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Unit 1 – Introduction to Internet Of Things (IoT) 4


1.1 Learning Objective

1.2 Introduction
1.3 Sensors and Actuators
1.4 Networking Basics
1.4.1 Computer Network
1.4.2 Computer Network Types
1.4.3 Wired vs Wireless Networks
1.4.4 Networking Topologies and Layout
1.5 communication Protocols
1.6 Sensor Networks
1.7 Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication
1.8 Definition of IoT
1.9 Characteristics of IoT
1.10 IoT Logical Design
1.10.1 IoT functional blocks
1.10.2 IoT Communication Models
1.10.3. IoT Communication APIs
1.11 The Physical design of IoT
1.12 Summary
1.13 Self-Assessment Questions
1.14 Suggested Reading


After studying this unit students will be able to:

 Describe the basics of networks and their need

 Analyse Sensors and Actuators and their differences
 Describe the definition of IoT and its characteristics
 Outline Functional block of IoT and communication models
 Examine API


IoT is an excellent and intelligent technique that minimizes human effort as well as easy
access to physical devices. IoT is a network in which all physical entities are connected with
the internet through network devices or routers and exchange data. It transfers data over a
network without called for human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT
encourages objects to be controlled remotely across the existing network infrastructure. This
technique has an autonomous control feature as an add-on and can control by any device
without any human interaction.


A sensor is a device used for converting physical events or characteristics into electrical
signals. This is a hardware device as shown in Figure 1.1 it takes the input from the
environment and provides it to the system by converting it. For example, a thermometer,
reads the temperature as a physical characteristic and then converts it into electrical signals
for the system.

Figure 1.1


i) Sensors detect the presence of energy, changes in or the transfer of energy.

ii) The light bulb converts electricity into light and heat; however, it doesn‘t quantify how
much light or heat.
iii) A battery converts energy from chemical to electrical energy but it does not quantify
exactly to what extent the energy(electrical) becomes converted.
iv) If the aim of a tool is to quantify an energy state, it's a sensor.
An actuator is a device that converts the signals from electrical into physical characteristics.
Before converting, it getting the input from the system and then provide output to the
environment as shown in figure 1.2. For example, Heaters and Motors.

Figure 1.2
i) An actuator is that actuates or moves something. More specifically, an actuator is a
device that converts energy into motion or mechanical energy.
ii) An actuator operates in the reverse direction of a sensor.
iii) It takes an electrical input and turns it into physical action.
iv) Example: Electric motors, Hydraulic cylinders

Sensors VS Actuators
The below table( Table1.1) illustrates the difference between sensors and actuators.


Converts physical characteristics into Converts signals from electrical into

electrical signals. physical events.

Takes input as output conditioning unit of

Takes environment as input. the system.

Gives input conditioning unit of the

system as output. Provides output to the environment.

Generates electrical signals. Produces heat or motion.

Positioned as input port of the system. Positioned as output port of the system.

Determine and evaluate the physical Determine and evaluate the discrete and
quantity. continuous process parameters.

Gives details to the system regarding

the environment. Commands accepted to execute a function.

Example: Photo-voltaic cell Example: Stepper motor

Table 1.1


1.4.1 Computer Network

A computer network incorporates more than one computer that is connected to transmit or
share resources. This connection takes place either by cables (wired) or Wi-Fi (wireless). To
raise an effective computer network, we entail some essential hardware components which
are switches, routers, servers, clients, transmission media, Access points, Shared Data,
network Interface cards, etc. Computer networks entitle communication for every single
business, entertainment, and research purpose. The email, online search, internet surfing, data
(audio, video, files, etc.) sharing, E-commerce, live-streaming, and social networks all
function with the aid of computer networks.
1.4.2 Computer Network Types

The Network permits computers to connect and communicate between computers via any
medium. There are different types of computer networks available. We can classify them
based on their size as well as their purpose. The network size should be indicated by the
geographic area and number of computers, which are a component of their networks.

Figure 1.3
As shown in fig 1.3 these are some popular network types.
Let's look at all of these networks in detail

PAN (personal area network): A personal area network is one kind of computer
network for interconnecting electronic devices centered on a person's workspace. A PAN
has allowed data transmission between devices (like computers, smartphones, tablets, and
personal digital assistants). If it is wirelessly connected to the internet then it is called
WPAN. For example, an iPhone and a Mac, it‘s very likely to set up a PAN that shares
and syncs content—text messages, emails, photos, and more—across both devices.
Advantages of PAN
Here, some important benefits of using PAN network are:
i) PAN networks are moderately safe and secure
ii) It offers only short-range solutions, typically less than about 30feet.
iii) Strictly limited to a small area
Disadvantages of PAN
Here, some important drawback of using PAN network are:
i) It may set up a bad connection to other networks at the same radio bands.
ii) Distance limits.
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a type of computer network can connect set of computer
(as shown in figure 1.4) and peripheral devices in a limited area like within a school,
laboratory, home, and office buildings. LAN is a frequently used network for sharing
resources like printers, games, files, etc. A certain common type of LAN network is to
connect computers and a printer in anyone's home or office. It contains less than 5000
interconnected devices across several buildings.

Figure 1.4
Advantages of LAN
Here are some benefits of using LAN:
i) local area networks shared among computer networks such as Hard-disks, DVD-
ROM. This is the main reason to decrease the cost of hardware purchases
ii) Rather than purchasing the licensed software for every client in the network, can
use the same software over the network.
iii) In the hard disk itself, all network user‘s data and information may be stored.
iv) Between the networked computers, it is easy to share and transfer data and
v) Since data has been managed in a single place, data will be much more secure.
vi) LAN facilitates all the LAN users to share a single internet connection.
Disadvantages of LAN
Here are some important disadvantages of using LAN:
i) Since computer resources are shared, LAN will truly save cost, even though the
initial setup cost of LAN is high.
ii) Since LAN admin has access to check the personal data of each LAN user, it
won‘t provide enough privacy.
iii) Suppose LAN admin is unable to secure the centralized data repository, there is a
possibility for unauthorized users can access the crucial data of an organization.
iv) LAN needs a persistent LAN administration because there are more issues
associated with software setup and hardware failures.

