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Fig. 1 indicates and guides the reader
through the stages of development of This month’s article discusses the evolution of the
the marine vessel electrical power use of electricity in marine vessels from a
system as treated in this paper. The
impact of new inventions and disrup-
historical perspective.
tive technologies as well as the impact
of disruptive events in society such as
wars is discussed. Starting with the
earliest records of a commercially period, research on air-independent comprehensive account is made of the
available shipboard electrical system propulsion (AIP) for submarines has different stages of the marine vessel’s
which dates back to the 1880s with been started and ended with the first development and the impact the use of
the onboard direct current (dc) sys- submarine with AIP in the period that electricity has had in its evolution.
tem at the SS Columbia, inventions followed the end of the war. Nuclear
such as the alternating current (ac) powered vessels emerged in the end
induction motor and the diesel engine of the 1950s, and the first passenger II. T HE B IRTH OF THE
have triggered new research and liner to use ac was inaugurated in MARINE VESSEL
developments toward the end of the 1960 (SS Canberra), 70 years after POWE R GRID
19th century and the beginning of the invention of the ac motor. In In the late 1830s, the German inven-
the 20th century. In this period, the 1956–1985, the power electronics tor Moritz Hermann von Jacobi
initial steps were given in research revolution, triggered by the disruptive (Yakobi [1]) invented a simplistic dc
related to submarines, batteries, solid-state technology, marked the motor and conducted a couple of
steam turbines, and diesel engines. point of departure toward a new era experiments with small boats able to
The two more important develop- for marine vessels, the era of the all- carry about a dozen passengers with
ments before World War I (WWI) electric ships (AES). As a result of electric propulsion. The electric mo-
were the first diesel-electric vessel that, Queen Elizabeth II was inaugu- tor in his last experiment (about
(Vandal) in 1903 and the first naval rated in 1987 with the first diesel- 1 kW) was powered by a battery
vessel with electric propulsion in 1912 electric integrated propulsion system. consisting of 69 Grove cells resulting
(USS Jupiter). During the period of And in the last two decades of the in a speed of about 4 km/h. Due to the
rising tension that preceded WWI, the present time, the marine vessel com- early motor design, which carried
first cargo vessels with turbo-electric munity has witnessed the develop- many imperfections, the invention
propulsion were conceived and devel- ment of the first vessels having was not adopted and used in any
oped in the United States and the liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel. practical applications and was soon
United Kingdom. The outbreak of In January 2015, marking the mile- forgotten [1]–[3].
World War II (WWII) stimulated stone of the era of the all-electric Commercially available electric
new developments that brought the ship, the world’s first purely battery- systems first appeared on ships dur-
T2 tanker with turbo-electric propul- driven car and passenger ferry Ampere ing the early 1870s in the form of gun
sion into the picture. Also in this was placed in use (commissioned firing circuits powered by battery
October 2014) and is being regularly cells. Electric call bells appeared on
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2015.2496722 operated in Norway. In what follows, a luxury passenger liners about the
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Scanning Our Past

Fig. 1. Timeline with the historical highlights of the marine vessel’s power system development.

same time. The development of conduction radiating out of it, reach- First Electric Light System Installa-
electric arc lamps by Charles Brush, ing multiple end users. After a tion in Ships: After the installation of
Edwin Weston, Elihu Thomson, successful demonstration in 1879, the new lighting system, the SS
Hiram Maxim, and others for the staged on his property in Menlo Columbia was equipped with 120
illumination of streets and large Park, NJ, USA, where he had in- incandescent lights, which were dis-
public spaces in the mid/late-1870s stalled a lighting system to illuminate tributed on several circuits and
was paralleled by the installation of some of the houses and imaginary powered by four belt-driven 6-kW
electric arc searchlights on ships. streets powered by a dynamo in his dynamos [with small internal resis-
Powered by steam-driven generators, laboratory, he met skepticism from tance and large bipolar magnets [11];
the primary function of such lights invited business leaders and potential see Fig. 3(b)], connected to the steam
was to illuminate marauding attack investors. They were all reluctant to engine driving the single four-blade
boats, and also to blind enemy gun invest in the low-voltage dc system propeller through a mechanical shaft.
crews during close engagements, be- without more proof of the system’s The different circuits were secured by
cause some of the early lamps were as commercial viability [6]. Among the small lead wires functioning as fuses.
bright as 11 000 candlepower. Most attendees was the president of the Each dynamo could supply 60 lamps,
systems were dc but ac systems were Oregon Railway and Navigation Com- each rated 16 candlepower (1 candle-
also employed [4], [5]. pany, Henry Villard, who, after the power is the radiating power of a light
In the mid-1878, Thomas Edison demonstration, immediately saw the with the intensity of one candle). One
(1847–1931) developed an incandes- benefits of the technological advance- of the dynamos was operated at
cent electric light bulb for the ment demonstrated by Edison. One reduced voltage for excitation of the
consumer market. However, there thing led to another, and even though three other dynamos’ field magnets.
was no commercial electrical system Edison did not have any offshore The power system did not include
for generating and distributing elec- installations in mind when develop- any instrumentation, thus any volt-
tricity to end users. Edison knew that ing the lighting system, Villard or- age adjustment was conducted by
for the light bulb to achieve commer- dered an installation of the lighting operators judging the brightness of
cial success, he had to build an system for his company’s new steam- the lamps in the engine room. Light
electric distribution system using dc, ship SS Columbia [Fig. 3(a)], which switches were located in locked
and his idea was a central power was under construction by a shipyard wooden boxes, and if the lights
station with a system of electrical in Chester, PA, USA. were to be turned on or off in the

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Scanning Our Past

1888 an induction motor concept.

