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Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507

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Construction and Building Materials

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Influence of slag composition and temperature on the hydration and

microstructure of slag blended cements
Okiemute Roland Ogirigbo, Leon Black ⇑
Institute of Resilient Infrastructure, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom

h i g h l i g h t s

 Slag composition and curing temperature both influence the hydration of slag blends.
 Curing temperature plays a more significant role than composition.
 The compositional requirements of slags are more exacting at higher temperatures.
 More basic slags are preferred for use in tropical climates.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: GGBS is used extensively as a cement replacement material, reducing the carbon footprint of cement
Received 17 March 2016 while potentially improving technical performance. However, standards consider hydration of slag com-
Received in revised form 4 August 2016 posite cements only at 20 °C. This may not be applicable for use in tropical climates. This work has inves-
Accepted 17 September 2016
tigated the impact of GGBS composition and curing temperature on the hydration, microstructure and
subsequent transport properties of such composite cements. Two slags, of differing compositions, were
combined with a CEM I 52.5 R at 30% replacement. Paste samples were characterised by calorimetry,
TGA, XRD and SEM to follow hydration and microstructural development. Mortar samples were used
Slag composition
to follow strength development and water transport properties. All tests were carried out at tempera-
Temperature tures of 20 and 38 °C. The higher temperature resulted in an increase in the degree of hydration of the
Hydration slags, but had a deleterious impact on the microstructure. The more basic slag had higher strengths
Microstructure and greater degrees of hydration especially at the high temperature. The results showed that temperature
Slag blends had a much greater influence on the reactivity of the slags than the difference in chemical composition.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction system and temperature at the early stages of hydration [6]. The
hydraulicity increases with the particle fineness [7] and the glass
GGBS is a by-product from iron manufacture. The molten iron content. Typical glass content of GGBS vary between 85 and 90%
slag from the blast furnace is quenched with water or steam to pro- [8]. BS EN 197-1:2011 [9] specifies that at least two-third of the
duce a glassy and granular material, which is grounded to a fine mass of the slag must be glassy, although research data show that
powder to produce GGBS. The material has almost the same fine- slag samples with as little as 30–65% glass contents are still suit-
ness and specific surface area as Portland cement [1]. The material able [10].
is glassy in nature and latently hydraulic [2], and its use in mortar The oxides of calcium, magnesium and aluminium are known to
and concrete has been specified by various standards [3,4]. How- increase the hydraulicity of GGBS, while those of silicon and man-
ever, the nature of the ore, composition of the limestone flux, coke ganese decrease it [11]. MgO has the same influence as CaO up to
consumption and the type of iron being made are factors which about 11% by weight [5]. Increasing the Al2O3 content to 13% and
affect the chemical composition of GGBS [5]. above will result in an increase in early strength and a decrease
The hydraulicity of GGBS depends mainly on its chemical com- in the later strength [12]. Wang et al. [13] observed a positive cor-
position, glass content, particle fineness, alkalinity of the reacting relation between the Al2O3 content and the reactivity of the slags,
for slags having a CaO content greater than 37%. In another study
⇑ Corresponding author. by Ben Haha et al. [11,14], it was observed that the reactivity of
E-mail addresses: cnoro@leeds.ac.uk (O.R. Ogirigbo), L.Black@leeds.ac.uk the slags increased with the magnesia content. As they increased
(L. Black). the alumina content, the reactivity of the slags was reduced at

0950-0618/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507 497

Table 1 Table 4
Oxide composition of the starting materials. Basicity and activity indices of the slags.