Wide Area Network is said to be a telecommunication network, it is established over a
broad geographical area. WAN set-up has been made by connecting a LAN with other
LANs by telephone lines and radio waves (Figure 1.5). It is mostly restricted to an

Figure 1.5
Advantages of WAN
The benefits of WAN:
i) Since WAN covers a wide geographical area, longer distance situated business
offices can be communicated easily.
ii) Includes devices like laptops, tablets, mobile phones, computers, and gaming
consoles, etc.
iii) WLAN connections have been functioning by using radio transmitters and receivers
which are built into the client devices.
Disadvantage of WAN
The drawbacks of using WAN:
i) WAN early setup cost may be quite high.
ii) It is very hard to keep up the WAN network. Need specialized technicians and
skilled network administrators.
iii) Since the use of various technologies and the broad coverage, there are more
chances for emerging errors and issues
iv) Since the multiple wired and wireless technologies have participated, it may need
extra time to resolve those issues
v) Provides lesser security compared to other kinds of networks.

A Metropolitan Area Network is another kind of network that interconnects the users as
shown in figure 1.6 over a college campus, or a small region, or an entire city. Compare
to LAN, this network is larger, which is limited to a site or a building. Based on the kind
of configuration, the MAN network allows handling an area from any number of miles.

Figure 1.6
Advantages of MAN
Here are the benefits of MAN:
i) It provides faster communication by using carriers that are in high-speed, such as
fiber optic cables.
ii) It offers greater support for a broader size network and great access to WANs.
iii) The dual bus in this network facilitates transmitting data in bi directions
iv) This type of network mostly covers the number of areas of a city or an entire city.
Disadvantages of MAN
Here are some drawbacks of the MAN network:
i) Need more number of cables to set-up MAN connection from one location to a
different location.
ii) A protecting system from hackers here is not an easier task.

Remaining Types of Networks

In addition to the above-mentioned network types, there is a number of other types of
networks also available:

i) WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)

ii) Storage Area Network
iii) System Area Network
iv) Home Area Network
v) POLAN- Passive Optical LAN
vi) Enterprise private network
vii) Campus Area Network

1.4.3 Wired vs Wireless Networks

Wired Networks
Early networks were mostly wired. Almost wired networks are using ethernet cables to
exchange data among connected computers. It is a general kind of wired configuration.
Routers, switches may involve in a wired network. In a small wired network, a router may be
connected to all the PCs, whereas need involvement of multiple router or switches in a larger
wired network.

Wired Networks- Advantages and Disadvantages

Here are some of the benefits of wired networks.

Lack of interference and has the ability to connect systems across long distances.
i) Wired networks are faster when compared to Wireless.
ii) More secure than Wireless
i) Need high installation and replacement costs.
ii) It‘s not able to use easily between buildings.
iii) Not supported on Mobile phones and tablets.
Wireless Networks

A wireless or WiFi network uses a radio frequency signal rather than wires to connect
Wireless Networks have the following advantages/disadvantages:

i) Easier to set up.

ii) Used for both on home and public networks
iii) Cables are not required.
iv) supported with mobile phones and tablets.

Wireless Networks Disadvantages

i) Relatively Slow when compared to wired networks.

ii) Restricted range.
iii) Open to eavesdropping.
iv) Not that secure may be depending on set up.

1.4.4 Networking Topologies and Layout

There are a variety of ways available for network nodes to be connected. This will not be
considered in small networks but when comes into larger it becomes more important.

Figure 1.7
Common connection technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. are designed to work using a
particular network topology. When designing networks and choosing connection protocols
having an understanding of these topologies is important.
Common topology
Five types of topology available in computer networks as shown in figure 1.8.

Figure 1.8

i) Bus
ii) Ring
iii) Mesh
iv) Star
v) Hybrid
Each topology has its advantages and disadvantages. Let‘s look them detail further.

Figure 1.9
A dedicated point-to-point connection connects each device on the mesh network to any
other device on the network. When we say devoted, we mean that the connection only
carries data between the two devices that are linked. If the network has n devices, so each
device must be linked to the network's (n-1) devices. In a mesh topology with n computers,
the number of ties is n(n-1)/2.
Advantages of Mesh topology
Mesh topology has the following advantages:
1. There are no data flow problems and there is a dedicated connection between two
devices, meaning the link is only usable for those two devices.
2. Mesh topology is dependable and stable since the loss of one node does not impair
other links or network connectivity.
3. Since the mesh topology uses a point-to-point connection, unauthorised access is
4. Detecting faults is easy.

Mesh topology's drawbacks

 The sheer number of wires used to connect each device is cumbersome and
 Since each device must communicate with other devices, a large number of I/O ports
is needed.
 Scalability problems, since a dedicated point-to-point connection cannot connect a
computer to a vast number of other devices.

Star Topology

Figure 1.10
Each network device is linked to a central device known as the hub in a star topology. Star
topology, unlike Mesh topology, does not allow direct communication between devices;
instead, a system must connect via the hub. If one system wishes to transmit data to another,
it must first send the data to the hub, which will then send it to the assigned device.

Benefits of a Star Topology

i. Less costly since each interface only requires one I/O port and only requires one
connection to connect to the hub.
ii. It's a lot easier to set up.
iii. Fewer cables are required so each system just has to be attached to the core.
iv. Resilient; if one connection fails, the others will continue to operate normally.
v. Simple fault detection due to the link's easy identification.

Star topology's drawbacks

i. If the hub goes down, all of the devices go down with it; without the hub, none of the
devices will operate.
ii. Since it is the core structure in the star topology, the centre necessitates more energy
and frequent maintenance.

Bus Topology

Figure 1.11

There is the main cable in a bus topology, and all of the devices are connected to it by drop
lines. The dropline is attached to the main cable by a system known as a pick. Since all data
is sent over the main cable, the number of drop lines and the maximum distance the main
cable can travel are limited.

Benefits of Bus Topology

i. Simple to install; each cable must be attached to a backbone cable.

ii. Mesh and star topologies require fewer cables.

Disadvantages of bus topology

i. Fault identification is difficult.

ii. Not flexible since the number of nodes that can be connected by backbone cable is

Ring Topology

Figure 1.12

Each device in a ring topology is bound to the two devices on either side of it. A system has
two dedicated point-to-point connections to the computers on either side of it. Ring topology
refers to the fact that this arrangement forms a ring. If a computer needs to transmit data to
another device, it transfers it in one direction. Every device in a ring topology has a repeater,
and if the data received is meant for another device, the repeater forwards it before it reaches
the intended device.

Ring Topology's Advantages

i. Installation is easy.
ii. Managing is simpler when only two connections must be modified to connect or
delete a system from the topology.

Ring Topology's Disadvantages

i. A transmission loss will bring the whole network down so the signal would not be
able to go forward.
ii. Data traffic problems, due to the fact that all data is circulated in a ring.

Hybrid Topology

Figure 1.13

Hybrid topology is a combination of two or more topologies. Hybrid topology, for example,
is a mix of star and mesh topology.