Also, Frank J. Sprague, graduate of the
U.S. Naval Academy, researched elec-
trical systems for U.S. ships then
worked for Edison to perfect mathe-
matical estimation for system design
and the three wire system for Edison.
After leaving Edison he perfected in
1884 the first practical dc electric
motor. It could operate on incandes-
Fig. 2. Simplified drawing of the propulsion and lighting system installed in SS Columbia, based cent electric lighting systems and won
on written description [7]–[9]. Edison’s approval. He subsequently
developed dc motors to a high state of
efficiency for both industry and rail-
cabins, a steward had to come and Searchlights consumed the major- ways; such motors exceeded the
unlock the boxes [7]–[9]. A simpli- ity of power on Navy ships (as much as efficiency of available ac motors for
fied sketch of the propulsion and 50 kW) as compared to the lighting many years [5], [17]–[19].
lighting system aboard SS Columbia is needs of passenger ships (10–20 kW)
given in Fig. 2. which did include some arc lamps for A. War of Currents
The installation of the light sys- navigation purposes. That changed The invention of the ac motor had
tem aboard SS Columbia proved to be rapidly as electric power for ventila- a cascade effect which led to, among
a success, the system worked as tion and motorized gun turrets ap- other inventions, a polyphase genera-
intended, and the story was published peared on Navy ships in the 1880s. tor (Fig. 4) and ac distribution systems
as a full-page article in Scientific The lack of practical ac motors led to [21]. Tesla filed in 1887 two patents on
American in its May 22, 1880 issue adoption of dc as a standard to simplify the ac motor in October 1887, and
[13]. Shortly after the success with the overall system. The same was true three more patents pertaining to the
the electric installation aboard SS in many industrial applications until system in November the same year.
Columbia, the Edison Company for the early 1900s; as the available dc One of Edison’s greatest rivals, George
Isolated Lighting1 installed in 1883 an motors were found to be more effi- Westinghouse (Westinghouse Electric
electrical system aboard a US ship, cient than the ac designs of the day. Co.), acquired these patents [22] and
USS Trenton [14]. USS Trenton was, as Improved wiring and protective de- with the help of Tesla the war of
SS Columbia, a modern ship featuring vices were also developed [4]. currents [23], [24] began, with Edison
both steel hull and a steam propul- In the late 1880s, Nikola Tesla on the dc side, and Westinghouse and
sion system with additional sailing (United States), a former employee of Tesla on the ac side.
rigs. The following year the Bureau of Edison who left Edison in 1885 [16], However, the war of currents put
Navigation decided that the vessels Galileo Ferraris (Italy), and Michael aside, the ac current had the ability to
Atlanta, Boston, and Omaha should be Osipowitch von Dilvio-Dobrowolsky easily be transformed between differ-
equipped with an electrical lighting (Germany) each had discovered the ent voltage levels, without rotating
system, and shortly after electric benefits of two alternating conductors components as was needed for voltage
lighting became a standard feature with 90 phase difference (or three transformation in dc, and could be
aboard both military and commercial conductors with 120 phase differ- transmitted at great distances by
vessels. Even though the low-voltage ence), which could be used to rotate a transforming the voltage to appropri-
dc electrical system (110 V [15]) magnetic field. This led to the birth of ate levels at relative low cost. The first
developed by Edison was only the induction motor, demonstrated long-distance ac transmission in the
intended for incandescent lamps, independently by Ferraris and also by world (12 miles, 4000 V) was realized
and the fact that there are numerous Tesla in the early 1880s and patented in 1890 when Willamette Falls Elec-
competing claims about the pioneer by Tesla in 1887. Others claimed to tric company installed ac generators
of electrical installation aboard a have conceived independently the from Westinghouse while Edison
ship, the period itself can be consid- rotating field concept, among them struggled with the fundamental prob-
ered to mark the birth of the marine Elihu Thomson, founder of the lem of line losses, founded on Ohm’s
vessel’s power grid. Thomson-Houston Company, and law. The ac distribution had also, at
also Oliver Schallenberger of the the same time, been installed in
Westinghouse Electric & Manufactur- Europe, and one example was the
Edison Company for Isolated Lighting was a ing Company. Charles Bradley, an long-distance transmission in 1891
separate company in November 1881, which
later, December 31, 1886, was absorbed by the inventor and entrepreneur in the from Lauffen to Frankfurt am Main
Edison Electric Light Company. electrical industry, demonstrated in (100 miles) using three-phase ac at

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Scanning Our Past

Fig. 3. Edison’s lighting system first installed in a ship in 1880, aboard SS Columbia. (a) Passenger and cargo vessel SS Columbia (1880–1907),
owned by the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company and later the Union Pacific Railroad, was the first ship with Edison’s lighting system.
Courtesy [10]. (b) Edison’s belt-driven ‘‘jumbo’’ dynamo (with the nick name long-legged Mary-Ann [11]) was one of the main components in
SS Columbia’s lighting system. Courtesy [12].

25 000 V [25]. An often missing part reasons, the primary issue that of distribution system that supplied 90%
of the history of ac is the Hungarian power factor. The early ac systems of the utility power in Manhattan
research team consisting of the scien- suffered substantial losses in the form which grew to comprise a total of 41
tists Kàroly Zipernowsky, Ottò Blàthy, of ‘‘reactive power’’ consumed by the substations in over 60 structures with
and Miksa Déri (ZBD), who invented magnetic fields of ac motors and a total of 282 mechanical converters
the closed core shunt connected ac transformers [5]. before a change to ac was initiated in
transformer in 1884, revolutionized The percentage of useful power 1928. Elements of the old system
the grid using parallel connections delivered by an ac system was and is remained in place however until late
(instead of series connections) to a known as the ‘‘power factor.’’ In some 2007 [5].
main distribution line, and also elec- early land systems, that was as low as While the practices of urban
trified the Italian city of Rome in 80 or less. That situation led the power distribution do not translate
1886. Westinghouse adopted much of legendary electrical engineer and directly to shipboard practice, some of
the Hungarian scientists’ work to take mathematician Charles Steinmetz to the same concerns persist. For exam-
up the fight with Edison’s dc systems favor the installation of dc distribu- ple, the dc motor of the early 20th
[26], [27]. Not only had the ac tion wherever the load was sufficient- century still offered superior control
inventions had an effect on the ly dense to justify the expense of the of varying loads compared to ac
mainland power generation and dis- conversion substations that were re- motors. Power factor management
tribution grids, but the inventions also quired if a system were to reap the was still an issue. The operation of
gave support to more advanced use of benefits of the large scale power large-scale ac systems presented the
electricity in ships. generation and transmission that need for synchronization of genera-
In 1896, the US’s Brooklyn was were attainable only with ac. Thus, tors and certain types of motors. Still,
fitted with electrically operated gun ac generation and transmission cou- the United States, like the urban
mount elevators and subsequent ships pled to dc distribution by mechanical electrical utilities, began a change in
were fitted with electrically operated conversion in substations was the favor of ac and began the use of three
deck machinery such as winches and norm in U.S. cities and elsewhere phase ac in 1932. DC control systems
cranes powered by 80-V dc systems until the 1920s. By that time, the were larger and heavier; dc motors
[4]. It should be noted that, despite expense entailed in large-scale con- were more complex to construct. AC
the success of the ac generation and version combined with new develop- was not a perfect solution; in an effort
transmission systems in both Europe ments in ac distribution and of steel to reduce weight, frequencies as high
and the United States, dc continued to with superior magnetic characteristics as 400 Hz were utilized but required
play a major role in land-based power forced a change. The largest such mechanical converters in an era prior
systems. There were a variety of system was the New York Edison Co. to the development of modern solid

