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Course Name Teaching  and Assessment of Grammar Course Code

Pre-requisite Subject Course Credit 3 units, 3 hrs. /wk. (18 weeks, 54 hrs

Course Requirements

Grading System

Course Description BTIs covered

This course equips the pre-service English teachers with an understanding between and among the four types of grammar: functional, descriptive,
prescriptive and pedagogic. Aside from the emphasis on how teaching and assessment vary considering the four types, the course also provides an 1.1.1
avenue to carry out analysis on the role of grammar in achieving communicative competence. Specifically, it allows them to demonstrate linguistic 3.2.1
proficiency as an important factor in promoting their students' literacy skills. As a manifestation of this competency, they are required to apply teaching 5.1.1
strategies that are responsive to their students’ linguistic backgrounds considering the principles of formative and summative assessments.

Course Learning Outcomes BTIs covered

At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:

A. design a compendium of assessment tasks-formative and summative, which are consistent with the selected competencies;  5.1.1
B. craft a learning plan that promotes literacy among their students by incorporating their principled understanding of assessment of grammar; and 1.4.1, 3.2.1
C. conduct a teaching demonstration using innovative teaching approaches and tasks that are responsive to the students' linguistic needs 5.1.1
Time Intended Learning BTIs Content Suggested Teaching Learning Activities Suggested BTIs
Allotment Outcomes (ILOs) Assessment
Weeks 1-2 At the end of these weeks, 1. Key Terms and
the pre- service teacher Concepts  Getting to Know Me  Crowdsourcing 
(PST) should be able to: in Managing and The class will be given the strips of paper with the Students will formulate
Implementing important terminology associated with the teaching and questions which they
a. discuss the 1.1.1 Standards- assessment of grammar. They take turn in writing and think are relevant in 1.1.1
fundamental terms and based Grammar discussing what they know about them. Feedback and understanding the
concepts associated to Teaching Input will follow after this activity. concepts. The
the teaching and 1. Grammaring questions will be
assessing of grammar; 2. Grammaticalizing Suggested sources include Mohamed Benhima (2015). posted for the students
and 3. Error correction vs "Grammaring," The fifth skill in language teaching and to answer/comment.
b. share the implications feedback learning. https://www.moroccoworldnews.c Ability to crowd-source
of one's knowledge of 4. Spoken vs written om/2015/06/160095/grammaring- the-fifth-skill-in- will be rated using a
key concepts in the grammar language-teaching- and-learning/ and Nan, C. (2015). scoring rubric.
teaching learning 5. Grammatical Grammar and grammaring: toward modes for English
process. assessment grammar teaching in China.
6. Pedagogical Issues

Weeks 2-4 At the end of these weeks, 2. Issues of Grammar

the pre- service teacher Teaching and
(PST) should be able to: Assessment  Symposium  Therefore, I say... 
The students are to 1.1.1
a. justify the occurrence 1.1.1 1. Why should we The class is assigned to plan and conduct a symposium justify why issues in
of the issues identified teach grammar?  which theme is on understanding the issues of grammar teaching grammar
in teaching and 2. Pedagogical Issues teaching and assessment. Sufficient time'shall be given occur and identify
assessing grammar; 3. Sequencing for planning, reading and preparing. ways to address
and 4. Choice of Methods them. In addition,
b. deduce the relevance 5. Patterns and The students may be asked to read, How to Teach they will deduce the
and implications of Reasons, Not Rules Grammar. This file can be accessed in relevance and
understanding issues 6. From Structuralism implications of
in grammar teaching. to Transformational %20files/grammar.pdf. understanding
Generative issues in grammar
Grammar  This will provide them with the seven arguments for teaching.
7. Fossilization putting grammar in the foreground in second language

 Issues, Issues
The students will be asked to present and provide
justifications of issues on grammar teaching.

