GL_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_array_range
GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1
GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3
GL_NV_viewport_array2 GL_NV_viewport_swizzle
GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_linked_gpu_multicast GL_NV_gpu_multicast
GL_NVX_gpu_multicast2 GL_NVX_progress_fence GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info
GL_NVX_multigpu_info GL_NVX_nvenc_interop GL_NV_shader_thread_group
GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow
GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control

sync/fence : 1
pbo_avail : 1 frameblit_avail : 1 framebuffer_msaa : 1
gpu_shad4_avail : 1 shad_lod_avail : 1 array_tex_avail : 1 texture_rg
: 1
tex_float_avail : 1 seamless_avail : 1 drawbuf2_avail : 1
packed_stencil : 1
framebuffer_srgb : 1 copy_buf_avail : 1 ubo_avail : 1
gshader_avail : 1
base_vert_avail : 1 tex_multi_avail : 1 depth_float_avail : 1
instance_avail : 1 tess_avail : 1 viewport_arr : 1 tex_storage
: 1
buf_storage : 1 multi_bind : 1 clip_control : 1
program_binary : 1
idx in vram : 1
GLSL version : 4.60 NVIDIA/460

anisotropic_avail : 1 timer_avail : 1 tess_avail : 1 geom_avail

: 1
viewport_arr : 1 layer_arr : 1 native_reverse_z : 0
has_reverse_z : 1
max iso filtering : 16
max samples : 5
max texture size : 32768 (hardware limit)
max tex units : 32

This video card is: DX11+ VR Ready

Diagnostics : none

CPU count : 6
0:00:00.000 I/wmgr: Monitor 0: { 0, 0, 1920, 1080 }
0:00:00.000 I/wmgr: Re-building fbos for window 0000012255AAEE30
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/legacy_flat_mapping.xsv
with hash: f66a30a2d61b481172cc9df214b4135
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/legacy_flat.xsa
with hash: bb8b34dfdccc7abd652f838c37cfa7b
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/legacy_depth_mapping.xsv
with hash: 44a33f1dcbf5f8d640112a20f696f5aa
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/legacy_depth.xsa
with hash: dd246e217be8a194c9bd5cdfddfe6fa
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/blit_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/blit.xsa with hash:
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/font_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/font.xsa with hash:
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/line3d_mapping.xsv with
hash: 957265e534485ae3e5acef3ca12c48dd
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/line3d.xsa with
hash: 642430e7c7b9dc33e3cdf87595e07bf9
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/terrain_mapping.xsv with
hash: ab61276aa4bfad3c02343ea5e539d
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/terrain.xsa with
hash: 7516feb562a9e25a84c38d5768815
OpenAL loaded: Resources/dlls/64/openal32.dll
OpenAL devices: OpenAL Soft
Open AL default device:OpenAL Soft
OpenAL vendor : OpenAL Community
OpenAL renderer : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL version : 1.1
OpenAL hardware : OpenAL Soft
ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context
ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface
AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples
AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels
AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length

==== CHANGING LANGUAGE TO: Español. ====

Fetching plugins for D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins

Loaded: D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin).

XPR 22:56:59 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane

XPR 22:56:59 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 22:56:59 plugin start 2.1.5Loaded: D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
11/Resources/plugins/XPRealistic/64/win.xpl (com.rkApps.xprealistic).

Loaded: D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
11/Resources/plugins/shadeX/win_x64/shadeX.xpl (stairportsceneries.plugin.shadex).

XPR 22:57:04 plugin enableI found the following scenery packages (prioritized in
this order):
0 Custom Scenery/RD93_library/
1 Custom Scenery/AK07 Dog Fish Bay AK 1.0/
2 Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/
3 Custom Scenery/bitmaps/
4 Custom Scenery/CACS Chicken Strip CA 1.2/
5 Custom Scenery/CDB-Library/
6 Custom Scenery/RA_Library/
7 Custom Scenery/Resources/
8 Custom Scenery/Textures/
9 Custom Scenery/Vegetation/
10 Custom Scenery/PNG_Engati_EGA/
11 Custom Scenery/PNG_Gorgiok_GOR/
12 Custom Scenery/PNG_Nadzab_AYNZ/
13 Custom Scenery/PNG_Tekadu_TKB/
14 Custom Scenery/PNG_Timbunke_TBE/
15 Custom Scenery/PNG_Tufi_TFI/
16 Custom Scenery/a - Machmell Fisheries Camp 2.0/
17 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDF Frankfurt/
18 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDLP Paderborn-Lippstadt/
19 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGLL Heathrow/
20 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFMN Nice Cote d Azur X/
21 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFPO Paris Orly/
22 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LPFR Faro/
23 Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
24 Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/
25 Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/
26 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Chicago/
27 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Dubai/
28 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Las Vegas/
29 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - London/
30 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - New York/
31 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Sydney/
32 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Washington DC/
33 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Demo Areas/
34 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/
35 Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/
36 Resources/default scenery/1000 decals/
37 Resources/default scenery/1000 forests/
38 Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/
39 Resources/default scenery/1000 urban terrain/
40 Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/
41 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/
42 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/
43 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/
44 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/
45 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/
46 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/
47 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/
48 Resources/default scenery/airport decals/
49 Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/
50 Resources/default scenery/default apt dat/
51 Resources/default scenery/default atc dat/
52 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/
53 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Alaska/
54 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Hawaii/
55 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Seattle/

