Selective Dissolution and Cementitious Property Evaluation of Converter Steel Slag

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Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336

DOI 10.1617/s11527-012-9904-4


Selective dissolution and cementitious property evaluation

of converter steel slag
Zaibo Li • Sanyin Zhao • Xuguang Zhao •

Tusheng He • Meifeng Yan

Received: 31 January 2012 / Accepted: 25 June 2012 / Published online: 13 July 2012
Ó RILEM 2012

Abstract High-efficiency recovery and utilization of Keywords Steel slag  Cementitious property
steel slag are important concerns for environmental evaluation  Dissolution  Utilization
protection and sustainable development. To establish a
method for rapid evaluation of cementitious property of
steel slag, selective dissolution tests of converter steel 1 Introduction
slag were performed in a compound solution consist-
ing of acetone, salicylic acid, and methanol. Feasible It is well known that cement industry is a high energy
experimental conditions, repeatability and mechanism, consumption industry and its CO2 emission accounts for
were investigated. The relationship between selective about 7 % of global CO2 emissions. In 2011, about 2.2
dissolution behavior and cementitious property (repre- billion tons of cement was produced worldwide. It is very
sented as mortar compressive strength) was analyzed. advantageous to use mineral admixture, especially steel
The compound solution selectively dissolved calcium slag, as partial substitutes for cement to reduce the cement
silicate minerals in steel slag satisfactorily and most of consumption [18]. Steel slag is the residual waste of steel
the mass fraction of (CaO ? SiO2) to the total dis- production process, being from either the conversion
solved matter from steel slag is as high as 94 to 98 %. process of iron to steel in a basic oxygen furnace(BOF), or
The dissolution experiment had good repeatability. A the melting of scrap to make steel in an electric arc
significant linear relationship between the mass per- furnace (EAF), and the amount of which is about
centage of the dissolved matter from steel slag and the 10–15 % of the steel yield [5]. Today nearly 100 million
mortar compressive strength increment of the cemen- tons of steel slag is discharged every year in China alone.
titious material prepared from reference cement and Many studies showed that steel slag can be used as
steel slag was observed. The linear correlation coeffi- supplementary cementitious materials of high properties
cient was more than 0.99. Therefore, selective disso- in cement and concrete [3, 11, 13, 15]. The common
lution in a compound solution can be used for rapidly minerals in steel slag are olivine, merwinite, alite, belite,
predicting the cementitious property of converter steel calcium aluminio-ferrite, calcium ferrite, RO phase
slag. (CaO–FeO–MnO–MgO solid solution) and free-CaO
[4]. The presence of alite, belite, calcium aluminio-ferrite
and calcium ferrite endorses steel slag hydraulic proper-
Z. Li  S. Zhao (&)  X. Zhao  T. He  M. Yan ties. Generally, cement blending with steel slag has longer
School of Chemistry and Environment Engineering,
setting time and lower early strength compared with
Shaoguan University, Shaoguan 512005,
People’s Republic of China Portland cement, and sometimes causes much vol-
e-mail: ume expansion due to its high content of dead-burned
328 Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336