Property Unit CEM I 52.5 R Slag 1 Slag 2 Requirement for Slag 1 Slag 2
a a good performance
LOI at 950 °C % 2.54 (+1.66) (+0.40)
SiO2 % 19.10 36.58 40.14 Basicity/hydraulic index
Al2O3 % 5.35 12.23 7.77 CaO/SiO2 1.3–1.4 [10] 1.05 0.94
TiO2 % 0.25 0.83 0.30 (CaO + MgO)/SiO2 >1.0 [9] 1.28 1.18
MnO % 0.03 0.64 0.64 (CaO + MgO + Al2O3)/SiO2 P1.0 [28] 1.61 1.37
Fe2O3 % 2.95 0.48 0.78
Activity index (%)
CaO % 62.38 38.24 37.9
7 day >45% [3] 58.8 53.6
MgO % 2.37 8.55 9.51
28 day >70% [3] 84.3 84.3
K2O % 1.05 0.65 0.55
Na2O % 0.05 0.27 0.36
SO3 % 3.34 1.00 1.47
P2O5 % 0.10 0.06 0.02 stage hydration of PC slag blends using isothermal calorimetry and
Sum at 950 °C % 99.50 99.88 99.43 chemical shrinkage. They used three different PC slag blends com-
a prising of 40, 50 and 65% of slag. All three blends were hydrated at
The sample was oxidized with HNO3 before the determination of LOI.
temperatures of 15, 27, 38 and 60 °C. They observed that the slag
reacted more slowly than the PC component at 15 °C and at an
Table 2 accelerated rate at temperatures above 27 °C. Substantial portions
Crystalline phases of the cementitious materials. of the slag had reacted within the first 24 h at temperatures of
27 °C and above. Similar findings were also reported by others
Phase Unit CEM I 52.5R Slag 1 Slag 2
Alite, C3S % 62.1
In all these studies, the issue of how changes in temperature
Belite, C2S % 8.9
Aluminate, C3A % 9.1 affect the hydration process of slags of different chemical compo-
Ferrite, C4AF % 8.5 sitions was not fully explored. This will be of importance due to
Calcite % 1.8 0.3 0.5 the widespread use of GGBS as a cementitious material in tropical
Anhydrite, AH % 0.6 climatic regions. This paper looks at how variation in chemical
Hemihydrate, HH % 2.4
Gypsum % 1.7
composition of slag coupled with a change in temperature will
Merwinite % <0.1 2.3 affect the hydration process of slag blended cements, and how this
Akermanite % 0.2 <0.1 relates to the microstructure and subsequent transport properties.
Illite % 0.2 <0.1
Gehlenite % <0.1 <0.1
Glass content % 99.3 97.1 2. Experimental programme
Others % 5.0
Total % 100.1 100 100
2.1. Materials

Two slags were combined with a CEM I 52.5 R at 30% replace-

ment level to produce slag blends designated as S1 and S2 respec-
Table 3
tively. Both slags had similar physical properties, with different
Physical properties of cementitious materials.
chemical compositions (notably the alumina and silica contents).
Property Unit CEM I 52.5 R Slag 1 Slag 2 The oxide and phase composition of the as-received slags and
Density g/cm3 3.18 2.94 2.95 cement are shown in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. The X-ray diffrac-
Blaine m2/kg 571 449 409 tion showing the amorphous and crystalline phases and the
Particle size, d50 lm – 11.0 11.9
particle size distribution of the slags are shown in Figs. 1and 2

C Mw
early ages, but became similar at later ages beyond 28 days. How-
ever, of the three slags they studied, the CaO content of the two
high alumina slag was less than 37%. For other oxides like P2O5,
the influence depends on the clinker type and test age, but gener-
ally has a positive influence beyond 28 days of curing. Oxides of tin Slag 1
and iron, as well as sulphur, seem not to have any effect [5]. Slag 2
Ratios of these oxides have been used by various standards to
assess the hydraulicity of a slag. For example, EN 197-1:2011 pre-
scribes that for GGBS, the (CaO + MgO)/SiO2 ratio by mass must
exceed 1 [9]. Several workers [5,10,15], have also suggested other
oxide ratios, some of which have been shown in Table 4. However,
previous studies [10,15–17] have shown that these ratios do not
necessarily give accurate prediction of a slag’s performance. More
so, it becomes more complex when other factors like changes in
temperature are considered.
The contribution of GGBS to the heat of hydration increases 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
with temperature, due to the accelerating effect of temperature 2θ
on slag reactivity [18–21], and as a result has been reported to C - Calcite, Ml - Melilite, Mw - Merwinite
be very beneficial for use in hot weather concreting [5]. For exam-
ple, Wu et al. [20] studied the influence of temperature on the early Fig. 1. XRD of the as-received slags.
498 O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507

100 surements were obtained on 9 g of cement paste for a period of

28 days at 20 and 38 °C. Calorimetry was used qualitatively to
measure the degree of reaction of the slag. This was done by
replacing the slag component in the slag blends with quartz of sim-
ilar fineness as the slags [30–32], to determine the filler effect. This
enabled the heat contribution from the slag during hydration to be
Volume (%)

separated from that of the cement. The difference between the

quartz- and slag blends can be ascribed to hydration of the slag.
Slag 1 2.4.2. BSE-SEM image analysis
Slag 2 2 mm thick discs cut from the central portions of 14 mm ɸ
cylindrical hydrated cement paste samples were hydration
stopped by solvent exchange in isopropanol. Samples were then
resin impregnated and polished before BSE-SEM imaging using a
0.1 1 10 100 1000 Carl Zeiss EVO SEM. An accelerating voltage of 15 keV was used,
Particle size (μm) combined with a spot size of 500. A total of 50 electron images
were collected per sample at a magnification of 800 and a work-
Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of the slags. ing distance of 8–8.5 mm, and were analysed to determine the
degree of hydration. Magnesium elemental maps were used to dis-
respectively. Other physical properties of the cementitious materials
tinguish between anhydrous slag and portlandite (which have a
are shown in Table 3.
similar grey level in a BSE image) [30,32–34].
The degree of hydration was determined for 7 and 28 day old
2.2. Reactivity of the slags samples using the expression below [30,34]:

