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Pate &- Rola_awe ei rile ce. ab | af vals A lala Ubrin _ Nps a sual | wait ol _valres - _ LC Date. Arvclene - Date Shue Ntw lneal { deal oy wrabhamabioa! vnodal of a-_pautteulan No (sida i exltd Dae fhe lie GQ ? a) Leda fad ordered, ae" ‘n_om_ooelledalined wel oe ib a(n Lae enel Eran dala x shel, 1— — A. dla. pherobene {io fhe ile th if al ke On Lnoopuenee ox hursan Met Sito reas _& sen dhe wh-uatere_* ip. yo Mae Gare alotne is quo eats a4 {feeb fren Me oapining Le DN seca. velabiowshil ee te in Jn pasha Witayns, Of drayrtential imunney— boeateon eo ee ae @ mont ralokionslip bokveon “th eLeonsss weld by means —o inters_omd Lint! lege i kid List rene oh fae my _| { dala_shuchne%*— * hap “teed fo seeloresnt Abe dala. 4, hie: riod relakiemship —lebtoeon— chuments eno. Th _ -eloyacunts ouue_nt__troweraed dears Nother 4 —prowersid mt. hone J : {esluin—! ae _and_—_lrees sp cane. bese « te hawe be __ohant ft apa, but “p02 have ly hoverse —cithor— 1 subsoot os_ aaa _eubre ot bub not the | DV both. + a ig Obl volokian OH wotatebn lal £0) ot qe be led noye-naqai won we oie feet ered esim fowd= OF Ca))N_ Goad as 4 vw. te | —bigsth- s-9 0. wy att ch feud “ih ee M_sudh. [eat Haol Zar | yoo De lt ae wil normal a. _covn ee exithen._| ee a a Ae town | Hine alte Caw Gaia? at jie — | bee bd mo vider ee > dh enadlant [Nene Cvs yh. wt o te -chavac! ‘20 Or iw ali outbub 1-2 wslakeén © lee 20) amd_gCe toe tos aha pay et es pee . eos 4: ae ve aA A eopu tals “bog 4, “ “ mi | oa a L deoe Pol 2 Cd ge fon all w> nw, o- 0 - wolalion 2— dod 6 ea a Tag exist_thnee__cowtembs_ 45% 2 “a, tial, dhak le 1qo é few) cal fel ase. baccianly tre (ol Hee _-porbicula — im oe Nhe = aa_ADT in_ il the _timplarmeudabten 9 se Widow Pa the wor, ouly untewhace in Al drone w_waams_, thal U ADT oan To se ai a Node ay ‘L odtunes to Me N bnter face, v9 keane » _unallected. Glades an! ‘{ Ne ADT. Stock ae out uroon los a wr an et Oey ennsists_¢ Palins Pusti a | _ Abshact dole - Noshrock < dala bp one ct of values antl aspetaled _chenates ! pp: Nyse _cheraltirs aus _abshack vip Noe gee 9 ‘hg aso dorlabied ded. “with 0 - “Abe Quarera tho fare auch — abshoc “unethods Jin TNSERT ond REMOVE _ peti schon pia fa ee _Baentios a al pith' ; —Ofbute: End algorcithyyn io oss) ) site O 2D | paced onc 4 more. ii | mat Bac. alpen musk Froduce atdecnt the _oytiomatite a (OP was Lode tnosbuckionn mus be Metis" ° anol ——wneonlet AUD duh hing _ OF intense : git. a a jae onl ste unit en nn es tim» - - | _@ Ey — = Pil caplet nasal be ~ beste omd _olno le sea [ @ Trower ia 7 also called “visthen LOLOL | ee - N dhe. freopetred hg oan —_ ta db Onan i ferdig the Locakins of read & ¢ oe nected LS _& 2 addin a. _wid_1 neon: ba. “sheel & ell! Removia _reeard __dbuatiwre : | &®) Sapling She Gees _ dove ke im ai : =i 4 or , b "eet te “ge a werd. | | date, Q ahuabewes ured of _ Dalene But am Abe alre_¢ ae ‘Pt fran d eee cite dhobio vernon allacoten oaelle 7 ia D evotioo eee I » ow wu uy _ s ae jt a) No he we wv ow gg cS) ae ent Ye Fk stne dot El Cimento te t 4 aint will be used 3 BE: Fane Y He two vortaloles fo oka’ ¥ wie Fi the azar ond) oars inayat REF a — “nek, Dr “insealiv Mi dlimaak. ah nion ond Mid inaateve( ok 2 — = a _ t Q@== “N) pei C oyueue PRUs 3 else ee ee == soy] = 25 : 3 : —— Z relent) 5 —— —— we) 4 ==6 Sn Dr i fs | Se Fer ri _ aaa a roe } Francbion Yor dswrbine dilibing ab Prerk oud s ie deloli—fs C) PCE = =e) ies i Covteue ” “bs B | Je ryt 5s 1 vn Fet;) L B rckens ps - — f Tolan fig saci AY come gad é- oS és ©) I 448 Pell naar aint) — ta Lederle ~ | rat 44 wdlwrn Cys I Feiont aque —A boiorile Cian 3 b ae | anti 0, f elements such_thal “gach ebeuney| | - | beon_assigued a rity amd. _gateb thot thf te Vp ~wltch 4 Ain Nennewts_ sit td on = -eonnes_—_from. Lig =r _ | > An_eloumenl—"o]- Oty, V3 al rpernigs fax il al ki z Th fl. es hing nt D> Loch ne “the List voll conta “Ho tomolions } an an rw NFO, i frei _viumbes PRN, ‘ne welunboer LYS | e Anode x _ beseech, SY ie ee k @® uthen pine ign pint “than Ye ond © een va hee ta “betorify, but & mo Adlded te the Lest ey. P ; Shes meoms {hale the. ot | the ove-004 List corresponds to Abe ovcler vol prion —eyutue / : Cirenloo oqueus $— Subbose to coomt fo ensest an dement_4TEM_ bo a gyuets_ al dhe_bimne. thew - Ahe_ogurse loos dees] the last fol the ce. REAR=N- Om Vicon fo dlp thin» fo wove The entixe oye \ te tagindu f the aoa, then chamal _ REAR £ Fone Yo? van te ine ng the TTR M.. pena Ahi =e roca dire bp vs _ ex) tve So, We adnbt sete vi Megha BBE] cones, a TN] én the asin . a a anurbeom we divest ITEM ts ag EEAR DI Qa ; . | . ' Spee pcolly , ineléad . LIXCT Lert REAR b ws wel coos ans ‘amd “4 then tildes pa = — Gueue Teas] = oTeM; ———__ ‘ Sur PRONTEN. andon loment el Sain + dubbrd » woe. resol _FRowt. a tneléad a | ene cnomenssug__ FRONT Co be Nay, - + Ae “Ae. ‘att dane va_a-oteeulen pe Ay —apteure— ‘a called steele guy trsertton 2— pone Cetin) _ = Bi une Full ye in Coma | abgeritlon. of ogee ensertohn 2 thie Te ah Re = No adhe brink “ovEerLaut : Step 2 Set __REAR = REAR +1 __Steb3i Sek _oyueur [REAR] = Tram _ Step 4s Rekiewmn. 8 oyvorse debetion 8 _ a 6 nt delete q) at Ge 05 i Cifreorzs cial eet C¥oytacta “wy ana; fe Fat; se fa bo Tek Ps — = —== H — ees | U Stpas . a LO ov rin Poet ayteette. mak rene __ wah | § Sek rr ponte ate te Sk A! —— arene LP Rony tac Pebuow a ie ae Tongerrtedin 2 _ J l fe (ner CQraree st de wn) “si Comr WOK Sue oh cyeTeeeec| = fies treme foe POT OCDE BUTE Opto. [revat] = ile 5 = iZ = eo ¢ pee v ful). as tp p a 7 ~ ~ i C* oyuerte ip opty “5 ~ =front = (font +1) TL Mon” aoe Hae 5 thin = aus. ent 5 F hac Crim) | Difberenee _ Cotuaes Gnseation | Dekel Voriololes 2 bomhees ' used. Usceg a Jot Uke end el, ea | Howe tiie va oot dubetid fo usher ins one dubeteot . Socle Hlexe_ elites axe ensenlid a baked Vict » [etnter hob. which kaos | 4 erent coe a yl pene ou tnerdad te nr in DFS traversal of ope 1 a Structure LIFO bebeveen Shoe amd Sueur