free-CaO. Owing to the above disadvantages and the from different sources in China and used in this study.
pollution problems of heavy metals, the utilization ratio of The slags came from Shaogang Iron and Steel Group
steel slag in cement and concrete is very low. Co. Ltd. (Guangdong province), Baosteel Group Corp.
The cementitious property of steel slag from different (Shanghai), Jigang Group Co. Ltd. (Shandong prov-
sources varies significantly due to the differences of raw ince), Handan Iron and Steel Group Co. Ltd. (Hebei
material sources, steelmaking process and chemical province), Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group Co. Ltd.
composition of steel slag [9, 10, 12, 19, 20]. As a result of (Guangxi province), and Ma’anshan Group Co. Ltd.
the large fluctuation of cementitious activity of steel slag, (Anhui province). Reference cement with 42.5 grade
it is difficulty to control the quality of industrial product produced by Xingfa Cement Co. Ltd. (Beijing) was
based mainly on steel slag powder. Presently, researches also used in this study. The chemical compositions and
on the evaluations of cementitious property of steel slag densities of the reference cement and steel slag
are generally based on strength ratio [14], correlation of powders are listed in Table 1. It is showed that the
composition parameter [16], accelerated chemical chemical compositions of steel slags vary greatly with
method [8], volume expansion tests [17], microscopic the raw materials sources and process used. For
analysis [1] and leach of steel slag components [6]. instance, the content of Al2O3 in SS-7# is close to
However, such methods yield poor accuracy or require 28 % while other kinds of steel slags fall within the
lengthy testing periods to complete, rendering them range of 1–5 %. The density of SS-3# is the highest
impractical for wide-scale use. Thus, a rapid and highly due to its high content of Fe.
accurate method for evaluating the cementitious proper-
ties of steel slag must be developed. On the basis of the 2.2 Experimental methods
research of Luke et al. [7], the present study presents a
method for selective dissolution of steel slag in salicylic 2.2.1 Selective dissolution test
acid–methanol–acetone (SAMA) solution. Moreover,
the present study further establishes the relationship SAMA solution was prepared by mixing salicylic acid,
between dissolution characteristics of converter steel methanol and acetone, which the volume ratio of
slag in SAMA solution and strength properties of methanol and acetone was 30:70 and salicylic acid
cementitious material based mainly on steel slag. concentration was 50 mg ml-1. Dried to constant
weight at 105 °C, the powder sample (2 g, accurate to
0.0001 g) was dissolved in 200 ml SAMA solution
2 Materials and experiment using a powerful electric stirring mixer at 500 rad/min
to the required time at 20 °C. The mixture was then
2.1 Materials filtered using a Büchner funnel filter apparatus with
quantitative analysis filter paper and a sintered disc
Seven kinds of converter steel slags (BOF slag), filter apparatus with a membrane of 0.20 lm pore size.
named SS-1# to SS-7# respectively, were collected The filtration residue was washed several times with

Table 1 Chemical composition and density of reference cement and steel slag powders
Sample Chemical composition (wt%) Density (kg m-3)
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 TFe MgO SO3 MnO f-CaO Loss

Reference cement 63.11 23.52 4.48 3.04 1.28 2.87 0.00 0.36 0.96 3140
SS-1# 49.11 18.18 1.05 16.18 6.74 0.48 2.79 4.34 1.84 3270
SS-2# 40.01 18.94 2.91 23.57 5.36 0.35 2.79 2.79 0.04 3300
SS-3# 41.06 11.51 1.57 32.71 8.09 0.08 0.42 2.61 0.81 3610
SS-4# 44.53 14.84 3.19 22.15 7.50 0.36 0.17 0.73 2.39 3430
SS-5# 45.11 14.99 5.06 20.96 6.69 0.40 1.68 2.88 2.24 3390
SS-6# 38.90 17.12 4.58 21.31 6.99 0.38 3.10 3.43 4.76 3240
SS-7# 41.64 7.88 27.99 5.66 9.58 1.07 0.20 1.00 4.30 2980
Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336 329

anhydrous methanol, and then dried to constant weight 2.2.4 Preparation of mortars
at 105 °C.
Cement mortar prisms of 40 9 40 9 160 mm were
2.2.2 Chemical composition analysis prepared for strength measurements according to
Chinese National Standard GB/T 17671-1999 Method
The dissolved matter quantity from powder sample in the of Testing Cements: Determination of Strength and GB/
SAMA solution was determined based on the quantity of T 20491-2006 Steel Slag Powder Used for Cement and
the filtration residue. After evaporation and burning, the Concrete. The ratio of binder to sand was 1:3. The ratio
chemical composition of the filtrate, CaO and SiO2, of water to binder was 1:2. The ratio of cement to steel
was analyzed by EDTA complexometry (according to slag was 70:30. After demoulding, the specimens were
Chinese National Standard GB/T 5069-2007 Complexo- cured in water at 20 ± 2 °C. Strength measurements
metric titration method for determination of calcium were carried out after 7, 28, and 90 days of curing.
oxide and magnesium oxide content) and potassium
fluorosilicate volumetric analysis (according to Chinese
National Standard GB/T 19421-2008 Potassium fluosi- 3 Experimental results and analysis
licate volumetric methods for determination of silica
dioxide content), respectively. 3.1 Effect of dissolving conditions
on the dissolved matter quantity
2.2.3 Mineral composition analysis and microscopic
morphology analysis The effect of salicylic acid concentration (factor A),
solvent volume (factor B), and dissolving time (factor
XRD analysis was done using D/Max-III-type auto- C) on the dissolved matter quantity from SS-4# and
matic X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku Electric Machin- SS-5# powders, with a Blaine specific surface area of
ery Corporation, Japan). The testing conditions were 400 m2 kg-1, was investigated through an L9 (34)
as follows: Cu target, graphite filter, tube voltage of orthogonal experiment. F test was adopted to deter-
30 kV, current of 30 mA, scanning speed of 12°/min, minate the significance of effect of dissolving condi-
and scanning range of 10°–80°. The microstructures of tions on dissolution experiment. The orthogonal
the samples were analyzed by an XL-30 scanning experimental design and experimental results are
electron microscope (Philips, Netherlands) with a shown in Table 2. The variance analysis results are
resolution of 0.35 nm and an accelerating voltage of shown in Table 3.
0–30 kV. Micro-area compositions were determined Comparing the values of Fi with Fcritical (F0.05 or
by X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS, F0.01), it can be seen that salicylic acid concentration
Thermo NORAN Vantage). (factor A) and solvent volume (factor B) has no

