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8. Describe your country’s education system. What is your attitude toward this system?

Do you think it’s


The education system in Vietnam includes preschool, general, vocational, and tertiary
education. In which, preschool education offers children from 3 months to 6 years age and not
obligatory. General education consists of primary, secondary, and upper secondary education. Primary
school is carried out for 5 years, from grade 1 to grade 5. Students completed primary school will
continue to study at secondary school. Lower secondary education takes place over 4 years from grade 6
to grade 9. Those who completed this level will continue study at upper secondary school or elementary
and intermediate programs. This level is carried out for 3 school years. Students graduated this level can
go on to university or vocational education programs. In addition, there is a system of high school for
the gifted that focus on developing students’ talents to foster talents. Besides, there are centers for
continuing education that is a place to popularize education for all ages. Borading schools for ethnic
minorities can be middle schools or high schools, which are places for ethnic minorities students. These
students will be provided food and accommodation expenses. Besides, there are reformatories that are
places for teenagers who have committed crimes. Here, these teenagers will be taught both culture,
vocational training, and moral education so that they can return to the locality after a few years.
Vocational education includes primary, secondary, and college education. Primary education helps
learners perform simple tasks of a profession. Secondary education for students who have graduated at
least from lower secondary school. When they completed this program, they can choose to study at
college or university if they meet certain statutory requirements. College education in Vietnam lasts
from 1 to 3 years depending on the major. Higher education accepts students who graduated from high
school. And these students will take an exam called the national high school exam to be considered for
admission to the university. Nowadays, there are some other methods of university admission such as
using international certificates, national rewards, reviewing academic records, taking a competency
assessment exam. So, students will have more chance to study at university. For students who are
ethnic minorities, when they fail the university entrance exam, they can choose to study foundation
course. After a year, these students can choose one of the universities across the country to study. For
master’s degree programs accept those who have completed university programs. This program lasts 1
to 2 years. PhD program for master or university graduates who meet some other requirements.
According to me, the education system in Vietnam is quite efficient. In fact, Vietnam students often
achieve good rewards in regional and international competitions. But the program for students at
primary and secondary school is heavy with too many subjects and theories. Plus, the division into minor
and main subjects lead to an issue. That is students study subjects unevenly. This is an inefficiency that
wastes time and effort of both students, teachers, and the government. In summary, the Vietnam’s
education system has brought certain achievements but still need to improve to be more effective.

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