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Scanning Our Past

shown in Fig. 5(a). It is important to

note that there were no power
electronics in the early 1910s, hence,
the vessel’s speed was controlled
through a complex combination of
varying the frequency (speed), voltage
of the generator sets, and changes in
pole configuration. The turbo-electric
propulsion was a very effective system
with a number of benefits. The shaft
alley onboard a turbo-electric vessel
was much shorter, and less of a target,
than a typical steam-powered vessel
[34]. The fuel economy was also
substantially improved, and the elec-
tric motor was faster to reverse
Fig. 4. Nikola Tesla’s ac induction motor demonstrated in 1887. Courtesy [20].
because there was no need for rerout-
ing steam through a separate turbine.
All the benefits, however, came at the
state equipment. It is said that was the The first naval vessel with electric
cost of weight, since the electric motor
reason that the British Navy retained propulsion in the United States was
weighed considerably more than a
dc systems, although Germany fol- the collier USS Jupiter2 in 1912. The
reduction gear and a longer shaft.
lowed the lead of the United States collier was an experiment including
Fig. 6 shows a simplified drawing of
with ac systems in the 1930s [4]. all diesel engine propulsion, turbo-
the USS New Mexico’s turbo-electric
electric propulsion [1], [35], and
generation and distribution system,
direct coupled steam turbine propul-
B. The Early Turbo-Electric illustrating integration on the steam
sion (twin screws). The USS Jupiter
Surface Vessels side of the system.
was a successful experiment, with its
During the last quarter of the The passenger vessel Cuba, origi-
3500 horsepower (hp) General Elec-
19th century, marine vessels with nally built in 1894 as SS Yorktown,
tric turbo-electric propulsion system,
steam engines instead of sails as the after being sold and renamed a couple
which made headlines in the New York
primary propulsion became more of times, was wrecked in 1916 and
Times in the October 3, 1909 issue
common. In this period, the ship- rebuilt with turbo-electric propulsion
[36], and the United States decided to
builders experimented and fitted new in 1919 and was then the world’s first
fit all the front-line battleships with
vessels with many new technologies. passenger vessel with that propulsion
the same propulsion system. Three
The early propulsion systems were system [29], [30]. Fig. 5(b) shows the
New Mexico class battleships powered
based on reciprocating steam en- Cuba’s electric propulsion motor. The
by turbines were ordered in 1914, but
gines, and with the advent of the use of turbo-electric propulsion was
while under construction it was
steam turbines the ship’s propellers not only taking place in the United
decided that the lead ship, USS New
were initially coupled directly to the States. In Europe, the Swedish enter-
Mexico, should be equipped with
prime movers (high speed), often prise Rederiaktiebolaget Svea, which
turbo-electric-drive system and be
with poor results. As a result, in the was located in Stockholm, started
the first vessel to convert to turbo-
early 1900s, technologies such as equipping ships that had steam ma-
electric propulsion [28].
marine reduction gears and electric chinery with turbo-electric propul-
New Mexico used two 11.5-MW,
propulsion systems were developed sion. In 1916, in the same period
3000-V/4242-V dual-voltage, variable
to improve the propulsion system that USS New Mexico was equipped
frequency ac generators that powered
powered by the high-speed steam with the new propulsion system,
four 7500-hp 24-/36-pole induction
turbine prime movers. The United Rederiaktiebolaget Svea built two sister
motors [14], and was able to maintain
Kingdom was developing and perfect- ships: Mjölner and Mimer (cargo
a speed of 21 kn [37]. The vessel also
ing mechanical-drive system employ- ships). Mimer was fitted with triple-
had six 300-kW auxiliary turbo gen-
ing reduction gears, while the United expansion engines while Mjölner got
erators for lighting and nonpropulsion
States focused on electric-drive sys- two Ljungström radial-flow reaction
electrical machinery [28]. The USS
tems [14]. In 1908, the first merchant turbines, invented by the Swedish
New Mexico’s main switchboard is
vessel Joseph Medill (a fire boat) was engineer Fredrik Ljungström and
built with a turbo-electric (dc) pro- 2 patented in 1894 [38], driving electric
USS Jupiter was from 1920–1922 converted
pulsion [400 shaft horsepower (shp)] to the first aircraft carrier in the United States generators [39]. The total power
[1], [31]. and renamed USS Langley [14], [32]–[34]. output from the turbines running at

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Scanning Our Past

Fig. 5. USS New Mexico was one of the first U.S. vessels with turbo-electric propulsion. Cuba was the first passenger vessel in the world with
turbo-electric propulsion. (a) USS New Mexico’s main switchboard and control station. Change of speed and direction was done with manual
levers. Courtesy [28]. (b) Cuba’s 3000-hp, 1150-V, 1180-A electric propulsion motor. Courtesy [29] and [30].