The basicity and activity indices shown in Table 4 have been V ðtÞSCM
SEM ðtÞ ¼ 1  ð1Þ
used for the initial classification of the slags. The basicity index V ð0ÞSCM
gives an indication of the slag’s hydraulicity while the activity
index shows how the slag will contribute to strength development.
The activity index is defined as the ratio (in percent) of the com-
V(0)SCM volume fraction of unreacted SCM before hydration,
pressive strength of the combination (by mass) of 50% of the slag
V(t)cem volume fraction of unhydrated cement at hydration
with 50% of the test cement, to the compressive strength of the test
time t, and
cement on its own [3]. A CEM I 52.5 R was used as the test cement.
V(t)SCM volume fraction of unreacted SCM at hydration time t.

2.3. Details of mixes and curing conditions Image analysis was also carried out on the electron images to
determine the coarse porosity. The approach used was similar to
The composite cements were prepared by blending the slags that used previously [35–37]. The degree of capillary porosity
and the CEM I 52.5 R in a laboratory ball mill using plastic charges. was determined for 7 and 28 day old samples, cured at tempera-
Two blends were used for this study, each containing 30% slag and tures of 20 and 38 °C.
70% CEM I 52.5 R, and designated S1 and S2 for slag 1 and slag 2
respectively. A water/binder ratio (w/b) of 0.5 was used for all 2.4.3. Unconfined compressive strength
mixes. Mortar samples were prepared from the blends in accor- Compressive strength was determined in accordance with the
dance to EN196-1:2005 [29]. Mortar prisms of 40  40  160 mm procedure outlined in EN196-1:2005 [29] for mortar samples.
were used for compressive strength tests, while 50 mm mortar Compressive strength was determined at 1, 7, 28, 90 and 180 days.
cubes were used for sorptivity tests. Cement paste samples were At the test date, the samples were brought out from the curing tubs
also prepared from the blends using the same w/b ratio of 0.5. and split into two halves to produce six 40  40  80 mm samples,
These were used for the isothermal calorimetry, thermal analysis, which were used for the test. The test was performed on a Tonipact
and XRD and SEM studies. 3000 concrete cube crusher.

2.3.1. Curing at 20 and 38 °C 2.4.4. Thermal analysis

For samples cured at 20 °C, mixing and casting was done under Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) was carried out using a
normal laboratory conditions (temperature of 20 ± 2 °C), with sam- Stanton Redcroft 780 series. About 15–18 mg of cement paste sam-
ples remaining in their moulds for one day, after which they were ples, whose hydration had been stopped by solvent exchange with
demoulded and cured under water at 20 °C. isopropanol, were weighed and placed in an empty platinum cru-
For samples cured at 38 °C, the starting materials and moulds cible. A corresponding empty platinum crucible was used as the
were preconditioned in an oven at 38 °C overnight. Mixing and reference. Both the sample and the reference were heated under
casting was done at normal laboratory conditions. After casting, a nitrogen atmosphere from 20 to 1000 °C at a constant rate of
the moulds were covered with thin polythene sheets and immedi- 10 °C/min. The portlandite (CH) content was determined using
ately transferred to a pre-heated oven at 38 °C. Samples were the tangent method [33] and was calculated using Eq. (2). The
demoulded after 1 day and subsequently cured under water in bound water content (Wn) was taken as the difference between
water baths maintained at 38 °C. the mass loss at 50 and 550 °C, at which point it was assumed that
all the phases containing water had fully decomposed [32]. Wn,
2.4. Test methods normalized to the total mass loss at 550 °C was calculated using
Eq. (3).
2.4.1. Isothermal calorimetry  
The heat flow generated during hydration was measured for %CH ¼ CHw  ð2Þ
cement pastes using a TAM Air 8 twin channel calorimeter. Mea- MH2O
O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507 499