Table 2 Effect of dissolving conditions on the dissolved matter quantity from steel slag
Test number A B C D Dissolved matter quantity from steel slag (mg)
Salicylic acid Solvent Dissolving Error SS-4# SS-5#
concentration (mg ml-1) volume (ml) time (min) column

1 25 (level 1) 200 (level 1) 30 (level 1) Level 1 712.2 628.7

2 25 (level 1) 250 (level 2) 60 (level 2) Level 2 793.7 778.4
3 25 (level 1) 300 (level 3) 120 (level 3) Level 3 869.9 849.8
4 50 (level 2) 200 (level 1) 60 (level 2) Level 3 826.0 804.9
5 50 (level 2) 250 (level 2) 120 (level 3) Level 1 802.7 810.2
6 50 (level 2) 300 (level 3) 30 (level 1) Level 2 714.9 714.8
7 75 (level 3) 200 (level 1) 120 (level 3) Level 2 837.8 777.1
8 75 (level 3) 250 (level 2) 30 (level 1) Level 3 714.9 563.1
9 75 (level 3) 300 (level 3) 60 (level 2) Level 1 807.7 730.1
330 Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336

Table 3 Table of variance

Factor Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Fi F0.05 F0.01
A 2.376 2.344 2.360 0.00 6.94 18.00
B 2.376 2.311 2.393 2.00 6.94 18.00
C 2.142 2.427 2.510 50.00 6.94 18.00
A 2.257 2.330 2.070 4.80 6.94 18.00
B 2.211 2.152 2.295 1.20 6.94 18.00
C 1.907 2.313 2.437 20.40 6.94 18.00

