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G12 Jay

1. Insert on the table the four items of missing data.

9, 8, 21

2. Suggest three reasons for the considerable variations in birth rate between the five countries

Population, rich, capital

3. With reference to examples, examine the ways in which the age/sex pyramid of a typical MEDC
would be different from that of a typical LEDC.

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1. Describe and explain the changes that occur in stage 2.

The death rate declines significantly. The birth rate remains high as the social norms governing
fertility take time to change. The rate of natural change increases to a peak at the end of this

2. a) What are the characteristics of stage 5? b) Identify one country in stage 5 and suggest
reasons for its demographic characteristics.

A) causing natural decrease and B) Japan, low wage and housing shortage

3. Examine the differences between demographic transition in the MEDCs in the nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries and trends in LEDCs today.

Birth rates in stages 1 and 2 were generally higher The death rate fell much more steeply and for
different reasons Some countries had much larger base populations and thus the impact of high
growth in stage 2 and the early part of stage 3 has been far greater For those countries in stage
3 the fall in fertility has also been steeper
1. What are the main reasons for ‘periphery–core migration’?

Job prospect, amenities, profuse housing

2. Suggest the possible adverse impact of high levels of rural–urban migration on rural areas in

There are no people in rural area

3. 3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of large in-migration into urban areas in LEDCs?

Ad) there more can to develop

Dis) there are no people in rural area

4. With reference to examples, distinguish between voluntary and forced movements.

V) there are not compulsory

F) compulsory

5. Discuss the political barriers to international migration. 6. Examine the impact of one
international migration stream on both the source

In terms of international migration, government attitudes in the form of immigration laws usually
present the most formidable barrier to prospective migrants. Over time the legal barriers to
immigration have generally become more formidable. Most countries favor immigration
applications from people with skills

6. More useful people in receiving area, less people to work in source area

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