9200 revolutions per minute (rpm) was inventor and mechanical engineer, diesel engines which ran at constant
800 kW, with a voltage level of 500 V. who developed the diesel engine 240 rpm. The electrical transmission
Two induction motors, one on each (patented in 1892) [40], [41]. Diesel was controlled by a tram-like lever
side, were running at 900 rpm and marketed the technology to oil indus- which varied the propeller (three
drove the single propeller shaft through tries all around the world, and granted screws) speed from 30 to 300 rpm
single-reduction gearing at 90 rpm. The Emanuel Nobel exclusive licenses to [1], [43]. Even though the Russian
first turbo-electric ship constructed in build his engine in Sweden and Russia river tanker Vandal was also the first
Great Britain was the cargo ship SS [42]. In 1902, it was suggested to vessel equipped with a fully functional
Wulsty Castle in 1918, which used the install diesel engines in the river diesel-electric transmission [44], the
same type of machinery. barges to transport oil from the lower use of diesel-electric systems did not
The steam engine was a well- Volga to Saint Petersburg and Finland, catch on until the entry of the WWI
adapted solution to generate electric- and in 1903, the vessel Vandal was submarines.
ity, however due to the fact that as launched, which was the first vessel Another vessel that can be men-
much as 90% of fuel’s energy was equipped with the new diesel engine tioned is the passenger vessel Electric
wasted on heat, the oil industry was in technology, in addition to being the Arc built in 1908 as an experiment
search for a more economical engine first vessel featuring diesel-electric with ac. The vessel, which probably
solution fueled on oil. The solution propulsion. The vessel’s power plant was the first experimental vessel with
came with Rudolf Diesel, a German consisted of three 3-cylinder 120-hp ac, originally featured a gas engine
that was replaced by a petrol engine
(45 bhp, 700 rpm) driving the alter-
nator (4- and 6-poles winding). This
vessel illustrated that electric drive
with ac was possible, and was fol-
lowed by the cargo vessel Tynemount
in 1913 with diesel-electric ac propul-
sion. Two diesels of 300 hp were
running at 400 rpm; the port side
diesel drove a 6-pole alternator and its
shunt-wound exciter, and the star-
board diesel drove a generator which
was wound for eight poles [1]. The
electrical system worked well for light
loads, however, the propeller pitch
was too coarse and required more
power than the generators were able
Fig. 6. Simplified drawing of the turbo-electric generation and distribution system installed in to supply, resulting in a breakdown of
USS New Mexico, based on written description [14], [37]. the engines.

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Scanning Our Past

C. The Early Submarines ance (turbo-electric). However, his able. In addition, when surfacing,
Marine electrical installations days of innovation came to an end starting the steam plant was a slow
gave, in many cases, a foundation of when his relatives had him committed process, due to the fact that the boilers
new thinking and innovation. In to an asylum for insanity [48], [49]. had to be reheated. In the early 1900s,
addition to new propulsion systems, The same year, the French designer almost everyone had adopted the idea
the marine power grid made it possi- Claude Goubet started his demonstra- of using combustion engines to charge
ble to supply a service load, including tion of electric-propelled submarines the batteries. Both gasoline and pre-
new navigation and communication by building two small private venture diesel internal combustion engines
systems as well as light systems. Naval vessels, Goubet I in 1885 and Goubet II were used, and a lot of research was
vessels were also equipped with more in 1889. Both vessels showcased the directed toward engine construction,
advanced and precise weapon systems benefits of electric propulsion, but including both two- and four-cycle
than before, powered by the vessels’ were otherwise unsuccessful regard- (stroke) engines with a different num-
power generating units. In the wake ing maneuverability. In 1886, the sub- ber of cylinders. The German Navy
of the surface vessels’ success using marine Nautilus was built in Tilbury used a MAN four-cycle diesel, with
electric systems, and with the advent with two electrical motored twin 850–1000 brake horsepower (bhp),
of the battery (voltiac cell), which screws. In 1888, the Gymnote (59 ft which powered nearly all WWI sub-
was introduced in the early 1800s by long, displacing 30 tons) was built marines. Initially, the United States
Alessandro Volta [45], [46] and with a 50-hp motor resulting in a used the four-cycle Vickers diesel
developed further for practical use, speed of about 7 kn [1]. From this engine, either four-cylinder 275 bhp
the innovations also found their way point on, electric propulsion came to or six-cylinder 300 bhp, which was built
to submarines. The French Navy was be the common factor between the by Electric Boat closely associated with
considered to be the most enthusias- different submarine designs, as solu- Vickers and completed at the New
tic advocate for submarines in the tions involving compressed air and London Shop and Engine Company
late 1800s, and in 1863 the French compressed steam did not provide the (NELSECO). Also in Sweden, around
Navy launched the very first subma- necessary response to achieve the 1913, the Swedish firm Polar begun to
rine that did not rely on human needed maneuverability when diving. manufacture four-cycle submarine en-
power for propulsion. The subma- In the late 1890 and the early gines [50]. Although a lot of effort was
rine, 140 ft long, 20 ft wide and 1900s, many nations were occupied directed toward the engines and pro-
displacing 400 tons, was designed by by making their own naval submarines pulsion systems, no one had solved the
Charles Brun and Simèon Bourgeois for warfare with a range of different problem restricting the duration of dive
and named Le Plongeur.3 The propul- weapon system designs, including tor- operations due to limited oxygen sup-
sion system consisted of an 80-hp pedoes, air cannons, and large caliber ply. The engines could not be run
direct-drive engine run by 180-psi guns. The French Navy was indepen- underwater to charge the batteries, and
compressed air stored in tanks through- dently developing its own submarine, the crew needed fresh, breathable air.
out the vessel [47], [48], and the while the Royal Navy and the United
buoyancy was controlled by regulating States based much of their work on
the vessel’s inner volume by pistons John Phillip Holland’s prototypes. III . EFFECTS OF WWI AND
running in and out of the hull. Even Holland, originally a school teacher, WWII
though the submarine was state of the made different submarine prototypes After the end of WWI, a naval arms
art at that time, it was difficult to involving combustion engines for sur- race was led by the United States,
maneuver, and movements of the crew face use and batteries for diving opera- Great Britain, and Japan, where the
could send the vessel into severe roll tions. Holland also challenged the three nations all commenced large-
motions. Due to its ineffectiveness, the original designs to overcome the stabil- scale capital ship efforts [14]. This
Plongeour was set aside. ity and maneuverability problems with arms race was unfortunate, increasing
During the 1880s, a lot of inven- the solution of a small net positive the possibility for another war. Be-
tors around the world were caught up buoyancy, ballast tanks, and diving tween 1921 and 1922, the world’s nine
developing the submarine and make it planes [48]. The use of combustion largest naval powers were gathered
reliable and commercial available. In engines to charge the battery proved to for a conference in Washington, DC,
1885, the American inventor Josiah be a valid option, as turbo-electric USA, invited by the U.S. Secretary of
H. L. Tuck made a submarine, named systems required the submarine to State, Charles Evans Hughes, to
Peacemaker, which used a chemical come to a stop before submerging, discuss naval disarmament and solu-
(fire-less) boiler with 1500 lb of which made dive operations slow. tions to relieve the growing tensions
caustic soda to generate steam to its Even after the steam plants had been in East Asia [51]. Great Britain, Japan,
engine and provide five hours endur- shut down, the power system retained a France, and Italy were invited to the
lot of heat, which made the climate conference in effort to reduce the
Meaning ‘‘The diver’’ in French. within the submarine almost unbear- naval capacity, while Belgium, China,