s- Quer. Wore. ition Aud <2 ab te eod fom soi or Linked wv mm Hou eis diate the end_of pacomny or oop be i. Linked a ——___{, uses dao. voto petals. Reon k Front Roos ful ile yield 4 2 faonk by_tmeacemnentad oho ibiuwn ome cleleticl “in_0Fs baversal 4} graph ! - ETFO “ Fende Fockorvos tri ne eeuscon 2 Feckon Cech .N) N © thin paveediere calcite, NJ and -vekwna tho vale rm the vontable Fock - Slepts MN20, wok Fact = 3 omd_xelum. Step2t Coll Factorial Cfack, Net) Step oe SA fet = BN # Fock Steb4s Rete — i r ~Pibl “pJBONACCI te ae PS Z ive \ caleutales,_ i alie_vn the forat boncmelin 616. Fu wail Vian. Kee ——} Slept JTN20_or Ned, seb FL ond Lom all FTeONAC 4. .CESBRN-2) laut Goll FIBONACCI CeTaB Nf) ‘| Stobae j See oe Reka Din —a) Ftommsci Senguumoet jae | the aerate Plorrnaee. SPNUUAL bo OD» falls i | rn | ee ia gocla. viicerdi vg de. the stum_oh the tg teh aes / DP tsd acts pL nats fy 2 Poonsees 3 Frew fineg thy Obi, 2 ab, #1852196 pS swe i > ‘ . Rectersive solubsen_¢ “Tocoe ss rors of Manni & ToweeR CM, BEG, NUX,END) This procteces = a seewrstve_olededr te the Toweas t frotinws - N clisks . Stebis Yel ten — —— " (@) wrikk REQ _END——-—____ — Oppo a _- Steb2e Trlave _N-A disks. fortes. by _bed avx| pall toweR— CM bea, ND, AUX) —— Stabe —_TMoven NA chisks _from peg Aux be peg End] ‘ealt Towne (03, AUX. nek end) oe “Slebar Rekem LT Trees (om “4 wea. 6|_ anode $-* The neumbey. opt of a ot a vode in at Sevel fp, then tts children ove ab ptt tid” d are ov. hash pee Dy» or height of a tree b di fn = has * t Poca - Pvcesker of {. oO —- =a dhe. a ct tases aot be thal node Ances ren Modu, C and_ A. inary Poee §: = io hue baw [or wp “shit | oe | rode in Less than sous be _ Aree. cam ewe. Lm 2 § ren se _ J Be curb ee b “Alen a - bios ee, ha ve A oben = en bine meres Lats a on _ in cilkher _ — I ei tet A seh seein wohueh — Vth Aon sabe et van —ohy ne ba tod ta Ot at awl 04 1 kevel_p_ob Dec Abe Lowel ak a leveli'in_& SS Benoa Veo. Toaversal 8—= — Shea ouo twee ay - ae a er I tree — DRreodes a)’ marches: Poster don. Beales Root ado Ld R, at D Trordiat: Left > Root = ef Root - 3) Pestordert- ms ~ Py “eraniplet: Fox Bae a aeer ——— —— A _ Renders 2121920 tL eA [oats [eles aabslas! “7 3035 Ke DPnmden’ 12, 18, 20, 25 08 44, B2 _S)Pastovdest 12 20.48 $6 $2 44 29 Nowra Tree ALTS te ie lpn hu. for_promdas Traversal’ iawn Uses wiattible ee whid ua) ans Nhe Lpoobein of the node __ Currremnt [ ‘tacked «The _sapiin sia a ateck 5 toil) bold the odners oh the [wads or fuckcere froatoné ng Si a Pb Hee. peng vet _ PTR=V BR : Tren repeal: De Actlowoing- debs unde Pre wou Stebse Proceed dete Rel not hm nvlid Lat PTR, drocesing cach node —_N Par amd fousheing the right obild ROW sorts the hoversve ends aM __a._node_n, “st ce Wo Let obit, bo_frces Z 7 Step 2 Cooekhaclei sing) Pap ond cage ba the - “pre. the bap. ~Alowk a} on —atfaale” LPTR FNULL then. avhemn te stab BD, a Lemik - _ Now reece ive Traversal » —__Tnittally ursh nurr_omnke stow oma sob “ptr = aot \ Then se] peal Usp —4 —Hltowing cts —enttl @ PTR= pepe te j ill _Sb@ o- - Paoeted _dowmn 4 kb most bal h_soclid ot PTR, bushir 1d dent Mt ma Slob "9 when a_uede No pe 1. heft swedechild in peered vende ato 0 = Neb @9 Fab ound frroys thn wodlon_oon afte J] __ _N Lr ie_febped ten —enctt + Ifo node Nh 14 _ai@rk_node 2 Crd ip baocemed,, Sok PTR = — Sees ond __vekura_ks stab O. | _ Nowerreewste _clamithun—o|_toastorloar Tanworsal & __ Frakially pu ure Zita snc omd ect PTR = rot: Thin secbenke Che qtlealep slabs, uutil _PIR= NULL. - Say Presed dn. tie Left most jath noted of | “pte, Fush_ Nov _ahock —omel_* IN Wana at _ dd RW), tren fourh -ROW onto stock. SkpOX. Pop ond _frroces _-ve_indes_ fom | Sheek: Mf MUL babe then anit 1), =e node no poped , Co p LPIR=—RON), ack PTRAN) pared aekion te shh @. Pinot INFO, LEET, RIGHT, ITEM, PAR, LOG, ROOT) Abin ie Tb my tinue Pel an_ihes t a jin tpn = Abe (ecolcir’ Loa of Coreen _ Yee. fasune PAR ol 4 TEN. Fea bane ta pid _ Cares in oe LO¢=NuLL_and Parenurt esill indecatt thal Ae tree in avra) = _® Loe énuit N and_ PARS Sure uhh dndeab “that oe . y_the Root _p| “Toee Loe = NULL _and__PA Rn # NULL well gdieb lial “He ATEN n wot fin Gee Aver . Sth: AL moor =n »Urtn deh Lote NULL And PAR- NULL and arlam- | Tees nba Stelo% 3] FRA TNeO CPO0T), hen wt LOC= Roo PARSNULL ond aeclurn [ITEM of oot] Subs: [nilealeoes printins PTR and _save’| qt Tpen< tnrofroor| ; Xel_ PTR Leet [Root] and _ Save else. Sct PTR= RIGHT LOT] and save = ROOT. Pend o of “if vhucbitee|_ —= Sapa: [aren Sel I fae OLPTR] Set LoesP Te Ynd PAR sn rach Sheba: Rebesh oleh ond & ewhile pre ¢ NULL —STepbt “T TTEM: Info Tete] Bun sek Loe Pre ond | PAR > SAVE amol_ Roker. Slt TL ate < aiveo Tere then _ ak, pte: BELEET LOT. amd save arte Sy PVRs RIGHT (PTR] and save = PTR. [end of, 4 dbuctuse’ | [eud of vteh « Lools) { sit Go hte! wl a sek, bes wutL md P ARs SAVE - ‘taba: Eeik Fee es — : Apri A, inétokion ow mls a OST&— INS ERT- REE (Reot, er Nhe Po Uncota 0 timenls a vue node with o DATA at Ub fosoface Jolace Tf Une es non-eorbly , Uen.comdpts the Ons oil Ube DATA of Une Root of, the tree which ob» evonted . ee Repeal vba 2 wut Rook | = NOLL. Meo es i fw noe > DATA < ROOT DATA Aiehe —_as i Root LPT = NuLt Cros stp @rg_ wk eooeLert = nedsode . stp: wel Root = Nutt 4 alae: a = | Loot = Root + LEFT T Tend of, ina | : —e tf Root eaqnT = MULE twa Afi ock RO > RIGHT > New wnels alto? Set Rook - NULL - elne || _ Rook > Rost = RT GUT I [end gf vor pi] Tend of odin PY | fend-of eke 4 loop Plgesithon of dulelaan fram ov “BsTI- ; | Belek amaitivn node cite DATA fom a bi / “eeunehs hee, tune arte. hier _eorer be tonstdlesr- et Quyedt | Debbeow of, Me vode_hawtng no child ~ Qaea! | Pibhim cha vode tehish tar exoctlss one obild - lod | Dilettion of nods tohudla as lace —Nohildsen | bu bose Tha buiaey donner Line ood don STEM y givens She algorithm Fret qinds the Soeahinn of nod Niudhith leontasin STEM Bnd the? Leockrin of re. portih node PW) the oy Nib dielid fom lhe tree Ashenda_m He no. 4, duildun