W 50  W 550 index, which indicated that slag 1 would have better early age
Wn ¼  100 ð3Þ
W 550 strength performance than slag 2, but similar later age strength
performance. However, at the higher temperature of 38 °C, the pre-
diction of the basicity indices was seen to tally with the strength
performance of the slag blends.
CHw mass loss of water bound to CH
MCH molar mass of CH, taken as 74 g/mol
MH2O molar mass of water, taken as 18 g/mol 3.2. Degree of hydration of the slags
W550 mass loss at 550 °C
W50 mass loss at 50 °C 3.2.1. Heat of hydration from isothermal calorimetry
The calorimetry results obtained for the paste samples are
2.4.5. Sorptivity shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Fig. 4a and b show the heat flow measured
Sorptivity was determined using similar methods as used by for the slag blends over the first 60 h of reaction at 20 and 38 °C
Tasdemir [38], and Gϋneyesi [39]. Triplicate 50 mm mortar sam- respectively, while Fig. 4c and d show the total heat evolved by
ples were used for the test. The samples were cured for 28 and the slag blends at 20 and 38 °C respectively, for a period up to
90 days at 20 and 38 °C, after which they were dried to constant 30 days (720 h). Fig. 5a and b show the positive contribution of
mass in an oven at 50 °C. This process took 20–35 days depending the slag hydration to the total heat evolution at 20 and 38 °C
on the mix and age of the sample. After drying, the sides of the respectively.
samples were coated with paraffin and weighed to obtain the ini- The addition of either quartz or slag to the CEM I resulted in a
tial mass before they were placed in a 5 mm deep trough of water slight acceleration of the alite hydration, as can be observed from
at 20 °C. The sample masses were recorded at predetermined times Fig. 4a and b, where the principal exotherm for S1, S2 and PC-
(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49 and 64 min). At each of these times, the mass 30Q appeared slightly earlier than that for the CEM I. This can be
of water absorbed by each specimen was calculated by subtracting attributed to the filler effect [31,33,43,44], where during the early
the initial mass from the recorded mass, and from this the sorptiv- stages of the reaction, the lack of reaction of either the quartz or
ity coefficient (k) can be determined using the following slag allow more space for clinker hydrates to form [33,44].
3.2.2. Impact of temperature on the heat of hydration
k ¼ pffiffi ð4Þ High temperature curing resulted in greater early-stage heat
A t
evolution. This is observed in Fig. 4c and d, where at 38 °C the total
where heat curves appeared to be steeper at early ages up to about 50 h,
after which there was minimal increase. Conversely, at 20 °C initial
Q amount of water absorbed in m3, which was calculated by heat evolution was lower, but continued for longer. At the end of
dividing the mass of the water absorbed in kg, by the density the measurement period (at about 720 h), the total heat evolved
of water (1000 kg/m3) at 20 and 38 °C was similar for each mix, indicating that the overall
t time in seconds extent of reaction was the same. For the heat flow curves
A cross-sectional area of the specimen that was in contact with (Fig. 4a and b), peaks II and III corresponding to the formation of
the water in m2 C-S-H and renewed ettringite [19,45] are observed after about
k sorptivity coefficient in m3/m2 s1/2. 15 h from the start of the reaction at 20 °C compared to after about
7 h at 38 °C. Peaks II and III were almost coincident at 20 °C;
3. Results and discussion whereas at 38 °C, while both peaks appeared sooner, they also
sharpened, such that there was a clear distinction between both
3.1. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) peaks. The reason for this is because at higher temperatures, there
is an increased quantity of C-S-H due to the increased rate of
Fig. 3 shows the development of UCS at 20 and 38 °C. Curing at hydration. Also, with increasing temperature there is an increase
elevated temperature led to increased strength up to 7 days, but in the amount of sulphate ions reversibly bound to the C-S-H
with minimal strength gain beyond 28 days. Ultimately, the
strengths of the samples cured at 20 °C were greater than those
cured at 38 °C. This is consistent with previous findings
[24,25,27] and can be attributed to the effect of high temperature
curing, which would result in a high initial rate of hydration and
slower subsequent hydration rates [24,40].
At 20 °C there was no significant difference in the UCS of the
two slag blends, especially at later ages, whereas at 38 °C, there
was a clear distinction; with slag 1, the more basic slag, performing
better than slag 2 at all ages. This implies that at the early ages, the
difference in chemical composition of the slags had a greater influ-
ence on the strength performance; whereas at the later ages
beyond 90 days, curing temperature had a greater influence on
the strength performance of the slag blends.
As was shown in Table 4, variously proposed basicity indices
would predict higher strengths for the more basic slag. However,
this was not so, especially at the lower temperature of 20 °C. This
reinforces previous findings that basicity indices are not always a
good predictor of performance [15,16,41]. On the other hand, in
agreement with the study by Otieno et al. [42], the strength perfor-
mance at 20 °C was seen to tally with the prediction of the activity Fig. 3. Compressive strength for mixes made from slag 1 and slag 2 at 20 and 38 °C.
500 O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507

