FInal Report CBN March 2022

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Progress Actual Expenses Value (Rp.)
Actual Earned Value Estimate Earned Value Potential Expenses Value
Contract Value (exc. Cost Balancing Cashflow Estimate final value up
No Client (After Deduction WHT Actual Expenses (up to project (Up to Project
VAT 10% and WHT) Actual Expenses Value Total Expenses Value Project (Rp.) to project Completion
Act. Plan. 3%) (Rp.) Value OH Head completion) Rp. Completion) (Rp.)
Project (Rp.) (Rp.)
Code (a) % % (b) (c) (d=b-c) (e) (f) (g)

1 PT. Supreme Energy Rantau Dedap (SERD) 100.00% 100.00% 84,948,727,054.70 76,542,508,971.97 63,534,586,651.08 6,760,658,988.20 70,295,245,639.28 6,247,263,332.70 8,406,218,082.73 4,430,969,664.00 10,222,511,751.43

2 PT. Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) 100.00% 100.00% 54,822,335,148.53 45,588,387,778.34 50,193,600,868.75 4,991,324,113.00 55,184,924,981.75 (9,596,537,203.41) 9,233,947,370.19 244,986,680.22 (607,576,513.44)

3 PT. Star Energy Wayang Windu (SEWW) 100.00% 100.00% 23,316,155,738.00 19,015,845,624.08 11,734,440,933.40 1,657,740,388.55 13,392,181,321.95 5,623,664,302.13 2,971,211,822.67 1,645,217,478.00 6,949,658,646.80

4 PT. Star Energy Geothermal Salak (SEGS) 96.28% 83.56% 16,451,121,596.84 13,548,490,380.91 11,490,913,646.11 3,047,278,636.15 14,538,192,282.26 (989,701,901.35) 2,902,631,215.93 804,759,797.00 1,108,169,517.58

5 PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) 55.70% 100.00% 17,019,062,000.00 7,499,960,270.10 8,102,716,691.66 3,276,549,154.93 11,379,265,846.58 (3,879,305,576.48) 9,519,101,729.90 14,591,815,803.00 (8,952,019,649.58)

6 PT. Vale Indonesia (PTVI) Pongkeru 99.81% 100.00% 34,583,788,980.95 28,379,644,746.36 21,425,327,251.00 7,276,061,129.91 28,701,388,380.91 (321,743,634.54) 6,204,144,234.59 3,197,514,088.00 2,684,886,512.04

PT. Vale Indonesia (PTVI) Asuli 95.32% 100.00%

7 PT. Sarulla Operation Ltd (SOL) 100.00% 100.00% - 3,898,503,164.45 3,741,793,883.26 75,840,837.00 3,817,634,720.26 80,868,444.19 - 191,925,000.00 (111,056,555.81)

Grand Total 194,473,340,936.22 170,223,379,925.26 27,085,453,247.73 197,308,833,172.99 (2,835,492,236.77) 39,237,254,456.02 25,107,188,510.22 11,294,573,709.02

Note: Forecast expensess project not include Overhead Jakarta Offices

Project Issues:

1 Supreme Energy Rantau Dedap -> Final Price for Invoices to SERD for Heating Pipe and RD-I are completed -> Deduction from SERD/Rekind?

2 SMGP --> NCR No. SMGP-QC-NCR-2021-0004 Penurunan mutu concrete K-300 menjadi K-275 sebanyak 155.36 m3. Volume Grouting naik menjadi 3.91 m3. Progress Turun dari 99.79% ke 98.88%

3 Earned Value for SEWW include completion report in the last project Rp. 3,324,458,006

4 Project SEGS will be completed on March 2022

5 PKT New Fire Water -> Waiting approval for report February 2022 and March 2022. Electrical design change has been submitted by CBN Rp. 3,746,278,760

6 PTVI --> Relocation Works has many outstanding issue: resloping (waiting for drawing from PTVI), Fencing (waiting for IMB, certificate, and land acquisition from PTVI)

7 SOL --> Expense is still continued to be added based on previous contract.

General Issue

1 Tax Resitution

2 New Upcoming Projects in 2022

3 CBN Property Mandiri Expenses up to February 2022 is Rp. 10,028,166,294. CBN Property shall pursue the target

4 CBN-ET Operation

5 CBN-GT Operation. Joint Venture CBN-PJSE has been started for all projects procurement activity

6 Update Manpower Resources. CBN still pay 2M per month for manpower and 1,5M for overhead Jakarta Offices

7 PTVI submit IVC Score for upcoming tender. Due date on 8 April 2022
No Client
Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22
Code (a) Estimate for project

1 PT. Geodipa Energy (GDE) (Completed)

2 PT. Supreme Energy Rantau Dedap (SERD)

3 PT. Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP)

4 PT. Star Energy Wayang Windu (SEWW)

5 PT. Star Energy Geothermal Salak (SEGS)

6 PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT)

7 PT. Vale Indonesia (PTVI) - Project

PT. Vale Indonesia (PTVI) - Maintenance

8 PT. Sarulla Operation Ltd (SOL) (Completed)

Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22
Estimate for project completion
Outstanding Invoice
No Client Due Date
Client (exclude VAT)
1 PT. Sokoria Geothermal Indonesia (SGI) 1,066,739,761.22 9-Jul-21
2 PT. Supreme Energy Rantau Dedap (SERD) -
3 PT. Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) 4,001,201,541.82 17-Jan-22
1,214,424,412.73 15-Mar-22
4 PT. Star Energy Wayang Windu (SEWW) 1,693,619,352.73 10-Apr-22
5 PT. Star Energy Geothermal Salak (SEGS) 1,550,147,813.64 24-Apr-22
6 PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) 610,473,753.58 1-May-22
7 PT. Vale Indonesia (PTVI) 230,109,105.45 29-Apr-22
8 PT. Sarulla Operation Ltd (SOL) - -

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