0:00:00.000 D/HID: HID Bridge Running

0:00:07.721 I/NAVT: Airspaces are done loading async...
0:00:08.795 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cube_filter_mapping.xsv
with hash: 33a101719a461739a854b3b91e2e8fb
0:00:08.795 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/cube_filter.xsa
with hash: b020b0f81a6746f035cc93140d6c5bf
0:00:08.795 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ground_lights_mapping.xsv
with hash: efcb9dd432f7b8f41e1e501691f38a6
0:00:08.795 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/ground_lights.xsa
with hash: 3b175ead61ba2249f09ee56e514731
0:00:08.795 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/light_mapping.xsv with
hash: a33261499add38908e4edee55486b85
0:00:08.795 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/light.xsa with
hash: d9faeea343fc8e3bb135fd136c3f8b0
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting texture resolution read from prefs as 3
0:00:08.795 I/NAVT: NavData is done loading async...
0:00:08.795 I/NAVT: Navaids are done loading async...
0:00:08.795 I/NAVT: Fixes are done loading async...
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw view indicator read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |dim under high G-load or hypoxia read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw hi-res planet textures from orbit read from prefs
as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw forest fires and balloons read from prefs as 0.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw birds and deer in nice weather read from prefs as
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw aircraft carriers and frigates read from prefs as
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw Aurora Borealis read from prefs as 0.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |runways follow terrain contours read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |3-d drawing detail read from prefs as 2.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |water reflection detail read from prefs as 2.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw parked aircraft at airports read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting compress textures to save VRAM read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |Effects read from prefs as 2.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |3-d shadows read from prefs as 0.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |HDR anti-aliasing read from prefs as 0.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw volumetric fog read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |draw per pixel lighting read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/REN: Setting |atmospheric scattering read from prefs as 1.
0:00:08.795 I/NAVT: Airways are done loading async...
0:00:08.795 I/NAVT: All navt data is done loading async...
0:00:18.849 I/NET: OS has RFC 4941 Privacy Extensions for IPv6 *disabled*, using
PERMANENT IPv6 addresses
0:00:18.849 I/NET: Wi-Fi (Realtek RTL8188EU Wireless LAN 802.11n USB 2.0 Network
0:00:18.849 I/NET: Wi-Fi (Realtek RTL8188EU Wireless LAN 802.11n USB 2.0 Network
Adapter) fe80::7517:ee5d:456c:e805
0:00:18.849 I/NET: (RakNet) Init: Successful!
0:00:19.249 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(294b, 1901) - Bravo Throttle Quadrant at
path \\?\hid#vid_294b&pid_1901#7&3676351&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-
0:00:19.249 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: Bravo Throttle Quadrant -
VID:10571PID:6401, this is a familiar device.
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 9 (HID_Page_Button/0a) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 10 (HID_Page_Button/0b) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 11 (HID_Page_Button/0c) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 12 (HID_Page_Button/0d) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 13 (HID_Page_Button/0e) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 14 (HID_Page_Button/0f) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 15 (HID_Page_Button/10) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 16 (HID_Page_Button/11) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 17 (HID_Page_Button/12) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 18 (HID_Page_Button/13) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 19 (HID_Page_Button/14) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 20 (HID_Page_Button/15) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 21 (HID_Page_Button/16) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 22 (HID_Page_Button/17) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 23 (HID_Page_Button/18) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 24 (HID_Page_Button/19) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 25 (HID_Page_Button/1a) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 26 (HID_Page_Button/1b) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 27 (HID_Page_Button/1c) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 28 (HID_Page_Button/1d) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 29 (HID_Page_Button/1e) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 30 (HID_Page_Button/1f) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 31 (HID_Page_Button/20) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 32 (HID_Page_Button/21) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 33 (HID_Page_Button/22) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 34 (HID_Page_Button/23) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 35 (HID_Page_Button/24) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 36 (HID_Page_Button/25) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 37 (HID_Page_Button/26) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 38 (HID_Page_Button/27) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 39 (HID_Page_Button/28) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 40 (HID_Page_Button/29) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 41 (HID_Page_Button/2a) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 42 (HID_Page_Button/2b) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 43 (HID_Page_Button/2c) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 44 (HID_Page_Button/2d) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 45 (HID_Page_Button/2e) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 46 (HID_Page_Button/2f) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 47 (HID_Page_Button/30) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 0
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 0000012201770390. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 1
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 0000012201770390. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 2
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rz) for handle: 0000012201770390. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 3
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Ry) for handle: 0000012201770390. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 4
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rx) for handle: 0000012201770390. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 5
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Z) for handle: 0000012201770390. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: END HARDWARE
0:00:19.249 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: Bravo Throttle Quadrant
(VID:10571PID:6401) Axis #4, assigned to joy_use_none, has an expected min/max
range of [0.000000, 1023.000000], but is calibrated for [1.000000, 1.000000]. You
should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
0:00:19.249 E/JOY: CALIBRATION OVERRIDE: Bravo Throttle Quadrant
(VID:10571PID:6401) Axis #4 forced to be treated as calibrated due to a user pref.
0:00:19.249 E/JOY: UNCALIBRATED AXIS DETECTED: Bravo Throttle Quadrant
(VID:10571PID:6401) Axis #5, assigned to joy_use_none, has an expected min/max
range of [0.000000, 1023.000000], but is calibrated for [1.000000, 1.000000]. You
should recalibrate the device in the Settings menu.
0:00:19.249 E/JOY: CALIBRATION OVERRIDE: Bravo Throttle Quadrant
(VID:10571PID:6401) Axis #5 forced to be treated as calibrated due to a user pref.
