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Hebrews 3:1-6

We are still in the Book of Hebrews. Let us not forget the purpose why the Author of this book/letter wrote this book. It was written to
the Hebrew/Jewish Christians who are still holding back to Judaism (their former Religion), even to those who are considering to
return to Judaism because of the persecution they are facing and maybe because of immaturity or being infant in their faith due to their
lack of understanding of Biblical truth, they are considering to go back to Judaism.

The author of this Book encourages them to be faithful by saying that Christianity is superior to Judaism and is, in fact, the fulfillment
of the Jewish religion through Jesus Christ. The author proves/demonstrates how Jesus Christ is superior/greater to the Prophets &
Angels (who the Jews held in high regard/honor as spiritual beings). Now the author continues to prove/validate Jesus Christ’s
superiority to one of the most respected/admired Jewish leaders in the Jewish History----none other than MOSES. (that makes our
topic today in Hebrews 3:1-6- JESUS CHRIST: GREATER THAN MOSES

As holy brothers, chosen by God as His holy people, let us fix our thoughts on Jesus, the appointed Apostle and High Priest whom we
confess. Moses was faithful as servant in God’s house but Jesus Christ is faithful in ruling God’s house as the Son and the builder of
God’s House. (Hom. Idea) That makes Jesus Greater than Moses. (let us read our passage this morning….)

Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.
2 He was faithful to the one who appointed Him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house. 3 Jesus has been found worthy of
greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. 4 For every house is built by
someone, but God is the builder of everything. 5 Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house, testifying to what would be said
in the future. 6 But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of
which we boast.

Let us have a review of Who Moses is? His background in the Jewish History

I. WHO IS MOSES (Exodus- Deuteronomy)

A. Background of Moses
 Moses was born during the Jewish bondage in Egypt in approximately 1526 BC.
 He was raised by an Egyptian princess who found him hidden in a basket by his mother in an attempt to save his life during a
persecution of male children by the Egyptians against the Jewish people.
 He was educated at the Egyptian court, but at the age 40, he tried to lead the Jewish people in a revolt, killing an Egyptian in
the process. He escaped and lived as a shepherd in the desert (Midian) for an additional 40 years.
 God called him at 80 years of age to return to Egypt and lead the Jewish people out of Egypt to a land originally promised to
their ancestor, Abraham. The Lord performed great miracles through Moses and his brother, Aaron, in order to free the
people from Egyptian slavery
 but their lack of faith and disobedience changed a journey that would have only required several months into 40 years
wandering in the wilderness. (9 months if they walk 1 mile everyday but the actual trip in 11 days in different route)
 40-# means period of trials & suffering (5- grace, 8-new beginning) after 40 years in the wilderness there is still new
beginning, grace to them being disobedient)
 During these four decades, however, God through His servant Moses, gave the Jewish people their laws (Ten
Commandments), place of worship (Tabernacle), manner of worship (sacrificial system), as well as their religious leaders
(priests and Levites) and community customs (food restrictions, festivals, marriage and legal systems).
 In the desert they became a new and structured society through Moses' leadership. Moses did disobey God, and like the
generation that left Egypt with him, did not enter the Promised Land but only saw it from afar before he died.
 He was, however, considered the greatest of Jewish leaders and a source of authority.

B. Moses as “type” “epitome” “preview” “example” of Jesus Christ (in the OT & NT writers often pointed this out)
Supporting Passages
1. Moses lifting up the serpent in the desert (Numbers 21:4-9), Jesus being lifted up on the cross (John 3:14)
2. Moses giving manna in the desert (Exodus 16), Jesus being the bread of heaven (John 6:3)
3. Both threatened to be killed as babies (Exodus 1-2, Matthew 2:16)
4. Both deliverers of their people. Exodus 3:7-10, Matt. 1:21
5. Both initially rejected (Acts 7:35, Romans 9:32, Luke 4:24)
 The author of Hebrews will continue to draw comparison between Jesus and Moses to show/prove Jesus' superiority. (to
those who want to go back and still holding on to the teaching of Judaism---the author prove the superiority of Jesus Christ
(so that they will totally leave from Judaism to Christianity wherein makikita natin in the succeeding chapter yung mga
napapaloob sa Judaism na kailangan na nilang totally talikuran- sa Judaism andun ang law (grace), ceremonial service
(spiritual truth), anything that belongs to the world (heaven), elementary level of truth (spriritual maturity of life)


 The author emphasized here the word “Therefore” “Holy Brothers” v1

Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom
we confess.

 Why he had said this, this word was mention in the Chapter 2:11-Jesus was made like His brother and Jesus is not ashamed
to call them brothers for they belong to the same family (the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy).