phase, such that fewer sulphates are available to react and form from the slag hydration at the higher temperature. This would
AFt [46–48]. This was clearly reflected in Fig. 4b, where the inten- explain why towards the later stages of the measurement, the total
sity of peak III was much lower than that of peak II; whereas in heat evolved from each slag blend was almost independent of tem-
Fig. 4a, both peaks had similar intensities. The formation of the peratures. This indicates that high temperature favours the reactiv-
AFm phases, which is represented by peak IV [45], was visible at ity of slags more than that of clinker and is in agreement with
20 °C, but not at 38 °C. This indicates that at the higher tempera- previous findings [22,27,50]. Although it can be seen that the
ture, the AFt to AFm conversion occurred very early on such that higher temperature accelerated the hydration of slag 1 more than
peak IV was hidden underneath peaks II and III. This can be attrib- slag 2.
uted to the accelerating effect of temperature on the early stages of
hydration [46,49], and explains the reason for the initial higher 3.2.3. Impact of slag composition on heat of hydration
strengths observed at 38 °C in Fig. 3. Both heat flow and total heat evolution was greater for S1 (the
From Table 5, it can be seen that the maximum peak heat flow more-basic, high alumina slag blend) than for S2 at both tempera-
(qmax) measured for the slag blends at 38 °C was about three-times tures, and is in agreement with previous findings [51,52]. Further-
that measured at 20 °C, and the time taken to reach qmax at 38 °C more, the total heat evolved by S1 compared to S2, was far more at
was about one-third of that at 20 °C. Previous studies [18–21] have 38 °C than it was at 20 °C. This can be seen clearly by comparing
reported that at higher temperatures, GGBS contributes more to Fig. 5a and b. At both temperatures, the qmax of S1 was higher than
the total heat of hydration than at lower temperatures. Indeed, that of S2. Since the level of replacement was the same for both
from Fig. 5a and b, it can be seen that the contribution to the total mixes, the higher values of qmax obtained for S1 indicates that slag
heat from the hydration of the slags was far greater at 38 °C than at 1 had a higher degree and rate of hydration. This correlates with
20 °C. This explains the shorter times taken to reach qmax at 38 °C, the compressive strength results shown in Fig. 3. The reason for
and indicates that at 38 °C the slags reacted more rapidly and con- this can be attributed to the lower activation energy of the slag 1
tributed to the heat released in the system. However, despite the blend (discussed in the next section), which is a consequence of
increased slag hydration at 38 °C, this was not clearly reflected its chemical composition. Richardson et al. [19] observed for slag
on the overall total heat evolved by the slag blends at 38 °C, as seen blends that the reaction of the silicates and aluminates were accel-
at the later stages (at about 720 h) in Fig. 4c and d. This is because erated at higher temperatures. Since slag 1 has a higher alumina
the total heat evolved by the neat CEM I at about 720 h, is greater content than slag 2 (as seen in Table 1), the higher temperature
at 20 °C than at 38 °C, thus masking the increased contribution would accelerate its reaction more than that of slag 2.

Fig. 4. Heat flow measured for the slag blends at (a) 20 °C and (b) 38 °C, Total heat evolved by the slag blends at (c) 20 °C and (d) 38 °C. Mix ‘PC’ contains 100% of CEM I 52.5R,
while mix ‘PC-30Q’ contains 70% CEM I 52.5R and 30% Quartz.
O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507 501

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Slag contribution to total heat evolved at (a) 20 °C (b) 38 °C.

Table 5
Activation energies of 43.65 and 44.57 kJ/mol were obtained for
Maximum peak heat flow (qmax) and time taken to reach qmax. slag 1 and 2 blend respectively, within the range reported for slag
blends [5,20,24]. The activation energy of the slag 1 blend is
20 °C 38 °C
slightly lower than that of the slag 2 blend, explaining why the
qmax (mW/g of PC) Time (h) qmax (mW/g of PC) Time (h) accelerating effect of temperature was more pronounced on the
S1 5.24 13.70 19.85 4.55 slag 1 blend than the slag 2 blend.
S2 4.98 14.95 18.29 4.81

3.2.5. XRD analysis

XRD analysis was carried out to examine the influence of tem-
perature on hydration and phase assemblage. Fig. 6 shows a sec-
3.2.4. Activation energy of the slags tion of the XRD patterns obtained from both slag blends after
The activation energy of the slag blends was determined from hydration at 20 and 38 °C for 1, 7 and 28 days. As observed by
the cumulative heat flow, by applying an Arrhenius-type equation calorimetry, the high temperature accelerated the early hydration
as shown below [5,20]: of the clinker phases. After 1 day there was no trace of C3A in the
  samples cured at 38 °C and the peaks of C3S and C2S were much
t1 E 1 1
¼ exp  ð5Þ less intense than those from the samples cured at 20 °C. At later
t2 R T1 T2
ages of 7 and 28 days, the C3S and C2S peaks were of similar inten-
where t1 and t2 = time at 50% degree of hydration at temperatures sities at both temperatures. Also Fig. 6 indicated that, at both tem-
T1 and T2 (in Kelvin) respectively, E = activation energy in kJ/mol, peratures, the blends containing slag 1 contained less portlandite
and R = gas constant taken as 8.314 J K1 mol1. than those containing slag 2, thus implying that slag 1 had reacted