0:00:19.249 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(294b, 1900) - Alpha Flight Controls at path \\?\
0:00:19.249 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: Alpha Flight Controls -
VID:10571PID:6400, this is a familiar device.
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 9 (HID_Page_Button/0a) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 10 (HID_Page_Button/0b) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 11 (HID_Page_Button/0c) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 12 (HID_Page_Button/0d) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 13 (HID_Page_Button/0e) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 14 (HID_Page_Button/0f) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 15 (HID_Page_Button/10) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 16 (HID_Page_Button/11) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 17 (HID_Page_Button/12) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 18 (HID_Page_Button/13) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 19 (HID_Page_Button/14) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 20 (HID_Page_Button/15) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 21 (HID_Page_Button/16) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 22 (HID_Page_Button/17) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 23 (HID_Page_Button/18) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 24 (HID_Page_Button/19) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 25 (HID_Page_Button/1a) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 26 (HID_Page_Button/1b) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 27 (HID_Page_Button/1c) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 28 (HID_Page_Button/1d) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 29 (HID_Page_Button/1e) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 30 (HID_Page_Button/1f) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 31 (HID_Page_Button/20) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 32 (HID_Page_Button/21) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 33 (HID_Page_Button/22) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 34 (HID_Page_Button/23) for handle:
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 0
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 0000012201770ED0. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 1
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 0000012201770ED0. Min/Max 0 -
0:00:19.249 D/HID: HATSWITCH Added Index: 0
(HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Hatswitch) for handle: 0000012201770ED0. It
has 8 positions.
0:00:19.249 D/HID: END HARDWARE
0:00:19.249 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_InitialLoading to
0:00:19.249 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Main Menu
0:00:19.249 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:00:19.249 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:01:31.628 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:02:02.211 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 20 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Baron
0:02:02.223 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight Failures Window
0:02:12.660 I/WIN: Showing subscreen FreeFlight Location Controller (Advanced)
0:02:24.812 I/WIN: Showing subscreen FreeFlight Location Controller (Advanced)
0:02:29.162 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:02:29.162 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/Laminar Research/Baron
B58/Baron_58.acf at Ramp Start
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote KAHN atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 133950 to 118000 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote HEAZ atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 118100 to 118000 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote KBIF atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 125000 to 118000 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote RJCJ atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 121900 to 118000 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Gnd's freq: 121600 to 118000 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 122700 to 118025 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 126200 to 118050 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 118500 to 118075 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.174 W/ATC: Rewrote KNSE atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 121400 to 118000 for
being in conflict!
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/lit_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/lit.xsa with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/wxr_mask_mapping.xsv with
hash: 96ba6bc7c625a1353919ba9344763e39
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/wxr_mask.xsa with
hash: 266ec1d2389a73169ba72ffe929489e
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/rain.xsa with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_puffs_mapping.xsv
with hash: d5924223e55d4569dde3b9d7758d92f
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/cloud_puffs.xsa
with hash: a223dbf9dc27efcc2b18e58595fd1d5
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/shadow_rect_mapping.xsv
with hash: 9ecbf2baaab53a3cfda275bbf42955ee
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/shadow_rect.xsa
with hash: c2e02aac89b65bb76c75b541911574c
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/debug_mapping.xsv with
hash: f3e4f70521ff5c629725f228ac864d
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/debug.xsa with
hash: b7ddf8e393d44479bac4d48bad17519
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/boat_wake_mapping.xsv with
hash: 7927aa2a59cba2f9fd89551aa745b04c
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/boat_wake.xsa with
hash: ba276db7703660c35c6bc68d27592d83
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/sectional2_mapping.xsv with
hash: 5c49a4fd108140887b7959f896f2aa
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/sectional2.xsa with
hash: 908befa7c96b946d91346267258c44
Initializing off screen memory.
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/deferred_ssao_mapping.xsv
with hash: 6a971155e3c8b9de316bf1be62f5c6
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/deferred_ssao.xsa
with hash: e9e244039cfd86b5d3e65a7d0eb1fba
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ssao_blur_mapping.xsv with
hash: dfa39013ea55b4f230e4d15e77204d6
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/ssao_blur.xsa with
hash: ff21bf105e1e9b789a12a73dc689eb
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/deferred_mapping.xsv with
hash: ad5591e663952c71b174e83ad25cbaa
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/deferred.xsa with
hash: 41f4504cc27052fc37a8df8cd488c
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/hdr_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/hdr.xsa with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/blur_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/blur.xsa with hash:
Initializing off screen memory complete.
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/prop_disc_mapping.xsv with
hash: bb97bc5c555299554c363a912ba65f38
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/prop_disc.xsa with
hash: 515f6ea554ce7b320c5e55e1547d0e5
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/dome_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/dome.xsa with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/particle_mapping.xsv with
hash: 6f1d6d2334c46479ed49d2f5a8ff44e
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/particle.xsa with
hash: 2cef5ead50e912da71114b1a7ac48721
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/manip3d_mapping.xsv with
hash: 7b6aa54cc2b7fbda3cc7da59cfb2e164
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/manip3d.xsa with
hash: a2705ed4c680f78a5dd040f53317428b
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/puff_mapping.xsv with hash:
0:02:29.504 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/glsl150/puff.xsa with hash:
0:02:33.377 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_QuickFlightWizard to
0:02:33.377 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Baron
Fetching plugins for D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar
Research/Baron B58/plugins