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Scanning Our Past

Portugal, and The Netherlands were as the London Naval Treaty, which more wisely, i.e., to carry more guns
invited to join in discussions on the regulated submarine warfare and lim- and armor.
tense situation in the Far East. The ited naval shipbuilding by extending In fact no other nations at that time
results from the Washington Naval the Washington Treaty’s building hol- had naval surface vessels with turbo-
Conference were three major treaties: iday another five years [56]. The electric propulsion [52]. Germany orig-
the Five-Power Treaty, the Four- treaty was signed by all five nations, inally had plans to use turbo-electric
Power Treaty, and the Nine-Power despite Japan’s growing overseas am- drives in the battleships of the Bismarck
Treaty, all commonly known as part of bitions which, in secret, exceeded the class, however, Siemens-Schuckert
the Washington Treaty. The corner- treaty’s limits on improvements and Werke in Berlin did not accept the
stone of the naval disarmament pro- refitting of some of the nation’s contract because of a fear that it could
gram, in an effort to ending the arms battleships [52]. The Second London not meet certain technical require-
race, was the Five-Power Treaty, Naval Disarmament Conference was ments. Hence, the battleships of the
involving the United States, Great held in 1935–1936 in an effort to limit Bismarck class were built with
Britain, Japan, France, and Italy. The growth in naval armaments. The reduction-gear systems [32], [58].
politics put aside, the Five-Power following treaty, the Second London
Treaty gave strict regulations for Naval Treaty, limited the maximum A. ‘‘The Navy Oilers’’
each of the countries involved to size of the participating nation’s ships One of the more important vessels
maintain a number and size limits and the maximum caliber on the guns using turbo-electric propulsion built
(set ratio of warship tonnage) on they could carry. The treaty also during WWII was the T2 tanker. The
capital ships. In addition, the treaty included an ‘‘escalator’’ clause that T2 tankers, see Fig. 7(a), (‘‘navy
also spelled the end of turbo-electric allowed the members to match ton- oilers’’) were crucial for maintaining
propulsion for war ships by prohibit- nage and armament increases by the upper hand in the war by
ing the reconstruction of ships [34], nonmembers. However, an agree- transporting oil to the navy vessels
meaning a cancellation of any plans to ment on a maximum allowed number around the world. The most common
rebuild existing U.S. battleships with of warships was prevented, the reason type of the T2 tanker was the U.S.
turbo-electric drives, and also prohi- being Japan’s withdrawal from the Maritime Commission type T2-SE-A1,
biting construction of new naval treaty after refusing to continue with which was overall 523.5 ft long, with a
vessels.4 From this point on, most of the quantitative ‘‘ratio’’ system of beam of 68 ft [59]. Between 1942 and
the existing U.S. vessels were pow- limitation which had existed since 1945, 481 tankers of this type were
ered by geared turbines. 1922 [57]. Japan, which had interest built, with propulsion provided by a
As the treaty covered only naval in expanding the empire into East turbo-electric drive [60], [61]. The
vessels, the development of turbo- Asia and China, proposed parity propulsion system consisted of a
electric propulsion continued, but among the three major naval powers, steam-turbine generator connected
was not, however, used for naval with no restrictions on the type of to a propulsion motor to drive the
surface vessels. Geared steam-turbine warships allowed. This was in short propeller, hence, the need for a large
propulsion became predominant for rejected by the United States and main reduction gear was obviated. At
large warships, however, electric pro- Great Britain, fearing to lose naval this time, the turbo-electric propul-
pulsion was still being used, especially superiority over Japan which would sion system was not a new invention,
for passenger vessels and ice breakers cede Asia to Japan and threaten the as all the capacity to manufacture
with separate power systems supply- security of Australia, New Zealand, reduction gears was committed to
ing the propulsion loads and the ship’s and the Philippines [32]. supplying the naval fleet, and the
service loads. After Japan abrogated the treaty, use of turbo-electric propulsion was a
In 1930, a new naval conference after giving a two-year notice in 1934 natural choice resulting in an average
was held in London, U.K., with the refusing to renew the existing treaty, production time from laying the keel
effort to extend the Washington the naval construction and arms race to sea trials to about 70 days. The T2
Treaty. The participating nations ensued and the United States began to (A1 type) tanker’s propulsion system
were the United States, Great Britain, design and build new battleships. delivered 6000 shp, with a maximum
France, Italy, and Japan. The result However, the battleship designs of the power of 7240 hp resulting in a rated
from the conference was the Treaty late 1930s did not feature turbo-electric top speed of about 15 kn with a
for the Limitation and Reduction of propulsion systems despite its advan- cruising range of about 12 600 mi.
Naval Armament, commonly known tages, a major reason being vulnerabil-
ity to electrical short-circuits that could B. Submarines Using
Sometimes referred to as the treaty’s result from battle damage increasing Diesel-Electric Systems
building holiday [52]. All battleships and the likelihood to be knocked out of During WWI the submarines
cruisers retained under the treaty were allowed
the addition of 3000 tons for providing means of operationVsurvivabilityVand added proved to have a significant impact,
defence against air and submarine attacks [53]. weight which could instead be used as the German Navy’s submarines

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Fig. 7. World War vessels, the T2 tanker (WWII) and the USS K-5 submarine (WWI), both with electric propulsion. (a) The Sag Harbor, built for USMC
by the Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company in 1944. Courtesy [54]. (b) USS K-5 (built in 1914) underway on the Mississippi River, 1919.
The vessel was built by Fore River Shipbuilding and launched March 17, 1914. Courtesy [55].

