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1. Write these sentences in the Simple Past.

a. Mike goes to bed early  __________________________________________________________________

b. We don’t like onions  _________________________________________________________________

c. Stewart lives in Vancouver  ______________________________________________________________

d. Does she exercise?  _________________________________________________________________

e. I hate cooking ___________________________________________________________________

f. Every student knows the answer  ______________________________________________________

g. Do they drive?  _____________________________________________________________________

h. My dad has a car  ___________________________________________________________________

2. Write sentences using the correct form of the verb be in the past tense.
1- Lucy/ in her house early last night []


2- Your parents / at the concert on Saturday. [?]


3- That programme /very interesting. []


4- Tom / at your party. [?]


5- What / your favourite film last year. [?]


6- There / any monkeys at the zoo. []


3. Complete the sentences using the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.
1- Everyone ________________________ (think) she was guilty for her brother’s murder, but I

_______________ (not think) she was responsible for that.

2- When I ______________ (be) younger, I ______________ (not like) classical music.

3- Sarah _____________________ (not do) homework for today’s class. She _____________ (do) sports all


4- Where __________________ (you/live) before you __________________ (move) here last year?
5- My dad _______________ (not work) last month because he ______________ (be) ill.

6- A: ________________________ (you/watch) the film on TV last night?

B: No, I _______________. We __________________ (be) out.

7- Hanna and Emily ____________________ (eat) the whole cake, but they _________________ (not eat) the


8- I ____________________ (phone) you yesterday but you ___________________ (not answer).

__________________ (you/be) at the leisure center?

9- _________________________ (the teacher / explain) some new grammar in class today? I

_________________ (be) at the doctor’s.

10- My parents __________________ (buy) dinner for today’s party, but they _________________ (not buy)


11- We __________________ (not go) to England, but we ________________ (go) to Ireland.

12- I ________________ (see) Susy yesterday, but I _________________ (not see) Lucy.

13- Mom ___________________ (take) a shower and she ________________ (not take) my brothers to school.

14- I _____________________ (not write) the letter for him. I _________________ (write) it for her.


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