Loaded: D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Baron

B58/plugins/xlua/64/win.xpl (com.x-plane.xlua.1.0.0r1).

0:02:35.863 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in PARTIAL mode.

0:02:35.863 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:YRN start at:Ramp Start
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6055065 for file Custom Scenery/Global
Airports/Earth nav data/+50-130/+52-129.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13128723 for file Custom Scenery/Global
Airports/Earth nav data/+50-130/+52-127.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13128864 for file Custom Scenery/Global
Airports/Earth nav data/+50-130/+50-127.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 20928202 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11
Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+50-129.dsf (66097 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 8476371 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+50-127.dsf (345494 tris, 1 skipped for -0.1 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 15632908 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11
Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+52-129.dsf (388014 tris, 2 skipped for -0.1
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 9065995 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+52-127.dsf (331798 tris, 2 skipped for -1.2 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2651434 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+52-128.dsf (359883 tris, 2 skipped for -0.9 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3599070 for file Custom Scenery/Global
Airports/Earth nav data/+50-130/+52-126.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4207196 for file Custom Scenery/Global
Airports/Earth nav data/+50-130/+50-126.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 7049801 for file Custom Scenery/Global
Airports/Earth nav data/+50-130/+50-128.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3207443 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+50-126.dsf (349529 tris, 5 skipped for -4.3 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4475891 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+52-126.dsf (243715 tris, 1 skipped for -9.4 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1162694 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+50-128.dsf (287532 tris, 7 skipped for -3.3 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 403501 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+51-129.dsf (108947 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 40367 for file Custom Scenery/Global
Airports/Earth nav data/+50-130/+51-128.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1449564 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+51-128.dsf (357461 tris, 3 skipped for -7938.6 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2616139 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+51-126.dsf (341425 tris, 5 skipped for -6044.3 m^2)
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2252461 for file Custom Scenery/a - Machmell
Fisheries Camp 2.0/Earth nav data/+50-130/+51-127.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0
0:02:42.959 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2391173 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global
Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-130/+51-127.dsf (338620 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:03:23.741 I/SCN: Preload time: 366347
0:03:23.741 E/GFX: Rebuilding offscreens for window resize: x=1920 y=1080 hdrx=1920
0:03:25.392 I/SCN: Preload time: 1647621
0:03:25.392 E/GFX: Rebuilding offscreens for window resize: x=1920 y=1080 hdrx=1920
0:03:25.392 I/ATC: Created aircraft 0000012247BC7B40 as p=0 ()
0:03:28.996 I/SCN: Preload time: 3562526
0:03:28.996 E/GFX: Rebuilding offscreens for window resize: x=1920 y=1080 hdrx=1920

XPR 23:00:28 airport loaded0:03:28.996 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file:

Aircraft/Laminar Research/Baron B58/Baron_58_vrconfig.txt
0:03:28.996 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Resetting all failures
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Seguro de Controles sigue adentro to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Puerta sigue abierta to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Poder externo sigue conectado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure pasajeros 0-2 adentro to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tapa de Combustible está afuera to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Agua en combustible to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Respostado con combustible equivocado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #1 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #2 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #3 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #4 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #5 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #6 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #7 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #8 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Válvula de tanque de combustible #9 bloqueada to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces VASI / PAPI to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces de Pista to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Colisión con Aves to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Microrráfaga to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Humo en la cabina to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Caída de voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Barra de distribución Eléctrica #1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Barra de distribución Eléctrica #2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Barra de distribución Eléctrica #3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Barra de distribución Eléctrica #4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Barra de distribución Eléctrica #5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Barra de distribución Eléctrica #6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Inversor #1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Inversor #2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 1 bajo voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 1 alto voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 2 bajo voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Generador 2 alto voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 1 bajo voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 1 alto voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 2 bajo voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Batería 2 alto voltaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces de navegación to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces estroboscópicas to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces de posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces de rodadura to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces de aterrizaje to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces de los instrumentos to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luz de cabina to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Luces del HUD to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure amortiguador de guiñada to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Computadora de Piloto Automático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Cancelador de Piloto Automático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Servos del Piloto Automático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Servo de alerones del piloto automático to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Servo del elevador del piloto automático to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Auto-acelerador to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Aumento de estabilidad to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Airbus a Ley Alterna to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Airbus a Ley Directa to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de guiñada a la izquierda Inoperativo to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de guiñada 1 a extrema izquierda to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de guiñada 2 a extrema izquierda to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de guiñada a la derecha Inoperativo to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de guiñada 1 a extrema derecha to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de guiñada 2 a extrema derecha to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de alabeo a la izquierda Inoperativo to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de alabeo 1 virar a extrema izquierda to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de alabeo 2 virar a extrema izquierda to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de alabeo a la derecha Inoperativo to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de alabeo 1 virar a extrema derecha to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de alabeo 2 virar a extrema derecha to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de cabeceo hacia arriba Inoperativo to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de cabeceo 1 a extremo arriba to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de cabeceo 2 a extremo arriba to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de cabeceo hacia abajo Inoperativo to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de cabeceo 1 a extremo abajo to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Control de cabeceo 2 a extremo abajo to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Actuador de Compensador del timón de dirección
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Actuador de Compensador del alerón to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Actuador de Compensador del elevador to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Cancelador de Compensador del timón de dirección
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Cancelador de Compensador del alerón to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Cancelador de Compensador del elevador to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Slats to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sistema activador de Flap to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Activar Flap Izquierdo to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Activar Flap Derecho to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Remover Flap Izquierdo to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Remover Flap Derecho to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sistema activador de Tren de aterrizaje to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sistema Indicador de Tren de aterrizaje to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Frenos Izquierdos to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Frenos Derechos to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rueda de Nariz Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje principal izquierdo Actuador
atascado to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje principal derecho Actuador
atascado to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador atascado to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rueda de Nariz Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje principal izquierdo Actuador
roto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje principal derecho Actuador
roto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Actuador roto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rueda de Nariz Neumático to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje principal izquierdo Neumático
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje principal derecho Neumático
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Neumático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Neumático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Neumático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Neumático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Neumático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Neumático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Tren de aterrizaje Neumático to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: detector to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: todos los sistemas to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: parabrisas térmico to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador de frenos to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador tubo pitot 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador tubo pitot 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador toma estática 1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador toma estática 2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador sensor AOA 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador sensor AOA 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador ala izquierda to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador ala deerecha to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Descongelador de carburador: Aire altern motor 1
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Descongelador de carburador: Aire altern motor 2
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador entrada 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Anti-hielo: calentador hélice 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure sistema HVAC to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Purgar Aire: Motor izquierdo to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Purgar Aire: Motor derecho to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Purgar Aire: APU to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Despresurización Lenta to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Despresurización Rápida to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica eléctrica to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #3 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #4 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #5 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #6 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #7 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba hidráulica accionada por motor #8 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Derramar Sistema hidráulico #1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Derramar Sistema hidráulico #2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Aumentar Presión Sistema hidráulico #1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Aumentar Presión Sistema hidráulico #2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Atascar Acelerador en marcha lenta to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Atascar Acelerador en maximo poder to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Atascar Acelerador al poder actual to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sincronizador de hélices to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Cambio Automático de ángulo de incidencia de la
hélice to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Transmisión del rotor de cola to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del APU to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego en el APU to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Vacío #1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Vacío #2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Giroscopio Eléctrico #1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Giroscopio Eléctrico #2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bloqueo en tubo-pitot #1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bloqueo en tubo-pitot #2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bloqueo en puerto estático #1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bloqueo en puerto estático #2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Error en puerto estático #1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Error en puerto estático #2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sensor OAT to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sensor cantidad de combustible to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Velocimetro Piloto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Horizonte Artificial Piloto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Altímetro Piloto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicador de Viraje Piloto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicador de Rumbo Piloto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Velocidad Vertical Piloto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Velocimetro CoPiloto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Horizonte Artificial CoPiloto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Altímetro CoPiloto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicador de Viraje CoPiloto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicador de Rumbo CoPiloto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Velocidad Vertical CoPiloto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure EFIS PFD to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure EFIS MFD to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicador de ADA to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sistema de alerta de entrada en pérdida to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Sistema de alerta de tren de aterrizaje to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure radio Nav/Com-1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure radio Nav/Com-2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Radio Nav-1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Radio Nav-2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Radio Com-1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Radio Com-2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ADF 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ADF 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure GPS 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure GPS 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure DME to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Antenas del Localizador to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Antenas de Pendiente de planeo to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure receptor de WAAS GP to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Transmisor to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Radiobalizas to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure RPM 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure RPM 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure N1 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure N1 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure N2 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure N2 