(u-boats) saw action in the war on surface using the propulsion motors submarines, and is often referred to as
Allied commerce, often referred to as as generators. The batteries were The Submarine War.
the Handelskrieg. In this period, the solely used during submerged opera- When WWII broke loose, a lot of
battery technology and diesel-electric tions for both propulsion and service research had been conducted toward
systems were primitive, and the sub- loads such as lights and instrumenta- the diesel engine, the electric motor,
marines were designed to be more of a tion. Fig. 8 shows a simplified sketch and battery technology. Even though
surface vessel with the ability to dive of such a configuration. The maxi- the Versailles Treaty (1919), among
when needed. The submarine design mum duration of underwater opera- other things, banned Germany from
included more or less a triangular tions was heavily dependent on the having submarines (and air force) [63],
cross section of the hull with a vessel’s speed. At a very slow speed of the German Navy, Kriegsmarine,
distinctive keel and bow, like the about 2 kn, the vessel could be started constructing submarines in
USS K-5 shown in Fig. 7(b). The submerged for around 48 h, while at a the early 1930s. To increase the
propulsion system consisted of a higher speed, about 6–8 kn, the vessel duration of submersed operations, a
diesel-electric system to charge the could only be submerged for around an German engineer, Dr. Helmut Walter
main batteries (lead batteries) on the hour [62]. WWI was the first war using of Kiel’s Germaniawerft, proposed a
radical new technology for providing
oxygen to the submarine’s engine
while submerged. Using high-purity
hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) as an
oxidant, the oxidant was decomposed
using a permanganate catalyst to yield
high-temperature steam and free oxy-
gen. This oxygen was then injected
into the diesel engines, enabling the
diesel engines to run underwater and
charge the batteries. The exhaust
from the engines and the steam from
the oxygen production were ejected.
Dr. Walter made a prototype, which
was scaled by the Kriegsmarine.
Although seven Type XVIIB H202
vessels were built, they never saw
combat due to Germany’s defeat in
1945. In the 1950s, Great Britain,
with the help of Dr. Walter and some
Fig. 8. Simplified drawing of a common diesel-electric configuration in WWI and WWII of his key personnel, created two high-
submarines. Propulsion motors acted as generators driven by diesel engines on surface. speed boats: HMS Explorer and HMS

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Excalibur. However, the highly con- flowed in only one direction, from and do frequency adjustments to
centrated hydrogen peroxide fuel cre- anode to cathode, giving rectifying gain effective and economical power
ated a safety hazard, and the vessels action. His invention was quickly distribution systems. SS Canberra,
were decommissioned in the 1960s. adopted by the industry, finding its launched in 1960, was the first British
This was not the end for Dr. Walter’s way to applications in battery charg- passenger liner to use ac as power.
technology as both the United States ing and electrochemical processes. The vessel was originally an ocean
and the Soviet Union adopted his The technology was also adapted in liner, intended to sail between the
technology, and started research on power grid control, and by retarding United Kingdom and Australia (The
AIP systems [64]. The research on AIP the firing angles, the rectifier circuit Orient Line). However, due to
systems started by Dr. Walter is still an could also be operated as a line- the arrival of jet airlines, the vessel
important research topic in the sense commutated inverter. In 1926, Gen- was adapted to cruising. The vessel
of electric power generation for un- eral Electric invented the thyratron, was equipped with two British
derwater vehicles, including, among or hot-cathode glass bulb gas tube Thomson-Houston [Associated Elec-
others, closed-cycle diesel engines rectifier, which was the forefather to trical Industries (AEI)] synchronous
[65]–[67], closed-cycle gas and steam the thyristor. In 1934, the thyratron three-phase 6000-V air-cooled elec-
turbines [68]–[70], Stirling-cycle (adi- was used in a motor drive for speed tric motors providing 85 000 hp
abatic) heat engines [71], [72] and fuel control of induced draft fans in the (63 000 kW) running twin screws,
cells [73], [74], and a range of different Logan Power Station, which was the which were the most powerful turbo-
patents are filed within the topic. first variable-frequency ac installation electric powered units ever installed
in history. The diode version of the in a passenger ship, giving the vessel a
thyratron, the phanotron, was used in speed of about 27.5 kn. The two
IV. TOWARD TODAY’S the Kramer drive in 1938, where the electric motors were supplied by
MARI NE VESSEL phanotron bridge replaced the rotary two 32 200-kW steam-turbine-driven
POWER S YSTEMS converter for slip power rectification. alternators. In addition, the vessel was
After WWII and toward present time, In 1947, the bipolar point contact equipped with four steam turbines
new innovations and stringent re- transistor was invented by Bardeen providing auxiliary power, each driv-
quirements with regards to fuel effi- and Brattain followed by the bipolar ing a 1500-kW, 440-V, three-phase,
ciency, reliability, maneuverability junction transistor (BJT) in 1948 by 60-Hz alternator and a tandem-driven
(variable speed propulsion), and air Shockley, all working in Bell Tele- 300-kW exciter for the main propul-
pollution (emissions) led the way phone Laboratory. The same labora- sion alternators. In addition to the
toward today’s marine vessel power tory also invented the PNPN twin screws, the vessel was equipped
system solutions. With an increasing triggering transistor in 1956, which with a bow propeller to make the
need for electricity, as a result of more later was defined as a thyristor or maneuvering in port and docking
electrical loads with different power silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), and easier [81]–[83]. SS Canberra is con-
requirements (i.e., voltage levels, dc/ in 1958, General Electric introduced a sidered a legend, having an important
ac, etc.) the technical advances in commercial thyristor, including the role in the Falklands war starting in
power electronics found their way to TRIAC (integrated anti-parallel thy- 1982 [84], but was scrapped in 1997
the shipboard power system, with the ristor) and the gate turn-off thyristor due to high running costs and age. The
result of the marine vessel power (GTO). The invention of the thyristor power system installed in SS Canberra
system slowly converting toward an marked the beginning of the modern was state of the art, with separated
all-electric ship (AES). era of power electronics, often referred power generation for main propulsion
to as the modern solid-state power and service loads (auxiliary power),
A. The Advent of Power electronics revolution [76]–[79]. In and still today many vessels use this
Electronics and Variable the late 1970s, power metal–oxide kind of separated power generation.
Speed Converters semiconductor field-effect transistors From approximately 1980 the use
The next technological advance (MOSFETs) became commercially of power electronics in vessel’s pro-
paving the way for the modern marine available, and in 1985, the insulated pulsion systems became a very com-
vessel’s power systems may be seen as gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) was mon method for improving fuel
the advent of modern power electron- commercially introduced by General efficiency [85], [86]. A high-profile
ics. The history of power electronics Electric. The IGBT is basically a hybrid example is the ocean liner Queen
started with the American inventor MOS-gated turn on/off bipolar transis- Elizabeth 2 (QE2), which was built
Peter Cooper Hewitt, who in 1902 tor that combines the properties of in 1968 for Cunard Line, originally
invented the glass-bulb pool-cathode MOSFET, BJT, and the thyristor [80]. steam powered. After experiencing
mercury arc rectifier [75], as a result From the early power electronic mechanical problems in 1983, and an
of experiments with a mercury vapor inventions a range of different devices electrical fire in 1984, Cunard decid-
lamp which showed the current were made to convert, transform, ed to convert her from steam to diesel.