Fig. 6. XRD patterns of paste samples showing the effect of temperature on the initial hydration of the slag blends.
502 O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507

E – Ettringite, Ms – Calcium monosulfoaluminate, Hc – Calcium hemicarboaluminate, Ht –

Hydrotalcite, Mc – Calcium monocarboaluminate, F - Ferrite

Fig. 7. XRD patterns of paste samples showing the effect of temperature on the evolution of the Aft and AFm phases.

more than slag 2. This is in line with the results of the isothermal due to the AFm phases (monosulfoaluminate – Ms, hemicarboalu-
calorimetry shown in Fig. 5, and will be discussed further in minate – Hc, monocarboaluminate – Mc) are more prominent at
Section 3.2.7. 38 °C than at 20 °C, and supports the earlier observation in the heat
Fig. 7 shows the impact of temperature on the evolution of the flow measurements (shown in Fig. 4). This indicates that the reac-
AFt and AFm phases for all the mixes at 20 and 38 °C. Ettringite (E), tion of C3A occurred at a faster rate at the higher temperature. This
which is the main AFt phase had less intense reflections at the may be due to the unavailability of sulphate ions at the higher tem-
higher temperature for all the samples, as was observed by Lothen- perature, due to increased uptake by C-S-H, inducing the reaction
bach et al. [50]. This is because higher temperatures accelerate the of C3A with water (a reaction which is known to occur at a much
conversion of AFt to AFm [46–48]. faster rate). Indeed, XRD patterns of 1 day old paste samples clearly
The accelerating effect of temperature on the early hydration of showed weak reflections for gypsum at 2h angle of about 23.4° (as
C3A can also be seen from Fig. 7, where, after 1 day, the reflections shown in Fig. 8). This explains why peak IV was not clearly visible

Fig. 8. XRD patterns of 1 day old paste samples showing the depletion of gypsum (G) for samples cured at 38 °C.
O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507 503

Table 6
Degree of hydration (%) of the slag blends at 7 and 28 days.

Mix Temperature 7 day Error 28 day Error

S1 20 °C 39.64 1.29 54.85 1.00
38 °C 53.29 1.12 62.40 1.01
S2 20 °C 31.81 1.84 43.76 1.55
38 °C 42.44 1.76 48.92 1.50

at the higher temperature, as seen in the heat flow curve shown in

Fig. 4b.
The reflection for hydrotalcite (Ht), a product of slag hydration
[53–55], overlapped with that of Mc, and was more prominent
after 1 day at the higher temperature, indicating that the early
hydration of the slags was accelerated at the higher temperature.
This correlates with the calorimetry results (Fig. 5). The reflections
for Hc were more prominent in the aluminium-rich slag blend (S1)
as observed by Whitaker et al. [32], and temperature did not seem
to have any impact on the amount formed except at 1 day. At 38 °C, Fig. 9. Portlandite content from STA for all mixes at 20 and 38 °C.
Mc was formed at the expense of Ms for the slag 1 blend. For the
slag 2 blend, the amount of Hc decreased progressively and was
barely noticeable after 28 days especially at the higher tempera-
ture, due to the conversion of Hc to Mc. The reflections for Ms
and Ht were more prominent at 38 °C than at 20 °C for the slag 2
blend. The higher temperature did not have any significant effect
on the amount of Mc formed for the slag 2 blend, as compared to
the slag 1 blend.
Overall, in terms of the hydration products formed in both slag
blends, the reflections due to Ms were slightly less intense for S1
than for S2, but the reflections due to Ht and Mc were more promi-
nent for S1 than for S2 at both temperatures, but especially at the
higher temperature. This reflects the higher degree of hydration of
slag 1 than slag 2 at 38 °C, and possibly also the higher aluminium
content of slag 1. It also correlates with the calorimetry and com-
pressive strength results shown in Figs. 5 and 3 respectively.

