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NAME ____________________________

DATE _____________________________
CLASS ____________________________

Rewrite the sentences starting with if.

1. I don’t have enough money so I don’t buy a car. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the given verbs.
__________________________________________________ 1. If he _____________________( stop) drinking, he
2. You smoke too much so you have health problems. ______________( not suffer) from alcohol addiction.
__________________________________________________ 2. I __________________(drive) for Ferrari if I
3. Were I you and I would tell the truth. _____________(be) a racing driver.
__________________________________________________ 3. My mother _________________(be) very angry if I
4. You don’t study so you don’t get good marks. _____________(not do) my homework.
__________________________________________________ 4. I ______________________(go) to the concert if I
5. You never arrive on time so you miss the first lesson. _________________(have) a ticket.
_________________________________________________ 5. If I __________________________(not live) in
6. You don’t eat enough food so you are skinny. Portugal, I _______________(like) to live in England.
_________________________________________________ 6. If you _____________________( not miss) the train,
7. You don’t go out because it is rainy. you _________________(arrive) on time.
_________________________________________________ 7. If everybody _____________(live) a healthier life, we
8. Peter treats his wife badly because he doesn’t love her. ________________(not need) so many hospitals.
_________________________________________________ 8. If the sun___________________(not exist),
9. He drinks a lot so he has a headache. life on earth__________________(disappear).
_________________________________________________ 9. If you _______________(not pay) the bill, they
10. I can’t drive so my father doesn’t lend me his car. ____________________(call) the police.
_________________________________________________ 10. My boyfriend _________________(phone) me if he
___________ (have) to work late.
11. If she __________________________(not work)
she________________ (earn) money.
12. If I ______________________(win) the lottery,
I _____________ (travel) around the world.
13. He _________________(be) happier if his
Matching: parents ___________________(give) him a dog.
14.She _______________________(not feel) miserable
1. Your teachers would be very pleased
if she____________________(be) rich.
2. If I were in your position,
3. They would live in a big house 15. If I _________________________( be) you, I
4. I would go out ________________(have) a different behaviour.
5. If you spoke German,
6. If I were ill,

a. if I had time.
b. if they were rich.
c. I wouldn’t do that.
d. if you worked hard.
e. I would go to the doctor’s.
f. you wouldn’t need an interpreter .


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