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Unit 3 Education

Exercises about if Conditional type 2-3 / Unless

  Task 1 : Rewrite sentence b so that it means as sentence a.
1. I didn’t attend the conference because I forgot to pay the fees.
If ……………………………………………………….
2- He doesn’t make any effort; that’s why he often fails.
3- The last government spent huge sums of money on education; as a result there was a
high rate of literacy in the country.
If ……………………………………………………………..
4- The final exams are approaching, that’s why the students are working more.
6- It took us a long time to find the school because the streets were not marked.
7- The examiner read the passage very quickly; so, the candidates didn’t understand it.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………
8- I don’t have a diploma; therefore it is difficult to get a job.
If ..........................................................................
9- Yara wants to be a teacher because she likes children.
If ..........................................................................
10- He was refused the university because he didn’t have the required grades.
If ..........................................................................
11- Many parents put a terrible pressure on their children, that’s why Children become
If ..........................................................................
12- Silicon Valley offer attractive jobs opportunities, as a result young people choose to
live there.
If ..........................................................................,.
13- They didn’t do their homework, so the teacher punished them.
If ..........................................................................
14- Some students don’t do well in exams because they find them stressful.
If …………………………….……………………..
15- Some parents have busy schedules. Consequently, they don’t help their children
with their homework.
If ..........................................................................

Task 2 : Rewrite the sentence b so that it means as sentence a.

1. The teacher will not allow them to attend class if they don’t apologize.
Unless ..........................................................................
2. You have to try a bit harder or you won't pass the exam.
……………………………. Unless ………………….
3. Teaching conditions have to be improved or many teachers will resign.
Unless ………………………………………………….
4. You must pay the fees in due time; otherwise you will be refused access to university.
Unless ………………………………………………….
5. Educators must find solutions to school bullying otherwise several pupils will leave school.
………………………………………unless …………………
6. Stop plagiarizing or you will be imprisoned.
Unless ………………………………..
7. If you get a high level of education, you will be successful.
Unless ……………………………………
8. We don’t visit the town library so often because we live far away.
Unless ..............................................................................
9. If he does some serious research online, he will write interesting articles.
Unless …………………………………………………
10. If strict measures are not taken, the educational system will deteriorate.
Unless …………………………………………………………
11. Some students can be excluded from exams if they keep cheating.
Unless ………………………………………………..

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