significant effect on the dissolving result, but dissolv- The total dissolved matter quantity and its CaO and
ing time (factor C) is a significant factor. The dis- SiO2 contents are shown in Tables 4 and 5. Relative
solved matter quantity from steel slag in the SAMA standard deviation (RSD) of the repeatability exper-
solution increases with longer dissolving time. iment results was used to denote its precision.
Results of repeated dissolving trial show that the
3.2 Influence of fineness of steel slag powder dissolved matter quantity of CaO, SiO2 and the total
on the dissolved matter quantity dissolved matter quantity is close under the same
dissolving condition. Both the values of RSD are less
Three kinds of steel slag powders, SS-1#, SS-2# and than 3 % except for the dissolved matter quantity of
SS-3#, with different Blaine specific surface areas SiO2 when dissolving time was 70 min for SS-5#. It
obtained from the Shaogang Iron and Steel Group Co. can be concluded that the precision of the dissolu-
Ltd. and Baosteel Group Corp., were prepared. The tion experiment was high and the repeatability was
influence of the fineness of steel slag powder on the excellent. With the smallest RSD, the total quantity
mass percentage of the dissolved matter quantity from dissolved from steel slag is deemed appropriate as an
steel slag was investigated. The experimental results evaluation parameter of the dissolution experiment.
are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Figure 1 shows that, with same dissolving time, the 3.4 Analysis of dissolved matter
mass percentage of the dissolved matter quantity from
steel slag in the SAMA solution increases with the 3.4.1 Chemical composition analysis
fineness of steel slag powder when the Blaine specific
surface area is in the range of 200–400 m2 kg-1. A variety of converter steel slag from different sources
However, the mass percentage of dissolved matter were dissolved in the SAMA solution at different
quantity is almost independent of the fineness of steel dissolving times using 50 mg ml-1 salicylic acid and
slag powder when the Blaine specific surface area is in 200 ml solvent volume. The mass fractions of
the range of 400–600 m2 kg-1, the maximum mass (CaO ? SiO2) to the total dissolved matter quantity
percentage of the dissolved matter quantity can be from steel slag are shown in Table 6.
obtained with a dissolving time of 2 h. Table 6 shows that the mass fraction of (CaO ?
SiO2) to the total dissolved matter quantity from steel
3.3 Repeatability of dissolution experiment slag is as high as 94–98 %, except for SS-7# in a
dissolving time of 30 and 60 min being its extremely
Steel slag powders of SS-4# and SS-5#, with Blaine high content of Al2O3 in raw material. The high mass
specific surface areas of 506 and 494 m2 kg-1, fraction of (CaO ? SiO2) to the total dissolved matter
respectively, were prepared. Each dissolution exper- quantity illustrates that the dissolved matter from steel
iment was conducted six times in parallel. Dissolving slag in the SAMA solution is composed mainly of
times were set as 30 and 70 min in this experiment. calcium silicate minerals.
Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336 331

Mass percent of steel slag

dissolved (w t %)



10 min
30 30 min
25 2h

15 (a)

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Blaine specific surface area of steel
slag powder /(

Mass percent of steel slag

dissolved (w t %)


10 min
30 min
20 1h Fig. 2 SEM images of SS-1#: a before being dissolved, b after
2h being dissolved for 4 h
(b) 3.4.2 Mineral composition and morphological
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Blaine specific surface area of
XRD analysis was conducted on reference cement and
steel slag powder /(
steel slags before being dissolved in the SAMA
solution, as well as on the residue after being dissolved
Mass percent of steel slag

in the SAMA solution for 4 h. The XRD results are

35 shown in Table 7.
dissolved (w t %)

Taking the SS-1# as an example, the results of

30 morphological observation and micro-area composi-
tions are shown in Fig. 2 and Table 8.
25 Results of XRD analysis show that the main
10 min minerals in reference cement are alite, belite, trical-
20 30 min
1h cium aluminate (C3A) and dicalcium ferrite (C2F).
2h There mainly exists dode-calcium hepta-aluminate
15 4h
(c) (C12A7) and C3A in SS-7#, as well as a small amount
of Belite and MgO. The main minerals of the other
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
kinds of steel slag are alite, belite, C2F and RO phase.
Blaine specific surface area of When reference cement and steel slags were dissolved
steel slag powder ( in the SAMA solution for 4 h, the characteristic
diffraction peaks of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and
Fig. 1 Influence of fineness of steel slag powder on the mass
percentage of the dissolved matter quantity: a SS-1#, b SS-2#, dicalcium silicate (C2S) disappeared, but those of the
and c SS-3# other minerals were retained. The results of SEM–EDS
332 Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336

Table 4 Results of repeated dissolving trial of SS-4# in the SAMA solution

Dissolving Sequence number CaO SiO2 Total
time (min) of repeated trial
Dissolved matter RSD Dissolved matter RSD Dissolved matter RSD (%)
quantity (mg) (%) quantity (mg) (%) quantity (mg)

30 1 547.5 1.22 215.9 1.79 789.8 1.37

2 566.0 222.0 817.7
3 561.8 221.0 808.7
4 551.7 214.1 793.9
5 553.4 212.1 791.9
6 556.4 218.3 803.0
70 1 596.2 2.22 236.9 2.22 862.4 0.92
2 597.9 238.3 865.2
3 595.4 231.6 857.0
4 591.2 227.7 849.7
5 596.2 236.9 861.7
6 587.8 226.3 845.3