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The conversion to diesel-electric pro-

pulsion would improve the fuel effi-
ciency and was expected to save
Cunard $12 million a year in fuel
costs [87]. The vessel was fitted with
nine German MAN B&W 9L58/64
nine-cylinder engines, each weighting
about 120 tons, all connected in a
diesel-electric configuration, each
driving a generator rated 10.5 MW
at 10 kV [88]. The electrical plant, in
addition to powering the vessel’s
auxiliary loads (and hotel services)
through transformers, drove two
synchronous salient-pole 44-MW
General Electric Company (GEC)
propulsion motors (each weighting Fig. 9. Simplified drawing of RMS Queen Elizabeth 2’s integrated diesel-electric power grid.
more than 400 tons), which, one on
each propeller shaft, drove two five-
bladed variable-pitch propellers. A power systems. The DP system was Although diesel-electric power
simplified drawing of the ship’s elec- originally designed for station keep- generation can be considered to be
tric configuration is given in Fig. 9. ing, which today has been further the most common system in today’s
The vessel’s service speed of 28.5 kn developed to include a number of shipboard power grids, there exist
could be maintained using only seven different features and functionality other solutions using alternative fuel.
of the diesel-electric sets. At this [91], [92]. The DP system requires a Prime movers using LNG and nuclear
speed, the fuel savings were about fast acting power system that can steam-turbine plants (turbo-electric
35% compared to the old machinery. supply the propulsion system’s load or geared configuration) have both
The maximum power output from the profile to keep the vessel at the been explored and used, LNG for
power plant was 130 000 hp, in desired coordinates. In addition to reducing air pollution and nuclear as
comparison with the old machinery’s DP systems, the advent of different more or less an infinite power source
110 000 hp. The vessel is still func- thruster designs, such as azimuth cultivating AIP.
tional today, laying in Dubai after (azipod) and bow thrusters, all in- • USS Nautilus was the first
plans for it to become a luxury hotel in creasing the vessel’s maneuverability, nuclear-powered submarine,
Asia stalled [89]. changed the load profile of a vessel commissioned in 1954 (Cold
and required its power system to be War submarine) [94], [95].
B. Toward All-Electric Ships able to supply the necessary load • USS Long Beach was the first
Not only did passenger and cruise profiles in relatively different opera- nuclear-powered navy surface
vessels convert to diesel-electric sys- tions while keeping the fuel consump- vessel, launched in 1959 [95].
tems, but also offshore vessels such as tion at a minimum. With the advent of • NS Savannah was the first
platform supply vessels (PSVs), an- modern power electronics, and the nuclear-powered merchant
chor handling and a range of special application of the thyristor to power (passenger-cargo) vessel,
vessels adopted a diesel-electric con- control in the 1970s, new systems and launched in 1959 [96], [97].
figuration in the 1980s. Due to an electrical equipment could be pow- • MF Glutra was the first LNG-
increase in electric equipment and ered, and the power generation in a powered vessel in the world.
systems used for different operational diesel-electric configuration could be The ferry was set in operation
profilesVa transition toward AESs realized with high efficiency and at in 2000 [98].
[90]Vthe vessels needed reliable appropriate safety levels. In vessels, • Viking Energy and Stril Pioner
power generation which could supply such as the PSVs and naval vessels, were the first LNG-powered
the often rapidly varying load profiles. the power system had to include more cargo vessels, both launched
Also the introduction of dynamic than one primary mover to generate in 2003 [99]–[101].
positioning (DP) systems, in which power to the propulsion system, and • Isla Bella was the first LNG-
interest started to grow with the due to limited space, maximum powered container ship,
offshore drilling in the 1960s when weight limits, and high reliability launched in 2015 [102].
drilling moved to deeper waters requirements, the power system de- For economical reasons, some
where jack-up barges could no longer sign changed from a radial to a zonal vessels, with varying operational
be used, added requirements for the design. modes and propulsion load profiles,

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Fig. 10. Simplified one-line diagram of Norled’s MF Ampere all electric battery ferry [93]. Each side of the ferry’s crossing contains an energy
storage system, which is charged while the vessel is at sea, to not overload the village’s electrical grid when the ferry is charging its batteries.

have adopted a hybrid electric drive 35 000-shp gas turbines (General New technologies such as fuel
(HED) system (sometimes referred to Electric) and six 4000-kW diesel cells and battery energy storage sys-
as the power take-in/power takeoff generators (Fairbanks Morse). The tems (BESSs) using renewable energy
architecture [14]), which adds a vessel uses two auxiliary propulsion have also been explored. In January
propulsion motor to the gearbox of a motors powered by the ship’s electri- 2015, the world’s first fully electric
mechanical-drive propulsion system. cal grid (diesel-electric) at low speed battery powered passenger and car
This is done to allow the electrical (up to 12 kn), while at higher speeds ferry, MF Ampere, was set in operation
distribution system to power the the gas turbines are used [104], [105]. (commissioned and delivered October
propulsion system at low speed. Since such amphibious ships spend 2014) in Norway. The vessel was
Mechanical propulsion engines are about 75% of the time at speeds a joint development between the
in general least effective at low speed, lower or equal to 12 kn, the diesel- Norwegian ferry company Norled
and by using the electric propulsion a electric propulsion is used a majority AS, the shipyard Fjellstrand, and
considerable amount of fuel can be of the time, saving both fuel and wear Siemens AS. The vessel, which was
saved while operating at low speed and tear on the vessel’s primary certified by DNV-GL, is powered by a
(low propulsion power demand) engines. Fig. 11 shows a simplified lightweight Corvus energy storage
[103]. An example of a vessel using a drawing of such a hybrid system, system (ESS), weighing only 20 metric
HED system is USS Makin Island, a where a mechanical engine and an tons, and supplies all the vessel’s power
Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, electric propulsion motor are both demands while at sea [93], [106]. The
which was commissioned in 2009. connected to the gearbox driving the vessel, which is 80 m long, can carry
The ship is equipped with two propeller shaft. 120 cars and 360 passengers, and the
ferry’s crossing, which goes between
Oppedal and Lavik, near Bergen,
Norway, takes about 30 min. The ship’s
batteries, which are approximately
1 MW combined, are charged on each
side of the route using the villages’
electric grids, which distribute hydro-
generated power. Due to fast charging
and to avoid overloading the electrical
grids in the villages, the charging
systems contain battery packs (battery
energy storage systems), which are
Fig. 11. Simplified drawing of a hybrid grid. Diesel-electric propulsion is used for low speeds charged by the villages’ electrical grid
while the prime mover is used for high speeds [14]. while the vessel is at sea. The vessel’s