At the end of these weeks, the pre- 3. Methods of Teaching

Weeks 5-8 service teacher (PST) should be able Grammar
 Group Dynamics  E-portfolio
1. Diagramming sentences
2. Learning through writing  The class will be given time to The class submits an e- 5.1.1
a. design a grammar teaching 5.1.1 3. Inductive teaching complete their Grammar Teaching portfolio which contains
portfolio that contain the (A) 4. Deductive teaching  e-Portfolio. Peer review and the essence of Unit 3.
important elements and sample 5. Interactive teaching critiquing will be done to enhance This also includes their
assessment tasks; the contents and presentation of the reflections and/or 1.4.1
6. Functional-notional
b. design lessons based on the e-portfolio. realizations after the
1.4.1 approach 
competencies given; and  demo-lecture.
5.1.1 7. Situational contexts
c. conduct a demo-lecture on the 8. Using texts, stories, songs
(B,C)  Micro teaching/Demo-lect A scoring rubric will be 5.1.1
assigned method of teaching and rhymes  used to rate the
grammar. 9. PPP The class will be in groups and each students' work.
group identifies who the
demonstrator be. Only a portion/
segment of the lesson will be
Modes for Teaching Grammar
presented to substantiate their
1. Linguistic mode 
2. Story-telling mode
Suggested materials can be
accessed from of-
teaching-grammar/, and
Grammar-of-Choice+.pdf (The
Grammar of Choice by Larsen
Weeks 9-11 At the end of these weeks, the pre- 4. Rules for Teaching Grammar
service teacher (PST) should be able  Let's Watch This  How about this?
to: 1. Rule of context
2. Rule of use  As a lead-in task, the students may The class will construct 1.4.1
a. construct narratives/ situationers 1.4.1 3. Rule of economy be asked to view Effortless English and present teaching
that present the different rules in 4. Rule of relevance Rule 2 Don't Study situation/s that
teaching grammar 5. Rule of nurture Grammar Rules! By A.J. Hoge present/s the different
from rules in teaching
6. Rule of appropriacy ? grammar.
Then, challenged them to find its
relevance in the way teachers teach
grammar to non-English speakers.

Input on the rules may be taken

from: df
%20files/grammar.pdf, How to
Teach Grammar.

 Critical Reading and Sharing

Identifying scenarios/ situations
where the rules are observed or

Weeks 12-18 At the end of these weeks, the pre- 5. Assessing Grammar
service teacher (PST) should be able to: Effectively Creation of the 5.1.1
 Do you remember? Compendium
a. create a compendium of assessment 1. Ways to address
tasks- both formative and summative.
grammar in the writing Asking the class how were their The class, given the grade-
(A) papers graded or marked for their level competencies, will
error in sentence structure. create a compendium of
2. Ways to assess
assessment tasks. In this
grammar skill  Showing samples of graded papers way, they will be able to
3. Methods of marking

grammatical errors to show the ways to address the enrich the K to 12

4. Grammar resources grammar in writing. To deepen, the curriculum. Presentation of
5. Three-Dimensional class may visit compendiums will be done
Grammar Framework during the last week of the
6. Innovations in grammar semester. A scoring rubric
assessment and tutor resources/teaching_re will be used to rate the
7. Redefining the construct  Sources/teaching and assessing students' work.
grammar.html (Teaching and
8. Partial scoring Assessing Grammar In the Writing
9. Social dimension Classroom), and read
10. The standard
Hanse, L. and Keown, K.(2017).
Assessing grammar and language
convention skills.
lassessing-grammar-and- language-
convention-skills/.; and

Diane Larsen-Freeman. Teaching

and Testing Grammar. http://teach-
content/uploads/2012/07/Teachin g-
and-Testing-Grammar. pdf

Suggested References
 Celce-Murcia, M. (1991). Grammar pedagogy in second and foreign language teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459-480.
 Diane Larsen-Freeman. Teaching and testing grammar. Retrieved from  
 Hanse, L. and Keown, K.(2017). Assessing grammar and language convention skills.
 How to teach grammar from
 Larsen-Freeman (2012). The Grammar of choice. Retrieved from Choice+.pdf
 Larsen-Freeman. Teaching grammar. Retrieved from teaching grammar.pdf 
 Mohamed Benhima (2015). "Grammaring." The fifth skill in language teaching and learning. Retrieved from
 Nan, C. (2015). Grammar and grammaring: toward modes for English grammar teaching in China. Retrieved from
, doi:10.5539/elt.v8n12p79 
 Nozadze, A. (2017). How to make the assessment of grammar skills more efficient? Retrieved from
 Purpura, J. (2013). Assessing Grammar. Retrieved from
 Teaching and Assessing Grammar. resources/teaching resources/teaching and assessing grammar.html
 Ways to assess grammar skill. r

Prepared by:


BSED/BEED Department
College of Education

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