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When children are asked about their dream they will says that I want to be this and this.

some of them want to be a pilot, a cheff, a police, and mostly want to be a doctor (which I never
want it since I was a child, hahaha :v). but as we grow older, we will answer with more specific
dream and realistic dream. We know about what actually we want in life. Some people want
have a little business so they can provide more jobs for people, building a community, creating
something new that is useful for humanity, write books that can inspire others, earn money as
much as they can, simply to have a comfortable house and to provide better education for their
children. All of them are sacred dreams.
But no matter what our dream is, and no matter about the difference between our dream when we
were a child or when we are getting older, the question in my head is always the same. It is “why
we always put our dream to something next?”. I start to disagree with that dream definition. Why
someone have to sacrifice their present just to get what they want in the uncertainty future? I
don’t get the concept of being hard to ourselves to get a comfortable life. Yes, I still believe that
we have to put some works to get something better. But its not about that. It is about our
perspective about what dream is.
It’s absolutely good when we have some plan, and yes we should to. But our perspective about
dream will help to enjoy this life more. If we only see our present as a preparation to the next
days so do we believe that we will have that days? If we are not believe so it’s not worth it to put
our struggle, and to sacrifice our happiness just to pursue it. So from my perspective, a dream is
actually what we are now. We are already in a time and in a place where we are wish for. We are
already being a person who achieve our dream. We are already in happiness that we ever wish
for a long time. We are already enough for everything with us now.
It will not stop us for learning. It will not stop us for struggling and working. Yet we will see it
as ‘our dream comes true’, so we will enjoy it. For me, my dream is a freedom. I thought that if
have more money, and if I graduated faster, I will be free. I’ll be free to learn everything, I’ll be
free to decide what I do, I’ll be free to visit someone I love, I’ll be free to connect with all good
and funny things, I’ll be free to help people, I’ll be free from my dependency to other people. So
day by day I just did my activity in a ‘fight or flight’ state. Its like I just ran to reached something
that I called it ‘my dream’. Of course it’s not good psychologically althought we think we are
fine. Also its not good physiologically. It makes your cells sink in dopamine.

So I found that why don’t I just changing my views about this thing? How if actually I already in
a state called ‘my dream?’. I think it works. I start to see that my learning procces now (before I
graduated) is a privilege. Its not about I have to study to pursue something. But study itself is a
result and a reality form of my dream. I get a chance to study, its really ‘dream comes true’. And
how’s the freedom which I thought it comes from money? Yeah that’s my task to learn more
about how to feel it, because I believe I already on it. One of the thing that I’ve learned about
freedom is that to be able to do something without any condition is a freedom. I already free
when I don’t need something more to be happy. So if our biggest dream already happen, it’s the
time to say that we are already complete, we are already achieve it, and we are already become
the one we’re meant to be.

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