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Learning Media
(Surprise Trap)

Lecturer: Dr. Irmayani S. S, M. Pd.

Compiled by:
Jila Fauzia Rahma Weni (20033053)
Adib Susilo (20033049)
Cindy Sintia Sari (20033052)
Nurul Aini (21033016)
Regy Aprilian (20033055)



CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................4
1.1. Background................................................................................................4
1.2. Formulation of the problem.......................................................................4
1.3. Purpose......................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................6
2.1. Surprise Trap.............................................................................................6
2.2. How to do a Surprise Trap.........................................................................6
2.3. Macro skill in surprise trap........................................................................9
2.4. The uniqueness of the surprise trap.........................................................10
2.5. Skill competence......................................................................................10
2.6. Type of learning media in surprise trap...................................................10
CHAPTER 3..........................................................................................................12
3.1. Learning media........................................................................................12
3.2. Game Based Learning..............................................................................12
CHAPTER 4..........................................................................................................14
4.1 Conclusion................................................................................................14

Praise and gratitude we convey to Allah, the divine rabbi, who has poured
his mercy and grace on all of us. May the blessings be bestowed on the wise
world leader, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW, as well as his family and
friends. Amen.
Making a paper is a task that must be completed this semester, so with this
paper the author wants to complete the tasks that have been assigned to the author
to fulfill the requirements for lectures in the learning media course at the Islamic
University of Ulum Lamongan. The paper made by the author is fully aware of
the importance of writing so that the paper that the author wrote entitled Surprise
Trap has several difficulties and obstacles, which are due to the lack of knowledge
in writing. However, thanks to the assistance provided by various available
sources, the author was finally able to complete the paper on time.
Hopefully this paper can be useful, especially to the author and hopefully
can be useful for all of us. May Allah SWT will bestow His mercy and grace on
us all. Amen ya Rabbal alamin Billahitaufiq walhidayah

Lamongan, 16 Juni 2022



1.1. Background
The learning process is a process in which there are interaction activities
between teacher-students and reciprocal communication that takes place in
educational situations to achieve learning goals (Rustaman, 2001:461). In the
learning process, teachers and students are two components that cannot be
Learning media is anything that can be used to convey messages or
information in the teaching and learning process so that it can stimulate the
attention and interest of students in learning. Two very important elements in
learning activities, namely methods and learning media.
Learning media through games are widely used by teachers as an alternative to
active and fun learning, active interaction between students and teachers can be an
effective and fun learning stage.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

1. What is meant by learning media?

2. What is a surprise trap?
3. What are the macro skills in the surprise trap?
4. What is unique about the surprise trap?
5. What skill competencies are included in the surprise trap?
6. What types of learning media are included in the surprise trap?

1.3 Purpose
1. To find out learning media
2. To find out the surprise trap
3. To find out the Macro skills contained in the surprise trap
4. To find out the uniqueness of the surprise trap
5. To find out the skill competences contained in the surprise trap
6. To find out the type of learning media contained in the surprise trap


2.1. Surprise Trap

Surprise trap is a game that invites students to move while improve their
English skills, the way is there are two people as guards and the fort and the rest
make a line that passes through the fort, the fort will be closed if the English song
sung is finished and the caught child will be given a surprise quiz related English.
The steps that can be taken by the teacher to run the mind mapping game are
as follows:
a. The teacher conveys the rules of the game to the students.
b. The teacher gives examples first to students to then practice.
c. The teacher then guides the students to form a line.
d. Students practice what is exemplified by the teacher.
e. Students and teachers sing, play and study together.
f. After everything is finished, then the teacher evaluates and closes the

2.2. How to do a Surprise Trap

Here's how to play the surprise trap game:

a. The first step, the teacher reads the rules of the game
b. The second step, the teacher chooses 2 students to be the guards of the
Picture 1. How to do Surprise Trap

c. The third step, the students make a line to the back, the teacher plays
music and sings together, the students who line up then walk through the

Picture 2. How to do Surprise Trap

d. Fourth step, when the song is finished, the castle guards will arrest the
students who are among them
Picture 3. How to do Surprise Trap

e. The fifth step, students will be given a surprise quiz about English using
cards that have been randomized

Picture 4. How to do Surprise Trap

f. The sixth step, if the student can answer the quiz on the quiz card, the
student will get a prize chosen from a random gift card
Picture 5. How to do Surprise Trap

g. The last step, if the student cannot answer the quiz, the student will be
given the punishment he chose from a random punishment card

Picture 6. How to do Surprise Trap

2.3. Macro skill in surprise trap

Children's social skills can be developed in fun methods and ways. One of
them is the macro role playing method. Macro role playing is one of the fun active
play activities, with role playing children are given the opportunity to explore
what they encounter in their surrounding environment. Most children really like
role playing, because basically children are great imitators. The macro role
playing method can be done when learning in early childhood education by
developing a learning design with indicators that are in accordance with the
implementation of role playing.