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Presion de Admision 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Presion de Admision 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Torque 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Torque 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure EPR 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure EPR 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure CHT 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure CHT 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure EGT 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure EGT 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de Combustible 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de Combustible 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Presión de Combustible 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Presión de Combustible 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Presión del Aceite 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Presión del Aceite 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Temperatura del Aceite 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Temperatura del Aceite 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Receptor GPS en Garmin 430 #1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Receptor GPS en Garmin 430 #2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Nav/com en Garmin 430 #1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Nav/com en Garmin 430 #2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure GIA 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure GIA 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure GEA to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ADC to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure AHRS to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Velocidad aerodinámica G1000 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Altímetro G1000 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magnetómetro G1000 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Velocidad vertical G1000 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicación amp. Generador 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicación amp. Generador 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicación amp. Batería 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicación amp. Batería 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicación Volt. Barra de Distribución 1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Indicación Volt. Barra de Distribución 2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure G1000 PFD lado de Piloto to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure G1000 PFD lado de CoPiloto to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure G1000 MFD to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico A 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Doble-Bobinado eléctrico B 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Izquierdo 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Magneto Derecho 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fuego del Motor 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Apagado del Motor 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del Motor 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Separación del Motor 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 3 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 4 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 5 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 6 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 7 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de combustible movida por el motor 8 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de Combustible Electrónica 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de combustible restringido 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flujo de aire restringido 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Fluctuación en flujo de combustible 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Entrada en pérdida del Compresor 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ignitor 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 3 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 4 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 5 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 6 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 7 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (arrancador débil) 8 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 3 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 4 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 5 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 6 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 7 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque incompleto (inyectores atascados) 8 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 1
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 2
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 3
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 4
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 5
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 6
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 7
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Arranque en caliente (exceso de combustible) 8
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 1 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 2 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 3 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 4 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 5 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 6 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 7 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ITT fuera de límites (flujo de aire escaso) 8 to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla el Paso Corto del Sistema de regulación de
las hélices 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla al Paso Largo del Sistema de regulación de
las helices 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Eje de transmisión del Motor 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Motor gripado 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Retraer reversa 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversor Desplegado 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Reversa enclavada 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Postquemador 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 1 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 2 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 3 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 4 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 5 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 6 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 7 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Gobernador del acelerador 8 to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure FADEC del motor 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Bomba de aceite 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Detectar Chip 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA IZQUIERDA 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA DERECHA 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA IZQUIERDA 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA DERECHA 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA IZQUIERDA 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA DERECHA 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA IZQUIERDA 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ALA DERECHA 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ESTABILIZADOR ALT IZQUIERDO to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure ESTABILIZADOR ALT DERECHO to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Estab. vertical 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Estab. vertical 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 3 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 4 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 5 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 6 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 7 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 8 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 9 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 10 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 11 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 12 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 13 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 14 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 15 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 16 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 17 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 18 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 19 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MISC ALA 20 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR1 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR2 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR3 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR4 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR5 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR6 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR7 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR8 PYLN 1 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR1 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR2 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR3 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR4 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR5 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR6 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR7 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure MOTOR8 PYLN 2 to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón izquierdo 1: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón derecho 1: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón izquierdo 2: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón derecho 2: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador izquierdo 1: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador derecho 1: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador izquierdo 2: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador derecho 2: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure rudder 1: Bloqueado en posición to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure rudder 2: Bloqueado en posición to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo izquierdo 1: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo derecho 1: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo izquierdo 2: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo derecho 2: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rudder de arrastre izquierdo: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rudder de arrastre derecho: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad izquierdo 1: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad derecho 1: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad izquierdo 2: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad derecho 2: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap izquierdo 1: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap derecho 1: Bloqueado en posición to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap izquierdo 2: Bloqueado en posición to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap derecho 2: Bloqueado en posición to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón izquierdo 1: Bloqueado al límite to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón derecho 1: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón izquierdo 2: Bloqueado al límite to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Alerón derecho 2: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador izquierdo 1: Bloqueado al límite to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador derecho 1: Bloqueado al límite to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador izquierdo 2: Bloqueado al límite to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Elevador derecho 2: Bloqueado al límite to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rudder 1: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rudder 2: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo izquierdo 1: Bloqueado al
límite to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo derecho 1: Bloqueado al límite
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo izquierdo 2: Bloqueado al
límite to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Spoiler de alabeo derecho 2: Bloqueado al límite
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rudder de arrastre izquierdo: Bloqueado al
límite to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rudder de arrastre derecho: Bloqueado en
posición to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad izquierdo 1: Bloqueado al
límite to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad derecho 1: Bloqueado al
límite to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad izquierdo 2: Bloqueado al
límite to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Freno de velocidad derecho 2: Bloqueado al
límite to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap izquierdo 1: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap derecho 1: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap izquierdo 2: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Flap derecho 2: Bloqueado al límite to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla Accionador de Vector de Empuje to Siempre
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla de controladores de los rotores superiores
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla de controladores de los rotores inferiores
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla de batería de los rotores superiores to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla de batería de los rotores inferiores to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del rotor en cascada izquierdo delantero
to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del rotor en cascada derecho delantero to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del rotor en cascada izquierdo trasero to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Falla del rotor en cascada derecho trasero to
Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Ventilación de aviónicas to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Miscelánea eléctrica to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rel_bus0_plugin to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rel_bus1_plugin to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rel_bus2_plugin to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 D/FCG: Setting failure Rel_bus3_plugin to Siempre funcionando
0:03:28.996 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
0:03:30.011 I/WIN: Opened window menu bar

