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Civic Issue Reflection #2 - Immigration

I am satisfied with how immigration operates in Canada. It seems most beneficial for
Canadians and foreigners who want to reside in Canada. For instance, the point system. The
system scores a person by giving them points based on their skills and attributes such as
education, language, work experience, age, etcetera. Then, if their score is high enough, they
can immigrate. The procedure is helpful because it ensures that those admitted into Canada
can help Canadian society. In addition, officers analyze the person's documents, history, and
personal relationships. Police then check if they have committed serious crimes or violated
international laws. Then, they undergo health screening to ensure they won't burden the
healthcare system. Moreover, if they appear to be a threat, they are interviewed by the
Canadian Border Services Agency or Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Also, the
approach we take when accepting refugees is just as practical. The procedure is essentially the
same but has more. They undergo face-to-face interviews. Their identities get confirmed using
biometrics, their travel histories are verified with international partners and much more. Every
system, procedure, method, and process we use for immigration is already enough. Our
technology lets us look at everything and anything about someone. We can ensure the people
who want to reside in Canada will benefit Canadian society, not burden the economy, not
endanger anyone or anything, and more if ever needed or simply wanted. So I do not see how
we can improve immigration any further which is why I am satisfied with how it is.

I don't have any personal experience or knowledge of this issue. Everything I now know
about immigration in Canada has come from either watching the news or the videos. The videos
taught me much about immigration. For example, I wasn't aware that immigrant applications are
given scores or about the point system. I always thought that immigration was dealt with by
interviews and thorough examinations of the person's past. I was surprised by how complex the
process for immigrants to get admitted into Canada is. There are numerous steps before they
can be permitted; officers analyze the person's documents, history, and personal relationships.
Police then check if they have committed serious crimes or violated international laws. Then,
they undergo health screening to ensure they won't burden the healthcare system. Moreover, if
they appear to be a threat, they are interviewed by the Canadian Border Services Agency or
Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Then the procedure with refugees is nearly the same
but more; they undergo face-to-face interviews, their identities get confirmed using biometrics,
their travel histories are verified with international partners and much more. Also, something I
found interesting from the videos was that there are places immigrants can go to practice their
culture and traditions.

The videos taught me much about immigration. For example, I wasn't aware that
immigrant applications are given scores or about the point system. I always thought that
immigration was dealt with by interviews and thorough examinations of the person's past. I was
surprised by how complex the process for immigrants to get admitted into Canada is. There are
numerous steps before they can be permitted; officers analyze the person's documents, history,
and personal relationships. Police then check if they have committed serious crimes or violated
international laws. Then, they undergo health screening to ensure they won't burden the
healthcare system. Moreover, if they appear to be a threat, they are interviewed by the
Canadian Border Services Agency or Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Then the
procedure with refugees is nearly the same but more; they undergo face-to-face interviews, their
identities get confirmed using biometrics, their travel histories are verified with international
partners and much more. Also, something I found interesting from the videos was that there are
places immigrants can go to practice their culture and traditions.

My opinion stayed the same because the videos proved my point and did not change my
mind about anything. The first and second videos explained the procedures we take to ensure
the immigrants we accept will benefit Canada. Such as the point system. The point system
requires one to reach a score based on their skills so they can immigrate. Another is healthcare
screening, to guarantee whether a person will burden the healthcare system. Then there are
several analyses of the person's past and more. The videos confirmed twice that every process
and procedure we use for immigration already checks everything about a person. Therefore,
nothing else is needed. For this reason, my opinion has stayed the same; I don't believe we can
further improve Canada's immigration system, so I am content with how it is.

The federal government is involved in this issue. They are responsible for all matters
affecting the entire nation, and immigration is one of them. There are several federal
government departments and agencies that operate immigration. The departments that most
enforce immigration laws are the IRCC and CBSA. The IRCC manages Canadian immigration
and citizenship. The CBSA is responsible for border services and customs; CBSA officers work
at the borders and ports of entry. They handle arrests, detentions, and removals. Other divisions
of the federal government are responsible for immigration policy and such.

Many people would disagree with my opinion. One example is people prejudiced against
others with different cultures, customs, religions, beliefs, sexualities, genders, traditions,
etcetera. Those people wouldn't be satisfied with the immigration system and would want it to
prevent specific people with those certain qualities from immigrating. Or allow them to immigrate
if they adjust to their standards and expectations because they only want what they're used to
and what's comfortable for them. However, their thinking is wrong. We cannot simply discard,
change or force a person to be something for our comfort. We have even proven that to
ourselves through history, repeatedly in numerous ways, such as the residential schools, the
Holocaust, and more. So complying with the ideas of people this way won't improve anything. It
will only lead us to repeat past mistakes.

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