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RECAP (to overcome our sickness on forgetfulness)

Let us be reminded once again why Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Thessalonian Christian while
in Corinth around AD 51 during his second missionary journey, the theme/purpose of his letter:

1. To praise them for there spiritual maturity & perseverance

2. To strengthen them in their faith
3. To encourage them to further growth in view of Christ’s imminent return/ to give them
the assurance of Christ’s return.

Chapter 1
A. (1:1) Greetings - Paul, Silvanus (Silas) & Timothy
B. (2-10) Paul expresses his thanksgiving to the Church in Thessalonians by constantly
mentioning them in their prayers & Paul also commended the Faithfulness of the
Thessalonians believers to the Lord….WHY because they KNOW that: in (v4-10)
A. They were Chosen (v4)
for when the Gospel of salvation came to them its not only with simple word…. (v5)
a. Gospel came to them with Power Gk “dunamis” means mighty work
b. Gospel came to them with the Holy Spirit
c. Gospel came to them with deep Conviction (belief) (proven by the life of Paul & his companions to further
proof the truth of their message)

the Thessalonian believers accepted the Gospel….as an outcome/result

B. The Outcome
-they were transformed (v6)
a. Became imitators/followers of Paul & of the Lord
b. Received the word of God with joy of the Holy Spirit in spite of suffering/affliction/persecution to those
who do not believe in Jesus

Because of these they were….

C. They were Recognized/Acknowledged (v-3)….because they…..
a. Work produced by Faith (turned to God from Idols v9)
b. Labor prompted by Love (to serve the true and living God)
c. Endurance inspired by Hope (to wait for coming of His son v10)
 In our Lord Jesus Christ

They were also commended….

D. They were Commended as Good Example/Model (v7-10)
a. How their Faith has become known not only to the believers in Macedonia & Achaia but known
b. How they turned to God from Idols to serve the living and true God
c. How they wait for His Son from heaven whom He raised from the dead and will rescue us from the coming

- As we are also Chosen by God) just like the believers in Thessalonians
- And has received the Gospel with power of the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction
- In our daily life the Outcome (transformation) must be seen in our life
- Surely our Faith will be Recognized not only here but everywhere we go
- And will be a good Example/model to our fellow believers
o So as we continue to look forward to the return of Jesus Christ let us continue to be
I. Chapter 2: Paul looks back: His Ministry in Thessalonians (referring to his first visit)
(Acts 17:1-9)
….when they…

a. Filled with Power (V1-2)

 That though they had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi,
 Thessalonians knew that Paul was imprisoned while he is in Philippi but imprisonment did not overcome Paul
to continue preaching the Gospel together with Silas
 They had that boldness to declare the Gospel of God despite conflict/persecution.
 They speak with confidence and they speak with courage

b. Approved by God (V3-6)

-in Greek word “Dokimos” rootword of “Dokimazo” (means allowed,examine)
-Word Origin: from Dechomai
-Definition: tested, approved, tried
 they speak as men approved by God
 God was the one who gave their work to speak his word
c. Apostles of Christ (7-9)
-they were chosen, called, trained, appointed, send for the Gospel of God
-Gk “Apostolos” means send one
Word origin: Gk Apostello
Definition: a messenger, one sent on a mission
 They were not a burden to anyone while sharing the Gospel though they could be a burden & used their
authority as Apostles of Christ to seek help
-Paul work as a tentmaker (Acts 18:3) to support himself and not become a burden
to the Thessalonian believers though he has the right to received financial support
from them
 They were gentle to them lika a caring mother
 They love them & were delighted to share the Gospel & their lives as well
 Their Conduct towards them as they were holy, righteous and blameless to them

B. Constant (Continous) Thanksgiving to God

- because of Acceptance of the Gospel of God (by Thessalonians)(v13-16)
-when they accepted/received the Gospel

 Accepted it not as the word of men but as what really is, the word of God v13
 Became imitators of the Churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea (for they suffer same things from
your own countrymen as they dis from the Jews v14
-Judea- Jewish land where Jesus lived & thought where the Church first began
 They have Endured persecution v14-16

-what is the application of this to our life today looking back the ministry of Paul in Thessalonians?