of vode Ne oe Cae tt | N Ip no chihd, than Nie ddd from 87 I 4 Eiscils ae alii _ Ube tensa — i NURL oo _! Cane 24 NI has enract! “one child, hun Ni No deleted fen . aby ae locabin of Na fo_posund-rode_P Od b te tal of, — Hee —ebild a) N- Case 92 | in! Nt has Un chit Uke "scr denotes the snore dueceesser oft NNia_didleled mae 1 by fo ag yl fin case_2 cord “Thom {! sacs vet itlon_ol__Preordlea_daowess als— Kab, fae Boot hh the address. of ool node of te free - al fucin Prmder ceewnstve Coy ROOT eavbate the Jal» the brxomndl ch ldress fom of Ye Root nods. — Root.) = NULL. ; slefod : |, Paint, bee poor = info slaba? ‘Tier, ly. f subtree ol the by. Poor _j vais — de call Bho wa nl wos Uhe “i —peomalin— “br_ROOT ~ bbe LEAT. “Trowesse ths _crigh Esurbtree_of na | ple RpoT tn] fread ites call Hot fd sling _eannsive tothe te fennel Te pot bt RIGHT — Reeussive abgeithn— Guard Toone rsd £— at, pr Rot fo Ue krors. |, the 004 vods o| Ua dre S an 4} = NULL Skefode mes Pitt not Li. subhee_loy “callin ; ths _yhovdor_anders aduasive Chhr dts bhhErt Sly 2! I Prinl-_ be RobT =: Shoat |. Trowe-nse ap euce say foul bebe lee, cealbng the. f° orders wedge yeeuasive (pty ROOT | Pe estan) , - | Rearesive AI than o| —Padorclen_Tronensal Rd pre Root the _adddneas of the yoo woe, of Ble free. qf et _b ppb ROOT |= NULL, Stel! s I Thowense tse Lol F cuits of the ancl nde i ssid Ge call hE fpsstordex.ecunsive ( Pir ROOT > phe LEFD) — Sepa: all Taowerse a | awolres of rock tra.fpostoneles tite. call the} pestosd en aon voit, the _ orxomelsr e RTANT —Slapse 1 Brit _ Pte ts = ee ee i pe —Drasebe Tree = j Non duanels tree nay ny Shea | ae ta 051.0. ses ih etl bine et ofthe tT a wot ote ing loss tha “ha aol ol Sprout ede ob te ay a ey a of a Mode t_ quest thom the || ail an and. rip dublrees oh. ott alias ox lone, ti Pe. | 6S Se | AML Taee te H AVL Tree in_also called Bex ~Tealonrced! adiar ayastels tate: ~WDe-ealded Deptt ow Vani oe Neha tren 4 yy the mae bevel — of ae evel Loven. Me bho NULL hie Acfined ay =). A babautea -gho called) AVI tree 0 0- of ah teeers in pe be kf fe oot stublrers of Le rod denen ier by | tie bd sie _ mor, _ Rolanaeed Coolers Ith Hel “toe Reel | ster Hees eslucd Ae balance o do tin_o borin “eo tia height oh bs Jatt arenes hat _ gible. Ke fe ee) | St _reagtrad 2h 1 pialuin ab Uy , . 1 = Wat 2h + —t> . Siew i) and th) we can mile. - We Ustauy th = i> bor Q avd ty), ° Mea yor hy » Wary 7 > Ve My ad C Proved! | Gararns | “Gon hen g brie aalbies. dalashucleae » _ Naliewabtalty a po aime. clad ined ar Q: (2) lholwu_19-2 “Pinel aren cambpty, adl-o{ verbieas, Tlawd. re -attol vefuhors volte as be fr or wel 4 ventbign,. 22 V2 1y205.4 fe = Tei, my <2), fdivectid G ht Age _abeeh has i tie -o| vorhieos in _tatled Verudreclid a phe ——— ee Sen fea the. cam_i eee wae eo si) wn Se es Goi Lit A Agrale vn_wwolubh coal ¢ srefrsereuled ty om ordenedfaisaf verbions called cc ofl n> don cbivecbed aed Ane Sat elemento called volia han dument 2 called tap oo_omd vente “Thene) or the fain (Si My) amd, Cys V) represent Loe di ceuk edges. s the \vankinen ome % 1203, of andl ote {SLD y | X28, gen cee amd__a_ man ten vo. of edges neomatin_ * De epee Nhe total va. ot nods tn am Je tuacivee Lid . Fee ts a sas omd— i edges C4 2° sped ae _Adjace se Lis a. » Nextta "0. 