Hybrid topology's benefits

i. We should choose the topology depending on the requirements. For example, if

scalability is a problem, we can use the star topology rather than bus technology.
ii. Scalable, since other data networks can be connected to existing networks with
various topologies.
Hybrid topology's disadvantages

i. Identifying faults is challenging.

ii. It is difficult to use.

Networking Topology- Physical vs Logical

How the nodes on a network communicate with each other can be very different to how they
are physically interconnected. Most home and small office networks use a physical bus
topology. Common logical typologies are Peer to Peer and Client-Server. The web (WWW)
is a client-server network at the logical- level.

Peer to Peer and Client-Server Networking

In this network all nodes are equal there is no special role and any node can talk to any other
node. Figure 1.14 shows the networking model of windows networking. (windows for

Figure 1.14

Advantages and Disadvantages

i) Easy configuration
ii) No dependency on a node
iii) More resilient
iv) Better distribution of network traffic
v) No central administrator required
vi) Less expensive hardware components
i) Less secure
ii) It‘s very hard to locate information and backup.
This was the original networking model used in earlier windows networks (windows for
Workgroups). A Modern example of Peer to Peer networking is BitTorrent. Although this
networking model isn‘t currently popular it could become more popular with the Internet of
things (IoT).
In this network, a client connects to a server to use the appropriate services. Here Server has a
special role
E.g. file server, domain controller, web server, etc. This (Figure 1.15 ) networking
model is used on the web, the Internet, and modern large Windows networks.-:
i) Easy to find resources as they are on a server (dedicated node)
ii) Easy to secure
iii) Easy to administer
iv) Easy to backup
i) Servers are a single point of failure
ii) Expensive hardware components are required
iii) Network traffic get concentrated
A Modern Example of Client-Server networking is Facebook, Twitter, Google search, and
many other web services.

Figure 1.15

Communication protocols and their benefits

Communication protocols describe the set of rules that govern the transmission of data over
the communication network and provide a method for the efficient exchange of data between
the sender and the receiver. Communication protocols are official descriptions of digital
message formats and rules. They are required to exchange messages between or in computing
systems. Since they create universality and consistency for send and receive messages,
communication protocols are playing a significant role in telecommunications systems and
other systems. It is inclusive of authentication, signaling, and error finding and correction.
They additionally can define the synchronization of analog and digital communications and
syntax, semantics. These protocols are implemented in both software and hardware. In analog
and digital communications systems, there are many numbers of communications protocols
are used. Without these protocols, computer networks do not exist. The smart IoT-connected
devices are more at risk to threats, and to minimize these security ambiguities it‘s much more
important to use the right protocols.

IoT communication protocols are methods of communication that assure idle security for the
data which are exchanged between IoT-connected devices. For relationship or interaction
among devices, where a medium shall take place; ideally, a standard language that all the
devices can understand in the specified IoT ecosystem. The IoT protocols may provide this
medium. This standardized communication protocol allowing below important benefits:
High quality and credibility
Communication technologies that strict to the standards providing robustness and high
service quality over interferences. Additionally, it assures the secure and reliable transmission
of mass IoT sensor data at the edge.
Interoperability and innovation flexibility
These protocols have the flexibility that may be programmed on different kinds of raw
materials and hardware like gateways and chipsets. Hence with multi-vendor support
solutions, it prevents the customers from vendor lock-in risks.
Global scalability
All scaling business requires an IoT connectivity which might be implemented globally.
These protocols assure global connectivity while reducing the installation complexity.
Types of IoT Protocols
Figure 1.16

IoT Network Protocols

IoT network protocols are intended to connect the medium among the network and the
devices with high power. This type of protocol allows data communication between the
range of the network. HTTP, Lora WAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee are some of the popular IoT
Network protocols.

IoT Data Protocols

IoT data protocols are intended to connect low-power IoT devices. These protocols enable
end-to-end communication between the hardware excluding internet connection. The
connectivity in this protocol is formed through a cellular or wired network. MQTT, CoAP,
AMQP, XMPP are common IoT data protocols.
Types of communication protocol:

Figure 1.17
Types of communication protocols are illustrated in Fig1.17.
These communications permit mobile communication between the phone and the next
antenna of approximately 10 to 15 miles. GSM, GPRS, CDMA, GPRS, 2G / GSM, 3G, 4G /
LTE, EDGE, are some kind of protocols, and others are based on connectivity speed. Since it
permits devices to share (like a phone to send and receive) information via a cell network,
this type of communication is called ―M2M‖ (Machine-to-Machine) communication.

Pros and Cons of Satellite Communication

i) A Stable and strong connection
ii) Global compatibility
i) Communication has to go through satellite from smartphone to device (There is no
direct communication)
ii) monthly cost and power consumption might be high
Satellite connectivity will consist of utility meters which send data to a commercial
updated on digital billboards, remote server, cars through internet connectivity. Satellite is
mostly used for industrial purposes and essential for communication which uses poor
volumes of data, but soon the cost of satellite communication will gradually fall, then the
usage of satellite technology might become better operational.

Wireless local area network (WLAN) that makes use of the standard IEEE 802.11 over
5GhZ ISM and 2.4GhZ UHF frequencies. Wi-Fi facilitates devices with internet access and
a specified range of boundaries approximately 66 feet from the access point.

Pros and Cons of Wi-Fi

i) Universal smartphone compatibility
ii) Affordable
iii) Highly controlled and protected
i) Relatively high-power usage
ii) Insecurity and incompatibility of Wi-Fi
For example, Dropcam streaming lives video connected through the Wi-Fi which is locally
configured. Typically Wi-Fi connections are not directly connected to the smartphone, it
connect to an external cloud server. As it has high-power consumption, it is not advisable
for battery-powered devices.

Radio Frequency (RF)

Radiofrequency communications are a simple structure of communication among devices.
ZigBee, ZWave protocols are using a low-power RF radio included or adopted into
electronic systems and devices. Z-Wave‘s range is about 30 m (100 ft). RF band usage is
determined based on its country‘s desire. Examples are Europe - 868.42 MHz SRD Band,
United States-900 MHz ISM, Australia/New Zealand-921.42 MHz, and 865.2 Mhz -
India.ZigBee is based on the standard IEEE 802.15.4. Although, its poor consumption of
power restricts the transmission ranges from 10 to 100 meters.
Pros and Cons of RF
Low energy
Easiness of its technology
Radiofrequency technology is not applicable in smartphones
For example, the classical television remote, which uses radiofrequency that allows
changing channels remotely. More examples are electrical meters in-home displays,
wireless light switches, traffic management systems, and other customer and industrial
equipment which need a low-rate and short-range wireless data transfer. Radiofrequency
communication protocol is useful for bigger deployments like hotels where a more number
of devices are needed to be managed centrally and locally. However, shortly, the
technology going to be outdated and can be substituted by Bluetooth mesh networks