1. We all received and accepted the Word of God like the Thessalonians (listener)
2. Like Paul, we also need to Proclaim the Gospel…. Romans 1:1-6
-Filled with power
-Speak as men Aproved by God
-As Apostles of God
-With Conduct

-Well, we are all leaders here called in different areas, but we have the same calling to proclaim the Gospel
we have received and accepted to others who do not yet receive it
-We might be lack of courage & confidence to boldly proclaim the Gospel but let us always remember that
we are not proclaiming our own words, let us always humbly ask His grace to be upon us and the power of
Holy Spirit that will enable to do amazing things-that is to boldly proclaim His Gospel…..AMEN
1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 – 3:1-5

Paul & his companion suddenly/abruptly(biglaan) depart from Thessalonica soon after the beginning of the
Church…naturally as the founder of the newly establish Church, Paul is anxious/concern about the condition
of the new believers in the Church especially their Faith.

A. PAUL’S CONCERN to the Thessalonians (v17-20)

…Paul express his concern through his
1) Desire to see them (face to face) v17
- “torn/taken away” Greek “Aphorphanizo” means to bereave wholly figuratively separate
- liken to a parent losing a child or vise versa, so there is a deep heartache/pain for Paul leaving
them physically though they were constantly in his thought & heart
2) Delayed by Satan v18
-Paul expresses his strong desire to see them “again & again” there is a great effort
- but they were hindered by Satans work
-Acts 20:1-3 (return to Thessalonica
…sometimes God allows Satan to hinder for the accomplishment of greater purpose (God’s purpose)
….Paul’s strong desire to see them was motivated
3) Driven (motivated/inspired) by their transformation v19-20
-Pauls reward for his ministry was not prestige or fame but the new believers whose life were
change through preaching the Gospel
-this is what Paul boast before the Lord Jesus Christs when He comes
-this is what Paul will be proud of before the Lord
B. SENDING TIMOTHY to the Thessalonians (3:1-5)
-v5 Paul sent Timothy so that he could know about their faith. He cannot wait/bear any longer sent
because he was afraid that the devil who tempts people might have defeated you with temptations. Then
our hard work would have been wasted.
….Paul could not return to Thessalonica so he sent Timothy((v1) (Brother & co-worker in the Gospel of
Christ) as his representative
1. To strengthen & encourage them in their Faith (v2)
2. That no one be moved with trials/afflictions (v3-4)
- Destined for trials
3. That theirHard work will not be wasted (v5)
-they might be overcome by temptation

-Well, we are all leaders here called in different areas, but we have the same calling to proclaim
the Gospel through Bible Studies & other activities for the advancement of Gospel.
-As leaders nakikita natin or nararamdaman natin ang sitwasyon ng ating kapwa
- What motivates us in sharing the Gospel again in again? Is it fame? So that people will
appreciate us?
-May we have the longing to share the Gospel to the new believers/unbelievers
-desire to see them (face to face & thought/heart)
-though hindered by any enemies/adversaries
-may we continually be driven by their changed life when they received the
-May we continue to be encourage & strengthened them in their faith amidst trials and
temptation that may come in their way

…..our text for this morning as we continue in our series in Thessalonians is in Chapter 3:6-13….
FAITH THAT ENCOURAGED (pananampalatayng nanghikayat)
Timothy’s encouraging Report
1 Thessalonians 3:6-13

On Paul’s second missionary journey (AD 50-52), Paul went to Thessalonica from Philippi.
Despite of the persecution Paul together with Silas & Timothy experienced in Philippi, they were
not overcome by this circumstance instead they continue the advancement of the Gospel
(Romans 1:1-7, inner part 1-4, outer part 5-7 to complete its definition), they continue to do the
mission that was given unto them. They went to Thessalonica and preached the Gospel as one
approved by God & apostles of Christ, resulting to the establishment of Church.
(Kindly read Acts 17:1-10)
However, the Jews who did not believe the Gospel became jealous, so they got some bad men
from around the city center to make trouble. They formed a mob and caused a riot in the city.
Paul was forced to leave the city & stopped at Berea. The unbelieving Jews went again here to
cause a riot and so Paul went to Athens leaving Silas & Timothy at Berea. While Paul is in Athens,
because he cannot stand it no longer despite of trying to go to Thessalonica again and again,
they decided to send Timothy in Thessalonica to strengthen and encourage them in their faith.
From Athens, Paul went to Corinth where he met Timothy after his visit to Thessalonica was
finished and reported what happen during his visit in Thessalonica.