2.4. The uniqueness of the surprise trap

In the surprise trap students can learn, sing and dance together so as to make
the social spirit of the students closer and can hone their English skills with the
challenge puzzles given.

2.5. Skill competence

a. Speaking skill: speaking skills can be obtained and improved from super trap
learning media by singing together and doing challenges when exposed to puzzle
traps in the game.

b. Listening skill: listening ability can be obtained and improved from super trap
learning media by listening to English songs together and singing together.

2.6. Type of learning media in surprise trap

a. Audio Media
Various kinds of audio learning media serve to channel audio messages
from the source of the message to the recipient of the message. The audio media
used in the surprise trap is radio, mp3 or smartphone to play English songs that
will be used in learning media.
b. Visual Media
Various kinds of visual learning media are media that only rely on the sense
of sight. The visual media used in the surprise trap is humans as an example,
namely the teacher as an example that students will follow.

c. Miscellaneous Media
Various kinds of various learning media are media that are adapted to the
potential around learning, around schools or in other locations or in the
community that can be used as teaching media. The surprise trap also uses items
around it to be a challenge in the game.


3.1. Learning media

According to Heinich, and friends (1982) in Arsyad (2013: 3) put forward
the term medium as an intermediary that conveys information between the source
and the recipient. This definition emphasizes the term media as an intermediary.
Media serves to connect information from one party to another. While in the
world of education the word media is called learning media.
Furthermore, Gagne and Briggs (1975) in Arsyad (2013:4) explicitly say that
learning media includes tools that are physically used to convey the content of
teaching materials.
Learning media is everything that can be used to convey messages or
information in the teaching and learning process so that it can stimulate students'
attention and interest in learning, media is also a tool used to convey learning
material. This tool can be in the form of graphic, visual, electronic and audio tools
that are used to facilitate the information conveyed to students,
Based on the definitions or opinions of experts, it can be concluded that
learning media are tools used in the learning process to convey messages, ideas or
ideas in the form of teaching materials to students by the teacher. In general, the
purpose of using instructional media is to assist teachers in conveying messages or
subject matter to students, so that messages are easier to understand, more
interesting, and more fun to students.

3.2. Game Based Learning

Game-based learning is elements of an engaging, educational, classroom
game. (Rebbeca, _) namely game-based learning is an element of fun, educational
and classroom games. According to Perrota et al (2013:i), Game-based learning
broadly refers to the use of video games to support teaching and learning. That is,
game-based learning broadly refers to the use of video games to support the
learning process.
According to Maiga (2009: 198), playing is an important rule in the learning
environment because it increases the learning experience that is easy to remember,
heightens the mood of students in carrying out learning effectively and also calls
for students' attention and encourages repetition of material as a result of pleasant
Games are something that is interesting and fun. With learning packaged in
games, students will feel comfortable, interested and fun so that students' memory
of the material presented is also quite high.


4.1 Conclusion
Learning media is anything that can be used to convey messages or
information in the teaching and learning process so that it can stimulate students'
attention and interest in learning. Game-based learning is a learning model that
applies and blends educational, fun, and game components in the learning process
so as to create a comfortable, fun, and active learning atmosphere. Games are
something that is interesting and fun. With learning packaged in games, students
will feel comfortable, interested and fun so that students' memory of the material
presented is also quite high.
Motion game-based learning media such as surprise trap can have
advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of this learning model are
that students can play a direct and active role, besides that the learning process
also becomes comfortable and fun in the learning process so that students'
understanding and memory of the material are strong. The weakness is that in this
model the class is often less conducive, noisy so that it can disturb other classes.

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Andriani, D. 2021. Yuk Asa 3 Skill Ini Dengan Game

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