Radiofrequency identification is a wireless device and to identify objects it uses
electromagnetic fields. Generally an active reader, or reading tags that may consist of
stored information usually authentication-replies. It is called an Active Reader Passive Tag
(ARPT) system. Short-range RFID is around 10cm, whereas long-range can leave till
Pros and Cons of RFID
i) No need for power
ii) accepted and broadly used technology
i) Highly insecure
ii) constant cost per card
iii) There is no compatibility with smartphones
Examples are road tolls, animal identification, factory data collection, and building access.
The production and manufacturing progress can be tracked using an RFID tag which is
connected to an inventory via the assembly line. Like this pharmaceuticals can also be
tracked through warehouses. Shortly RFID technology will be replaced by near field
communication (NFC) technology in a smartphone.
Bluetooth is a standard wireless technology for transferring data around short ranges (using
short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz). The
frequencies it uses are generally the same as Wi-Fi uses. Bluetooth may have a place in
many products, like telephones, robotics systems, media players, tablets. When transferring
data among two or more devices according to low-bandwidth situations, this technology
will play a vital role. The primary uses of Bluetooth are transferring data (like sound
information) with mobile phones (i.e., with a Bluetooth headset) or exchanging files.
Bluetooth protocols simplify the discovery of its appearance and configuring of services
among devices that are intended to be connected. Bluetooth devices may broadcast all of
their services. It will make to use services easier. Compare to other communication
protocols, it allows greater automation like security, network address, and permission

Pros & Cons of Bluetooth

i) Nowadays every smartphone are designed with Bluetooth technology where it is
constantly getting enhanced and upgraded using new hardware
ii) broadly used technology
iii) Hardware capabilities switch very quickly and may require to replace
iv) Since it runs on battery, the lifetime is may defined from 1month to 2 years
v) If Bluetooth is switched off, there are more usage issues will emerge.
vi) Bluetooth technology is primarily used in healthcare, beacons, security, fitness,
and home entertainment industry applications. There is no doubt that this
technology the more popular technology at this time but it is many times underrated
and misunderstood in functionality.

Near Field Communication (NFC)

Near-field communication formed using electromagnetic induction among two loop
antennas placed within each other‘s near field, successfully creating an air-core
transformer. It operates within the available and unlicensed radio frequency ISM band of
13.56 MHz on ISO/IEC 18000-3 air interface and at rates ranges between 106 kbit/s to 424
kbit/s. NFC involves an initiator and a target; the initiator actively allows an RF field that
can power a passive target (an unpowered chip called a ―tag‖). This allows NFC targets to
take very simple form factors like tags, key fobs, stickers, or battery-less cards. NFC peer-
to-peer communication has been possible provided both devices are powered. There are
two possible modes:
Passive communication mode: The initiator device has been provided a carrier field and
the target device answered by modulating the existing field. In this mode, the target device
may bring out its operating power from the initiator-provided electromagnetic field, thus
making the target device a transponder.
Active communication mode: Both initiator and target device communicate by alternately
providing their fields. A device deactivates its RF field while it is waiting for data. In this
mode, both devices may have power supplies.

Pros & Cons of NFC

i) with extremely simple setup offers a low-speed connection
ii) used to bootstrap more capable wireless connections
iii) NFC has a short-range and allows encryption

Short-range might not be practical in many situations and it is currently available only
on new Android Phones and at Apple Pay on new iPhones.


Today everywhere sensors take places, such as in our phones, workplaces, vehicles, and the
environment. A sensor network incorporates a group of powered devices, small, and a wired
and wireless networked infrastructure. They record conditions in various environments like
farms, industrial facilities, and hospitals. The sensor network connects to the internet or
computer networks to exchange data for analysis and use. Sensor network nodes collectively
sense and control the corresponding environment. They allow interaction between persons or
computers and the surrounding environment.

Figure 1.18

Figure 1.18, illustrates the widespread use of sensors connected via multiple sensor networks.
Wired vs. Wireless Sensor Networks
Sensor networks are either wired or wireless. to connect the sensors wired sensor networks to
use ethernet cables, whereas Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) uses technologies like
Bluetooth, cellular, wi-fi, or near field communication (NFC). WSNs are simpler to deploy,
maintain and provide greater flexibility of devices. Since the rapid development of sensors
and wireless technologies, WSN plays a vital role in the technology of the IoT. WSNs don't
require the physical network infrastructure to be modified.
Operation of a Sensor Network
Sensor networks contain sensor and actuator nodes, gateways, and clients. Sensor nodes are
which are inside the sensor field and create the networks of various topologies. Figure 1.19.
illustrate the sensor networks operation:

i) A sensor node may monitor the data continuously and those data are collected by
the sensor and transmits to other sensor nodes.
ii) During the transmission process, multiple nodes may handle the data when it
reaches a gateway node
iii) Then the data has been transferred to the management node.
iv) The management node is managed by the user and controls the monitoring required
and collects the monitored data.

Figure 1.19
Sensor Nodes
Sensor nodes can carry out some processing, collecting sensory data and communicating with
other connected nodes in the network. There are different types of nodes are available in a
sensor network. Since the sensor can sense the physical condition, if there is any change in
that, it produces electrical signals. For processing purposes, these signals get to enter into the
microcontroller. Then a central processor sends orders to the transceiver and data is
transmitted to a computer.
A sensor is a device that assesses physical input from its environment and converts it into
data that might be interpreted by either a human or a machine. Most of the sensors are related
to electronics, but some are more simple, such as a glass thermometer, which provides visual
data. Figure 1., shows the sensors used in a self-driving (autonomous) car.
Figure 1.20


Without human interaction two machines can communicate or exchanging data is called
Machine to Machine communication(M2M). M2M, describing any technology that can allow
the networked devices to exchange data or information and execute actions without any humans
assistance. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer communication between
systems, allowing them to make their own autonomous choices. The major goal of machine-to-
machine technology is to tap into sensor data and transmit it to a network. The key components of
an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a Wi-Fi. These M2M applications interpret the data, which
can trigger preprogrammed, automated actions.
Machine To Machine communication is the technology that allowing devices to communicate with
each other. Debiting cash out of an ATM is a quite pretty example of M2M, and our smart meters
wouldn‘t be able to send automated updates to our energy providers. M2M doesn‘t just affect our
personal lives though, also allows a great many modern businesses to do things like:
i) Gather valuable information about crucial processes
ii) Streamline and improve supply chains
iii) Pre-empt expensive maintenance and avoid mistakes that need more cost to repair
iv) Offer value-ads and/or services that it wouldn‘t be practical to offer without some level
of M2M technology

Key features of M2M:

Key features of M2M technology includes:
i) Power consumption is low
ii) A Network operator may facilitate packet-switched service
iii) Monitoring abilities that allow functionality to detect events.
iv) Time tolerance where data transfers can be delayed.
v) Time control where data can only be sent or received at a specific set of periods.
vi) Location-specific triggers that can alert
vii) The capacity to continually send and receive small amounts of data.