Let us see why Paul & his companions were encouraged towards the Faith of Thessalonians.
..Timothy’s report was….
6 But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and brought us good news of your faith
and love, and that you always have good remembrance of us, greatly desiring to see us, as we
also to see you—

a. Faith & Love

-good news about their Faith & Love
-are as strong as ever, progressed in Faith & Love (agape)

Galatians 5:6
6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for
anything, but only faith working through love. (pananampalatayang gumagawa
sa pamamagitan ng pag-ibig)
- we are saved by faith not works…but love for other and for God is the
response of those whom God is forgiven. Faith expresses itself through love (we
can check up on your love to monitor your faith)
Ephesians 3:17
17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted
and grounded in love, (pagibig ang maging ugat at pundasyon ng iyong gawain)
-we are rooted in love
-agape love involves faithfulness & commitment described in 1 Corinthians 13

b. Good Remembrance
--pleasant memories just like a friend whom you want to share with your
-they maintained a warm spot for Paul
c. Great Desire to see them
 These are the outcome of the Gospel/Word of God they received.
…just like how Paul have the longing to see the Church in Philipi, ganun din yung longing
nya to see the Church in Thessalonian at ganun dn ang longing ng Thesalonian na makita
sila Paul
Philippians 1:8
For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.
…result of Good News…..
7 for this reason, brothers, [a] in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted
about you through your faith. 8 For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord. 9 For
what thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake
before our God, 10 as we pray most earnestly night and day that we may see you face to
face and supply what is lacking in your faith?

a) Comforted (Encouraged) by their Faith v7

 In spite of all their distress and affliction they are experiencing they were
comforted/encouraged/inspired/strengthen/influenced by their FAITH
b) To live in Full vigour v8
 Metaphorically To be strong, fresh, efficient (we live Greek zao lexicon
 If you are standing firm in the Lord
 In the sense of living & thriving, ngkakaroon ng saysay ang kanilang buhay
 Nabubuhayan sila ng loob kapag silay nananatiling matatag sa kanilang
 They willl remain strong if they stand firm/stand fast in the Lord

c) Delighted (brings Joy) by their Faith v9

 Express it thru thanksgiving before God/ in the presence of God but Paul
found enough words to express his appreciation to what happen in their
…motivates Paul to pray earnestly…..
d) Earnestly Prayed v10
 to see them face to face
 to supply what is lacking in their Faith
…..Paul after they have encouraged by the faith of Thessalonians continually support them in Prayer

III. The PRAYER (v11-13)

11 Now may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way to you.
12 And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just
as we do to you, 13 so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our
God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.

a) V11- Direct their way

-Paul acknowledge that personal efforts in visiting them is useless that why he
prayed for Direct guidance from God & Father himself and the Lord Jesus Christ

b) V12- Increase & Abound in Love

-Paul prayed that the Lord will make your love grow/increase
-Paul pray that he will give you more and more love for each other and for all
people. We pray that you will love everyone in the same way we love you.
-Paul prayed for this not because they lack love but encourage them to do so more
& more so it will overflow to others (there is always room for improvement)
Luke 6:32-35
32 “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners
love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you,
what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 And if you lend to
those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners
lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. 35 But love your enemies, and do
good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you
will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.

-increase and abounding in love for each other and to everyone will strengthen
your desire to do what is right, and you will be holy and without fault before our
God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy people.
- if we are full in God’s love it will overflow to others

c) V13-He may Establish their heart

 Blameless in Holiness
 In the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his
holy ones.
 Revelation 22:12
12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every
one according to his work.
-Pauls prayer looks forward the time when everyone will stand in the presence
of our God,
-an overflow of love (v12)is the way to holy & blameless conduct for unless love
prevails, our selfish motives turns us towards ourselves and away from God and
blameless living.

 Are we the cause/reason of Encouragement?
 Or the receiver/subject of encouragement because of our Faith?
 If we are the cause/reason of Encouragement, may we like the Thessalonian
believers who will continually & faithfully:
a. Accept the word of God as it really is and not word of men (2:13)
b. Work produced by Faith (1:3)
c. Labor prompted by Love (1:3)
d. Endure inspired by hope in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1:3)
 If we are the receiver of Encouragement, may we like the Paul who continually:
a) Build up fellow believers
b) Support them as they grow on their Faith
c) Express thanksgiving to God because of their Faith
d) Earnestly prays for them for a love that increase & overflow to others so that
it will strengthen their hearts to be blameless and holy in the presence of
God & Father & Lord Jesus Christ with all His holy ones

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