Table 5 Results of repeated dissolving trial of SS-5# in the SAMA solution

Dissolving Sequence number CaO SiO2 Total
time (min) of repeated trial
Dissolved matter RSD Dissolved matter RSD Dissolved matter RSD
quantity (mg) (%) quantity (mg) (%) quantity (mg) (%)

30 1 531.1 0.48 171.5 2.25 736.2 1.01

2 529.0 175.0 742.6
3 529.0 178.9 744.2
4 532.7 177.7 745.2
5 535.8 183.0 758.4
6 532.4 174.7 750.2
70 1 569.4 2.28 192.3 3.45 812.8 0.70
2 566.0 192.3 819.9
3 568.5 194.1 818.1
4 566.0 191.3 814.0
5 558.4 185.8 806.2
6 535.8 176.8 806.7

Table 6 Mass fraction of (CaO ? SiO2) to the total dissolved matter quantity (wt%)
Dissolving SS-1# SS-2# SS-3# SS-4# SS-5# SS-6# SS-7#
time (min)

2 94.16 97.57 94.28 95.83 96.41 94.93 97.24

5 94.36 95.98 94.42 96.14 95.22 96.43 94.74
10 95.43 97.13 93.50 97.11 95.11 95.56 94.83
20 95.10 95.63 94.78 97.10 95.10 95.46 95.84
30 96.88 95.16 93.52 95.81 94.14 95.09 90.75
60 94.56 95.47 94.86 96.32 95.05 94.73 90.16
Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336 333

Table 7 Mineral composition of reference cement and steel slags determinated by XRD
Sample Before being dissolved After being dissolved for 4 h

Reference C3S, C2S, C2F, MgO, SiO2, C2MS2, C3A, CaSO40.5H2O C2F, CaSO40.5H2O, MgO, SiO2, C2MS2, C3A
SS-1# C3S, C2S, CMS, Ca(OH)2, C2F, f-CaO, FeO FeO, CMS, Ca(OH)2, f-CaO, C2F,
SS-2# C3S, C2S, C2MS2, SiO2, Ca(OH)2, C2F, FeO C2F, FeO, C2MS2, SiO2, MgO
SS-3# C3S, C2S, C2F, FeO C2F, FeO, MgO
SS-4# C3S, C2S, C2F, FeO, CMS2 C2F, FeO, MgO, C2MS2
SS-5# C3S, C2S, FeO, CFS, Ca(OH)2, C2F, SiO2 FeO, CFS, Ca(OH)2, MgO, C2F, C2MS2, SiO2
SS-6# C3S, C2S, FeO, CFS, Ca(OH)2, C2F, SiO2, C2MS2 FeO, CFS, C2F, SiO2, MgO, C2MS2
SS-7# C2S, C12A7, Ca(Mg,Al)2O6, MgO, C3A, C12A7, Ca(Mg,Al)2O6, MgO, C3A,
Ca3Al2(O4H4)3, MA Ca3Al2(O4H4)3, MA

Table 8 Micro-area composition of SS-1# in Fig. 2 (at.%)

Micro-area Mg Al Si Ca Mn Fe P Ti O

a 1.40 – 10.39 30.21 – 2.81 – – 55.20 100.00

b 1.27 – 11.05 29.77 0.36 4.12 0.21 – 53.22 100.00
c 1.36 – 10.82 28.78 0.58 3.05 – – 55.41 100.00
d 2.18 0.64 9.28 23.71 1.38 4.31 1.67 – 56.89 100.00
e 10.28 – 2.54 4.85 3.49 41.06 1.44 – 36.41 100.00
f 12.66 – 2.41 4.22 4.24 41.35 0.51 – 34.62 100.00
g 5.84 2.08 6.61 13.40 3.48 14.70 – 1.08 52.78 100.00
h 14.70 – 3.76 6.98 2.15 18.50 0.55 – 53.39 100.00
i 14.50 0.24 2.65 8.21 – 19.29 – – 55.08 100.00
j 17.73 – 2.64 7.80 2.50 18.01 – – 51.32 100.00
k 15.94 0.40 3.42 9.75 2.29 16.39 – – 51.81 100.00