M2M Applications:
Every manufacturing environment may be a food processing or general product
manufacturing will completely rely on technology to assure costs are managed properly and
processes are performed efficiently. Automating such manufacturing processes within a
fast-paced environment is expected to enhance processes even more. In the recent
manufacturing world, this might involve highly automated equipment maintenance and
safety protocols. For example, M2M tools are used in alerting business owners on their
smartphones when an important piece of equipment requires servicing, so they can address
and fix issues as quickly as they arise. The aid of these knowledgeable networks and
sensors connected to the internet could even order replacement parts automatically
Home appliances
IoT already influences home appliance connectivity via platforms like Nest. Nevertheless,
M2M is expected to bring home-based IoT to a further level. For example, an M2M-
capable washing machine once it finishes washing or drying, could send alert messages to
the owners‘ smart devices and a smart refrigerator could automatically order groceries from
Amazon once its inventory is consumed. There are a lot of examples showing home
automation that might possibly upgrade the quality of resident‘s life, like systems that can
allow household members to remotely control using their mobile devices. When a member
of a family chosen to leave from office earlier, they can have a choice to contact the home
heating system to make sure that the temperature at home will be comfortable when
reached the home.
Healthcare device management
The healthcare domain will be one of the most significant opportunities of M2M
technology. with the aid of M2M technology, hospitals are automating the process to
guarantee a greater level of treatment. Compare to a human, a healthcare device that
reacting faster in an emergency situation. For example, when a patient gets sicker like
showing vital signs getting below normal, a life support device connected with M2M might
be automatically operating oxygen and additional care until a corresponding healthcare
professional reaches the place. M2M also facilitates the patients that they can be monitored
in their houses instead of hospitals or care centers. For example, devices can monitor a sick
or elderly person‘s regular movements and will identify when they had a fall and alert a
healthcare worker to the situation.
Smart utility Management
In the modern age of energy efficiency, automation will quickly become the new normal.
As energy-related companies look for advanced ways to automate the metering process,
M2M takes place to the rescue, assisting energy-related companies to automatically collect
energy consumption data, so that billing customers will be accurate. Smart meters can track
how much energy has been used by household or business and automatically gives alert to
the energy company, which supplants sending out an employee to read the meter or
requiring the consumer to provide a reading. This is even more critical as utilities move
toward more dynamic pricing models, charging customers more for energy usage during
peak times. A few key analysts project that soon, every entity or device will need to be able
to connect to the cloud. This is an accurate statement. As more customers, users, and
business owners demand deeper connectivity, technology will need to be continually
equipped to meet the consumer and business needs and challenges of tomorrow. his will
entitle an extensive range of highly automated processes, from equipment repairs and

Figure 1.21
upgrades to system diagnostics, data retrieval, and analysis. Information will be delivered
to consumers, engineers, data scientists, and key decision-makers in real-time, and it will
get rid of the need for guesswork.
Examples of M2M
Smart meters
Smart meters (sometimes called utility meters) allow tracking energy consumption in real-
time. This allows the energy provider to see how much energy may be used, which predicts
exactly the costs associated with the energy(lights on). Energy providers may also track
fluctuations in power consumption, and in power manufacturers in much greater ways. To
function Smart meters require M2M technology. It is working by tracking the energy
usages by series of sensors, then transmits the data straight to the energy provider by a
foolproof M2M network.
Smart asset tracking services
Asset tracking is a key responsibility for many businesses. Mainly in the shipping industry
and a large fleet of vehicle industries. Since recent advances in M2M technology, industries
may track their assets using relatively inexpensive GPS trackers that are connected to an
M2M network. These GPS trackers permit the movement of vehicles to be tracked in real-
time. They even allow companies to gather required data about the fuel consumption,
average trip times, and driver performance, that can be used to assess and improve the
efficiency of journeys and processes.
Supply chain management (SCM) solutions
Modern supply chains can be very complex, and possibly large. M2M technologies,
inclusive of smart barcode scanners, RFID systems, automatic stock management systems,
and GPS tracking help to retain these supply chains connected. They play an important role
in allowing a business to track raw materials, stock, and finished goods as they move via
the manufacturing/retail process – providing companies with the information they need to
refine their processes and remove the everyday roadblocks which consume the profit.
Wearable technologies
Another crucial component of the Internet of Things (IoT), smartwatches, Fitbit, and other
‗wearables‘ make vast use of M2M technologies to send the data about the physical
activity, heart rate, and other important metrics to the corresponding smartphone, as well as
receive messages, push notifications and other communications about the day-to-day
activity. A smartwatch or Fitbit will have a very restricted processing power, which relies
on the smartphone‘s CPU to do things like nudging when anyone walked a certain number
of steps, or activate an alarm when it‘s time to head for the gym.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interconnected, internet-connected objects that

can collect and exchange data over a wireless network without human intervention.
Few examples of IoT products are smart mobiles, smart refrigerators, smartwatches, smart
fire alarm, smart door lock, medical sensors, fitness trackers, smart security system, etc.,
Why IoT
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental monitoring is essential to gather information and assess the effectiveness of
environmental conditions and trends. Examples are:
i) with the help of water or soil or air measurement device can predict the growth of a
ii) Earthquake or tsunami warning systems can prevent fewer damages and victims.
Infrastructure Management
Infrastructure management (IM) is the management of necessary operation elements, like
policies, equipment, processes, data, external contacts, and human resources for overall
effectiveness. IM is useful for monitoring and tracking any problem raised in urban or rural
Infrastructure like railways, bridges, etc. to decrease the risk of any breakdown and also
indicated by alarm immediately to repair it.
Industrial Applications
Common industrial applications include manufacturing, food processing or storage, chemical,
petrochemical, and power plants. Pre-production planning, improving process and service
total quality management is the main application.
Energy Management
Energy Management systems are connected to the internet with some sensors to lower the
power consumption like a cloud-based, remote control for oven, lamp and, etc.
Medical and Healthcare Systems
Healthcare Systems provides patient reliable status by observing and controlling their heart
rates or blood pressure etc.
Building and Home Automation
It is associated with everything in the home which has the capability to monitor and remote
control like AC (air conditioner), security lock lighting, heating, ventilation, telephone
system, tv, etc., it assures comfort, security, and lower energy consumption.
Transport Systems
Transport Systems drives the auto formation of traffic lights, smart parking, traffic cameras
that can identify which road having heavy traffic and showing the automatically less crowded
road, or smart camera can find the driver who drives at high speed.
Large Scale Deployments
Where there are nearly entire smart cities with a broad range of using IoT and covering
Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of a physical entity called "things" that are inserted with
software, electronics, network, and sensors that allow these objects to gather and transfer
data. An IoT is a network in which all physical entities are attached to the internet via
network devices or routers and transfer data. An IoT allows objects to be managed remotely
across the existing network infrastructure. IoT is an extremely good and intelligent technique
that decrees human effort as well as easy access to physical devices. This technique includes
an autonomous control feature in which any device can control without any human