XPR 23:00:29 0:0:1920:1080

XPR 23:00:29 100:585:560:100
XPR 23:00:29 XPRealistic v2.1.5 XP v11
XPR 23:00:29 load user license
XPR 23:00:29 loading user license
XPR 23:00:29 update license status
XPR 23:00:29 activation started
XPR 23:00:30 update user license started
XPR 23:00:30 update user license finished
XPR 23:00:30 activation successful
XPR 23:00:30 update license status
XPR 23:00:30 activation finished
XPR 23:00:30 profile load started
XPR 23:00:30 creating active profile from default
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 profile load finished D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 sync profile started
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect airframe_wind
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect airport_ambient
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect auto_speed_brake
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect blade_slapping
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect brakes
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect clear_air_turbulence
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect cockpit_ambient
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect engine_startup
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect engine_vibrations
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect flaps_drag
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect flaps_lever
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect flaps_stress
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect floats_splash
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect g_forces
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect gear_drag
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect grass_strip
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect ground_effect
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect ground_roll
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect ground_shakings
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect head_anticipation
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect natural_movements
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect over_g
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect overspeed
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect reverse_thrust
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect sneezing
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect speed_brake_drag
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect stall_buffet
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect stick_shaker
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect surface_turbulence
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect touchdown_front
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect touchdown_main
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect turbulence_shakings
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect vr
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect water_ambient
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect wheel_well
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect wind_ambient
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect windshield_rain
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 adding effect windshield_wind
XPR 23:00:30 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:30 sync profile finished
XPR 23:00:30 load effects started
XPR 23:00:30 effect airframe_wind loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect airport_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect auto_speed_brake loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect blade_slapping loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect brakes loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect clear_air_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect cockpit_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect engine_startup loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect engine_vibrations loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect flaps_drag loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:30 effect flaps_lever loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect flaps_stress loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect floats_splash loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect g_forces loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect gear_drag loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect grass_strip loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect ground_effect loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect ground_roll loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect ground_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect head_anticipation loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect natural_movements loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect over_g loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect overspeed loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect reverse_thrust loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect sneezing loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect speed_brake_drag loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect stall_buffet loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect stick_shaker loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect surface_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect touchdown_front loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect touchdown_main loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect turbulence_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect vr loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect water_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:31 effect wheel_well loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:32 effect wind_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:32 effect windshield_rain loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:32 effect windshield_wind loaded successfully
XPR 23:00:32 load effects finished
XPR 23:00:32 type activated trial
XPR 23:00:32 autoshow control panel
XPR 23:00:32 init finished
XPR 23:00:37 head_anticipation toggled off
XPR 23:00:37 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:42 menu masterSwitch - pressed
XPR 23:00:42 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:43 menu controlPanel - pressed
XPR 23:00:43 on
XPR 23:00:43 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:52 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:53 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:54 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:54 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:54 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:54 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:54 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:54 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:54 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:55 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:55 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:56 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:56 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:57 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:58 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:59 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:00:59 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
11/Resources/plugins/XPRealistic/Profiles/Baron_58.json0:12:50.379 I/WIN: Opened
window Replay overlay
0:13:05.068 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:13:05.068 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:13:05.068 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:13:05.931 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:13:11.764 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:13:11.764 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210
Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion.acf at Ramp Start
0:13:11.764 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_Normal to state_NormalLoading
0:13:11.764 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna
CT210 Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion.acf
Fetching plugins for D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar
Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/plugins

Loaded: D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210

Centurion II HD/plugins/REP/64/win.xpl (com.simcoders.rep).

Loaded: D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210

Centurion II HD/plugins/XPScrollWheel/64/win.xpl (thranda.window.scrollwheel).

D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210

Centurion II HD/plugins/sasl/64/win.xpl : Error Code = 126 : No se puede encontrar
el m�dulo especificado.
[REP 23:10:11] Hello! Version 3.3.1 here!
[REP 23:10:11] Plugin Enable
[REP 23:10:11] The package is correctly installed
[REP 23:10:11] The package is correctly licenced
[REP 23:10:11] Loading a new configuration...
[REP 23:10:11] Initiating the new configuration...
[REP 23:10:11] New configuration has been loaded
0:13:11.943 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Pilots.png', referenced from file
'Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/'.
0:13:11.943 E/OBJ: OBJ read failed: the file path Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna
CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/Pilots.obj could not be opened.
0:13:11.943 E/ACF: Error with aircraft: Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210
Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion.acf (C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\engine\
0:13:11.943 E/ACF: X-Plane was unable to load the object file "Aircraft/Laminar
Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/Pilots.obj" that should be attached
to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.
0:13:11.943 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Pilots.png', referenced from file
'Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/'.
0:13:11.943 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Pilots.png', referenced from file
'Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/'.
0:13:11.943 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Pilots.png', referenced from file
'Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/'.
[REP 23:10:14] Livery has changed
0:13:11.943 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:YRN start at:Ramp Start
0:13:20.617 I/SCN: Preload time: 92187
0:13:20.617 E/GFX: Rebuilding offscreens for window resize: x=1920 y=1080 hdrx=1920
0:13:20.617 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 0000012247BC7B40 who was p=0 ()
0:13:20.617 I/ATC: Created aircraft 00000122A6D7C290 as p=0 ()
0:13:21.879 I/SCN: Preload time: 1225350
0:13:21.879 E/GFX: Rebuilding offscreens for window resize: x=1920 y=1080 hdrx=1920