3.2.6. BSE-SEM image analysis

Table 6 shows the degree of slag hydration, as determined by
BSE-SEM image analysis, of 7 and 28 day old paste samples cured Fig. 10. Bound water content from STA for all mixes at 20 and 38 °C.
at 20 and 38 °C. The results followed the same trend as the
calorimetry and XRD (Figs. 5 and 6), where it was seen that the
higher temperature increased the rate of slag hydration. The higher For both blends, the portlandite content measured after 1 day at
temperature resulted in an increase in the degree of slag hydration, 38 °C was significantly higher than that measured at 20 °C. This
especially at early age. At 7 days, the degree of hydration of slag 1 reflects the accelerated initial hydration of the clinker at high tem-
and slag 2 at 38 °C was greater than that of 20 °C by about 14 and perature, as also observed by calorimetry and XRD. The portlandite
11 percentage points respectively. By 28 days, this difference had content of the blends rose initially then decreased steadily over
fallen to about 8 and 5 percentage points for slag 1 and slag 2 time due to its consumption during slag hydration [17,26,56]. This
respectively. supports previous observations that slag hydration is gradual and
In terms of the impact of the chemical composition of the slags, continues for long periods [32,33,57]. After 7 days and beyond,
the more reactive slag 1 had hydrated to a greater extent than slag the portlandite contents were lower following curing at higher
2, at both ages and curing temperatures. At 20 °C, the degree of temperatures than at lower temperatures, reflecting the greater
hydration of slag 1 was about 8 and 11 percentage points higher degree of slag hydration. S1 had lower portlandite contents than
than that of slag 2 at 7 and 28 days respectively; while at 38 °C, this S2 at both temperatures, with the difference being much higher
became about 11 and 13 percentage points at 7 and 28 days at 38 °C. This reflects the increased reactivity of slag 1 over slag 2
respectively. At 38 °C, as the curing duration was increased from at the higher temperature as observed previously by calorimetry,
7 to 28 days, the degree of hydration of slag 1 was increased by XRD and SEM, and explains the significant difference observed in
about 9 percentage points compared to about 6 percentage points the strength development of these two blends at 38 °C (as seen
for slag 2. This indicates that slag 1 responded more to the higher in Fig. 3).
temperature, as was previously observed by calorimetry and XRD. There was a steady increase in bound water content with time
(Fig. 10), indicating an increase in the overall degree of hydration.
The bound water content was initially higher for the samples cured
3.2.7. Portlandite and bound water content at 38 °C than those cured at 20 °C, but was lower at later ages. Fur-
Thermal gravimetric analysis was performed to follow the thermore, the bound water content of the samples cured at the
development of portlandite and bound water contents over a per- higher temperature did not increase much beyond 28 days. This
iod of 6 months. These are shown in Figs. 9 and 10 respectively. can be attributed to the impact of high temperature curing. High
504 O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507

Fig. 11. BSE-SEM images of 7 day old paste samples (a) S1 at 20 °C (b) S2 at 20 °C (c) S1 at 38 °C (d) S2 at 38 °C.

temperature curing results in a high initial rate of hydration, strengths at 38 °C than at 20 °C. However, on prolonged curing
retarding subsequent hydration [24,40,50]. It should be noted that for 28 days, samples cured at 38 °C had greater apparent porosities
the bound water content at 38 °C was not corrected for any than those cured at 20 °C. The reason for this can also be linked to
changes in the water content of the hydrates as a function of tem- the reactivity of the slags at 38 °C. From Table 6, after 28 days there
perature. Gallucci et al. [58] observed that the bound water content was only slight difference in the degree of hydration of the slags at
of C-S-H was reduced by about 14.5% when the temperature was 20 and 38 °C. This, coupled with the effect of prolonged high tem-
increased from 5 to 60 °C. If we take this into consideration at perature curing on the microstructure, would explain why the
38 °C, and ignore minor contributions to the bound water content porosity of the samples cured for 28 days at 38 °C became greater
due to CH and AFt, the degree of hydration at the later ages would than those cured at 20 °C. This indicates that prolonged curing at
be similar at both temperatures, as was observed when comparing the lower temperature was more beneficial for the microstructural
the portlandite contents. The bound water content of S1 was development of the slag blends.
higher than that of S2 at both temperatures, indicating the The coarse porosities, as determined from the electron images,
increased reactivity of slag 1. Also, it was observed that the differ- are shown in Table 7. At 7 days, the coarse porosity of the samples
ence between the bound water content of S1 and S2 blend was cured at 38 °C was about 25% lower than that of the 20 °C samples
greater at 38 °C than at 20 °C, as was seen in the compressive but at 28 days this reversed and the coarse porosity became about
strength, calorimetry, and SEM results. 35% higher.
Comparing the 2 slags, the blends prepared with slag 1 always
3.3. Pore structure showed a lower coarse porosity than the equivalent blend pre-
pared with slag 2. Furthermore, the difference in performance
3.3.1. Determination of coarse capillary porosity between the 2 slags increased with increasing temperature. This
Figs. 11 and 12 shows selected BSE-SEM images obtained from correlates with the previous results and further explains why sam-
samples cured for 7 and 28 days. The samples cured at 38 °C for ples prepared with slag 1 had higher strengths than those prepared
7 days had a lower apparent porosity than the ones cured at with slag 2.
20 °C. The reason for this can be attributed to the increased reactiv-
ity of the slags at 38 °C as discussed previously. Anguski da Luz and 3.3.2. Sorptivity
Hooton [51] observed that paste samples made from super sul- Table 8 shows the sorptivity of 28 and 90 day old samples
phated cements and cured for 7 days at higher temperatures had which had been cured at 20 and 38 °C. As was observed with coarse
similarly lower porosities than ones cured at lower temperatures. porosity, the sorptivities of blends prepared with slag 1 were lower
After 7 days (as shown in Table 6), the degree of slag hydration than those for slag 2 blends at both temperatures. This is due to the
in the samples cured at 38 °C was about 53% for slag 1 and 42% greater degree of hydration and subsequent finer pore structure in
for slag 2, compared to about 40% and 32% at 20 °C. These addi- the more reactive slag blends [59]. The 90 day sorptivity was lower
tional hydration products at early stages will have a pore blocking than the 28 day sorptivity for both slag blends at both tempera-
effect on the microstructure [8]. This reduced porosity at 7 days tures, thus indicating that the slags continued to hydrate thereby
observed for the slag blends at 38 °C was reflected in the strength resulting in the formation of a denser microstructure. At 20 °C,
results (Fig. 3), where the slag blends had greater early age the 28 day sorptivity of S2 was about 60% higher than that of S1,
O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507 505