Figure 1.22
From the IoT point of view, ―Things‖ is the collection of software, hardware, data, and
services. ―Things‖ can ask different kinds of devices like electric clamps in coastal waters,
Arduino chips in home automation, and lots of others. These devices gather useful
information and share that data among other devices with the assistance of varied existing
technologies. For example, a Home Automation System using Bluetooth or Wi-fi for
transferring information between different kinds of devices that are available in the home.
The ‗Thing‘ in IoT is common can be any device that can be with any built-in-sensors with
the power supply to gather and transfer data around a network without manual interaction.
The incorporated technology available in the devices facilitates them to interact with internal
states and the external environment, which may also assist in decisions making process.

In overview, IoT is a basic concept that may be connecting all the required devices with the
internet and allows communication among each other devices across the internet. IoT is said
to be a massive network of all devices which are connected, also which collect and share data
regarding their usage and the operating environment. As humans do each of the devices will
learn from the experience of other devices. IoT is an attempt to increase the correlation in
humans such as interact, collaborate, and contribute to things. Similarly, an area temperature
sensor collects the information and sends it over the network, then which can be employed by
multiple sensor devices to control their temperatures consequently. For example, the
refrigerator‘s sensor can gather the data relating to the outside temperature and based adjust
the refrigerator‘s temperature. Similarly, air conditioners can also adjust their temperature
accordingly. In this manner, the devices can interact, contribute and collaborate with each

Figure 1.23


Figure 1.24 depicts an overview with some of the characteristics of IoT

Figure 1.24
There are 7 crucial IoT characteristics:

Connectivity entitles the Internet of Things by proposing together everyday objects. The
connectivity of these objects is crucial because simple object-level interactions contribute
towards collective intelligence in IoT networks. It permits the things to be compatible and
allows to access network. Using this connectivity, new market possibilities for IoT can be
generated by networking smart things with applications.


Anything that could be tagged and/or connected accordingly as it‘s intended to be connected.
Devices may contain sensors or sensing materials that might be attached to them.


The initial move to reach intelligence and action.


By connecting devices, it can communicate data and in turn, the data might be analyzed.
Communication can occur over short distance range to long-distance range. E.g: Wi-Fi,
LPWA network technologies like LoRa or NB-IoT.


The features of intelligence are the sensing capabilities in IoT devices and the intelligence
collected from artificial intelligence.


The result of intelligence is an action. This can be a manual action, action based upon debates
based on events and automation.

An Ecosystem is a connection of various types of devices that can sense and analyze the data
and communicates with each other across the networks.


The Logical design of an IoT is a system that doesn't going into the low-level specifications
of the implementation to refer to an abstract representation of the entities and processes. This
IoT system has various types of functional blocks that offer the system the abilities for
identification, sensing, actuation, communication, and management. The logical design of
IoT may be described by the below terms:
i) IoT Functional Blocks
ii) IoT Communication Models
iii) IoT Communication APIs

1.10.1 IoT functional blocks

An IoT system is comprised of several functional blocks to facilitate a number of utilities to

the system such as sensing, identification, actuation, communication, and management.

The functional blocks are as follows:

Device: An IoT system consists of devices that may be provide sensing, actuation,
monitoring, and control functions.
Communication: Handling communication of IoT system.
Services: for device control, device monitoring, device discovery, and data publishing.

Figure 1.25
Management: This block facilitates a variety of functions to control the IoT system.
Security: this block guarantees the IoT system by facilitating functions such as
authorization, authentication, data security, and content integrity.
Application: This is a user interface in that users can regulate and monitor different views
of the IoT system. The Application also permits users to check the system status and view
or analyse the processed data.

1.10.2 IoT Communication Models

Request-Response Model
The Request-response model is a kind of communication model where the client needs to
send the requests to the server and in turn, the server should react to the requests. As
depicts in Figure 1.26 whenever the server gets a request, the server will decide to respond
how and when, and also retrieves the data and resource representation, based on the request
prepares the response, and then sends the response to the client. There are no states
involved in the Request-response model and each request-response pair is distinct from
others. HTTP playing a protocol role between a client and server. The client will be a web
browser, and the server would be a website hosted by an application on a computer.

Figure 1.26

Publish-Subscribe Model
Publish-Subscribe is a kind of communication model that requires brokers, publishers, and
customers. As publishers are the source of data, they may send the data to the topics which
are managed by the broker. Publishers are not aware of the customers. Customers only
subscribe to the required topics. When the broker receives data for a particular topic from the
publisher, it sends the data to all the subscribed customers.

Figure 1.27

Push-Pull Model
Push-Pull is a communication model where the data producers push the data to queues and
the customers Pull the data from the Queues. Producers do not need to be aware of the
customers. Queues assists in decoupling the messaging between the Producers and
customers. Queues also act as a buffer that assists in situations when there is a mismatch
between the rate at which the producers push data and the rate at which the customer pulls

Figure 1.28
Exclusive Pair Model
Exclusive Pair is a two-way directional, that operates a continuous connection among the
client and server and it is a full-duplex communication model. Unless the client sends a
request regarding connection closing, the setup for the connection will stay open. Once the
connection is established, both client and server may send their messages to each other.
Since the server may come to know about all existing open connections, the Exclusive pair
is a stateful communication model.