XPR 23:10:21 airport loaded

XPR 23:10:21 XPRealistic v2.1.5 XP v11
XPR 23:10:21 profile load started
XPR 23:10:21 creating active profile from default
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 profile load finished D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 sync profile started
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect airframe_wind
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect airport_ambient
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect auto_speed_brake
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect blade_slapping
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect brakes
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect clear_air_turbulence
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect cockpit_ambient
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect engine_startup
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect engine_vibrations
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect flaps_drag
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect flaps_lever
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect flaps_stress
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect floats_splash
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect g_forces
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect gear_drag
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect grass_strip
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect ground_effect
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect ground_roll
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect ground_shakings
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect head_anticipation
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect natural_movements
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect over_g
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect overspeed
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect reverse_thrust
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect sneezing
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect speed_brake_drag
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect stall_buffet
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect stick_shaker
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect surface_turbulence
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect touchdown_front
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect touchdown_main
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect turbulence_shakings
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect vr
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect water_ambient
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect wheel_well
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect wind_ambient
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect windshield_rain
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 adding effect windshield_wind
XPR 23:10:21 Can't find file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
XPR 23:10:21 sync profile finished
XPR 23:10:21 load effects started
XPR 23:10:21 effect airframe_wind loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect airport_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect auto_speed_brake loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect blade_slapping loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect brakes loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect clear_air_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect cockpit_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect engine_startup loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect engine_vibrations loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect flaps_drag loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect flaps_lever loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect flaps_stress loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect floats_splash loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect g_forces loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect gear_drag loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect grass_strip loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:21 effect ground_effect loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect ground_roll loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect ground_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect head_anticipation loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect natural_movements loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect over_g loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect overspeed loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect reverse_thrust loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect sneezing loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect speed_brake_drag loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect stall_buffet loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect stick_shaker loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect surface_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect touchdown_front loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect touchdown_main loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect turbulence_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect vr loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect water_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect wheel_well loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect wind_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect windshield_rain loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 effect windshield_wind loaded successfully
XPR 23:10:22 load effects finished
XPR 23:10:22 type activated trial
XPR 23:10:22 autoshow control panel
XPR 23:10:22 init finished[REP 23:10:22] Airport has changed
[REP 23:10:22] The state file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
11/Output/preferences/REP_CarenadoT210M Centurion II f_electricblue_status.prf has
been read
[REP 23:10:22] The configuration is loading the state...
[REP 23:10:22] Configuration state loaded!
[REP 23:10:22] State loading procedure endend
0:13:21.879 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210
Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion_vrconfig.txt
0:13:21.879 W/VRCONFIG: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/Laminar
Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion_vrconfig.txt
0:13:21.879 W/VRCONFIG: VR Config data file for Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna
CT210 Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:13:21.879 W/MANIPS: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/Laminar
Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion_vrconfig.txt
0:13:21.879 W/MANIPS: VR Manips file for Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210
Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:13:21.879 E/ACF:
0:13:21.879 E/ACF: Loading error report for Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210
Centurion II HD/Car_Centurion.acf
0:13:21.879 E/ACF: X-Plane was unable to load the object file "Aircraft/Laminar
Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/Pilots.obj" that should be attached
to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.
0:13:21.879 E/ACF:
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Hubo un problema menor cargando la aeronave:
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion
II HD/Car_Centurion.acf
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: X-Plane was unable to load the object file
"Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/Pilots.obj" that
should be attached to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Puede que necesite actualizar la aeronave o
reportar esto al autor de la aeronave.
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-
0:13:21.879 E/SYS:
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: | Hubo un problema menor cargando la aeronave:
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: | Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: | X-Plane was unable to load the object file "Aircraft/Laminar
Research/Cessna CT210 Centurion II HD/objects/Pilots.obj" that should be attached
to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: | Puede que necesite actualizar la aeronave o reportar esto al
autor de la aeronave.
0:13:21.879 E/SYS: | (init_pln.cpp:2232)
0:13:21.879 E/SYS:
0:13:21.879 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal
0:13:25.463 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
[REP 23:10:25] The state file D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane
11/Output/preferences/REP_CarenadoT210M Centurion II f_electricblue_status.prf has
been read
[REP 23:10:25] The configuration is loading the state...
[REP 23:10:25] Configuration state loaded!
[REP 23:10:25] State loading procedure endend
0:13:31.121 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:13:31.121 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:13:31.121 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:13:32.154 I/SIM: Exiting the sim without confirmation
0:13:32.170 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_Normal to state_ShuttingDown

XPR 23:10:31 plugin disable[REP 23:10:31] Plugin Disable

XPR 23:10:31 plugin stop

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