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hull is optimized to be energy effective, meet the emission requirements, and And the move appears likely to
and each port is equipped with a has also made class societies, such as continue, as the Ampere example
docking system which uses vacuum DNV-GL, develop new rules for use of shows, toward fully electric ships
mounts to keep the ferry at rest without large battery systems in ships, as was with compact electric components,
using the vessel’s propulsion. Fig. 10 done for the Ampere ferry. far from the solution but not from the
shows a simplified one-line diagram of idea of the first experiment of the dc
the ferry’s power system. electric boat by von Jakobi. More than
The implementation of emission V. CONCLUS ION 150 years after this first experiment,
controlled area (ECA) zones at differ- The evolution of the development of and through a trajectory of diverse
ent areas along coastlines defines a set marine vessels, from the earliest technological developments, the con-
of strict requirements for acceptable introduction of electricity in commer- cept of fully electrically driven ships
emission levels from diesel engines, cial vessels with SS Columbia in the seems to not have gone forgotten. h
and in this way pushing the develop- 1880 to the new era of the AES
ment of shipboard power systems marked by the Ampere ferry, has been
toward more environmental friendly presented in this paper. The use of Acknowledgment
solutions. The International Maritime electricity in marine vessels which This work was supported by Ulstein
Organization (IMO) is defining the started far from the idea of an electric Power & Control AS and the Research
standard for emissions in the ECA power system onboard, has however Council of Norway under Project
241205. This work has been carried
zones by the MARPOL Annex VI, spurred the developments of electric out at the Centre for Autonomous
which make designers and engine propulsion systems, and the concept Marine Operations and Systems
manufacturers look into improving of the integrated power system. As (AMOS). The Norwegian Research
performance of engines and the way new needs arose (raising cost of fuels Council is acknowledged as the main
sponsor of AMOS.
they operate in a power system. The and need for improved fuel efficiency)
focus on improving the solutions by and new inventions emerged, elec-
reduction of losses and best possible tricity moved from illumination to ESPEN SKJONG
utilization of the generated power has propulsion systems and energy stor-
introduced centralized and distribut- age, gradually shaping the emergence EGIL RØDSKAR
ed dc solutions as presented by of an electric power grid within the
Siemens (BueDrive-PlusC) [107] and marine vessel. The evolution of the MARTA MOLINAS
ABB (dc grid) [108]. This develop- marine vessel electrical power system,
ment is in line with an increasing in this way shaped also the evolution TOR ARNE JOHANSEN
demand for batteries as part of power of several electrical technologies that
system solutions for ships in order to were customized for use in vessels. JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM

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Espen Skjong received the M.Sc. degree in engineering cybernetics from Cybernetics, NTNU. Her research interests include stability of power
the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, electronics systems, harmonics, oscillatory phenomena, and nonstation-
Norway, in 2014, specializing in model predictive control (MPC) for ary signals from the human and the machine.
autonomous control of UAVs. Dr. Molinas has been an AdCom Member of the IEEE Power Electronics
He is currently with Ulstein Power & Control AS, Ulsteinvik, Norway, as Society. She is an Associate Editor and Reviewer for the IEEE TRANSAC-
an industrial Ph.D. candidate. His research topic is related to optimization TIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS and IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS LETTERS.
in power management systems for marine vessels. His industrial Ph.D.
fellowship is connected to the Center of Excellence on Autonomous Tor Arne Johansen received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering
Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS) at NTNU. cybernetics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, in 1989 and 1994, respectively.
Egil Rødskar received the B.Sc. degree in electrical power systems at
He worked at SINTEF as a researcher before he was appointed an
Møre og Romsdal Ingeniør Høyskole (MRIH), Ålesund, Norway, in 1987.
Associated Professor at NTNU, in 1997 and Professor in 2001. He has
He is currently a Technical Manager within Systems with Ulstein Power &
published several hundred articles in the areas of control, estimation,
Control AS, Ulsteinvik, Norway. He has 25 years of experience in marine
and optimization with applications in the marine, automotive, biomed-
electrical system engineering and project management for installation and
ical, and process industries. In 2002, he cofounded the company Marine
commissioning of marine electrical systems. His experience also covers
Cybernetics AS where he was Vice President until 2008. He is currently a
failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), failure mode, effect and criticality
Principal Researcher within the Center of Excellence on Autonomous
analysis (FMECA) for marine ship systems and knowledge of ship
Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS) and Director of the Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle Laboratory at NTNU.
Marta Molinas (Member, IEEE) received the Diploma degree in Prof. Johansen received the 2006 Arch T. Colwell Merit Award from
electromechanical engineering from the National University of Asuncion, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).
Asuncion, Paraguay, in 1992, the M.Eng. degree from Ryukyu University,
Nishihara, Japan, in 1997, and the Doctor of Engineering degree from the Joseph Cunningham received the B.S. degree in physics from St. Francis
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2000. College of Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
She was a Guest Researcher with the University of Padova, Padova, His interest in electric power systems dates to his youth when his high
Italy, during 1998. From 2004 to 2007, she was a Postdoctoral school science project, ‘‘The Theory and Operation of Alternating
Researcher with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Current,’’ was awarded a first-place gold medal. This success led to a
(NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, and from 2008 to 2014, she was a Professor scholarship and a degree in physics from St. Francis College of Brooklyn
at the Department of Electric Power Engineering at the same university. Heights, Brooklyn, NY, USA. He has researched and authored numerous
From 2008 to 2009, she was a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science booklets, articles, and books on topics such as industrial electrification,
(JSPS) Research Fellow with the Energy Technology Research Institute, electric utility power systems, and electric rail transportation. His latest
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, book, New York Power, was published in 2013 by the IEEE History Center
Tsukuba, Japan. In 2014, she was Visiting Professor at Columbia Press. In 1976, he coauthored a definitive three-volume History of the
University, New York, NY, USA, and Invited Fellow by the Kingdom of New York City Subway System. He has also lectured and taught widely on
Bhutan working with renewable energy microgrids for developing the history of electrotechnology and has consulted on numerous history
regions. She is currently Professor at the Department of Engineering projects and television productions.

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