Figure 1.29

1.10.3. IoT Communication APIs

Basically, there are two APIs available for IoT Communication. Those APIs are:
i) REST-based Communication APIs
ii) WebSocket-based Communication APIs

REST-based Communication APIs

REST - Representational State Transfer is an established architectural principle thereby
anyone can design Web services. The main focus of Web APIs is on system resources and
how those resource states are approached and transferred. The request-response
communication model has been followed by REST APIs, the remainder architectural
constraint applies to the connector, components, and data elements within a distributed
hypermedia. The remaining architectural constraints are as follows:

i) Client-server – The separation of concerns is the main principle behind this

limitation. For example, for storing data, clients are never concerned with it,
whereas the server can be concerned. Similarly, regarding the user interface the
server should not be concerned, whereas the client may be concerned. Separation
facilitates both client and server to develop and update independently.
ii) Stateless –The request which is coming from clients should contain the essential
data to understand the request, and should not take any advantage of the server‘s
stored context. The session state has been held completely on the client.
iii) Cache-able – The data inside a response either implicitly or explicitly classified as
cache-able or non-cache-able. If a client cache has permitted to reuse that response
data for later then it is a cache-able response, similarly for requests. Caching may
either moderately or fully discard a few instructions and efficiency, scalability has
been upgraded.
iv) Layered system – In the layered system, one component may not able to see above
the adjacent layer with which they are interacting. Instead of the end server,
intermediaries can respond to the requests, without the client having to do anything.
This helps in upgrading the system‘s scalability.
v) Uniform interface – Uniform method of communication must be followed
between client and server. In the requests, resources can be identified and they
separate from the representations of the resources data returned to the client.
Representation of resources has the required data to update or delete the resource
(provided the client has required permissions) when a client holds it. To process the
message every message should comprise enough information to narrate it.
vi) Code on demand – Servers can allow executable code or scripts for clients to
execute in their context. A RESTful web service is a ‖ Web API ‖ implemented
using HTTP and REST principles. One of the most wanted IoT Communication

WebSocket based communication API

WebSocket APIs is a full-duplex communication between clients and servers that permits
both directional. The Exclusive pair communication model is followed by WebSocket
APIs. This kind of APIs allows full-duplex communication, and sending every message
does not require a new connection to be configured. The client will commence the
WebSocket communication by sending a request for connection setup to the server. This
initial request is called a WebSocket handshake. The request sent over the HTTP and the
server interprets it as an upgrade request. Once the connection gets established, the client
and server can be allowed to send messages to each other in full-duplex mode. As there is
no overhead for connection setup and termination requests for each and every message,
WebSocket API makes network traffic and latency down. Since WebSocket has low
latency and high throughput requirements, it will be adopted by almost all of the
applications from IoT. So, the more appropriate IoT Communication APIs in IoT System is
WebSocket APIs.

Figure 1.30


Physical Design of IoT refers to IoT Devices and IoT Protocols. Things are node devices
with unique identities and able to perform remote sensing, actuating, and monitoring
capabilities. Communication is established between things and cloud-based servers over the
Internet by various IoT protocols.
Things are a crucial part of IoT applications. IoT Devices have different types, Sensing
Devices, Smartwatches, Smart Electronics appliances, Wearable Sensors, Automobiles, and
industrial machines.
Figure 1.31

Figure 1.31, depicts a generic block diagram of IoT devices. For connecting a device to other
devices, it may be containing several interfaces. There are separate interfaces for Sensors IoT
Device, Internet connectivity, Storage, processor, memory, graphics, and Audio/Video. IoT
devices gather data from attached or onboard sensors and the sensed data can be
communicated to other devices such as Cloud-based server. In today‘s world, there are many
cloud servers accessible for particularly IoT systems. Since these clouds especially design for
IoT purposes, these Platforms are called IoT Platforms. So, the analysis and processing of
data might be easy.

IoT Protocols

The main purpose of IoT protocols is to establish communication between IoT devices (Node
Device) and Cloud-based Server across the Internet. It also supports sending commands to
IoT devices and receiving information from an IoT device across the Internet. Figure 1.27 is
given below.
Figure 1.32

Link-layer protocols

These protocols are responsible for deciding how the data can be physically sent over the
network‘s physical layer or medium (either Coaxial cable or other radio waves). An also this
Layer decides how to code and signal the packets using the hardware device over the medium
to which the host is attached (e.g., coaxial cable). The Link Layer Protocols are as follows:

802.3 – Ethernet: Ethernet is used in LANs, which has a set of technologies and protocols.
In the 1980s it was standardized firstly by IEEE. For wired Ethernet networks, IEEE 802.3
determines the physical layer and the medium access control (MAC) sub-layer of the data
link layer. Classic Ethernet and switched Ethernet are two categories of ethernet.

802.11 – Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 is one of the parts of the IEEE 802, it is a set of LAN
protocols, and describes the set of media access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY)
protocols for implementing wireless local area network (WLAN) Wi-Fi computer
communication in different frequencies, including but not limited to 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 60
GHz frequency bands.

802.16 – Wi-Max: This standard is primarily used in the Wireless Metropolitan Area
Networks (WMANs). It is more specialized in point-to-multipoint broadband wireless access.
802.15.4 -LR-WPAN: A collection of standards mainly used for Low-rate wireless personal
area networks. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines the MAC and Physical layer used by, but
not limited to, networking specifications like Zigbee®, 6LoWPAN, Thread, WiSUN, and
MiWi™ protocols. For power-constrained devices, these standards are issuing low-cost and
low-speed communication.

2G/3G/4G- Mobile Communication: These are distinct types of telecommunication

generations. Since it communicates over cellular networks, IoT devices are primarily based
on these standards.

Network Layer

This layer has the responsibility of sending IP datagrams from the source to the destination
network. The Network layer generally performs the host addressing and packet routing. For
Host identification, IPv4 and IPv6 have been used. IPv4 and IPv6 are IP addressing schemes.

IPv4: An Internet Protocol address (IP address), in which each device has been numerically
labeled and is connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for
communication. Host identification and location addressing are two critical functions of an IP
address. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) has a 32-bit number IP address. Because of the
growth of the Internet, a new version of IP (IPv6), having 128 bits of IP address has emerged
in 1998.

6LoWPAN: It is an abbreviation of IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks.

This protocol has been permitting the smallest devices with limited processing ability to
transmit data wirelessly by an internet protocol. 6LoWPAN may communicate with other
types of devices like 802.15.4 on an IP network link like Wi-Fi.

Transport Layer

Since this layer is responsible for critical functions such as segmentation, error control, flow
control, and congestion control, this layer protocols are providing end-to-end data transfer
capability independent of the underlying network.

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol, is responsible for deciding and controlling connection
establishment and also maintaining a network conversation via which application programs
can exchange data. TCP may work with the Internet Protocol (IP), which defines how
computers send packets of data to each other. Together, TCP and IP are defining the primary
rules of the Internet.
UDP: User Datagram Protocol is available in Transport Layer. It is not reliable. Since it is a
connectionless protocol, there is no need to set up a connection before any data transfer

Application Layer

Application layer protocols determine how the applications interface with the lower layer
protocols to send across the network.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application- layer protocol used for
transmitting documents(hypermedia), like HTML. It was designed to enable communication
between web browsers and web servers. HTTP follows a typical client-server model, with a
client opening a connection to get a request, then waiting until it receives a response. HTTP is
said to be a stateless protocol because the server does not possess any data (state) between
two requests.

CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol is a specialized Internet Application Protocol that

may be used for constrained devices, as in RFC 7252. It allows devices to communicate over
the Internet. The protocol is especially targeted for constrained hardware like 8-bits
microcontrollers, low-power sensors, and similar devices that don't run on HTTP or TLS.

WebSocket: The WebSocket Protocol allows two-way communication between a client

running untrusted code in a controlled environment to a remote host that has opted-in to
communications from that code. The security model used for this is the origin-based security
model which is commonly used in web browsers.

MQTT: machine-to- machine (M2M)/‖Internet of Things‖ is referred to as connectivity

protocol. It was designed as a hugely lightweight publish messaging transport and useful for
connections with remote locations where there a small code footprint is needed and network
bandwidth is at a premium.

XMPP: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol is a communication protocol used for
message-oriented middleware based on XML (Extensible Markup Language). It allows the
near-real-time exchange of structured yet extensible data between any two or more network

DDS: The Data Distribution Service is a middleware protocol and it is an API standard for
data-centric connectivity from the Object Management Group. It might integrate the
components of a system simultaneously, as long as allowing low-latency data connectivity,
greater reliability, and a scalable architecture which are required for business and mission-
critical Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

AMQP: The AMQP – IoT protocols include hard and fast components that can be route and
save messages within a broker carrier, with a set of rules for wiring the components together.
The AMQP protocol facilitates patron programs to talk to the dealer and engage with the
AMQP model.


In this chapter, we discussed how the sensor and actuator devices are working in the
environment and their primary differences with proper examples. The basic concepts of
networking and its types have been reviewed elaborately. The concept of communication
protocols is introduced here and thoroughly explained its types, advantages, and
disadvantages of every protocol, and evaluated where, when, and how these protocols are
used in the networking environment. The idea about Machine to Machine(M2M) principles
was also discussed in this chapter. How the M2M technology is efficiently used in various
applications such as in manufacturing, home appliances, healthcare device management,
smart utility management are examined. And also describes how our day-to-day life is
integrated with M2M technology with many examples like smart meters used in the home,
smart assets tracking services, smartwatches, etc.

Finally, the IoT (Internet of Things) came into the picture, discussed the concept of IoT and
its characteristics along with its various design such as Logical, physical, communicational,
and functional design in a simple way. To design a web service, IoT communication APIs
such as REST and WebSocket APIs were reviewed. This will help us to understand how to
design and how to frame the infrastructure of the IoT. Various layers of IoT protocols are
examined along with associated protocols with each layer. In the next chapter, we will
discuss how the technology slowly moving from M2M to IoT effectively.


A. Descriptive Questions

Short Questions

1. Discuss the difference between sensors and actuators.

2. Define Communication protocols? List the various types of communication protocols
3. Write a narrow description of sensor networks.
4. What do you mean by IoT? Explain its characteristics.
5. List the Link layer IoT protocols.
6. Why we need IoT?
7. Explain how M2M technology used in Supply chain Management?
8. Differentiate between wired and wireless sensor networks?
9. Explain shortly IoT functional block.
10. List the two Communication API used for IoT communication.

Long Questions
1. List the basic concepts of networking and explain their types in detail.
2. Write short notes on sensor networks and their operations
3. Explain M2M communication in detail.
4. Discuss how M2M communication used in various environments
5. Explain & crucial characteristics of IoT in detail
6. What is mean by communication models in IoT. Explain any one in detail
7. What is NFC? Explain its two mode in detail.
8. Describe in detail the REST architectural constraints?
9.What is WebSocket communication API? How it can be used in IoT?
10. Explain Physical design of IoT in detail?

B. Multiple Choice Questions

1. LAN stands for:

a. Local Area Net
b. Local Area Network
c. Local Array Network
d. Local Array net

2. Which of the following is not a topology?

a. Bus
b. Star
c. pear to pear
d. Ring
3. Our typical television remote uses which of the communication protocols?
a. Wi-fi
b. Bluetooth
c. satellite
d. Radio Frequency(RF)

4. IoT deals with?

a. sensor, networking
b. electronic
c. cloud messaging
d. All of the above

5.Which part of the functional model is responsible for sensing, identification, actuation
a. Communication
b. Security
c. Application
d. Device

6.Which protocol is lightweight?

c. CoAP
d. SPI

7. The services provided by the transport layer are

a. Error control
b. Connection service
c. Connection less service
d. Congestion control
8.TCP and UDP are called ________

a. Application protocols
b. Session protocols
c. Transport protocols
d. Network protocols

9. The network layer contains________ hardware devices.

a. Routers, Bridges
b. Bridges only
c. Bridges and switches
d. Routers, Bridges, and Switches

10. _______________Common protocols associated with the network layer.

a. Address Resolution Protocol
b. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
c. Internet protocol
d. Neighbour Discovery Protocol

11. CoAP is specialized in ___________

a. Internet applications
b. Device applications
c. Wireless applications
d. Wired applications

12. Which layer is CoAP?

a. Control layer
b. Transport layer
c. Service layer
d. Application layer

13. Which protocol provides server push?

a. SPI
c. CoAP

14. Which is an open standard?

a. CoAP

15. MQTT is used for mainly __________

a. M2M communication
b. Device communication
c. Internet communication
d. Wireless communication

16. SCM stands for

a. Supply Connection Management
b. Supply Chain Management
c. Stock Chain Management
d. Stock Consumer Management

17. which communication model has broker in it?

a. Request Response Model
b. Publish-subscribe model
c. Push-pull Model
d. Exclusive pair Model

18. REST stands for

a. Request State Transfer
b. Response State Transfer
c. Representational State Transfer
d. Resource State Transfer

19. WebSocket API follows _______________communication model.

a. Request Response Model
b. Publish-subscribe model
c. Push-pull Model
d. Exclusive pair Model

20. __________________standards communicate over the cellular networks.

a. IPv4
b. 6LoWPAN
c. TCP
d. 2G/3G/4G

1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-d, 5-d, 6-a, 7-a, 8-c, 9-d, 10-c, 11-a, 12-c, 13-c, 14-a, 15-a, 16-b, 17-b, 18-c,
19-d, 20-d.


Reference books

 Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, ―Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)‖,

 Francis daCosta, ―Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to
Connecting Everything‖, 1 st Edition, Apress Publications,
 Cuno Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media, ISBN: 978-
1-4493- 9357-1


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