 “HOLY” because they have been sanctified or set apart the moment, they receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior)
 “BROTHERS” because they have a brother in Christ by virtue of His incarnation
(He was made like His brothers (2:17)
 “HEAVENLY CALLING” having been called by the Gospel to come to a heavenly/spiritual calling or what we call celestial
(spiritual), we are not called for geographical (physical/earthly world)
 When we become Holy Brothers:
 Change in Position/Place- God’s Righteousness (Justified)
 Change in Component- God’s Holiness (Sanctification)
-manifest character of Jesus Christ

This is a message to us also for we are called as Holy Brothers of Jesus…Amen!

As Christians, we are not building a house to call our own here on earth because we are just passing through this
world on our way to the next world we have been called to by Jesus (remember the panorama- Above the world).
Let us consider Jesus - we who have been called should consider Him superior over Moses. Let us fix our thoughts
on Him. We can see how the author proves/validates Jesus superiority/greatness to Moses in three things:


“Apostle” in Greek “Apostolos” means a messenger, one sent on a mission,
an apostle
 Moses was an apostle of deliverance (one sent with authority). He gave God's Word to the people and led
them to the Promised Land.
 Jesus is the Apostle of Salvation- God's messenger who brings not only freedom from death but also
eternal salvation.
 It is Jesus that we confess to be saved, not Moses.

Supporting passages
John 17:3 – Jesus Christ sent by God
Hebrews 4:14 – Faith in Jesus Christ that we confess/profess


 Moses was connected to the High Priest (he was Aaron’s brother) and gave him the instructions for the
priesthood and the sacrificial system.
 Jesus is the High Priest and by His own sacrifice saves us. Jesus is both High Priest and sacrifice - an
idea that the author is presenting here

Supporting passages
Hebrews 2:17 – Jesus Christ as the High Priest


2 He was faithful to the one who appointed Him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house. 3 Jesus has been found
worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. 4 For every
house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. 5 Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house,
testifying to what would be said in the future. 6 But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his
house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.

1) Faithful to the One who appointed Him v2

 Jesus was faithful to God just as Moses was. Jesus did everything God wanted him to do in God’s house.
 Moses was faithful (the author doesn't weaken from him). He was faithful to Israel and to his mission. Jesus was also
faithful, but He had a different role and mission.

Supporting passages
Numbers 12:7-8 – Moses as Faithful

2) Jesus is faithful as a Son over God’s house v6

 Moses was faithful in all God’s house as servant
 He testifies what would be spoken afterward
 But the Son Jesus Christ is faithful as Son over His own house And we are God’s house, if we remain
confident of the great hope we are glad to say we have.
 Illustration of Faithfulness: Jesus was the builder of the God's House v3-4
 When someone builds a house, people will honor the builder more than the house. It is the same with Jesus. He
should have more honor than Moses.
 Moses was faithful as a servant in God's household. He faithfully brought the Law without changing it. He was
faithful in his post as leader. He was part of the spiritual temple that God was building. Jesus, on the other
hand, is not a servant in the house, He is the Son of God over the house. The Law was His word. He
created the people and the nation. He established the foundation for it with His own blood.

 The author says that in His role of Son and builder, Jesus was, like Moses, faithful. However, by virtue of His
position in relationship to the house of God, He is greater than Moses ("worthy of more glory" verse 3). We
appreciate the house but give the award to the architect. In this sense, as the architect, Jesus is over the household of
God, not Moses. The readers of this epistle are tempted to return to Judaism, and Moses was the human
embodiment/incarnation of that religion. The writer demonstrates how Jesus is greater than Moses and now warns
them about what a return to Moses would actually mean. (our next topic)

Supporting passages
Exodus 14:31 – Moses as servant
Matthew 10:22- You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

 As holy brothers, chosen by God as His holy people, let us fix our thoughts on Jesus appointed as Apostle and
High Priest whom we confess. Moses was faithful as servant in God’s house but Jesus Christ is faithful in
ruling God’s house as the Son and the builder of God’s House
 Moses was a great hero to the Jewish people for he brought them from Egyptian bondage to the promise land.
 But Jesus is superior to Moses because Moses was merely a human servant of God while Jesus is God
 Since Christ dwells in us as believers, let us courageously remain faithful and be firm until the end.
 We are not saved by persevering but perseverance reveals our faithfulness.
 Without faith, we could be easily swayed by persecutions/trials in our life and the tendency is we will go back
to the ways of this world, to unrighteousness, to being infant or immature just like the Jewish Christians who
wanted /tempted to go back to their former religion (Judaism)

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