3 GA) > %) Menten Pareto . a { ) Vertex 2! (SDs fil oii a _ | Veatex gir EDGR Neate! * GORE a | Veale *p! > - = Newléx Ce Jah == | or tie Ye ine Ul rt io Sptmining og dbo He evigind_qnaph= — ay ng O7 eg = Main fos. Feast Svosich. Gry. Stepls | Slats Sabet a vabe. 5 ts slot the Footed 4 “oll the verdes fo coo and kseat S (ul nade) & aque» ord change Me value of 5 bo J ay 7 Sia visited voli 2 Stab 2 athe at a shee nod verti of that node. Tnaest bs optoue se nll of ~ howe volee 2010 Qard fe _ Seb 3: =i BFS CS) St — 1 por Coll Ure vault oh the arable) __— Seb es tn visited [sil = rac iy ret Stabs fn insert (3 ae __visilad Csi] 2d 5 Step 1s hele Phe t —— a ee a ote Ghils 82 efncldlele Cop Sizpaz CF Gall the alent verdion 4 of BY Cusiled By = 0) as ~ | de insert QDs _ {| vas tha Tale =J5 _ § ee f-vendol wih; Mt Brad of saci Alga dec_Delte First Seanch (BPSD += NT, Me povensal eon tne alaak -Snibiolly woe sek alt Le mk 1d bub ver ra Tes taele_ayad Like nod _N ce. "Na. all Phe acta. hui BUTS ce tai ub bd amd. continue fhe eels {| the steele» elon _____ Sob Ra a Cos Sipe. do Col vorhor—’ Soya: ae He « fe) He vistas Ig\ so; me Ti Stipe. hbase fx pus @s Skpp: _Visiled Tel: chy Ss eal tk Cotade vo emt). fo Sted 2 Fh pop(sy; ee seh tal tha_neigfb ous 4-4) — ant Coast Efe a pepo i - visthid 191215 — Sp S—rend-af wohide SS 7 = tend af fiackin — Hasnine ee Ri ina Lechsnteyue ae shins io a Shuchere based on. Teoh mation ° | ° 048 0 Hashet oe eS Ss Seer = = —Dpedom spl Xuorehors_omd_ adbvieval a dal Hab. oom bine te, on _ a 2) dierenses dpred Amores “eal, obbinaes — - | _suoeh }_reckuces —_ovendrenol Hoh! toblet A heshk Sabb no dabashucteae ober | Nexen lion cocoon lal ahuchaxe_vunh on onan | find _a_mabir geet tes hasha follow const. "Baines OW Vana : “gt Hash “Fennebein? — Haak be Desuchinn b a mafing bekionl -osith ol enperk vols awoke | eal huss fla Hash of fu SNH Nad | Reh J and kop Mae Cn ced hate bay Vit wate ae tndoa al _usbech areas tothe he toy” volte. Kettle eof. : | Dade (abs of adhe Motheds -— | © Daision_Remariaclen Mathedi In thir method, the ke clement io clevicled toes. ama of}ropricde vient, enonatly a, \forime no. the aemacind on _dodsvinn in ures Cae the address _wecond, — © Hee Mod M_— Caafenin) oF HC Med > Key. M Stee ol, na tal Cs) “Hoge \Wash Aeweliinn - ae _ xh connie om oo ahtolemals. _duch_ oy 94, 13, 4a Be 1 amd 4} - : - We) 2 Mod M Tales the element a and_alze ah dhe as cont Me Thun, Ke Med _ Hea) 234 od 8 vin 82veil! oe blcod in Ronalmin Bi) Nerd, 18, 7 Hig) 218 mod 42 4,0 9% oll bo Fle to docabin 4. — OM Lid soyuato Mat tay ke aqquosud Then tee ale Hay! Hoe) =e us eonder the elanent 4 in our union. 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