Fig. 12. BSE-SEM images of 28 day old paste samples (a) S1 at 20 °C (b) S2 at 20 °C (c) S1 at 38 °C (d) S2 at 38 °C.

Table 7 4. Summary and conclusions

Degree of porosity (%) of the slag blends at 7 and 28 days.

Mix Temperature 7 days Error 28 days Error This study has examined the performance and microstructure
of 30% replacement slag cement blends, and looked at the com-
S1 20 °C 11.75 0.10 6.54 0.11
38 °C 9.21 0.14 8.87 0.08
bined influence of temperature and a difference in slag chemical
S2 20 °C 12.27 0.12 7.03 0.07 composition. High temperature curing was seen to increase the
38 °C 9.88 0.11 9.48 0.09 early strength of all the mixes, but not the later strength. Beyond
28 days, there was minimal strength increase at 38 °C while the
samples cured at 20 °C continued to gain strength. This was attrib-
Table 8 uted to the effect of high temperature curing on hydration, which
Effect of curing age and temperature on sorptivity. would accelerate the early hydration, and slow down subsequent
Mix Age Sorptivity, k (m3/m2s1/2)  105
In terms of the strength performance of the slag blends, at 20 °C
20 °C 38 °C
both slag blends showed similar strength development, especially
S1 28 days 2.08 ± 0.05 3.96 ± 0.07 at later ages. Conversely, at 38 °C there was a clear difference in
90 days 1.37 ± 0.04 3.55 ± 0.08
performance, with slag 1, the more basic of the 2 slags, performing
S2 28 days 3.32 ± 0.09 6.36 ± 0.04
90 days 1.85 ± 0.07 5.60 ± 0.04 better than slag 2 at all ages. Although, the higher temperature
increased the reactivity of the slags, the effect was seen to be
greater on slag 1 (the more reactive slag). This was attributed to
but at 90 days this reduced to about 35%. This highlights the the chemical composition of slag 1 leading to a lower activation
impact of prolonged curing on the microstructural development energy. The strength performance of the blends tallied with the
of the slag 2 blend and would explain why both slag blends had predictions of the slag activity index and basicity index at 20 °C
similar later-age strengths at 20 °C as seen in Fig. 3. and 38 °C respectively.
Curing at elevated temperature resulted in a significant increase Increased degrees of hydration are known to reduce porosity.
in sorptivity. At 28 days, the sorptivity of both slag blends was However, the results have shown that the degree of hydration
about 90% higher in the samples cured at 38 °C compared to those alone cannot explain porosity and transport properties. Rather,
cured at 20 °C. After 90 days this difference increased to about temperature has been shown to have a great impact. For all the
160% and 200% for S1 and S2 respectively, indicating that the high samples studied, high temperature curing was seen to increase
temperature curing was more detrimental to the microstructure of the degree of capillary porosity and rate of water penetration.
the less-reactive slag 2. This supports the compressive strength The effect of the high temperature curing was more pronounced
results and explains the lower later-age strengths observed for on the slag 2 blend. Regardless of the temperature and curing dura-
the samples cured at 38 °C, and the larger difference observed tion, the slag 1 blend had lower porosities and exhibited better
between the compressive strengths of the slag blends cured at transport properties than the slag 2 blend. This was attributed
38 °C. to the higher reactivity of slag 1. Prolonged curing at 20 °C led to
506 O.R. Ogirigbo, L. Black / Construction and Building Materials 126 (2016) 496–507

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