analysis was in accordance with that of XRD. Based on 3.5.2 Cementitious property of cement-steel slag
the changes of diffraction peaks of the samples before complex cementitious materials
and after dissolving in the SAMA solution, it can say
that the SAMA solution can selectively dissolve A variety of cementitious materials were prepared
calcium silicate minerals in cement and steel slag. using reference cement and steel slag with a 70:30
mass ratio. Figure 4 shows the mortar compressive
3.5 Relationship between the mass percentage strengths of the cement-steel slag complex cemen-
of the dissolved matter and the cementitious titious materials. It can be observed that cement
property of cement-steel slag complex blending with steel slag has a lower strength
cementitious material compared with Portland cement. The kind of steel
slag strongly influences the compressive strength
3.5.1 Dissolving results of seven kinds of steel slags of the mortar produced. Relationship between
in the SAMA solution the cementitious property of steel slag and its
alkalinity was discussed in Ref. [2]. The com-
Dissolution experiments were conducted on seven pressive strengths of mortars prepared from dif-
kinds of steel slags using 50 mg ml-1 salicylic acid ferent kind of steel slag vary considerably with
and 200 ml solvent volume. The mass percentage of curing age. These differences reflect complicated
the dissolved matter from steel slag at different actions among bonding components in cementi-
dissolving times is shown in Fig. 3. tious materials.
334 Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336

55 Lr is the mass percentage of the dissolved matter

50 from steel slag at a given dissolving time, which is
Mass percent of steel slag

45 given in brackets (%).

dissolved (w t %)

40 DP(curing age II–curing age I) is the increment of mortar

35 compressive strength of cement-steel slag complex
binder from curing age I to curing age II (MPa).
25 SS-3# Linear regression analysis was performed between
SS-1# SS-2# Lr(dissolving time) and DP(curing age II–curing age I) for
20 SS-4# SS-6#
SS-5# SS-7# different sources of steel slags. As shown in Figs. 5
and 6, a significant linear relationship between
Lr(dissolving time) and DP(curing age II–curing age I) existed,
and the linear correlation coefficient of Lr(5 min) and
2 5 10 20 30 60 120 240 480 DP(90 d–7 d) was 0.9936 and that of Lr(60 min) and
Dissolving time (min) DP(90 d–28 d) was 0.9974.
Fig. 3 Mass percentage of dissolved matter from steel slag in
It is well known that the presence of cementitious
SAMA solution minerals such as C3S, C2S and C4AF etc. in steel slag
endorses it with potential cementitious property. Due
to low content of cementitious minerals in comparison
3.5.3 Analysis of the relationship between the mass to Portland cement clinker, steel slag can only be
percentage of the dissolved matter from steel regarded as a weak Portland cement clinker. As the
slag and its cementitious property results mentioned above, the kind of steel slag strongly
influences the mortar compressive strength of cement-
In order to analyze the relationship between the mass steel slag complex binder. There exists a significant
percentage of the dissolved matter from steel slag and linear relationship between Lr and DP because the
its cementitious property conveniently, two parame- value of Lr obtained reflects the content of cementi-
ters were defined as follows: tious minerals in steel slag, which is vital to the

Fig. 4 The mortar 65

compressive strength of
90d + +
cement-steel slag complex
cementitious materials
28d +
Mortar compressive strength (MPa)










reference SS-1# SS-2# SS-3# SS-4# SS-5# SS-6# SS-7#
Mortar samples
Materials and Structures (2013) 46:327–336 335

condition, the dissolution experiment shows good

repeatability. The mass percentage of dissolved matter
22 from steel slag has a significant linear relationship with
ΔP(90d-7d) (MPa)

mortar compressive strength increment of cementitious

20 material prepared form reference cement and steel slag
with mass ratio of 70:30. The linear correlation
18 coefficient is more than 0.99. Analysis of the chemical
compositions, mineral composition and microscopic
morphology show the dissolved matter from steel slag
in the SAMA solution is mainly calcium silicate
minerals. The cementitious property of steel slag can be
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 predicted rapidly through the selective dissolution of
Lr(5min) calcium silicate minerals using the SAMA solution.
Fig. 5 Relationship of Lr(5 min) and DP(90 d–7 d) Acknowledgments This study and the completion of this
paper were supported by the National Program on Key Basic
Research Project (973 Program) of China (Project No.
2009CB623104) and National Natural Science Foundation of
13 China (Project No. 51172145).


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