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Some parents od teenagers believe that most teenage groups bands of young criminals, and that unusual dress, long
hair, etc. are the first stage in a life of crime. Are they ever right? Does it often happen that wild teenagers commit crimes in this

to commit a crime dishonest

a criminal dishonesty
a criminal organization againts the law
a gangster illegal
a juvenile delinquent immoral

a thief a murderer
to steal to murder
robbery murder
to cheat
fraud to beat up someone
drunken driving assault

right and wrong authority

to care about other people society
irresponsible the law
guilty punishment
innocent to be punished
to serve a prison sentence
to pay a fine

1. What crimes have been committed in this town recently?

Are there any gangster or criminal organizations active in this town?
Do any of the teenage groups commit crimes?
In general, do you think that wild teenagers are likely to become criminals?

2. Have you ever known a criminal?

What kind of person was he (or she)?
Have you ever thought of committing a crime?

3. What is a criminal?
Are these qualities typical of most criminals? :
He sees no difference between right and wrong
He is irresponsible.
He has no self-control.
He does not care about other people.
He is childish.
He hates authority.
He hates work.
He is cruel.

4. What might be some reason for a person committing a crime for the first time?

5. Are these important causes of crime?

bad housing
people having no work
big differences between rich and poor

6. Would you say that a criminal is a person who has never grow up?
Is a child likely to become a criminal if no one on his home shows him love?
How can a child learn in the home to care about other people?
Do the criminals on TV appear to be cold and loveless people?
Is a spoilt child likely to become a criminal?
Is a child whose parents are too severe also likely to become a criminal?

7. Where and how does a child learn the difference between right and wrong?
What effect will it have on a child if his parents are not honest, if they don’t tell the truth, if he don’t care about other

8. What effect do American crime films have on children?

Does crime seem exciting in these films?

9. Should criminals be sent to prison?

What else could society do?
Does it stop a person committing a crime if he knows that he will be punished for it?
In some countries, the punishment for murder is death. What effect does this have?

10. If you believe that a law is wrong, what should you do?
What do you think of young men who refuse to join the army? because their country is fighting a war they believe is

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